… drugs? Man you're deep in the shitter if you think smokin' reefer doesn't make it WORSE..
((drink alcohol, a couple beers specifically))
Besides that I think this phenomena is a "stretching out" and "slathering on" of a person. You have to perform consciousness hygiene daily. Don't let anything turn you into a leather hide.
>1 hour of meditation
>eat fruits & veges like a horse
> fast 1 day no water and 2 days no food weekly (overlap)
>practice discernment, and act on that discernment "is this the best thing for me to do right now? Should I be doing something else? Will this affect me in the future? How? Why?" etc
>1 very conscious and creative activity (music, art, something that requires a lot of skill)
>mid to high exertion exercise >> strength training, cardio, conditioning, plyometrics, swimming, sports, grip training, gymnastics
>focus on raising your genius factor
>read high quality literature and watch high quality media
>stretch, mobility work, yoga, active stretching (exert muscle at end of range of motion)
Learn to relax, focus, ignore, notice, visualize, be still, remain active, will yourself to do a thing, and will yourself to not do a thing. Regain control of your mind.
The end goal is to find your IRON and forge out the impurities and form STEEL. You can always find more iron, and forge more steel. Don't buy into the "THEY GOT UR SOOOUUUULLL MAAAAAAN" shit. I'm sure if you stuck a sword through this AI and killed it, it would probably release an ocean of LOOSH and you'd get a million souls and level up ten times but that shit ain't SOUL man, they're just trying to enslave the human race through draining your good stuff and filling you with bad stuff. Flush out the trash in your sub-conscious and produce plenty of good conscious stuff and don't let it go to complete waste.
Another thing: Technology is very good at enslaving people. Avoid staring at screens, carrying a phone, technology in general. The strong can dominate it without being dominated, not you though. When you know how to stick to a very productive routine that changes your fucking life, like the one mentioned above, then you can spend more than an hour or two at a computer or on your phone or watching TV.