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File: 2fe4a322fe19b00⋯.pdf (10.95 MB, Francis Bacon's Parapsycho….pdf)

File: 2d065138958fbb1⋯.jpg (56.31 KB, 439x564, 439:564, Mary Magdalin Jesus.jpg)


If you look at this attached PDF of a secrtion of the Sylva Sylvarum by Francis Bacon, chapter 10(called century 10 in the book) you can see Francis Bacon discuss something called "the force of imagination" which is another term for "parapsychological influence".

Jose Herrou Aragon discusses the dynamics of parapsychological influence in his book forbidden parapsychology.

PDF attacked is a few pages of Francis Bacons book and the link below is to Aragons book forbidden parapsychology


Parapsychologist Stanley Krippner would use the term "mental intention" to mean "parapsychological influence".

All this amounts to using the imagination, prayerful intentions, chanting, rituals, etc in order to influence others by means of effecting the aether which is currently called "the quantum field".

In the attached pdf bacon mentions that the pythogoreans believed the earth was a single organism and that the movement of the tides was thr breathing of the earth. Since the earth and its creatures are an organism the thoughts of a creature can have influence over other creatures due to the interconnectedness of all things.

Quantum physicists call this spooky action at a distance and quantum entanglement. Runes may work this way, one practitioner of runes called runes "visual prayers"


File: 42d168acb5e48be⋯.pdf (7.69 MB, Francis Bacon's Parapsycho….pdf)

File: d36ccd9b07301a4⋯.jpg (77.93 KB, 706x960, 353:480, Emma Watson.jpg)

This is another PDF of bacons parapsychological writing but it contains some other pages,

And if you want the full PDF you can find it here, look for the part called century x



File: 04660a9e9e73312⋯.pdf (1 MB, nla.news-article36062685.5.pdf)

WHat Bacon talks about reminds me of the bush telegraph, what could be referred to as the psychic internet. Here is a 1937 article about aborigines from australia communicating via it


also attached is a pdf file of it



Mysterious Incidents Among

Papuan Natives.

By Henry Dexter, Milne Bay, Papua.

text version of the article



What's the point of this thread? There are books far more advanced on these subjects.



If you want to share some sources that touch on these subjects be my guest.



What I really meant to say is that I think most here are familiar with these concepts. Francis Bacon is nothing new. Others has written more in depth about telepathy. Psychic intent is everything, the root of all things fringe. I think Ingo Swann is a good modern example.

For runes being called visual prayers, there are books on sigils that would explain that better, such as those by Frater UD and Jean Dubuis. Or if interested on the divination side, tarot books mention how divination works.

Not that Bacon is a wrong choice, I just think he's dated now since other have picked up where he left off since then. Some recent books end up failing to deliver though, so anything modern tends to be a hit or miss. Some authors just retell what's been told before for money.

The sticky mega link should have all of these in it and more related.


File: eef3d32a8d46fc7⋯.jpg (381.67 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, girl practicing.jpg)


I have never seen anyone on this image board talk about the concept of "bush telegraph" among the australian aboriginals.

Also you didn't even comment on the website of Jose Herrou Aragon.

As for Francis Bacon and people knowing about Francis Bacon I have never seen anyone on this website mention the analogy of the world being a like a whale in that it can be viewed as a singular organism for this reason perhaps prayers have influence.

The only way you can make the claim that most are familiar with these concepts is if you did not even bother to look into any of the things I posted.

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