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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: af4a961e08218bc⋯.jpg (25.05 KB, 400x400, 1:1, tmp_4514-569cc1b0d2fcfe32f….jpg)


There can not be magick without will.

There can not be magick without intent.

You are all told this as an eternal mantra.

But what about balance?

There must be balance, Yin and Yang.

Magick and mundane.

You might say nature is magick, but nature is also balance.

There cannot be magick without cost, will and intent only allows you to pull a droplet of magick into the mundane if you pay with equal amounts mundane to magick.

If you don't know the cost, you are what's being drained. Be it days of your life, your health or your spirit.

No exceptions.


Unless you farm loosh all day or ask a higher power to help you, right?


Like attracts like, your waifu a shit.



Bullshit Occultist. Demiurge pawn attempting to keep people away from esoterics by fear. Dogmatic charlatan. Thick regurgitation of a lionheaded worm.




No there's still cost.

"Farming loosh" isn't mundane.

Higher powers aren't mundane.

It's magick, it might be "cheaper" but there's a cost or a deal always.


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Mundane or magical, if it does good then it shall be good.

The cost of feeling good, being healthy and growing properly is exercise and diet.

The cost of esoteric perceptions, information retrieval, aetheric power or what have you, is the opportunity for others to do the same, I agree.

It's like leaving your walls to go out into the wilderness. If you aren't wise and strong of the wildwood then venture not into its expanse.

That's why you venture with a group, a religion/order or something. You have a mission, a map to where you are trying to go. Otherwise it's not a very good experience.

I suppose this is a good conversation to have regardless.

All esoteric activities should be purposeful, and strengthened by aligning yourself with the group/order that is in greatest harmony with your purpose.

With that in mind…

Any righteous paladin orders around? All action, bravery, chivalry, righteousness and morality? No clerical crap, I mean SWIFT RIGHTEOUSNESS. Self-righteousness need not apply.



Do you pay with blood?


The cost is just your loosh and your time. You have to give a massive amount of fucks for a certain duration of time while concentrating on the intent.



But that's low cost low reward.

You need tons of loosh/time.

If you pay in blood you get more power than days of time will buy you



Surely there would be consequences to paying in somebody else's blood, right?




Link leads to a discord called alice and friends and supposedly logs your ip.



It would be highly illegal and immoral.

But unlikely, it's a commodity gained through mundane means. The cost would be mundane, legal or social.

ISHYGDDT though, your own blood is as valuable.

If the blood isn't expended but given to another in exchange for something you are at risk of being drained because of the spiritual link.



What if you just step on a bunch of bugs and say "amen"?



you just step on a bunch of bugs and say "amen"



Point taken, but could a large number of tiny sacrifices amount to anything with regards to taking loosh? What if in place of your own blood, you used the hemolymph of hundreds of insects?


fake limitations: the thread

false ideas too


> "mundane"

> "magick"

bullshit & false dichotomy detected.

Don't BE a slave to such linguistic magic.

> cost

You've adopted axiomatic assumptions for no rational reason.

How much does it cost a forest to advance time therein? Reality is not debt based, but the slave states operating around you are. Try not to confuse the two.

Existence of Magic[k|x|s] is not contingent upon the existence of anyone's "will" or "intent". Does a slime mold have intent? No? Then how does it do its magic? Yes? Then so does everything else that you've categorized "mundane".

Finally: Don't buy into the bullshit "entropy" mind weapon; The universe is not expanding. Discovery of "Quasars" with enormous redshift near galaxies with much less refuted the theory of cosmic expansion (as if "cosmos" is a valid term), but the establishment likes their slaves to adopt the "it's all going to end eventually" mentality.

If you want to talk of energy transfer then you need to account for generative forces. OP, you've addressed something without considering its equal & opposite[s]. You're the one who's created your own "debt".

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