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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: d3be217520728cf⋯.jpg (4.42 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, tmp_30273-20170412_1357412….jpg)


My friend found a native American skeleton. I was wondering if we should be on the lookout for any curses. Pic related its the skull


File: f80e037ac4c6c8f⋯.jpg (2.89 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, tmp_30273-20170412_1357228….jpg)

File: 2447288307f3852⋯.jpg (2.7 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, tmp_30273-20170412_1357172….jpg)


First of all

>questions thread

Ok so it's probably very unlikely that the skull is cursed but if you want to be safe just put it back where you found it. No point in keeping it other than for social reasons. Remember that skull was part of a human once and it's rude as fuck to remove it from its burial ground just to have it on a shelf somewhere.


>taking a corpse's remains from its burial site

Bad mojo brudda.




you're fucked op



I'm going to keep it for a bit and see if anything happens


Rune that mofuggah up nigger.

Reap the benefits.

Suffer the consequences



>I'm going to leave this knife in my gut and see what happens




Please post about everything bad that happens to you over the next month, for funsies



dude. do you not realize they might not be as old as you think and you just disturbed the fuck out of a crime scene? stop touching that shit and call the cops.



Tell me what happens after wearing it as a talisman for a few days and nights



This is how op should handle things from this point forward.



I love when cops and cia agents die. I think about their families crying and put on a big smile :)

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