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Esoteric Wizardry
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1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
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>I know more than you can possibly imagine

>I'm a transcendedimmortal being with All knowledge

>Yes, I am a NEET whom lives with my parents

(3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET). )


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>when you are desperate for attention but also too dumb to not bait a deserted board


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They might actually be occultists, but many a time they are damaged from isolation, or being out of touch neet's raised on imageboards. Being ungrounded (that is having unresolved psychological problems etc) while dabbling in the occult is an easy way to lose your mind and rek your life. There's a reason eastern mystic schools teach you to train your root chakra first before moving upwards. As far as development goes, its best to work on improving yourself as a whole or from the bottom up.

unless you want to end up like smiley, or that tattooed black guy on youtube that completely lost his marbles


I love how monks/wanderers/protesters are now called NEETS.



Absolute Fucking Faggot: Damn man. This system is fucked! I can't buy weed in a store, and only corrupt assholes have power. I'm gonna fight this by getting a good credit score and learning a skill that will let me live a mediciore paycheck to paycheck life while people like the Trumps, Clintons, Obamas, and Kardashians live like fucking royalty. Yeah! That's a good best plan!



Me the wizard deprived of rest, intimate relationships, friends, and to a certain extent security, safety, and (quality) food.



But you're not a wizard you're a lunatic 😂



I'm your friend even if I tell you to stop sucking dick cause its gay. Faggot.


How spot on, good post.

Many people start meditating on the higher chakras first, as you said, this causes social capabilities, could lead to seclusion and ultimately because your root is so underactive and poor, unable to deal with relationships, it cuts you off from the all, the current motion or flow, nulling all progress and making you resent the world even more.

Go out and see people.


>>I know more than you can possibly imagine

If an obscure online anonymous wizard gives you seemingly unhelpful and nonhurtful answers to your even more obscure questions you should probably listen to him.

That aside, why not challenge such a person by engaging in discussion to gauge what he or she would like to share because of your social tact? Instead of crying about it like a little bitch when you're not getting told the secret of life on the spot. Cunt.




Yeah, miserable salty materialist leftypol faggot.



It is hard to say who is or who is not an obullshitist or armchairist. For someone learning purely on their own, most time will be spent reading through books in order formulate ideas and find a path they resonate with. Depending upon the path most work may only be 30 minutes out of the day, or it could be an hour if you are doing evocation. But evocation every day, well whatever floats someone's boat. What matters most is consistency of practice. A period of time everyday, not 30 minutes this day and take a few days off and then maybe 5 minutes on this day, and another 3 day break. Once you have consistency of practice it becomes habitual and then you have a developed spiritual routine which tends to pay dividends. Of course those that have made decent progress tend to not spout out gibberish fantastical exploits, as the real meat and potatoes is personal and not always similar among practitioners.


Bullshit Occultist: I have it all figured out. I could use this knowledge to be Emperor of the world, but instead I'm gonna come to the sewer of the internet to enlighten you, Rank1 Initiate Animewatcher "Flameshirtfedora" Involcelneetsoc of Mommysbasement



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>Come from /leftypol/

>But not to drop a Posadist truthbomb on /fringe/

Okay listen up neophytes. This was going to get its own thread, but I guess I'll just hijack this shit one.

Time for a lesson in Posadism

It's all fine and dandy to say that the national socialists' study of the occult was good and that Montalk was onto something, but they have absolutely nothing on J. Posadas.

>Basic rundown:

Aliens exist, like we all already know. However Posadas came to this conclusion in 1968, to quote:

>The passage of matter from the inorganic to the organic state could take place in a different manner to how it does on Earth, such that energy could be used in a more effective manner. Here, we barely know how to make best use of the oil and, in a very limited fashion, nuclear energy that we have at hand. They, on the contrary, may be on the way to exploiting all the energy existing in matter. They can use all the energy that we still do not know how to employ on Earth, and transform it into light. It could be that matter is organised differently in other planetary systems or galaxies, in infinite combinations and in totally different forms to those that we know on Earth. We cannot imagine what it is like, but we can imagine very well that there may be an organisation of energy infinitely superior to what we have here. In the Soviet Union, they have discovered a ray infinitely faster than light, which is something totally new.

Anybody who's read more than a few books on the occult can instantly see the parallels.

>But isn't he just a Stalin cock-sucker and a cultural marxist?

This is probably the most basic ignorant "red-pill" stance you can take. Anybody who's green-pill or above should be able to recognize a Trotskyist. To quote Posadas:

>Astronomers, physicists, where should they go to find the equipment for their research? They cannot do so, without money. They are not, as individuals, rich enough to pay for these things and also get by. It is the capitalist state, or indeed the Soviet state, that has the means to pay. They can thus install their equipment, but they limit their capacities to capitalist interests or the bureaucratic limitations imposed by the leadership of the workers’ state. That is why our knowledge of physics, of matter, of astronomy is still at only an embryonic stage. We still have no real knowledge of what exists. We constantly correct the very basis of discoveries, whether for Newton, Einstein or all the others. The forms and combinations of matter are infinite. There are forces within it that we do not utilise. We must discover the power of what it is possible to do. The force that allows us to raise our arms is called ‘kinetic energy’. Why this energy? What is it that impels the activity of the cells? There is no outside force. It is an internal movement. What is this force? The force that impels movement is a source of energy, which must have a primary form of development even before it lifts the arm, because there already exists the capacity that allows us to conceive, in our spirits, of the need to raising our arms.

Yeah. Doesn't sound so pro-cultural marxist now, does it?

>Okay well what does he bring to the table that I wont find in other tomes?

In short, three things:

>1. A look at not just the problem jewish bankers pose to the occult, but how the capitalist system actively suppresses information about the occult through economics

>2. A scientific approach, similar to Newton. He didn't want to just study magic, he wanted to learn all of its secrets - beyond what we have now

>3. A solution to the international Jew and the capitalist problem


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First off, /fringe/ would be most concerned with that first point. It probably shocks some of /fringe/ to hear that the capitalist system hinders to occult. In Posadas words:

>Starting from the fact of the existence of extra-terrestrial beings, we can accept that UFOs also exist. We need to wait for further proof. It is possible that they have appeared, though it is also possible that there has been much fantasising, exaggeration or mystical deductions on the part of those who have seen them. But there is testimony from people who seem thoughtful. Neither the capitalist system nor the bureaucracy [in the Soviet Union] have an interest in researching this subject, because they cannot draw any commercial, political or military benefit from it. Socialism, on the contrary, does have an interest in this, and so too do the masses. Capitalism feels that it has been made to look inferior, faced with a system that it sees as superior. People draw the conclusion that capitalism is useless. They say ‘Look at that! And you, what are you any good for?’ The ruling class feels diminished. If it could draw a military gain from doing so, it would conduct research. But capitalism tries, on the contrary, to spread the impression that this is fantasy, so people will not think that there are superior forms of relations and that capitalism is incapable of reaching this level. The workers’ state will act in a different way, because it has an objective interest in developing socialism. But at all events, the facts are coming to light in spite of the smokescreens, because there have already been many testimonies. The capitalist ruling circles, the chemists, the military, are hiding the facts.

>In the workers’ states, there are researchers who do not measure things in terms of inferiority or superiority, but simply note that in other galaxies and planetary systems, in other universes, it is possible to fully utilise matter and eliminate all this concern with hunger and class struggle. It is possible to wipe the ruling classes out of existence. The system, there, is superior.

You should easily be able to see how this mirrors /fringe/ ideologies but expands on them and provides a more detailed look into the issue. It's not just the Jews, but the capitalist system as a whole.

Now onto point number 3. The issue comes down to how we deal with the capitalist state and the communist nations such as what was the USSR that will not join us. Again, back to Posada's writing:

>To this end, we must suppress the capitalist system, as well as the bureaucracy of the workers’ states and Communist Parties who do not want to seize power. The fundamental obstacle we face is the capitalist system. We must suppress the force currently in the hands of the capitalist system: nuclear weapons. Destroy all nuclear weapons. Destroy the whole military power of the capitalist system, of Yankee, French and British imperialism. Appeal to the masses and give them the means immediately to destroy capitalism, overcome the bureaucracy of the workers’ states and establish a new society: socialism.


This is very easy to misinterpret as it is from Posadas earlier writings but demonstrates an essential part of Posadism. What Posadas was getting at is that we should not simply peacefully remove nuclear bombs from the hands of the capitalists. No, instead we should turn them against their creators. This is what he means when he says to give the masses the means to instantly destroy the capitalist system. Give them hellfire for suppressing this information from the people.



I'll happily stick around to answer any questions, provide sources, reading material and start my own thread if /fringe/ wants





Start thread pl0x I am very intrigued and find this is much like my own thoughts on what needs to get done. All secrets must be leaked, everything decentralized, weapons turned on their creators, etc.; in short they need to fucking learn.



Here you go anon >>96502

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