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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1be35335cc1f38a⋯.jpg (47.33 KB, 600x241, 600:241, lucifer_the_light-bearer.jpg)

File: 94ce11c59b289de⋯.jpg (43.2 KB, 540x540, 1:1, lucifer-an-angel-of-music.jpg)


Through a bout of meditation, I met Lucifer in his angelic form. I left my body and traveled with him to the astral realm. He informed me that my soul was created from a portion of his own angelic aspect and that both he and the demiurge are both aspects of THE ALL.

However, the demiurge (aka Yahweh) is purposely tricking people into thinking he is the ultimate god when it reality it is THE ALL. We ended up fucking in the astral realm, at which point he initiated me into what he called "the order of the serpent" as his paladin who's duty is to inform people of this truth. He also informed me that the center of a black hole is essentially a chaos sphere recycling energy from our current universe to create other dimensions. I'm also working a book semi-related to this subject, he said it's very important that I continue this work and inform everyone of the overall truths I have revealed to you here.

Ave Lucifer.



Lol, initiated into the order of the serpent by getting fucked in the ass. That's called a joke. They were making fun of you.

Why does everybody here believe whatever they're told? It's not like any of this garbage is useful in any way. There's no new mechanical relation. You just got fucked.

I hope you had a nice orgasm at least.


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Even if you're right. Still worth it.


Ask him when my fat slimey lazy jewish ugly simpleton inbred looking faggot roommate who sucks every ounce of positive energy in a mile radius with his poisonous aura is going to have a heart attack or die while drunk driving. Thanks 66666666666666666



Gays aren't welcome here.



You sound like my obese kike looking roommate who talks down on everyone when he is really just a nobody sub 80iq dweeb who has no friends or life outside of alcohol. Why do disgusting people like this exist? He laughs when people die so he gets to live his sloppy spoiled lifestyle. America is full of fucking dirtbags.



>not engaging in esoteric faggotry.

What a pleb.





You are of tricked, OP-san.

Satan is the voice in the mind.

Lucifer is the common man.

Jesus is the perfected man.

God is the absence of the voice in the mind.

You still have a long way to go. They won't be able to tell you the truth by you listening for truth. Find truth only by realizing what is false.

Exit the spiritual war before it's too late. Only hell awaits Satan's warriors.



May the edge be with you!



Demiurge pls.


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brother tricked you just like Adam and ~Lill~Eve

same fallacy

it is of YHWH

aspired to be YHWH

YHWH goes lol no bud, go make some material stuff

made us like YHWH made the Others

claims to be better than YHWH

>material tricks abundant

>tfw people still fall for this shit



YHWH. Lucifer. THE ALL. Demiurge. Brahman. One.

Honestly, at this point all I really wish to envision is me tearing at the carcass of one of these ancient, bloated creatures and using the materials to make my own reality. Still, being a worm has it's benefits.


File: 18dc44c649ada91⋯.jpg (80.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1437430797097.jpg)

OP here, just had a revelation. I was fucking myself in my own ego and I fucking loved it. All of you "shed the ego" faggots will turn out to be nothing but miserable NEETS. Lucifer wasn't an external figure. I AM FUCKING LUCIFER you mundane motherfuckers. I hope you use this as copypasta because it will create a super sigil you mundane whores. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NIGGERS.



hol hol up

u be saying

u is something emphemeral

u is something owned?

nah nigga

u ain't dat shit

u ain't the world

ur greater than the world

greater than anything conditioned, temporary, or transient

u is eternal my nigga

every personality, every body, all of it; it is as a part of you but not you

u ain't the cell nigga

u is u nigga

nothing else

u is identified now with lucifer

but u is so much more

u is a free nigga

*smacks lips*








File: a0886f9beec329b⋯.jpg (97.51 KB, 480x672, 5:7, truth awaits.jpg)

Damn, this place has a lot of crazies.



>He informed me that my soul was created from a portion of his own aspect

Seems reasonable

>he and the demiurge are both aspects of THE ALL.

I find this disagreeable, since the all, aka the universe is an unconscious space.

> Yahweh is purposely tricking people into thinking he is the ultimate god

Obviously, for the loosh prison scheme

> We ended up fucking in the astral realm

Keep this shit to yourself. I highly doubt Satan would personally do such, but I do understand if he allowed you to be with an Incubus.

>he initiated me into what he called "the order of the serpent"

Right, as Satan's gift is the Kundalini

>as his paladin who's duty is to inform people of this truth

I expect you understand you'll be fighting spiritual war against yaweh for Him.


>brainwashed pseudo-philosophical christcuck verse unfit to be called poetry


>makes even less sense than the last one


>All of you "shed the ego" faggots will turn out to be nothing but miserable NEETS.



shut the fuck up



JoS gets all its actually useful info from Franz Bardon.

Who not skip the Satanic blather and go straight to the source of actual magickal knowledge and just read the Hermetic texts?

I've read every single thing written by JoS and I guess there's some Robert Bruce and a few notes by Maxim Dietrich about the elements but there's not much they have that is original to them.


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And all so with you, m'fringe anon.



As if your opinion or the act of agreeing and disagreeing actually means something outside of your mind.

The voice in your mind is not you. Stop being a slave nigger.



Nihilist dream-land shill



Don't you mean solipsist shill?

Anyways, no voice you can hear is you, so what the guy said is technically correct. You are the silence that listens.The one who tunes in. But the voices aren't you.



Set your territory wider than a fucking dot in your brain case. OWN yourself for fuck's sake.


File: 60553e26ba2c57a⋯.jpg (72.57 KB, 534x642, 89:107, Shiva is Satan.jpg)


Yeah, all of their useful into up to and including their epically long forum posts several times a week, currently. Because IIH is also a self-updating book too, rite? Also, JoS gives references when it uses info from other resources. On top of that, JoS is the only organization that openly and collectively fights against the Reptilian thoughtform YHWH, liberating humaniy in the process.

My ancestors are proud of me. Can you say the same?



Say's in sexy voice: "Bend over, I'm going to initiate you"

Gives you some "special info" that has no practical value.

Mixes truth in to add validity.

I think you just met Michael Jackson on the lower astral plane.

You need to set some boundaries, brah.



You seem to think Satan and Lucifer are even related somehow? I'm afraid you need to read more and write less.



Fuck off Sophia.

You're just a bunch of clueless kids.

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