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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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When did you realize magic wasn't real? It was all mental/ in your head. When did you become enlightened to the only valid philosophical school of thought which is Material Egoism? After two years of this all magic books are over hyped self help books with a dash of imagination. Most just rehash the same lessons empty minded meditation,visualization, awareness of body. The biggest problem with magic being every wizard keeps talking about will power but if you actually had any you wouldn't be a wizard. You already be living the life you been dreaming/imagining. Also if your gonna constantly preach fitness I want one of you with a pic and time stamp other wise I'm just gonna assume your a full of shit.


I get super horny when abrahamic religion followers, cops, cia agents, and other greedy scum die. Every time one of those people die I go up a power level.



When did you realize that you dont exist? This post was better when I made it a year ago to troll people who were getting in my way. You are probably just another tiny dick poltard cop trying to make a name for himself by ruining everyone elses life. Newsflash : you arent stopping shit, and everyone hates you. Kill yourself. Nobody will read your post hahahahahahhaahahhaahah



>Every time one of those people die I go up a power level.

unless you killed them yourself I doubt it but >It was all mental/ in your head


>When did you realize that you dont exist?

When I go to sleep

>This post was better when I made it a year ago to troll people who were getting in my way.

and what better way than saying mean things on the internet.

>You are probably just another tiny dick poltard cop trying to make a name for himself by ruining everyone elses life.

honestly guy if I can ruin your life though expressing an opinion than you might want to meditate more.

>you aren't stopping shit.

not trying to

>everyone hates you


>Kill yourself

you first



Perhaps you overestimated what you expected the journey to be? There is a tendency to turn to magick for short term gains instead of a long term investment. Just like the market, these short term players usually get burned and walk away with a loss in time and money. This is actually how the system prunes itself of naive beginners and simple dabblers. They begin to doubt themselves, doubt the system they follow, and eventually give it all up. For those individuals that have experienced a change in the inner landscape, there is no doubt.



Perhaps you overestimated what you expected the journey to be?

starting to feel that way.

>There is a tendency to turn to magick for short term gains instead of a long term investment

I wanted to access my inner genius to do amazing things and find my part I was to play in this life, and find a succubus to bang so I get a little more confidence to try and find muh dream girl. None of those things have happened.

>For those individuals that have experienced a change in the inner landscape

>It is all mental/ in your head



You're one upset nigger. DNA is real and governs everything people do. This truth will inevitably lead to genocide because niggers can't accept it. It's probably already happening in some lab somewhere.



>It was all mental/ in your head.

Of course, your point?

>After two years of this all magic books are over hyped self help books with a dash of imagination.

I agree that most books on magick and mysticism are very much the same. They are after all just different maps to arrive at the same point. The problem is that today with the popularity of the subject, many beginners assume it will be a walk in the park. Never mind the fact that many alchemical texts and grimories were written by monks and by men with a lot of time on their hands. Even today many monks, both east and west, spend their entire lifetime in practice trying to achieve the goal of transcendence. The goal takes a lifetime not a few years. Because of this I place the blame on the modern occult writers that use sexy titles to pimp out "quick fix spells" to beginners. There is no easy road.

>I wanted to access my inner genius to do amazing things and find my part I was to play in this life, and find a succubus to bang so I get a little more confidence to try and find muh dream girl.

An interesting paradox of magick is the mistaken idea that a spirit would allow control over itself to a magician that has no control himself. Sometimes what the magician actually finds out is that once he has control over himself there is nothing else to control. Every conscious action a person takes is a magickal act, as if reflects the will of individual. Why are you testing your will on big things? Are there not many steps to aim for first leading to "inner genius" and succubus sex slaves? If you feel that it is fake that is fine, and I do not lay the blame at your feet. The Great Work sets the bar high as you are in the same boat with hermits and monks who renounce everything in life except pure devotion. Do you think you could accomplish more than them in few years?



>Of course, your point?

seems we could throw in some non "occult" books, like how to win friends and influence people and tell guys to start there but just my opinion.

>mistaken idea that a spirit would allow control over itself to a magician that has no control himself.

and they just as easy throw themselves to king solomon because the lord said so. I get what your sain but wouldn't it be better to align your will with the spirit?

>Why are you testing your will on big things?

they didnt seem big at the time

>Are there not many steps to aim for first leading to "inner genius" and succubus sex slaves?

Thats why I spent more time trying to better meditation and my energy body than doing weird spells. but I'm just more aware of my body and thoughts not much else. I thought if I meditated long enough I could find something I'm naturally good at and bring more joy in my life. Turns out I don't have one or haven't found it yet.


I just wanted to practice on someone before I try it in real life. It seemed straight forward and simple. plus I read somewhere that they can help you with lucid dreaming and what not.

>If you feel that it is fake that is fine

feels more like a bad joke. The reason why I got into the occult was because I wanted to do stuff I had a hard time doing in life. Now I find out it's no different. The reason you cant do x is because you couldn't do x in real life

>hermits and monks who renounce everything in life except pure devotion.

some of those guys didn't have a choice and just did it because the monastery raised them or because they went there hoping to find something. For the guys who WILLING went you have a point but for the guys who were stuck there then that's not mastering will that's just living life.

>Do you think you could accomplish more than them in few years?



>I tried doing spells and it didn't work so it must be that magic is not real

Shit thread

Hit that report button


>bullshit occultism generalis


OP sounds like he fucked up after he tried to will some crazy shit before he had finished any real amount of study, and quickly gave up because cheap materialism is so much more comfortable than a lifetime of study. That line about "not being a wizard if you had the life you wanted" specially paints this post as an exercise in projection, coupled with the autismal line about demanding timestamps.

OP is a faggot that couldn't handle the requirements and pussied out



go ahead


all occultism is bullshit trying to give you placebo effect. I dont care which system you use

>he tried to will some crazy shit

because wanting to unlock hidden talents and banging chicks should take 20 plus years and by the time I can do it wont matter to me. Hilarious

>he had finished any real amount of study

probably read about 25-30 books before I try doing "real" magic

>because cheap materialism is so much more comfortable than a lifetime of study.

It was all mental/ in your head

>That line about "not being a wizard if you had the life you wanted" specially paints this post as an exercise in projection

True but I doubt I'm the only one who thinks that way. If you actually had any will power you wouldn't be here acting like a know it all.

What about you mister blacksun? Why dont you tell us a little about yourself.

>coupled with the autismal line about demanding timestamps.

sorry guy you can preach physical fitness all you want unless I see a pic of your abs I'm not gonna believe you. I work out because it gives me something to do.

>OP is a faggot

dicks are starting to look pretty good.

>that couldn't handle the requirements and pussied out

your gonna have to specify because different magical systems have different requirements I still mediate and all that other stuff but it doesn't bring me any joy. It's just something to do.



>quickly gave up because cheap materialism is so much more comfortable.


if you want to harness your will you have to be in physicality. sorry guy no way around it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This thread 😭



more like this entire board, but then again I was never a big fan of props and attaching 2deep4u symbolism to them.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I was pointing out that just because this board is full of obullshitist sissified jizzards that doesn't make you less of a loser Bobby.

>having nothing better to do than make fun of the mentally ill online

That boy ain't right😭


OP of all the things you could do with magick, why did you pick something that can be done so much more easily without it? If all you care about is banging chicks, go read the highest-voted posts at r/theredpill. This occult stuff is better for those who want to improve their understanding of reality by personal experience.



He's an edgy teenage atheist white boi das why fam 😂



>that doesn't make you less of a loser Bobby.

I'm not disputing that.

>having nothing better to do than make fun of the mentally ill online

That wasn't the point of this thread it was more meant to warn guys like me who have the wrong idea about magic.


your not very self aware are you fam?


>If all you care about is banging chicks

wasn't the only thing but people on her made it sound easy. Some guy on fringechan said if you masturbate then you might as well fuck a succubus and they are common. So I'm just like cool, being a low ranking wizard I should be able to do that.

>This occult stuff is better for those who want to improve their understanding of reality by personal experience.

>It was real in my mind therefore it is real.

It is all mental/ in your head.



>low ranking wizard

You're not even a neophyte much less initiated

😂@thiz threD


Magick is all mental but not subjective. It is not contained in your head. It is an objective phenomena that can be experienced by multiple persons and leave a lasting mark on the physical world.


Christ OP, if you just want to fuck a woman, that is really easy to do. I am just waiting for my pure 4D waifu whose going to be 10/10 beautiful and an amazing personality and will be able to do high magick with me. I can in just 4 days time (constant concentration mind you) cause very high level phenomena to manifest and making women do whatever I want isn't that hard. How long have you been studying? Me; a half-decade day and night.



>manipulating other people in any way

👌🏻 God gon' give it to ya son



>This occult stuff is better for those who want to improve their understanding of reality by personal experience.

This is literally the reason why I do shit. It's all to know what the fuck reality is. Psychokinesis for example ain't about moving shit, it's about understanding the nature of reality, deriving all these insights when you realize you can do this shit.



You manipulate people erry day all the time without knowing it. Every interaction with another human "manipulates them". Successful manipulation of people is simply a matter of channeling the right shit. For example I have coined the term "auto-alpha" to describe a mode of being where alphaness flows from you without any delay, thinking, hesitation, etc. because you focus on the alpha archetype and let it fuse into your soul. Cringey fedoralords are the way they are because everything they do is forced. They TRY to dress well, TRY to force nice behaviour, and so on; instead of it all just happening for them as something that flows out of their own alignment.


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no am initiated I experienced something that was completely fucked when I first came here and I even now I only have half an idea of what really happened.


>I am just waiting for my pure 4D waifu whose going to be 10/10 beautiful and an amazing personality and will be able to do high magick with me.

see the more research I did the more I realized it was stupid just for a fuck. I wanted something like that to help with my dreams and magic but then it didn't happen. gonna keep trying

>waiting for my pure 4D waifu

>being alpha as fuck


>How long have you been studying?

learn to read

>Me; a half-decade day and night.

pic related


>It's all to know what the fuck reality is

You'll never really know what reality is. You can only give it meaning because it's meaningless.


They TRY to dress well, TRY to force nice behaviour, and so on; instead of it all just happening for them as something that flows out of their own alignment.

You have to try in order to be



>You have to try in order to be

No you don't. Trying, straining, etc. is a waste of time. You got to flow/channel shit.



>You got to flow/channel shit.

Then by all means please pick a fight with prisons murderers and the like. Test your alphaness against the plebs



I'd rather be around serial killers and rapists than dumb ass cracker honkey teens like u 😂



Only by taking nothing and giving freely all that is asked will you be liberated. Take and from you will be taken, give and to you will be given.



Every nigger says that but they never go away.



>tell guys to start there but just my opinion.

You do have a valid point here. I would go so far as to say that this ties into what Regardie said, when he recommended those interested in magick to take up a year of psychotherapy first.

>they didnt seem big at the time

Fair enough. Starting with small things however, helps to solidify the will by creating optimism and perseverance after success, instead of a defeatist attitude. If a beginner sought to cross the abyss at the onset they would most likely fail. Repeated failures bring upon worry and doubt leading to more failure. A vicious cycle sometimes hard to break from.

>I got into the occult was because I wanted to do stuff I had a hard time doing in life

The outer life is a reflection of the inner life and vice versa. No mage alive is a perfect human specimen, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. What matters is the constant improvement of oneself. The journey is like climbing across a very tall mountain. Sometimes you find yourself in the valleys and sometimes on the heights. However, the valleys you find yourself in are always higher up than the previous heights. Progress is generally not noticed immediately. During reflection you may think back upon yourself years ago and the weaknesses you once had, and then you will be surprised to find that those weaknesses are no longer with you. Things you find hard to do in life will become easier, just don't look to hard for an overnight cure. You will get there with proper determination.

>hermits and monks

I merely mentioned these guys because this really is a difficult path. I understand that many in the past were forced to go there, but that isn't so much the case now. But if you can take inspiration from them and model some of their habits it will be a powerful aid.

Keep striving forward. Ora et Labora.



>muh niggers muh Jews oy vey help in being gassed!


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>take up a year of psychotherapy first.

not exactly what I was thinking but definitely would help in deciding if you want to do magic.

> Starting with small things however, helps to solidify the will by creating optimism and perseverance after success

and what was easy for one wizard turn out to be harder for the rest.

>If a beginner sought to cross the abyss at the onset they would most likely fail.

some people dont even have to cross the abyss yet they will fall back on "you didn't work hard enough"

>Repeated failures bring upon worry and doubt leading to more failure. A vicious cycle sometimes hard to break from.

well at least some one has some experience with the abyss.

>Things you find hard to do in life will become easier, just don't look to hard for an overnight cure. You will get there with proper determination.


>but that isn't so much the case now.

gonna have to disagree with that one. plenty of people are living the monk lifestyle. The only difference is that they have a computer and can choose to live in lower desires or do self improvement. If you dont know why your doing self improvement then it's probably gonna end badly.

>Ora et Labora.

pray and work

sorry man don't believe in praying

per angusta ad augusta



>edgy atheist cid who doesn't understand the difference between prayer and worship because the only religious perspective he knows is the retarded Christianity Jew religion of his parents

Keep it up fam 👌🏻😂👍



>well at least some one has some experience with the abyss.

I claim nothing. Though beginners when they come across the concept of the abyss, find it so fascinating that they get hypnotized by the "end" that they cannot see the path ahead. I merely mentioned the abyss as an example of some of the mindset that I see. That is another topic that has been so misconstrued within the occult scene. Anymore one cannot even mention the word without cries of "You haven't been there" echoing forth.

>sorry man don't believe in praying

It was simply suggesting that the mind and body toil together. You can believe what you will, of that there is no debate. Whatever motto you need to keep your head up is good enough.



Fuck off leftypol.


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ones asking for something, the other is showing devotion.


>Though beginners when they come across the concept of the abyss.

Some say its the end some say it's infinity

>Anymore one cannot even mention the word without cries of "You haven't been there" echoing forth.

almost everyone been there at some point but just my personal opinion

>It was simply suggesting that the mind and body toil together.

fair enough

>Whatever motto you need to keep your head up is good enough.





>further proves he doesn't understand what prayer is





then explain



So what are you going to do now?



don't know gonna keep improving myself even if I don't know why. Trying to remember my dreams but progress is slow and finding the right sleep patterns isn't much easier. I do semi believe in something actually it's starting to get to the point where it's stupid of me not to believe but I know next to nothing about her. My life is the result of years of bad decisions and misplacing my faith. By the time I figure it out it's too late. I cant tell if I actually willed it or it was just a freak accident.



Prayer is like a goal to yourself; create a mindset that, eventually, manifest reality.

Because you are the universe

That's what I understand, please, tell me if I'm wrong.

Worshipping is when you say things like "Hey, Eris, show me tha puzzy."



As the cell is not the human, you are not the universe. You are a part of the universe. If you don't understand the full significance of simply saying "you are part of the universe", such an obvious statement, well you have to think deeper.

You also need to learn some raja yoga if you haven't already and learn you're a divine awareness that can contract and expand, narrow and widen, and traverse spacetime however it wants just by the simple faculty of the will.

You also need to know you have a mental architecture that has to either be released or built up as required to achieve your goals. Whatever you integrate into your soul becomes an ability ready for use on a whim.

This is what prayer actually is: http://montalk.net/notes/reality-creation

Again with the analogy of the cell to the body, think of an organ in your body. Think of how much that organ matters and how, if it is in great pain or working very hard or experiencing other states it's felt through the whole body. Well, when a man experiences great emotion, that is a powerful signal felt through the whole universal body. So the universe responds to that signal.

Every intention is felt instantly and everywhere throughout all of the universe. Every emotion is a cause.

Worship means to find worthy. To make your life a worship means to dedicate your life to a given ideal. A man who worships ends up embodying his ideals, becoming an expression of them. So when you choose a profession, change your behavior and appearance, and so on to conform with an archetype than that is a worship. A worship to Dionysus would involve a lot of drinking and a certain personality, a worship to Eris would involve a lot of chaos and so on. Whatever you worship you take into yourself and become integrated with.


Liber Astarte teaches you how to worship.


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Actually, what I find an interesting concept are a couple of things. Primarily, the god worshiped across the world seems to be one of nullification, protection, and law. I'm curious if phenomena would be more common if a different locus was chosen. Another thing is that people, in their vast levels of creativity, contemplate the meanings/rules/learnings of magic yet it doesn't seem to have a very standard (outward) effect. As per rules of certain philosophies regarding multiverse theory (continuous or otherwise) I would assume it's because what makes humans "human" in this life also comes from an experienced existence where such things DID exist as easy as one would type here on this forum.

Makes me contemplate that the overall cycle just doesn't go "active" self to "dormant" self in a continuous loop as one would rise and sleep. This must be a sleeping world then as I'm tired of dreaming.

still, to me chemistry is VERY magical. I mean honestly, two stars colliding to make fucking gold particles? The iron in our blood coming from failed neutron stars? How can we claim any independence from the forces and energy of this cosmos when the very dust of eternity was used as our mortar?



hahaha holy shit, guess what happened to me 2 days after you posted your shit?


Liberated from what exactly? I didn't ask how to be liberated from truth. You're just plain wrong nigger, what you're saying is some STS mindset shit, even though it's all fluffy. When you don't respect the person you're experiencing life through as part of the all you ain't enlightened yet. Take a moment and realize you aren't your body or your mind or memories or any shit that you OWN. You need to take good care of what you own. You need to realize you can switch between different minds and bodies on a whim once you get powerful enough. You don't have to cuck out your current vessel to everyone. It can be used to fight for its place in the world, it can have self-respect, the same self-respect any animal that hasn't given up the struggle for life has and takes what it deserves.

Selflessness is not self-deprivation. It is not cuckery. It is not giving away everything.

You have nothing to give. Nothing to take. You aren't the things of the world nigger.

Non-resistance also does not mean being a doormat for others. It means letting the spiritual power flow and not impeding it, not fearing, etc.

Basically, you need some Swami Vivekananda in your life anon.

88 pages of pure redpill and greenpill in here: http://vivekananda.net/PDFBooks/KarmaYoga.pdf



Ask yourself what substance is. It's energy. Ask yourself what energy, in its highest conception is. It's a desire to do work, it's basically emotion. Everything is composed out of this karmic shit we call emotion/desire. You want to do some PK you just need to put he awareness into the object and urge every part of it to be displaced a certain distance in spacetime and it obeys.


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I'll take you a step further.

Matter is 'technically' energy but as we are all aware energy has multiple states. Gas, solid, liquid. It all has a varying level of activity before it becomes one state and transfers to another. Energy can be in multiple forms yes, light, heat, sound. And that's where I think people are getting things wrong. I think a majority of folk are just interpreting energy as a concept too blanket and too broad for someone to focus on a single aspect that becomes practical and useful. Everyone wants to be good at everything and bad at nothing. Duh.

Anyway. Perhaps things are 'sleepy' here for a reason. And perhaps that slumber is one that shouldn't be disturbed. That is not my place to judge and is not yet my place to command. But it is my place to dream and anticipate more.

Eh, who knows. Maybe dreams are more than just dreams. Maybe matter is more than just matter. For now though, what's so wrong with being a human?



If matter is just matter explain how I do magick then.

You're just a silly neophyte.

Btw dreams are just the awareness roaming around like a lost radio signal tuning into shit to various degrees.

Please read this book and come back to me, he's wrong about gravity, but the rest is correct as far as I'm concerned: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1906dynamicthought.pdf

It explains what is substance/matter/energy.



>Worshipping is when you say things like "Hey, Eris, show me tha puzzy."

I thought eris didn't want worship.


>Primarily, the god worshiped across the world seems to be one of nullification, protection, and law.

seems to work

>Another thing is that people, in their vast levels of creativity, contemplate the meanings/rules/learnings of magic yet it doesn't seem to have a very standard (outward) effect.

pray and HOPEFULLY you get it.

>We are made of star dust

While romantic doesn't really do much for me.


you got into a fight?



What is with all the Atkinson stuff? I swear the atmosphere is almost cult-like in here.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I get the feeling you already seen this but here you'll probably like it.



Atkinson is based, deal with it. There still aren't any people with legit criticism of him. What's with all the baseless attacks on Atkinson?

I have a lot of good stuff to say about many other authors besides such as G.R.S Mead and Franz Bardon and so on……….

You just probably like some shit author and are mad nobody is talking about said shit author.



>I thought eris didn't want worship.

What in his statement suggested he was saying Eris wanted worship? Anyways, you worship a Deity simply by "finding them worthy" and "molding your life to their archetype". Maybe you're confusing worship with tributes and praise.



>You just probably like some shit author and are mad nobody is talking about said shit author.

No, I just don't pimp my authors out. If all you do is talk about the theories of a handful of authors as if their words are infallible, then you haven't learn to theorize on your own.

The Polish alchemist had some wise words he said "Now, burn all your books, mine included."



You're a cringe-tier retard. That is not a valid argument.



Glad I am not the only one who thinks Atkinson is way overrated.




Sameshill. How about you fags share what other books and authors you've been reading if you want others to actually know about them and Atkinson to possibly, MAYBE, fall to the wayside. If there's really so much better shit out there, then present it. It's easy for you fags to complain and tear down everything but you aren't contributing anything of value.



>What in his statement suggested he was saying Eris wanted worship?


>molding your life to their archetype

and what if your life is already molded like them?


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>Try to play baseball

>Strike out

>Sports aren't real

Seems legit.



ha fair point


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But OP, ego is magic.

The magic comes from looking deep within, being truly introspective. Once you awaken your true power you can create worlds for yourself or even use your vast amounts of subjective power to bend the objective universe.


Look into the left hand path. It's an occult style that disregards the nonsense puritanism and dogma of traditional spirituality.



In thr beginning magic is all about getting the ego out of the way. Without a tamed ego you won't do shit.

That's why it's important not to feed it, because the more attention you give it the more it wants, and it gets in the way of magic.

And since the ego cannot be completely removed and we are feeding it constantly in our daily lives, constant (or periodic) watchfulness is required.



If you think that has anything to do with the difference between lhp and rhp… Well, you don't know much more than your average /x/-phile.

How does your ego like that?



>How does your ego like that?

I'm indifferent

>If you think that has anything to do with the difference between lhp and rhp

It does…

You see the LHP is individualistic and does not necessarily deny the "self". The endgoal is self empowerment wheras rhp sees such thing as a sin and wants to give up identity for "oneness" with a higher being.

I take it when you mean ego you mean the idea of self and self is a big part of lhp is antinomianism, taking what is considered "good" and "right" and flipping it making the good bad and the bad good.




I meant the monkey mind, as opposed to the true self, so we are probably in agreement. This has nothing to do with "good" or "bad" (concepts of the ego), nor denial of anything, but control of the monkey mind in order to be able to express our true self (not our identified, ephemereal self). And our Will as opposed to the whims of a scared or pain avoiding, desire chasing, ego.

I'm not talking about dissolution of the self, but putting the conditioned monkey mind in the appropriate place, long they try will shine though.

Do we not agree?



*so that the true self will shine through



Yeah sorry, we agree.

I'm still learning and I see the word "ego" used to mean different things sometimes used by god-followers to mock individualism.

Of course I do not believe we should think like monkeys but instead challenge ourselves and master ourselves although I doubt that just giving up pleasure and living high horsed lives is the way to do this but neither is stuffing your face and being a total consumer tool.

I agree with you and I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.


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There's no such thing as the "red pill". Pic related is anyone who claims to be "redpilled". There's no such thing as "uncucking" oneself, this existence is the very definition of being cucked. Everything that exists, this life, this world, this reality, everything that we know or don't know is a creator god's brainfart. Not a result of it, I mean literally a brainfart. If you think anything in life matters at all you are being cucked by said creator god. But don't think you can get back at this creator god, because it does not give a fuck about you or anything in this universe. The entire timespan of the universe is but an iota of this god's existence, which is without beginning or end. If you want to "improve" your life for your own reasons feel free, but it's no use pretending there's any greater meaning to anything



>Black Pill - the post



>no use pretending there's any greater meaning to anything

And yet you believe God exists so there is inherently a greater meaning to everything. That is some pretty weird version of nihilism there, its totally self-contradictory and a rationalistic means of telling yourself you are worthless and there is no meaning in anything. Hope you get over that hurdle.


Do you know why I believe in magic?

I believe in magic because "physically impossible" things have happened in my vicinity with practical consequences.

If you believe in magic for less reason than that, you're a fool.



>he says in a black pill thread


>And yet you believe God exists so there is inherently a greater meaning to everything

The existence of God doesn't mean anything for us, for us nothing exists outside of this god's brainfart. So where is the greater meaning? I'm not seeing it. If your enlightened self has any ideas I would genuinely love to see it


File: 08597348869dc3d⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, martial arts.png)

This is a tavistock thread.

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