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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Greenpill me on Easter.


No greenpilll here, just some personal accounts.

I just had Easter with my properly-ethnic family. As much of genuine religious ritual exists today, most of it was a farce, but nevertheless we did the required religious rituals and during that time I felt a genuine sense of upliftment.

I see it more or less as a ritual to Yab (Yahweh-Allah-Brahma, a.k.a. the Demiurge), but in this day and age, even services to Yab provide much-needed couternance to the nihilism rampant everywhere. If you feel the desire to truly make the most of it, read it from a Gnostic worldview and it's really quiet inspiring.


Go roleplay in the schizophrenia treatment center waiting room at 8ch.net/christian. We will get to you in a few nevers.



Holy fuck you are a faggot for falling for that scam. I felt good when the Stadium screamed every a goal, then I remembered that all athletes are diva rapists.



One problem I've found many wizards have (myself included) is that they fail to see goodness when it's right in front of them.

Was this family easter a ritual to a false god? No doubt. Was its specific content only the result of two millenia of constant religious, social, cultural and linguistic upheaval that has resulted in countless bloodshed and oppression? Of course. Was it also just a really nice family gathering that brought people together in a world rapidly losing it's sanity? Yes.

Don't let anger and fear control you, wizards.


Ok. There is no Easter Bunny. Easter is actually about someone who died and was interred in a tomb, which was sealed off by a boulder when he was put inside. Things get a bit /x/ tier when the interred guy is seen outside the tomb, making prouncements and prophecies or some such. The specifics concerning the witnesses and the sightings I don't remember. It was very spooky at the time apparently.



This. It's a distinctly Christian holiday. Pagans celebrated spring around a similar time, but all of the Easter eggs, Easter bunny, parades, and everything came from Christians.


>people who think holidays existed before the 20th century


The only real holiday was Christmas/winter solis and it was a modest occasion.



It's when bitches go into heat and you rape them




I'm gonna force everyone on Earth to live out my favorite comic book. Thats your price for wasting my fucking time.



>pagans celebrated spring

>Easter is in spring

>Easter is pagan

That's not how it works. Eggs were used before Christianity to symbolize spring as the rebirth of the Earth, but there's not tremendous religious connotation. It's cultural, and I doubt the Hebrews had a problem with the symbolism. Using eggs for Easter and representing Jesus in the tomb began with Mesopotamian Christians and spread from there. Your article points out that the Easter bunny stems from Germany, but fails to note that it was German Lutherans that it stemmed from. Just because it happens in the spring and involves eggs does not mean it's the same holiday.


>Easter = Ishtar





Fertility / Spring

Inanna is also killed and resurrected after three days.

Everything goes back to Sumer. Everything.





Easter is Ishtar ,basically the holiday of Ishtar, it was also big in ancient Egypt probably related to Hathor.

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