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If you feel self-loathing or self-hate a lot of times people will say you have to love yourself.

However when I've been told that many times in the past all that has done is made me upset. It just made me think of all the things I hate about myself and made me feel sick to think I should "love" any of it. In a lot of ways "to love myself" was a most terrible suggestion for someone to make to me. I hated myself and felt justified in the hatred of myself.

The problem here is one of identity. I can not be any of those things that were coming to my mind. I am not my experiences, my memories, my body, or even my personality. I can confirm this by meditating on each part of me and imagining doing away with it. Am I less myself for having lost a finger? Am I any less myself for having lost a memory? Am I any of these things which are ephemeral? How can I own a thing and yet be that thing? None of the things which belong to me are me.

I decided I wanted to experience death. I became identified with the eternal void. I am nothing I thought. Deathless, persisting, all-pervading… the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I saw in this void all the qualities that constitute God. The void contains everything, can't be destroyed, endures forever, is the birthplace of the whole universe, is the origin of all things, is spaceless, and timeless, etc. Yet my mind wasn't clear still. The void wasn't dead. It had tremendous power, omnipotence, to hold and birth the world. This is when I became identified with the spirit; the will; the awareness. Soon after I realized the principle of dynamism – of life. I became aware of my own freedom and my limitations (were an essential part of that freedom) in a new way, aware of myself as a continuity with all-being, and aware of the heart-power to fix within my center whatever I might experience.

All this suicidal ideation, this wanting to die, was and is only perverse because of the terrible confusion. There is no self to put to death, I am an immortal spirit; only that which belongs to me may undergo the dissolution. Dissolution only occurs by transmutation, changing of the vibration. Only parts of me had to die; or in other words face the inevitability of new life. At this point I had already been reading for a long time on the occult and even engaged in the practices, it was half-conscious and stumbling about. I had to start over again from stage 1 of IIH, this time knowing what I am actually doing, and not merely getting results haphazardly and wondering why I'm stuck half the time.

There is the "self" and the Self. The Self is real, enduring, eternal. It is the actual you. The self is a toy, a vessel, a thing through which the Self manifests and experiences. There is nothing wrong with Self-Love in the highest sense for it is the love of God. As for self-hate, the lower self is a collection of very confused influences, and needs to be molded to be an acceptable expression of the divine principles. This is the Great Work.

I began to separate the wheat from the chaff; knowing that some of the things I was identified with and belong to me were unworthy. Only the things which pained me had to die, to be released – or transmuted into the opposite polarities. I began to create the hermetic black and white mirrors and to swing the pendulum of awareness to modify my attributes, utilizing the akasha, building up momentum that fuels dynamism.

I become so much better at letting my mind become very clear. I let out the muddled thoughts, discharging them all, so the mind quickly becomes silent. I am disengaged from my thought process, just a dispassionate observer, my emotions are controlled and at rest so there is nothing fueling the formation of new thoughts. I let my mind stay clear like this; sometimes for hours and other-times a few minutes will suffice, and it wouldn't matter if I was engaged in any sort of work throughout the day. If some thoughts were necessary or some words had to be spoken, they would be brought forward and out, and the mind would be clear again and not stir unnecessarily.

When the mind is clear of dialog (chatter) awareness naturally intensifies - but mostly outwardly. The lightness and rest found in a proper void is not yet obtainable at this stage as the senses of the body antagonize you. This is the part in every mystic's path where he comes to hate his senses. The mind is taking in the world strongly but deeper levels of thoughts are perceptible like subtle currents in an ocean, you can feel them being pulled in through the thought-centers. In order to escape the tyranny of the bodily senses another set must be developed. This takes us to the second stage of hermetic development where the meditations upon the higher senses (which mirror the lower) begin.



The second step is really the beginning of IIH in terms of Bardon's specific approach. Granted they all build together, but the first step is predominately the habits that must be performed consistently throughout the life of the magician. They are very similar in regards to the preparatory habits undertaken in many other traditions. The soul mirror is invaluable in keeping the personality in check. If you feel you are drifting one way or another, it is time to revisit it. The soul mirror is the confession booth of the magician. A time for repentance, reflection, or as a magician's psychotherapy session.



what is IIH?



Initiation Into Hermetics, by Franz Bardon


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just wanted to share a playlist I came across with some neat stuff related to IIH.


The embedded video is an interview with Franz Bardon's son, Lumir Bardon. Skip to 6:26 to avoid the long ass intro and get straight to the interview.



RIP Frank murdered by freemasons who covered it up by claiming he had pancreatitis. Moral of the story is either move around constantly, become a hermit, or never show you prowess if you are an adept.





I've been experiencing the same thing. Time to start over for the fourth time.


I've been trying to understand the process behind the mind becoming clear lately. I've been trying to even begin IIH for nearly a year now. I'm stuck on step 1, because I seem to have no control over some facets of my mind. I mentioned in the question thread months ago that I'll have a clear mind and none of my own thoughts will come up for 20-30 seconds at a time, but then all of this seemingly random garbage will. They aren't thoughts that I think could possibly be coming from me, because they never make any sense or have any relation to me. I don't think it's telepathy. Smiley and this other guy I know who has progressed that far described something to do with radio static. I could give examples of my thing, on the off chance that anyone here gives a shit. One theory is that it could be some kind of entity fucking with me. I've used several different methods of entity removal, so if there was anything, surely it's gone now. I can focus on one thought reasonably well, so it's not like I lack discipline. I guess it doesn't help that I gave up for a while either, but I really don't have any fucking idea what to do even now.

Back to the point of this post, though, I've been contemplating whether the ability to have a clear mind relates to a particular degree of will, following specific processes that people talk about, like in IIH when it talks about doing this stuff from the perspective of an observer, or if it's a matter of putting a particular amount of time/effort into it. Rants like this always give me a different perspective, which is nice. I figure it's a combination of the three, but some are more important than others.

Some of this belongs in the question thread, obviously, but this felt like a fitting place to type meaninglessly, and I doubt anyone here can help me if they couldn't in the past.



Sounds like a boogieman to me.


Accept yourself.



By "yourself" what do you mean?



ProTip for you all thoughts are telepathic because all thoughts are not constrained to spacial dimensions. All are transmitted, received, and sent out again. All thinking is telepathic as such, all of it happens like a radio. To get good at picking up useful thought-transmissions you just have to train the mind, the mind is like a collection of energies where the energy is emotion, and the thing being charged is the thought-impressions taken in. Your mind is a center of thought; and each thoughtform are more centers of thought that act like vortexs of energy that can be self-sustaining for a time, taking in what it needs to continue, until some contrary energy eliminates it either gradually or all at once. All this talk about suggestion and telepathy and so on makes good sense when you actually understand the nature of thought and its relation to the self. Once you've built up the supporting structures in your mind for it, you can fine-tune what thoughts you're tuning into, and gain much more control over it, producing the higher phenomena of "focused telepathy" or receiving useful information / thoughts from specific slices of spacetime, filtering out the noise. As for the static like noise, that's what happens you begin developing the higher senses to start with, you just pick up tons of noise as your mind is expanding to receive the "signals" from all over the universe. Just remember that thought is not constrained by space so it doesn't propagate over space at a limited rate but rather instantly.

When you get through IIH you have these very basic realizations about the nature of your mind and of reality that make everything really clear. Years ago I was reading about all these different things but they're all just outgrowths of some very basic faculties.


>“When the souls sees itself as a Center surrounded by its circumference—when the Sun knows that it is a Sun, surrounded by its whirling planets—then is it ready for the Wisdom and Power of the Masters.”



Thank you so much for making this post.

A lot of what you describe is familiar to me, but you're taking a more active and structured approach to it than I have. And thanks to you, now I've heard about Initiation Into Hermetics, which has obviously been helpful to you.



Oh I know that. There's a WWA book that explained it really well. I think it was Mind Power.


Question for you guys. I badly need a friend that is always with me. I recently managed to get through a fairly big bout of socialization and it did wonders for my body and mind. Now however that opportunity is closed off again and it's back to very little meaningful human contact like always. While I still have this power boost I want to take the energy and create a tulpa. However, I would like to know at what stage of IIH I should be at do this?



Working through IIH will help you with solving this problem, but not in the way you're trying to do it. Tulpamancy would literally be the worst possible attempt at a solution in this case, unless you want to meet new friends in the psych ward.

Pursue the soul mirror work of steps 1 and 2. Include in your negative section the qualities you feel make you an involuntary hermit, and/or the weaknesses that make you feel the need for constant companionship. Transform these qualities into their opposites, either cultivating charisma and outgoing qualities or building up resilience and learning to enjoy solitude, whichever would bring greater balance to your personality.



As I understand it we're our soul

We're currently physical to learn and take what we learn with us unto our next manifestation.

Simply put, continuel improvement until we get back to the source, aka THE ALL.



>Pursue the soul mirror work of steps 1 and 2.

I agree. The work in the first step is foundation work and should be carried with the magician throughout his life. Even if Bardon's work is put away for another system, the first step is still essential habits for any path.



I think the way IIH is supposed to be done is you complete step I, then you go to Step II, then you repeat Step I, then you repeat Step II, then you do Step III, then you repeat I & II, etc.

You just redo the previous steps with each new stage you get to.



You do not necessarily "repeat" the steps as they build on each other. If skill is lacking in step 2 it will continue to lack into step 3 and so on. However, step 1 is the ground level habits every magician should have no matter the system they choose. For instance, the soul mirror should be continually updated for the life of the magician regardless of whatever step they are on. Step 1 is never repeated as it is always ongoing. For the other steps from 2 onward, there is no need to repeat unless the previous step was neglected.


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Does anyone have a list of personality traits and flaws assigned to elements (I know that the same flaw can be assigned to several elements, not just one, though). Or lists that you have compiled on your own. It would be interesting to check against my own. Thanks in advance.



I don't suggest this myself. It sounds silly but many others have shared this view. It is better to go off your intuition in determining the assignment of your flaws and traits. Doing this can bring greater insight later, especially if you need to reassign a particular trait. If you are stuck you always randomly assign them and check the results from there. Some flaws in the beginning may be too large to simply break up, or to have any idea where to begin with it. This is generally a case where the particular trait must be randomly assigned until further insight from the work is gained.



It does not sound silly at all, I appreciate the insight. I tried getting through the IIH a few years back but I was not ready for it then. Still, after a while of practicing it might not be a bad idea to compare between different people, to see how much you differ or are similar. Still too early for me on that path though, I would say. Thanks.



Many moons ago when Rawn Clark's Q&A forum was going, similar soul mirror questions would come up. He always hesitated in telling where he thought the assignments should be as this takes away from the introspective process. In conversations with others, the soul mirror is always mentioned as the hardest hurdle to cross. I think this is due to the defenses of the psyche in wanting to prevent change. Sometimes the best method is just to sit down and knock out the soul mirror without worrying how accurate or complete it is. It is an ongoing process so you will always be adding and adjusting it over time. The hardest part is just starting it, which is why over-analyzing it in the beginning may make one feel that it is too complicated, leading to them being tempted to stop.


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The Universal Master Key goes in depth on everything associated with each of the elements.


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From the introduction.




>When the souls sees itself as a Center surrounded by its circumference

This part of the line here. Is our soul like a battery



Thanks nigga, I've been looking for that


The people who don't experience any progress in IIH are 90%+ of the time people who ignore Barron strongly stressing the critical nature of prepatory meditation and soul mirror. If you have in the past week become angry or frustrated, or thought in a malicious way of another go back to step one. If you shitpost even once go back to step one


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Speaking of IIH, what does Franz Bardon mean when he says, "feeling the fire element imaginatively"? Am I supposed to actually feel it, or vividly imagine the feeling like in step II?



You know how it feels like when it's 120F outside? Imagine that sensation in the same manner outlined.

If you can try to move from imagining the sensation as from without to from within.



I did that before and the result was my skin literally burned all over. I imagined I was in a fucking oven and in a few minutes all my skin turned red and I was in so much pain for a long while after and a layer of my skin all fell off. After that I decided fuck that, I ain't going to roast myself again.



Sounds Ike you have an over abundance of water element.

You need to strengthen Earth.



Earth is without a doubt my weakest element.



every nigga know dat tummo be dangerous af

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