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8b3149 No.96520

I have a term for all third density politics.

The Spectacle

You should all use it as well because it's the best way to describe it. It's all a big spectacle, just throwing bones to various groups here and there to appease them, shifting back and fourth on matters that aren't too important. Behind the scenes much bigger shit is going on but everyone caught up on the concerns of this layer of reality is all just stuck in the spectacle.

You can take part in the spectacle yourself for magickal purposes. Just don't ever forget what it is. All these wars and all the rest; it's a spectacle. It is also called by the elite "a game"; and that's how they regard it. Yes, it's a game where lives get destroyed, and blood is sacrificed; but still a game. I prefer however "the spectacle".

Second density politics would be bread and circus.

6795f4 No.96555

You're telling me. Each time some news comes out it only serves to perpetuate my belief that the world is a fuckin joke. A bunch of people who couldn't give a shit about anything substantial being herded around by the few people with willpower, and also selfish intentions. A giant circus for the initiated, and a living hell for those who are not.

043aed No.96800

Anders GTFO, this contributed nothing useful nor practical.

68b62c No.96943


3D stands for 3 dimesions. Not density. Fourth should be spelled forth. Weak thread. Op is faggot. This only applies to US if at all.

66be6d No.96950

File: 45ad3f345cfad2b⋯.pdf (545.83 KB, The_Society _Of _The _Spec….pdf)

Maybe you would like this book, OP.

8b3149 No.96964


Not on here faggot. We use Montalk's glossary.

Here 3D, 4D, 5D, etc. refers to density.


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