So Fringe recently I have gotten into The Rune Poems and Eddas as well as Beowulf. It's important to realize that even though Beowulf was recorded by Anglo Saxons, the saga took place in Scandinavia. If you put what's in Beowulf together with what is in the Eddas it becomes clear what the giants(Jotun) mentioned in the eddas are.
The giants/jotun were another race of white europeans that were exterminated by the aesir, The jotun sometimes interpred with the other whites but the Jotun were closer to savage. They were the less civilized version. The giants were also berserkers. The viking berserkers were either part jotun or they were imitating the culture of the giants/jotun.
Its very important for every nordic person to read or listen to beowulf and study the eddas. A neglected aspect of nordic culture is the Irish mythology. The most important one to read is the cattle raid of cooley, sometimes called the tain. The main character Cu Chulainn is a Irish berserker warrior. The gods of the Irish: the dagda(an ancient king), lugh, the fianna… they were all the giants of norse mythology.
Ireland was a sanctuary for the jotun races who were persecuted in scandinavia. This is why Irish people are "the other nordic people". Those of us who are members of the nordic races we need to establish or own bible. A norse heathen bible but that incorporates the wisdom of both the nordic jotun/giant races as well as the nordic aesir races.
The norse heathen bible should include: Havamal, other stories from the eddas, beowulf, the cattle raid of cooley, and it should include collected proverbs and sayings of the nordic races.
Seeing as the nordic people are dwindling in the world I think its important that the jotun and the aesir make peace. If you are a nordic person it doesn't matter if you are a jotun or an aesir. We need to make peace among our kind in order to survive the race war against the nordic people.