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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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On the premise that you may awaken from your deep slumber, you may ask a living conscious being anything.

As to not break any rule, the general topic for this thread is consciousness.

What is consciousness?

What is thought?

Where does the devil sit?

What is purpose?

A majority of people are schizophrenic in ignorance. They call others schizophrenic, others who are struggling with their spiritual nature, while they believes that they themselves are normal, healthy and sane. Delusions comes in many forms. But the greatest con the devil ever pulled was to make the world believe he doesn't exist.

Where does your thoughts come from?


are you asking these questions or do you want us to ask you these questions?



The greatest con Man ever pulled was to make the world believe the devil exists.



Anything that is needed. A question on it's own have enough power to spark awareness within.


The devil is but a thoughtform in the mind that can be diverted through simple awareness. There is no one to blame for the devil's existence or man's behavior. The simple antidote is education. The cause, simply ignorance of self.



I agree. The devil is merely ignorance of Nature.


How should one remove himself from such delusions and come back to reality?



Observation of the mind, the body, and of nature.



the devil is as unreal as anything else



Read about thoughtforms. Ask your mind questions and wait for answers. Realize who you are and what you are not.

You still live in reality but now you have broken free from the spell of ignorance. You'll start understanding the origin of suffering and why we have wars and conflict.


>the devil is as unreal as anything else

The devil is a metaphor for the voice in the mind. It was externalized and made into an icon of perceived external temptation instead of internal as the story tells in Matthew/Luke 4:1, the temptation of Christ.

In Buddhism they did the same thing and the story says that Maya came to Buddha and tempted him with his daughters. It makes the stories sound like there's an external being of evil when it can be easily proven that the voice in the mind is the origin of suffering.

People then channel their ego through their mouth and fingers and the devil then says: I am human, look at me, the devil does not exist. Psychology and philosophy is the devil's science for trying to map itself to a model, but truth is that there's another layer of psychology without the ego that leads to salvation, enlightenment and a sufferless experience.


What's it like being a bullshit occultist?



The "dont make threads for questions" rule is such a bullshit occultist rule. How the fuck does this stupid faggot board owner not understand how you can start a discussion about a specific topic with a question? Having discussions in a a cluttered questions thread is gay bullshit occultist tier bullshit. This is all bullshit anyways, so there shouldn't be anyone doing anything other than asking questions. The whole point of this board is breaking down the psyche of the psycho fucks who always find a way to ruin everything. Scum fucks with delusions of grandeur (every faggot who follows a religion ever) are the cause of every problem, and the best way to beat them is immersing yourself in their gay ass shit. You think I have biblical conversations with christcucks because I think it's real? No. These people are schizophrenic fucks who are dangerous when given power, so I might as welk understand my enemies stupid ass system.



Systems are merely paradigms. They are all the same at the core. You must be using the "bullshit" paradigm since you typed it 4 times in your ramblings.





It's one of the old rules. If you don't like it there's halfchan/x/ for spooky memes.


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> in your ramblings.

in your bullshit ramblings*


>do skinwalkers real? i want to talk about skinwalkers

>guys guys listen look at this worthless shit that just bumped one of the few good 600 post threads off the board

thats why we stick to the question bread, because and because every question is a rephrase of a dream the last ten years, almost everything that was worth asking has been answered.



Bullshit occultist triggered?



The greatest trick the Devil pulled off was to make the world believe he never existed in the first place.


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Oh boy. I have legitimately schizophrenic family members and some occassional psychotic thoughts, myself, which I have thankfully been able to keep under control. But please, let me hear all about your misinterpretation of the very, very serious and incredibly shitty disease.



Most people are schizophrenic and are unaware of this fact. Those people who are unaware, diagnoses those people with more awareness as schizophrenic.

You have to realize that you are not your thoughts, and then be silent in that mode for many years. Identification with thoughts is the one way to suffering.



And yet here you are identifying with your own thoughts, your own words, a religious sect and opinion.

>Don't identify with your thoughts

>Read about thoughtforms and don't identify with any of your thoughts whilst reading about them

>Just open the book and don't think, thinking is bad

>Axiomatically announce your interpretation of Matthew 4:1 as the one true way

>Make up your own loose and vauge definition of what schizophrenia is which is completely oxymoronic and self-contradictory but still say the whole world has it and only some people are aware they have it even though its typical for many schizophrenics to not believe they have a mental disorder.

>Anyone who disagrees with you leave one worded incoherent statements which don't relate or tell them they aren't the ones thinking that because only evil egos would disagree or use their minds and thoughts to reason things out.

>Don't worry about what your mind says just take my word for it.

>Tell people they have to spend years in silence not identifying with any of their own thoughts or words

>Don't ever actually do this yourself

>Eat meat, take drugs

>Form a cult


You literally make no sense. It's also dishonest for you to spread more stigma about what schizophrenia is and spout off plain bullshit like "Most people are schizophrenic" - they quite clearly and evidently are not - if they were we wouldn't even make the distinction of what schizophrneia was because it would just be the norm. Schizophrenia is something inherently and by definition something atypical and contasting to the norm. You really just say little phrases that present themselves as self-evidently true when they are not and when anyone points out they are not right and filled with fallacy you just deflect that by saying "You are not your thoughts". You think you are somehow in a position to profess to others yet all you do is expect people to believe you and if they dont you have a circular pattern which dismisses all critical thought and questioning as something inherently evil and linked to suffering but so is stupidity like the nonsense you yourself announce.

>inb4 sense is the evil ego talking which is not you, you are not your thoughts, blah blah blah gunna eat another pepperoni pizza now and watch the matrix

>#woke im a buddhist now


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This is the point where many things need to be cleared for you to understand what you just wrote.

>And yet here you are identifying

Based on who's assumption is this objectively right?

>Read about thoughtforms and don't identify with any of your thoughts whilst reading about them

There was a point where tulpas, servitors and thoughtforms were experienced to be created and interacted with. Reading text doesn't magically make you aware of this fact.

>Don't worry about what your mind says just take my word for it.

You are proving the point. Listening to the mind leads only to suffering. Your desire to write the quoted post makes you unhappy and infuriated. If you stop listening to what your mind says, you can just live as one with everything.

>Tell people they have to spend years in silence not identifying with any of their own thoughts or words

Show a way to attain enlightenment that doesn't involve silent meditation and contemplation on the greater infinity of things. If you are going to suggest psychedelic substances -mind you- it might be implied that you are contradicting yourself.

>Don't ever actually do this yourself

This is also based on your assumption. Who is the one that repeatedly teaches the session on Sundays? Is is the one who doesn't do anything or is it the one that does things without saying it to others?

>Form a cult

Old kiara fringechan website was a cult with an Illuminati cult inside. Freemasonry is a cult with cults inside. JW is a cult. Fourth Way is a cult. Fringechan.org was run like a cult. Twitter's filtering algorithm is cultishly "problematic".

>about schizophrenia

Paraphrased from the Wikipedia article:

Schizophrenia is a medical disorder of the mind.

People with this disorder often do not behave the way most people do towards others. They also may not know what is real (this is called psychosis). Some common signs are strange beliefs, unclear or confused thinking and language, hallucinations (such as hearing voices that aren't there), poor interaction with others, less expression of feelings, and not doing much.


>not knowing what is real

>strange beliefs

>confused thinking

>hallucinations (including hearing voices that aren't there)

It is a simple mathematical equation:

Believing ego is real -> not knowing what is real

Believing you are ego -> strange beliefs

Ego dictating your life -> confused thinking

Ego talking in your mind -> hallucinations

The moment you realize the voice in your mind is not real (spoiler alert: it objectively does not exist), you realize that there's a world that you can observe and be one with outside, that doesn't involve petty drama or identification with suffering mind states.

In the end, the assumptions you present are similar to opinions. Opinions and assumptions isn't always true facts.

Is it correct that you were kicked out of the group and now you are trying to justify slander because of the way the group works? Were you unable to unidentify with your thoughts and now believe unironically that you are the thoughts in your mind, the ones that you can perceive?

Who is your enemy?



>And yet here you are indentifying

Do you honestly not see how you are not identifying with your words and opinion? Can you not grasp that by clicking a flag and religious sect you are identifying with one thing over the others? Seriously Mossa, would you even just think about it? You simply are identifying, if you are saying you let go of your identity completely then we couldn't even be speaking, if you were aware to the point of not being seperate from anything else then the idea of a conversation between two people is completely void. Its common sense. To say that you don't identify with any of your thoughts is self-evidently false by your own words and actions.

>Reading a text doesn't magically make you aware

Which is exactly my point once you read something you have to THINK about it, you are the one being self-contradictory by saying "Don't identify with your thoughts" then saying "Read books about thought" its an oxymoronic statement. Either don't identify with your thoughts and regard them as egotistical or don't read books to stimulate your thoughts - pick one, one cancels out the other, then you just become incoherent.

>Your desire to write the quoted post makes you unhappy and infuriated. If you stop listening to what your mind says, you can just live as one with everything.

Are you honestly going to sit there and try to tell me you are free from desire and then quote my posts and enact the very same behaviour you are criticising? You know what is frustrating? Trying to talk to someone who thinks they are free from desire and ego and in the same paragraphs clearly identifies with a self, desires attention, desires discussion, desires to convey specific passive aggressive points with pictures, desires to click a oriental buddhist flag so people can see… do I need to go on? You are lying to yourself if you think you are free from desire and you are sitting on a damn desktop with internet connection all day. You know what happens if you don't listen to your mind and just regard that all as nonsense? You become a walking hypocrit, you end up thinking you are free from desire because you dismiss every single thought - albeit perfectly valid ones - and stop yourself from confronting them. Then you say something like.

>Show a way to attain enlightenment that doesn't involve silent meditation and contemplation on the greater infinity of things.

So you have been thinking then haven't you? But you haven't spent years in silence, if you are going to tell other people to do it then its hypocritical to not do them yourself. In terms of buddhist enlightenment you have failed, you haven't renounced wordly desires, you haven't renounced wealth and money, you certainly as already shown haven't renounced your identity and become a part of everything, you opened the thread with the phrase ask ME anything. What is that? Everyone ask ME things and I(!) will tell you? Its completely nonsensical.

>Don't ever actualy do this yourself - I teach on Sundays

Right so somehow you think that hosting little voice sessions in a discord channel were you all read the same line out of some book you find on sacred-texts is the same as giving everything up and going to sit in silence for years? If you are actually some enlightened being who's walked the 8-fold path you wouldn't be on your fat ass in front of the monitor typing away and sharing memes. You think thats what they are doing in Tibet? You think what you are doing now is Zen or Awakened? You're a self-proclaimed cult leader and buddhist when you have nothing to do with buddhism. And its not my assumption that you didn't spend years of your life away in solitude and silence, you told me yourself. If you still use adjectives like petty, and nouns like enermy unironically then you haven't even risen above that crucial part of buddhism.

So you go on the wiki and look at SOME of the symptoms of schizophrenia, analyse them seperately as relating purely to what you are talking about, take them out of context then equate signs of these symptoms being somewhat present in all people to mean that most people have schizophrenia? Man maybe if you used your mind you could see how dumb that was, the ironic thing is that that kind of misinformation actually spreads a lot of stigma around illnesses like schizophrenia - but of course I'm just an evil ego man who listens to dreadful reason.

Its also quite funny how you are now saying I am just being awkward because you kicked me out your discord channel for calling you out on your bullshit, whilst saying that you never kicked anyone and everyone is free to join, now quite clearly in your own words you admit you are lying. Telling me I am trying to justify slander? Wtf are you talking about, who's to slander if theres no one to indentify? You kick anyone from your cult as soon as they start confronting you with anything unbrainwashed by your bullshit.



You sit there and you speak down to people telling them what to think and what to feel and to not question what they are told from you. You tell people to restrict their language and only use words that disinhibt critical thought or any sense of independence, it is textbook cult indoctrination and brainwashing. Anything that seems off or reasoning in the mind you tell them to cut that off because its evil, you are the one misleading people, telling them they are on some path you just pulled out your ass and made up, announcing a buddhism which is fine with worldliness, fine with killing animals, fine with money and sitting on chairs, it makes me sick to be honest. You are a charlatan and what people like you do deserves touchyness, it deserves a fuck people like you attitude and all you can do is try to turn it around into: he's the one whos angry and im happy so clearly he is wrong. Thats just not how it works, and people can be content and satisfied whilst still doing wrong and ignorant things whilst others can be angry and suffer and still on the path to enlightenment. Maybe some of the things you say are okay is not wrong (maybe), but you put it all under different schools of thought, pretending you are a spiritual leader when in fact you distort the teachings of Buddha to your own twisted game, you say its buddhism when its not, you are a deciever and manipulator. Any attempt to show you the fallacy in your lines of thinking is only met with more "your thoughts aren't real" "you are not your thoughts" bullshit, thats as far as it goes - either just listen to your words and nothing else, or else you are listening to the evil ego who only wants to destroy you. Persistence in independent thought results in a quick ban and silencing before anyone else can have the oppurtunity to think for themselves. Fuck your black and white selfish reality, your the same line of people as lying faith healers and pesudo-gurus, you ain't honest, you're delluded, and you spread your delusions to others under the banner of truth. I spit on it.



You seem to be under the impression that having a flag on the post means something. There's a difference to be aware of ego and just letting it go into the keyboard. That difference is enlightenment.

>Either don't identify with your thoughts and regard them as egotistical or don't read books to stimulate your thoughts

It is not black and white regarding thoughts, awareness of thoughts and reading books about thoughts. There are moments of translucidity where a person is both identified with ego and aware of the mind.

>Are you honestly going to sit there and try to tell me you are free from desire

It is only enlightenment when it is confided to your way of understanding enlightenment. There is no desire to have a debate with you about this, the desire is for you to become the best version of yourself. A common theme is that ideas you believe in about enlightenment is somehow put upon a person who has not claimed to be anything. It can be repeated: It is not claimed that the person you are angry at is anything. The person has not specifically stated to be anything, not enlightened nor free of anything. These are assumptions in your mind: that someone you believe is a teacher must be many things that you believe it to be.

>In terms of buddhist enlightenment you have failed

According to what you believe, anyone can be a failure at anything. Was there even an implication that someone is a buddhist? Ah, the flag you see, but the flags doesn't matter.

The one that thinks in the mind is the ego. The one that experiences thought is the being. To think thoughts doesn't work, that means to be identified with ego. To have thoughts is possible, but believing that you are your thoughts is the illusion.

>voice sessions in a discord channel were you all read the same line out of some book

Are you sure there's a book that is read on the voice sessions? Do you know the name of that book? There is no book being read from on any session except for two paraphrases, in which one is not even from a book. It has been said before, that there is no book in the sessions. The session is designed to give the impression that there's a book being read to give you clarity on how stupid the assumptions and beliefs of the ego is.

In the end, you still don't get it.



Won't even bother with this low tier post. If you have no self control and lost your composure, go meditate and sit in silence. To become angry is the default state of being, it takes no effort. If you are this angry at one person that tried to wake you up then you are angry at the world and your enemies and your family. Being angry doesn't lead anywhere, only to suffering.

To be under the impression, assumption and implication that any of this means anything is the great illusion. That being right or wrong somehow makes us disposition ourselves in a game of status quo in a game that doesn't exist.

Stop wasting time and sit and meditate.




What a complete pile of doublethink bullshit.

>You seem to be under the impression that having a flag on the post means something. There's a difference to be aware of ego and just letting it go into the keyboard. That difference is enlightenment.

So basically all you admit is you deny the your ego and are not aware of it but that doesn't mean its not there. You are just pretending and telling yourself you are enlightened, choosing not to be aware and then still perfroming all the same actions doesn't make you enlightened it makes you ignorant. If you really believed that it made no difference and flags didn't mean anything you wouldn't of consciously chose one. Just "letting it go" on a keyboard is enlightenment? What more do I need to point out that your idea of enlightenment is essentially just sugar-coated ignorance. Then you say

>No one said they were enlightened

Maybe if you didn't just "let it go" on a keyboard and thought before you spoke you would even remember wtf you are talking about by the time you get to the other half of your post.

>you have no self control and lost your composure

No everything I have said was meant and completely within the bounds of reason. It's you who is projecting lack of self control, it is you assuming I do not meditate and that if I do I would come to the same absolute bullshit you do. Every single time you write a post you contradict yourself by your own standards. People who lie, manipulate and decieve, who also hold such bold ignorance and tell themselves they are some enlightened being do not have my respect nor do they deserve it. You want me to talk to you in a certain way, and use certain "nice" words towards you when its your problem if you can't deal with that, not mine.

>To be under the impression, assumption and implication that any of this means anything is the great illusion.

So in short its bullshit and you don't know what you are talking about. This post highlights everything wrong and opposed to buddhist teachings which you indulge in. You indulge in "the great illusion", you tell people assuming and implying is evil ego then assume and imply everyone else is doing it in the same breath. You say that you are fine with everything associated with ego as long as you just say it doesn't matter, you come out with some utter bullshit like

>It is only enlightenment when it is confided to your way of understanding enlightenment.

So you can just label enlightenment what you want proclaim to be "woke" whilst not renouncing anything which is at its core to buddhism. Also to now say "it has nothing to do with buddhism" is just assinine. Obviously you consciously decided to put yourself under a buddhist flag, and if you are now saying it has nothing to do with buddhism and you just put it there "because it doesn't mean anything" what you have admitted is that you just pulled it out your ass. It's all just your own gibberish nonsense, a handcrafted cult system of thought, seperate from any true form of spirituality. Everything you say like "Anger is the default state" or all this personal terminology you employ for ego, all of it is just your own creation, you didn't get this from buddhism you just made it up, then talk in a certain way and put flags up and when someone calls you out on it you say "That just proves you aren't as enlightened as me". You don't practice what you preach, you tell others to do this and that and fail to do any of it yourself. You pervert the teachings of buddha for your own egotistical purpose and if anyone is frustrated or finds your behaviour reprehensible you just use that as a means for your circular logic, making some nonsensical case that people are right and wrong entirely dependent on percieved emotional state, it is stupid, but when you try to pass that on as truth and spiriituality it is plain wrong.

>You are mad at me because I tried to wake you up

which is



>outright lying to yourself

You can pretend and fool yourself, say "I believe in this or that" but at the end of the day your actions speak something entirely different. This is the definition of hypocrit. You preach to others and are all to quick to point the finger at anyone elses inadequacies but you can't look in the mirror and face your own. You haven't found truth or enlightenment just a rhetorical and circular means of fooling yourself and trying to fool others. I have more respect for someone who may be emotional and is honest with themselves than someone who pretends to be content and calm but who lies to themselves and others. You are the one wasting time, go practice your own preachings, go sit in silence and meditate and stop wasting time, and remember this is enlightenment speaking to you because I'm just "letting it go on a keyboard". Fuckin idiot.


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>Fuckin idiot.

Thank you for playing. You lost the way to be kind. Please try again.

Here's a map of your current location.



C'mon OP, I like puzzling questions. These were almost trivial.

>What is consciousness?

Ask your computer what "I/O" is. [spoiler]You are the computer,

just messier and made of different stuff.[/spoiler]

>What is thought?

Information manipulation and processing.

>Where does the devil sit?

There is both all and absolutely no information contained in your collection of symbols. Because proper interpretation instructions were not included. Try again.

>What is purpose?

An illusion to get you to feel happy, to feel fulfilled, to continue.

I know I'm likely wrong. They're just educated guesses and opinions. Judging by your lofty & bs-full writing, they're probably more correct than you could have ever come up with.




Also, nice "ad hominem" & "responding to tone."

>noun: schizophrenia

>a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

>breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception,

>and a sense of mental fragmentation.

>You have to realize that you are not your thoughts, and then be silent in that mode for many years. Identification with thoughts is the one way to suffering.

>inappropriate actions and feelings

>Thank you for playing. You lost the way to be kind. Please try again. Here's a map of your current location.

>withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion,

>Most people are schizophrenic and are unaware of this fact.

Have fun while you can. Life is not all sunshine and rainbows.



I see your a newfig to existence so i'll teach you something:

you can either be schizophrenic in ignorance or have depersonalisation/derealisation.

You get to choose :D XD :P

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