Good day, dear /fringe/.
I would like to start a discussion with other people, which is about psychedelics (Psilocybin, Ibogaine, LSD, DMT, Banisteriopsis caapi / the ayahuasca vine) and other substances (such as ketamine), which can influence the human consciousness positively as well as negatively. I became aware of this when I was looking for methods to overcome or "cure" mental health problems (depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety and panic attacks).
Personally, I have never consumed any of it, but have come into contact with everyday drugs such as alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and sugar in my youth.
This year, I would like to start the first experiments with it and keep me informed, so that the first experiences will be positive and I avoid mistakes.
For some months now, I have been practicing sexual abstinence (semen retention), as I have read some contributions from people on the Internet who recommend this to strengthen a so-called "trip" (especially with DMT / Banisteriopsis caapi). In addition, I try out nootropics, e.g. Piracetam and noopept, and also take food supplements (vitamin C, B3, D3, B6, B12 and zinc) to avoid various diseases. Furthermore, I would fast a week or eat only food that is allowed.
Please do not misunderstand. I am an absolute novice in this field and have no experience with these substances. All I've written is just my own opinion. Whether this is true, I can not say 100%, since I am only a young person who does not know everything. For my bad English skills, I apologize.
If I am allowed, I would like to list a few links that might be interesting to someone:
What foods and drugs need to be avoided?:
Ayahuasca Dietary Guidelines:
10 Tips To Better Your Ayahuasca Experience:
Orthomolecular medicine:
Niacin Therapy:
Niacin for Depression: Is it effective?:
I would be very happy if we could talk about this topic and exchange information. Would be nice if each of us learn something new, not just me.
All the best for the whole community.
God bless you, your family, relatives, friends and all other "members".