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Esoteric Wizardry


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Good day, dear /fringe/.

I would like to start a discussion with other people, which is about psychedelics (Psilocybin, Ibogaine, LSD, DMT, Banisteriopsis caapi / the ayahuasca vine) and other substances (such as ketamine), which can influence the human consciousness positively as well as negatively. I became aware of this when I was looking for methods to overcome or "cure" mental health problems (depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety and panic attacks).

Personally, I have never consumed any of it, but have come into contact with everyday drugs such as alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and sugar in my youth.

This year, I would like to start the first experiments with it and keep me informed, so that the first experiences will be positive and I avoid mistakes.

For some months now, I have been practicing sexual abstinence (semen retention), as I have read some contributions from people on the Internet who recommend this to strengthen a so-called "trip" (especially with DMT / Banisteriopsis caapi). In addition, I try out nootropics, e.g. Piracetam and noopept, and also take food supplements (vitamin C, B3, D3, B6, B12 and zinc) to avoid various diseases. Furthermore, I would fast a week or eat only food that is allowed.

Please do not misunderstand. I am an absolute novice in this field and have no experience with these substances. All I've written is just my own opinion. Whether this is true, I can not say 100%, since I am only a young person who does not know everything. For my bad English skills, I apologize.

If I am allowed, I would like to list a few links that might be interesting to someone:


What foods and drugs need to be avoided?: http://www.ayahuasca.com/science/foods-and-meds-to-avoid-with-maois/

Ayahuasca Dietary Guidelines: http://ayahuascahealings.com/ayahuasca-dietary-guidelines/

10 Tips To Better Your Ayahuasca Experience: http://reset.me/story/10-tips-better-ayahuasca-experience/

Nootropic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nootropic

Orthomolecular medicine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthomolecular_medicine

Niacin Therapy: http://doctoryourself.com/hoffer_niacin.html

Niacin for Depression: Is it effective?: http://mightyambitions.com/niacin-for-depression/


I would be very happy if we could talk about this topic and exchange information. Would be nice if each of us learn something new, not just me.

All the best for the whole community.

God bless you, your family, relatives, friends and all other "members".


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Start with 5-10g of dried shrooms to experience some visual hallucinations and activate your memory.

Then try 250µg of LSD to experience visual hallucinations and gain a perspective on your own consciousness. Before you are used to it, don't do more than one tab and then try more tabs when you are ready for it.

When you feel like you are ready to stop playing around, do the DMT. 0.3g in a bong from changa or crystals to experience a real vivid experience. Try to go for the breakthrough but if you can't, enjoy the spirit of Aya's treatment.

After DMT, there's not much left to do in the psychedelic sector. Learn to meditate after that.

Make sure you prime yourself with good music before you start and while you are under so that you have a good emotion during the whole experience. Remember during the whole trip that you are tripping and stay conscious and alert.

Avoid obvious uppers and downers like Cocaine, heroin, mescalin, MDMA, GHB and methamphetamine. They're not worth the risk of falling into addiction.

If you're going to try Spice like K2, K4 or K10 just take the smallest amount. Fill your mouth with the smoke and inhale only what's in your mouth. A direct succ on a spice joint is insanely lethal. It's one of the strongest trips I've had and experienced all paranoia and anxieties you could have at the same time plus the short term memory is fried so you don't remember where you are and who you are. It's a good test to see if your true personality is afraid or strong. It can last 1½ hour with just a small puff.

Respect drugs. They alter your brain permanently and there's no going back. If you know astral projection and have mental powers, you'll be able to visit Alex Grey paintings while conscious. If you are intelligent (130+ IQ), expect to have your brain blown by universal perception of time, physics, God and life's purpose. And make sure to bring something back.

"Loving unconditionally is the only true challenge. To forgive when insulted, to be strong when challenged and love every being equally and unconditionally without limit."


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Thank you for your prompt, helpful and interesting message. Be sure I appreciate your help very much.

To be honest, I wanted to start with DMT. Is that, in your opinion, a mistake, for beginners like me who have no experience with it?

I have already read from some members of the forum https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/ that it is sometimes difficult to break through. A few months ago, I ordered a vaporizer (named "Glass Sherlock VG Vaporizer" - https://vaporgenie.com/glass-sherlock-vg-vaporizer) on the Internet, with which, according to a few consumers should be a lot easier.

I will start meditating soon and hope that it can help me in life. Are there certain musical directions that you can recommend?

I consume almost no substances except a few beers with friends. But I will avoid alcohol altogether if I will make first experiences with psychedelic plants (I will treat all of them with respect).

I have often heard of astral projections, but have not made any experiences of my own.

My goal is to develop myself as a person in a positive direction and possibly get answers to questions like these:

- What is the meaning of life?

- Is there really a God?

- What happens after death?

- Are there extraterrestrial life forms in the universe that are much more advanced than we humans?

You make the impression that you have a lot of experience in all these areas. So I would like to ask you, if I am allowed, what is your opinion on these videos (I apologize for the poor audio quality):

Bashar on DMT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdDMIOa2gU4

Bashar on Psychedelics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr1sgAGvIdk

Bashar - GOD - "The Definition": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYWOdtReCVw

Bashar - Meaning Of Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVBKbv_zNfQ



This nigger is recommending dosages that are way too much for a first time user. A 10 gram mushroom trip would cause a psychotic break. Do your own research anons!



DMT is very strong and give you instant hallucinations. I recommend starting with the more natural hallucinogens first.

You don't use music to meditate.

Good luck finding the answers to the questions.

I'll have to watch those movies in order to get an idea of it first. Generally, I do not prefer the idol worship concerning Bashar channeling an actual "being". Most of the things Bashar speaks of can be realized without alien new age speak.


5 to 10. Depends on breed of mushroom and level of humidity. 50g fresh mushrooms didn't phase me. 5g was just hallucinations. Trip.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Go big or go home:



Don't wast your time and mind doing shitty drugs that are just going to end up giving you some "memorable" experiences along with a lot of "attachments" i.e. astral parasites.

Do the one that isn't recreational and actually reformats your brain.



5-10g of shrooms? That's a fucking heroic dose. Last few times I did it I just did like 2g and got the desired effects. Not really a good idea for a noob to start here.



You don't use music to meditate? Dude, you are a fucking faggot. Get the fuck lost. Anyone believing anything in this thread is a dumb fuck.



50 grams of mushrooms won't be enough. I would eat at least 10-15 lbs if you want to open your fourth eye.



Look up binaural beats, 432hz, 528hz, om chants, etc. It doesn't matter if it says something ridiculous like "432hz DNA REPAIR." If it's a good tone, use it. Any of these tones will work to put you in a trance. Even guided meditations/positive affimation stuff is useful. Don't listen to these banisher faggots who say "omg that's dumb" about fucking everything. Those people are fucking losers who want to drag you down into their misery. If you believe in the shit you can detach yourself from everything in the mundane world, and that alone is reason enough to participate in all this. There are countless benefits to clearing your head and being able to see the world through your own fucking eyes. Don't worry about which path you take - you are going for freedom. Get there at all costs, and every time you ignore the billions of zombies with no direction and stick up for yourself you will break off a layer of "mundane sludge" and build a layer of "holy fuck there are infinite possibilities" over it. If you need to dress up like a wizard, fucking do it. Every time you use your imagination you are breaking out of this prison. For fucks sake try fucking everything, and never forget to ignore the infinite jealous faggots who are going to try to stop you every step of the way.

P.S. - very fucking important - FIND SOMEONE GOOD TO TRIP WITH UNTIL YOU'VE FIGURED SHIT OUT. There are plenty of losers out there who are actually Jesus when it comes to this shit. Find them. They can help you if you have a bad trip, and can provide spiritual assistance for life. There's a reason these people are trying to say Shamans are gonna be needed if they legalize LSD.

ALSO, since I'm here, if you can't find anything just do DXM. You can extract it from Delsym so it isn't disgusting. Try to have 24-48 hours free, and get everyone you hate away from you. Watch some Hendrix/Bob Marley/Pink Floyd/Mars Volta/Tool/Any of the fuckers who know what's up.



>ALSO, since I'm here, if you can't find anything just do DXM. You can extract it from Delsym so it isn't disgusting. Try to have 24-48 hours free, and get everyone you hate away from you. Watch some Hendrix/Bob Marley/Pink Floyd/Mars Volta/Tool/Any of the fuckers who know what's up.

Good advice, I feel DXM is severly underrated in most places. Some of the most incredible insight I've gained from DXM, it is my drug of choice (though best drug experiences of my life have come from LSD and salvia).



I can assure you that you are getting the worst psilocybin containing mushrooms on the market. An eighth of dried shrooms is a strong dose. Anything over 5 is expert level and should not be attempted by newbs.


Drugs are bluepills and your fourth eye is already open you fucking retards. Just work on your imaginal senses and you'll be able to do clairvoyance and the rest. You don't need drugs for anything. I never see people amount to anything who use drugs. All the big drug advocates are mundane derps who are BTFO by stuff that is every day experiences for adepts.


Be careful when taking shrooms or lsd as it can be difficult to know the strength of something. One strain could be 12x stronger than another (and I mean that literally). LSD is also difficult and the difference in strength between two different peoples products could be even more. What I'm getting at here is dont expect anons dealers 1 tab (which was perfect for him) to be anywhere near as strong/weak as yours. Unfortunately with this you really need to experiment to find your place. I would recommend starting out with a very low dose, to the point of a microdose so you can have a very gentle introduction to it.

Also, you probably wouldnt need to practice abstinence if you ankhed.


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It depends on how potent the mushroom is.


Person that uses music to meditate calls another person that doesn't use music to meditate a faggot. You need to meditate a lot more without music friend.


>giving advice not to listen to people like himself.

Just breathe nigga.

This topic sure was triggering the fringe normies. Do as thou wilt or do drugs. What difference does it make?




>dxm on fringe discussion

Muh niggahs! Before I went fringe I was a dex fiend. It began creating paranormal experiences in my life and I went full wizard because of it. Most underrated substance on the planet. I recommend anyone open to drugs try it.

For all the newbs out there actually interested in trying drugs carefully

Be careful with lsd, its attracted plenty of weird entities into my environment when I've tripped. Gotten stuck in a time loop before because of it. But it definitely opens up some insights and views that are worth it. Find pure shit, always test 1 tab at a time for each set of tabs you buy. Each batch is always dosed differently as you cant perfectly control that shit every time. 1 tab at a time, work your way up slowly as comfortable.

Mushrooms are chill if you're chill. Start at half an eighth or 2grams, work your way up to an eighth over a few trips or as comfortable. Then proceed slowly up to 5g as desired.

For DMT, my lord niggah may god have mercy on your soul. I haven't tried ayahuasca, just smoked it. Nothing could ever prepare you fully for that except some heroic psychedelic dose trips of lsd or mush. Salvia comes close but is too disorienting to be comparable. Just a small hit of DMT was enough for me to be surrounded by dozens of entities running out of the forest to come lay their hands on me.

I even actually hit DMT on Dxm one time just to test the effects. It was like I instantly slipped through the come up phase and just hit its full effects but slightly altered. The world suddenly took on this strange lovecraftian theme with trees getting tendrils n what not. Then looked through a rip in spacetime and saw someone that I met the next day that was already half wizard researching fringe topics and a DMT fiend.

Drugs will fuck you up. If you decide to go down this path understand you are running the risk of falling off balance and creating instabilities. Always wait between trips, do your research on tolerance. Unless you're experimenting with your consciousness willingly leave it to the crazies. Also, since you're all wizard oriented already your trips will have enhanced spiritual phenomena. Stay safe.



>blah blah blah, blah blah, blah blah

Alright listen you little mundane. I came back to this faggy dead board to give you a reality check. OK? YOU GOT THAT? Drugs are degenerate and fringe wizards don't use them anymore. Hell, I tried some shrooms recently and I was immune. Did you know those things and LSD deplete vitamins in your brain? DID YA? I bet you didn't and that's why you are a degenerate, mundane. So you wanna try AYAHUASCA in the JUNGLE with some SHAMANS, DO YA? Well tough shit bud because good luck finding a guide that won't lead you down a sick and twisted adventure into entity possession. You think the plant kingdom is all kisses and roses? It's not. Try drinking your own pee for a year straight then get back to me, chump. Human consciousness my ASS.


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Thanks mom!

(Cancerous Uber-Shitposter from /x/ also Rule 6)



> fringe wizards don't use them anymore

>Hell, I tried some shrooms recently and I was immune

go away


These substances are very powerful. You need to prepare yourself before using them. Meditate, study the great texts, raise your awareness. If you just jump in, you wont be ready.

Do it in nature. If you do it in your home, you're going to be stuck with your ego. Whether to bring people or not is up to you. If not, hang out with the trees. They know a lot more than you'd think.



Your mom isn't HALF the man, I am.


Wah, wah, wah, keep krying little projection artist



Be gone turd blossom.



I have to support this. I went out and tripped alone in the woods for most of the night recently. I have not experienced as much frequency of phenomenon as then. The forest emanated this silent knowing sensation, and I had a few visions that clarified up some issues I had been dealing with. My energy balanced out from being out in nature; in fact when I left the woods my aura was so magnetized it was blasting off a frequency I could audibly hear for the next few hours. Being around people again weakened the effects, gotta learn better shielding and regulating.

Would recommend tripping alone in the woods highly. I was a little lost in what to do but now the way is clear and vivid.






real men meditate in silence with eyes closed



If you want to know what this crap is all about, get some salvia divinorum … where it's legal you can buy it in a smoke shop … the trip is very short and there's no after effects or known side effects … I recommend doing it with your eyes closed and meditating first. There's healing potential, but also

risk of spiritual chaos if you have trouble processing what you see and feel.



>vitamin C, B3, D3, B6, B12 and zinc

I'd recommend vitamin k2 mk4




yeah tbh I've had decent to good trips with 1-2 grams. Haven't gone farther but those were nice.




sounds cool




> I never see people amount to anything who use drugs.

I do. I don't know wizards but I do know clairvoyants and other spiritual people who are successful and at least smoke weed on occasion, and some that def have had mushies a few times.

>All the big drug advocates are mundane derps who are BTFO by stuff that is every day experiences for adepts.



if a strain of mushrooms is 12x stronger it will cost more. or the 1x one is shit

most shrooms are cubensis bc they are easier to grow, and only penis envy is a stronger than normal cubensis, but that one is harder to grow more than once/spores are expensive

lsd tho yea prob, I've had significant variance


cool stories


>Try drinking your own pee for a year straight then get back to me, chump.

not a bad idea

I don't think drugs are something to do regularly but I don't exactly frown upon them for someone not deeply into this either

I think you're prob right that there's no point at some point



>Being around people again weakened the effects, gotta learn better shielding and regulating.

hm me too



the first person to recommend orthomolecular to me was a guy on solkroad2 and he said vitamins everyone should take daily are b3,b6,b12, c, d, k.

this form of k was the one.

i should take vitamins again. and post an orthomolecular thread with the info or in here.


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Good day, dear /fringe/.

Please forgive me my late reply.

I thank you *all* from my heart and appreciate it very much that you take the time and effort to help so that we can develop further in this area.

May I ask purely out of interest whether you are aware of natural substances that are stronger than Iboga or Ayahuasca?

God protect you and your family.


I am pleased to see that there are still people on this board who were part of the Silk Road 2 community. I'm not the one who has talked about orthomolecular medicine on the SR2 forum, but I know which person you mean.


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5-10g? Wew lad, between 5 and double that? kek I dunno though McKenna and Leary said there is no real way to tell how much is in one shroom and you also get some strains which are typically a lot less strong.

The most shrooms I ever took was 4g of cubensis and I put Buckethead on and HOLY SHIT. I instictively sat in lotus position in my chair as I felt it start to kick in and I felt so cold, like my entire body freezing, but my breath was like cool winds going through me and I just felt myself zooming further and further out. I felt this pure ecstasy course all throughout my body as I kept going up and I literally orgasmed myself, lots of jizz, completely out of my body and was soaring around the All Thing. That with Buckethead in the backround, psychedelic facemelting guitar fucking does it for me, sent me right over and man I can't even begin to describe half the stuff I got up to going through other dimensions and shit. I ended up writing after a while big long poems with this religious tone and it was as though when I started to stabalise a bit I was completely able to percieve the Godess Sophia, aw man, I know the further you go into it you just start spouting that stereotypical hippie shit but I was far out.

But 10 GRAMS? Wew that has to be fuckin REALLY out there. To be honest I probably had a substantial boost to myself on my last shroom trip because I had taken acid and also been reading a lot up on philosophy/spirituality and expanding my mind with that and really know how to surf the tide if you know what I mean. If you take it a bit steady at first, find a good friend who you trust and have a good time, then get ready for a real dive into the deep end once you feel you can take the stabalisers off. You gotta be careful regardless though, the only bad trips I have had are just extreme versions of my typical bouts of anxiety and nihilism. You don't wanna do nihilism on acid man. Nihilism will fuck you up more than any drug. Prob come out all the stronger though if you came out the other side after it.

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