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File: 895085b425f80bb⋯.pdf (1.9 MB, 0 Entire Digest.pdf)


Got a hold of the digest from their official website.

Still want to get the By-Laws and the Cipher books mentions.

If anyone has books related to rituals and rules of Freemasons please send it here




There is plenty of material already online.







By-laws are a lodge by lodge thing (Item 1: Meetings are at this time on this night. 2. Dues are this. 3. Installation is in this month)

But you can usually find them or Books of Constitutions on Grand Lodge websites.

Some ritual books (cyper stuff) can be found here. http://www.stichtingargus.nl/vrijmetselarij/ritualen_en.html



Are you curious about what we do, or are you seeking to find evidence in our rituals for how "evil" we are?


Just read Albert Pike Mora's and Dogmas (there's a 50 hour long audiobook for it online).

That will teach you a lot.

Then you can find all their rituals very easy.

I don't know why you care about their rituals, it's like the most boring part of Freemasonry, and doesn't interest me personally.



>Albert Pike's Moral and Dogma.

That will just teach you Pike's views. Pike did not speak for Freemasonry or the Scottish Rite, especially as Freemasonry is not a united whole and neither is the Scottish Rite.



Thanks! How do you find it?


Seeking to learn your symbolism and systems to create my own fraternity.

I am supportive of the Freemasons, thanks for the help.


Book Collection Checklist:

Florida Masonic Code (Red Cipher)

Florida Masonic Monitor (Blue Book)

Florida Floor Work Book

Zone Open Books

Hope people can help share the love.


File: b71d8bf6b2103d6⋯.jpg (615.95 KB, 900x900, 1:1, pretty.jpg)

I heard this A Silver Mt. Zion album art is taken from a masonic storybook? Any pointers?



>A Jewish experience

makes sense



Just make sure to make the rituals and symbols your own or otherwise you will be considered clandestine. I would suggest reading up on other Fraternal societies that appeared during the Golden Age of Fraternalism between the years 1880-1930. A lot of the fraternities and mutual benefit socities had secret rituals, words, and grips that were similar to the Masons but unique to their own group. These groups also had their own stories and ritual dramas to impart moral lessons upon their members. Groups that I am referring to would be the Oddfellows, The Red Men, The Knights of Pythias, etc.



Care to give some pdfs for a read? That would be enlightening.

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