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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I just spent my whole day biking around (8+ hours), eating food from cans and stuff using my knife, all decked out with my backpack and everything. Was super comfy. It was raining all day but I felt so good. I kept eating high calorie food, probably consumed like 4k calories, and stayed warm by being constantly active biking. I'm home now and my senses are all stronger, I can smell many things I couldn't before, everything is more vibrant. I'm going to acquire some more stuff for being homeless and make further modifications to my bike to take more stuff. I can take so much with me just in the backpack I have and on my bike. I don't really even need a car. I feel so happy and serene right now. I'm going to keep doing this and gradually adjusting to homelessness. My objective is to be able to eventually stay out of the house for multiple days and nights and continue to be able to feed myself, stay warm, stay dry, stay hydrated, etc. Once I get a car this will all just be easy mode. I went to so many places and talked to lots of people and also ordered myself a custom-made high quality long sleeve Pepe shirt that will be ready in 2 days. I'm going primitivist mode and I'm going to regain my health and fix my eyesight and everything. I'll keep you guys up to date with all this and maybe one day some of you will join me and become part of the Pepe tribe. Does anyone have experience with those spray-on waterproofing things btw? I am going to get a super compact sleeping bag and I might spray it with this waterproofing stuff so I can sleep in it even in wet places no problem.


I live in a city that has lots of people like this. It's kind of a gathering place for them. They all get together at the outdoor mall and beg for money every day so they can afford weed and food. OP, how are you going to make money? If you had land you could hunt and fish, but being nomadic is going to make that particularly difficult. And how will you attain sexual release? Do you know how to fix your car if it breaks down? What will you do when you inevitably end up stranded in an old bus in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness? How will you protect yourself from being robbed? How will you brush your teeth?



I already make money enough to feed myself and more.

>If you had land you could hunt and fish, but being nomadic is going to make that particularly difficult.

What are stores?

>And how will you attain sexual release?

I already don't as is, why would it matter that I start getting what I've never been able to?

>Do you know how to fix your car if it breaks down?


>What will you do when you inevitably end up stranded in an old bus in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness?

Why the fuck would I go to Alaska or any other wilderness?

>How will you protect yourself from being robbed?

With my knife and gun.

>How will you brush your teeth?

I already never brush my teeth anyways.



>I already never brush my teeth anyways.




>Pepe shirt

You faggot



My visage when.



If you can continue making money in your state of nomadic homelessness, then good luck.


This is a skill you should have, especially if you're going to be traveling around the country.

>Why the fuck would I go to Alaska or any other wilderness?

It was a reference to a book called Into the Wild. I suggest you read it before pulling a stunt like this.



What do you think I am some retarded LARPer? I'm trying to make my life as easy and feral as possible, that doesn't mean actually leaving the city.

>This is a skill you should have, especially if you're going to be traveling around the country.

Why would I do that? Like what the fuck is the purpose of that? I'd just stay in some area where it's easy for me to find work and stuff if I travel it'll be because of some arrangement with someone or other over the internet. I'm just going to park my car somewhere and sleep in it, use public showers to keep myself clean, cafes and stuff for Internet and reading, and live off of cheap food. Maybe find some place in the countryside where there's a hill somewhere and start an underground home, a kind of root cellar, that I can store shit in and I'll run some wires to the surface to a somewhat disguised solar panel array which charges a battery underground which then runs an electric heater and dehumidifier.


The objective isn't some purist survivalist thing it's to maximize relaxation and comfort and work as little as possible and regenerate my body.


There are also lots of boarded up homes all over the place I can just break into and start using although they often have mold issues and whatever else going on with them. I'd rather live inside a hill. I've read books on tunneling and know how to do it cheap and easy.


Wow I've been considering doing the same thing recently OP. Can't tell if this is an elaborate troll or just synchronicity doing its work.

I went homeless last year out of choice and was never happier. I started off camping in the woods around my town at night and just drifting around during the day. I originally planned to head south once it started cooling down but I had to return home because of an emergency, but I'm planning on returning to the lifestyle soon.



>the perfect opportunity to travel

>not traveling

I will never understand you NEET types. Where's your spirit of adventure?

>Maybe I'll find some place in the countryside

Are you going to buy this land? If we're a landowner and I found a neckbeard living underground in my ranch, I would firebomb his little burrow.



I fucking hate traveling. Why do you arbitrarily want to relocate yourself in space from one place to another?


>Are you going to buy this land? If we're a landowner and I found a neckbeard living underground in my ranch, I would firebomb his little burrow.

Most land in this country is crown land. The RCMP will literally firebomb me, heh… but anyways I'd just pay the farmer off to let me have my hovel.



Kike with daddies credit card and 50 other people propping them up during every step of their "adventure" spotted



>why travel

Comfort is boring, you learn tremendously through experiences, your homeland becomes more meaningful to you, you meet interesting people, etc. Many great occultists traveled to further their studies. Augustine of Hippo once wrote, "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." But you can sit in your car and fester with your anime and memes if you really want to.


You can travel on around $5,000 per year if you're smart about it. Don't get mad about somebody else doing something fun just because you never did.


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I have traveled so fucking much which is why I fucking hate it. It's just the same garbage everywhere. Multikulti cities with the same international mix of people. Besides, I astral travel, I don't need to relocate my body vessel to wander the world. One day I hope to master teleportation.

Comfort is one thing I've had very little of all my life. I need it to recover mentally and physically through all the strain and bullshit.

While you're busy uprooting yourself and wandering into tourist traps and whatever else bullshit, I'm going to find out who my neighbours are, and become famous in my own city. I'm going to be more like pic related.

The only kind of travel I'll do is arranged meet-ups with other anons across the continent and that's going to be a purposeful kind of travel, not just aimless wandering amongst uninteresting normies.

Traveling for travel's sake is fucking stupid.



Fair enough, good luck.


Money probably won't even be a problem. When I was living this way, people would come up to me and randomly give me money just because I had my backpack on me and happened to stopped to take a break.

OP if you're serious about this, consider how lonely it can be. Can be because that's the only true down side because the people you're most likely to make friends with are also on the road too so you'll rarely be in company for that long.



OP is the hikikomori NEET type of nigga. He doesn't get to bring friends.


i am another like minded anon who is doing the same thing.



>Traveling for travel's sake is fucking stupid.

Not at all. You're just a coward making excuses for holding back.


I think that is fairly contemporary.

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