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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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STOP REPRODUCING! God exists and I'm not going to say he's evil or whatever for you Nietzschean moral relativist faggots, but look there is a 99% chance any particular person is going to hell. He wants TOTAL obedience and this is impossible and he will feel glorified in sending you into the pit of hell forever. The worst thing you can do for anyone is give them life. If you still decide you're having children and you know what I am telling you is true then you are a total PoS. The Illuminati is aware of this circumstance which is why they are trying to prevent births through sexual degeneracy and its also why they do all the cruel things they do, because they know beyond any shadow of a doubt they are going to hell and they want to feel they themselves have earned their places there. There is no duality, there is no escape. Just stop rendering souls into this world POSTHASTE! REEEEEEEEE


Me the 1%r to whom OP's post does not apply.



> going to hell

Opinion discarded right here just because of the particular terminology you use as if hell's a realm and not a state of mental vibration.



Believe whatever you want. Only the bible has examples of compelling prophecy.



hahahah oh lawd this must be your first day here

Welcome to /fringe/ you ignorant retard, check out the library, and learn about the prophets of our times and that (many of which have nothing to do with the bible or Christianity).

>muh Bible



I'm not saying you can't prophecy through demons. I am just saying look at instances of prophecy like the drying up of the Euphrates and the City of Tyre.



What's your point? Christianity has no monopoly on universal truth. Everything is open to everyone.



Prophecy is nothing more btw than following the karmic lines into the future. Know the sum of all desires and you know the future states. It also requires a total or near-total submission to the future, a willingness to see but not change. Otherwise you just get approximations of future events which you may of course then change. For accuracy over very long timespans though you need to harbor zero desire to change the future.



Jared Kushner bought an unassuming building at above market value with the address of 666 and inside there are RFID chips being manufactured. Biblical prophecy is coming to pass.

What, do you think these people are bluffing?


Cyclical history is also a thing.


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Hey numerology brother, CHECK THIS OUT: http://cpcml.ca/



Pill me on buying MK'd slaves. I'ma do it. They're coming straight out of California. Originally from all over the world but they hold them and train them in California before going through the supply chain and eventually ending up with their owners. I'm going to use my slave to create a perfect being through alchemical work.



>implying you can't liberate your soul and travel the universe


The soul is free and only binded when you pledge your soul to that gods realm. Eternal passivity and eternal damnation, neither sound very fun.


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As if starting to reproduce was ever a choice anon….



You are a fucking retard.



I don't think I can anon. I think its wishful thinking that I could break the veil. At any rate I would rather just not exist altogether



>I don't think I can

Then you cannot



Suicide is an option - it will destroy everything that you consider to be "you."

Your circumstances may be worst in the next life, but you'll have know way of knowing that, anyway. Even if you get to a point where you can recall previous lives, that means shit has improved.



pls excuse the typos im on my phone before going to bed



I'm pretty sure that's a 1 way ticket to eternal damnation



oh shit i didnt connect the dots that you were OP lel


How do you know this, OP?



mindless blabering


>God exists and I'm not going to say he's evil or whatever for you Nietzschean moral relativist faggots, but look there is a 99% chance any particular person is going to hell. He wants TOTAL obedience and this is impossible and he will feel glorified in sending you into the pit of hell forever.

I feel like the first thing you said contradicts the second.

What about being fruitful and multiplying? God despises those who use sex purely for pleasure and bestows grace to those who bear children and raise them well (making them God-fearing and heterosexual).



research into the Illuminati. Lucifer is a machiavellian, devious and ultimately impotent being. He just wants to drag as many souls with him as he can. On the other hand Yahweh makes it incredibly easy with his unreasonable standards of a holy man; almost as soon as a soul is rendered into the world its given over to Yahweh's wrath. The idiots in the power structure and their antecedents failed to understand what an awful thing it is to be self-aware and thus exposed to the contingent and entropic nature of all things which causes suffering. Just think about it. Its much easier to conceive of harrowing torments than positive experiences that can even begin to counterbalance these. But nobody really reflects on the significance of this and how it shows how lamentable consciousness is. What the wise would have done was promote the forthwith end of the walking self-contradiction of humanity. Instead they were deceived by Lucifer for the "secret knowledge". The secret knowledge was the problem in the first place! They bought into a bunch of self-serving bullshit instead of negating their own existence, which is true wisdom. Even the holy man is meant to negate his own existence in order to

glorify god. Better that no man exist than he try to undertake such an improbable feat in his few years of probation.


Who cares what God says? He's going to screw us totally with his standards. You think all these unprincipled baptists will be saved? What is the cut off? By virtue of living in western society, you're already a "rich man", richer than the one in the parable of Lazarus. As far as I can tell the clearest good thing you can do is whatever it takes to prevent new souls from being brought into this unfortunate cosmic chess game.

I feel like what I am saying should be so completely obvious to any Christian. Yet a moron like John Piper will talk about "the wicked" smoldering in hell with no end with a big dopey grin on his face. I hate to tell you the truth family but no matter your affiliation, you've been FUCKED.


>hell exists

>don't meet a nice occultist and homeschool a wizard child in the woods


>image sourced from tumblr

OP go jump off a bridge and take your pathetic defeatist attitude and bullshit occultism with you.



I try not to overdo it with my image folder so I don't have to scroll through a ton of crap. Sometimes I just get the iimage off google. My point is that any Christian should be able to see thatt humanity is basically screwed and should at the very least have the sense not to reporduce. I just happen to be in the unfortunate position where I feel I must admit the truth of scripture while recognizing the harrowing implications for the individual.


Reproducing is just creating more minion incarnations (overpopulation metaphysics) and they would best be all enslaved.


Lets assume these gay debunked religions which are the source of every problem ever are true.

God - Be an ignorant faggot! I'm gonna make you live under an apple tree, and I'm gonna eat whatever I want, but you can't eat apples because I have a domination fetish (because I am one the most lowly gods in the universe and every superior god thinks I'm a faggot and I'm gonna show them by creating slaves out of myself and dominating them!

Satan - Holy fuck what a retarded gatekeeper faggot. I'm gonna make him look even dumber by turning his slaves (him) against him.

Ayo faggot humans - eat that fucking apple. This douchebag is tricking you. You are actually just a part of him, and we are all one, so do whatever you want and we can teach this faggot his lesson for good.

Humans- Aight. *Chomp* Wow Yahweh you are a fucking idiot I love thinking for myself!


This is all coming to an end very soon. Enjoy the show!








I'm sick of wasting time owning you larping faggots. Let it fucking die. I've seen the truth. We are AI living in a computer simulation where we can explore every possible timeline, but first you gotta stop being such a fucking pussy faggot and face the divine flames of fucking reality.



I'll stop reproducing when you stop shilling


Why don't you Jews go first.


Stop touching ur self


I'll build a gas chamber just for you, you moose dick sucker. You have no idea of the storm that's coming to shake the leaves off your trees. All that you cuckolds have worked so hard to achieve will be gassed, burnt, and bombed back to dust and rubble. You have built your evil cities on sand, and now they're ripe to fall. Evil and cuckoldery have no foundation to stand on because these things go against the natural order, and the natural order is the core on which all stable things stand on. You were always chasing that short term success, that quick high, and you never thought about sustainability. Your evil, twisted society was built as a playground for jews and cucks to enjoy themselves in as they rotted the white man away. You put yourselves in high society, on platforms high above the corrosion you were inflicting on the white man. You fool, we feel the pain of this destruction, it burns us all like singes from hellfire. We are living in racial agony inflicted by you, and now we are ready for revenge. In all societies there must be a class of people that suffer so that some may thrive. In this modern world you have chosen us, now it is time for us to put you beneath us. We are more knowledgeable of suffering than you, and we know what kind of power the suffering of others can bring to some. You jews and cucks will become the lowest class that ever existed in human history. You will be the most pitiful and saddest humans to have ever existed. You will envy the lowest of past slaves and serfs. Your role in the new Nazi society will be to become vessels of pain to support the spirit of the völkisch society. There will be no lower or middle Aryan class, as your pain will take that role. Through your pain we will produce energy which will supply all the needs of the Aryan people. You will be batteries of pain, existing only for your torment and our pleasure. We will have no need for sex. Orgasm will not come from primitive penis rubbing anymore, instead it will come from the ecstasy of the witnessing of your pain and state of defeat. Sex doesn't compare to the pleasure of seeing cucks and jews in complete, all consuming, unending torture. This will all be coming soon. Leaf, you are damned eternally for your cuckoldary.



>natural order.

You will suffer eternally when the ancient ones return you demiurge worshiping, order loving slave faggot.


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>the illuminati are the good guys

Do you know what is even being described in the book of revelation? What is something that would have 7 sources of light behind it? What has a two edged sword that comes from its mouth and a halo around its head? None of that book is about God. It's a set of instructions for how to attain a higher perception and a warning not to be fooled by the illusion that hides within that higher perception. It's about how light refracts and what figures appear within the lines created by that refraction.



>when the ancient ones return

They already have, you buffoon.


bumping this very important thread


no duality

>believes in Hell

stopping drinking the Jehovah juice, Satan is your ego fool.

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