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Esoteric Wizardry


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Most people think there's 60 seconds in a minute.

They didn't know you could take a hit of lsd and experience a million seconds in a minute. For 6 hours straight.

Time dilation can be experienced in inner space, just as it can in outer space.

What is growing old, but remaining young?

Ascension requires time.



>They didn't know you could take a hit of lsd

cute…you turds got any other tricks?


Ascension means realizing you are beyond time.



It takes time to realize you are beyond time. Give yourself more time, and your chances of ascending grow higher.



There are no tricks here. My intention is to teach.




phenomenal advice schlomo now you think I could get it with out the 2deep4u bullshit?



Yes, but it will take lots and lots of time. Good luck son.



>Ascension takes time

great thread douche now if your gonna larp then can you not be useless? thanks bubala XOXO


this place is so mysterios and pure for me feels like i am inside of a church


The challenge is to stay sane.



hey numnuts if your gonna use my id at least act the part


Time is a human construct.



Time is a human construct.

Entheogenic drugs allow one to experience deconstructed human-ess through the dilation of time. For it is time that binds us to our ego. When time slows down, eternity is revealed.

If you think you can get there by meditation alone,

good luck. It'd be a noble path by today's standards but you probably won't ascend, so who fucking cares.

Drop some acid and be a buddha.



Entheogens aren't a Jewish invention.

I can't even anymore.



There's a reason all these tiny dick cops don't want us getting our hands on LSD. They can't play 3rd grade recess if we know the truth.

Aight, later, gonna sit here and rot while humanity goes through another day of unnecessary suffering while the fucking infinite other species in the infinte other worlds experience a euphoric utopia and laugh at us.


Are people with blonde hair demons? And if they aren't, then how did they cast a spell that makes everyone never know whether it's blonde or blond?


File: 470f816f13e6b0c⋯.png (134.97 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20170507-154032.png)

Oh, nevermind, they are just faggots with such big egos that they needed two seperate words so we now whether they are a male faggot with a big ego or a female faggot with a big ego.

Any browne haired witch bitches who haven't shaved or showered in months want to let me groom them? This is my biggest fantasy. Please give me a call at 1-800-BUL-LSHI-TOCU-LTIS-T.



Oops! Forgot to mention the reason I posted that screenshot. I have other 5000 mental diseases, so please forgive me.

The fuck is wikipedia using that pic for? The pedos really do run the world.



I have other? What the fuck? Was I trying to say over or is there some nsa/cia faggot who stalks me and adds shit to my posts?



Can some rogue cia/nsa faggot douche get in touch with me and let me know who organized the stalking/harassment of me? I will handle the rest. Thanks!



Anyone interested in a twitch stream where I post online?




no no and no




File: 7b6631fe360e321⋯.jpg (22.51 KB, 220x332, 55:83, tmp_16033-220px-Donald_Ewe….jpg)


that's right, let that psychic driving inbed itself deep into you subconscious OP

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