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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: e40f8d13867dc2f⋯.png (836.79 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, 1469259783489.png)


Hello. Hanz here.

Let's talk about the scanners.

also, im looking for a gf. so if anyone is interested, i live near berlin.


File: dc1f16ec37e453a⋯.png (372.99 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20160708-224249.png)


does /fringe/ know when the end of the world comes?



Hanz get your shit together. Life is short, it is even shorter when you are a crazy mess. Get a job, clean yourself, exercise, dress decent, act stable, and maybe just maybe you will land a gf.



im under psychic control of my mother. she latched onto my soul and it causes me to see the world differently. if she doesnt stop i will not get normal.



>im under psychic control of my mother.

Just not enough that you are able to bitch about it here. You want to know how to break the spell? Look through the job listings. I am sure that if your mother's psychic power was weak enough to let you post on here, it is weak enough to let you get a job.



Expel the water element from your soul, increase concentration of Fire element and Earth element, and you will be ok.

If you need to understand what these elements are, I'll leave it up to another anon to explain it, just know that the elements have both quantitative and qualitative values and you need to work with both.

Too much water element is why you're so fucked.


I know you're a fan of numerology Hanz.

This is where I keep getting most of my clothing and stuff, a military surplus store.

Today, just now, literally minutes ago; I just realized the address contains 666 in it and so does the phone number.

>666 Victoria St N Kitchener, ON. N2H 5G1 (519)744-6660


What do you think of that?

Also, here is another 666 sighting: http://cpcml.ca/

>P.O. Box 666

Postal Station C

Montreal, Quebec

H2L 4L5

Tel: 416-253-4475






Back to /x/, friendo.



Can somebody explain to me the nature of these 'scanners'?



they claim they are angels. at most they are the fallen angels.






File: b82e6f3c8580697⋯.jpg (42.45 KB, 782x782, 1:1, hihanz.jpg)

pic related, this girl wanted to visit me but the FUCKING MOD deleted the thread before we could make out something.



And what do they do exactly? Gangstalk? Murder? Farm loosh? All of the above? LARPers? Hackers?

Very curious about these fellows.


File: d361e98fedf81ac⋯.png (374 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, 1468339618713.png)


let the pictures speak for itself.



What results? This is just LARPing, my kid and his friends do this all the time. It doesn't hurt to have imaginary playtime as long as it doesn't cause paranoia down the road into adulthood.



except its not trolling cause i see these things happening in "reality"

i fucking witnissed them myself. these guys aren't trolls.



Well proof of results does not constitute a screencap. That is like someone asking for proof of magick and I send them a screencap of a discussion here. Your story of a super secret group of evil mages stalking and attacking you with magic, sounds exactly like that one fuck wit whose name escapes me, who claimed he learned some secret martial art technique and was being "pursued" by a secret clan of ninjas bent on getting the secret. You need help man.



Hello Hanz, I am a Fecalmancer and I have spell that will end your scanner troubles. I want you to go to the store and purchase some ducolax suppositories. Take one of the suppositories and carve softly into it a sigil representing your intent to be rid of the scanners. Place the suppository into your rectum. When the spell has been charged it will be time to expel it into reality. Aim your ass at a white wall or squat over a sheet to expel it and divine the results of your fecal magic. This is power they can only hope to have.


I think the, "scanner" title is a term so humans help the, "scanner" to help…else the scanner will just scan.

The title is to tell humans that someone can just do some actions, scan, though there is much work to do which is not scanning.



The term, "scanner" is like the term, "watcher".

The term watcher has been applied to a group of millionaires from United States of America. These millionaires do a television show titled, "Shark Tank". They witnessed the kinds of technologies of which the bible happened.



This is actually legit lel. As in, it will in fact work, if you can meet all the requirements.



Oh yes I know very well. Of course that was a short term immediate spell. For a more potent and long term effect, release the magickal shit outside. The charged feces will be feasted on by flies while decaying into the ground to be feasted on by plants. This ensues that the intent of the sigil has been consumed by Mother Nature. Kinda of like a form of sacrifice or consecrated host to Mother Nature. Once you have Mother Nature on your side results are always obtained.

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