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Esoteric Wizardry


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I believe in the power of witchcraft and magic, but by practicing magic I understand that it may actually be allying yourself with the infernal forces of creation, which may be evil and against us…. sometimes leading to undesired circumstances.

There is folklore on earth which tells us that practicing magic or witchcraft leads to negative consequences at least for some practitioners.

In the Celtic story, "The Witch of Rathdowney" the woman who had been practicing magic loses consciousness and appears to be taken over by some foul spirit. (Will post this story in this thread.)

My question is, being a 'n00b' to the occult, are there any forms of magic which differentiate themselves opposite of such forms of magic which ally themselves with infernal forces or various forces we would consider evil. Basically, I am looking for magic which folks would consider "good magic" as opposed to "bad magic".

Ty! Love and light. <3


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Good and evil does not exist. If you have sufficient enough moral compass, you will know that you work based on the principle: external applied unnecessary suffering can be reduced through consideration. When you work with any tool, you use it to improve your health, mental abilities and financial standing. If you discover that improving your health damages your environment, you might want to find a different method. If you discover that working on your mental abilities damages beings around you, you might want to find a different method. If improving your financial standing damages the people around you and the environment, you might want to find a different method.

The things we experience when we are alive are direct lessons for you to learn from. If you fail to learn, the lessons will repeat. Good and bad is paradoxical. That magick which you deem good may damage many things, so it is bad for them. That magick which you deem bad might be good for others. They are tools.

I recommend prioritizing waking up and becoming conscious. Otherwise any magick practice is boosting your unconsciousness.



Ty for this response.


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Here is an excerpt from the same book containing the folklore-witchery story illustrating possible negative results of practicing magic.

"Witches and Fairy Doctors"


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(this is page 1)



You're right, Magick is bad. That is why we pretend to do Magick by LARPing. It keeps us from the doing the real deal and getting into trouble.


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(Page 4)


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(last, but not least, page 5)


My understanding is that the more you pay attention you the various spirits/demons/aliens in existence, the more they will pay attention to you. And a lot of rituals/sigils/advice are just tricks to waste your time and take your loosh. In addition, getting into the occult can be incredibly taxing and anyone who isn't fit and able can take great losses in their mental/physical/spiritual health. But if you know what you're doing, it can go pretty well.


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There are in folklore, but also quite obviously in a huge part of history, a very strong negative reaction to all types of magic. Though to be fair it doesn't seem like you have an adequete definition of what magic truly is; something to contemplate upon anyway. In general 2 branches can be typified into "Left Path" and "Right Path" magic or perhaps the more archaic expression of "Black" and "White". Furtherly simplified into a more practical terminology we have something like "Hate" + "Love", "Destroy" + "Create", "Damage" + "Heal".

Whilst I do not agree with >>97903 and do believe in some form of absolute Good and Evil, his utilitarian perspective essentially still comes to the same conclusion, that to harm is bad and to heal/help is good. However only you yourself can ultimately decide what actually would harm or heal someone else or try to guage how appropriate certain types of magic would be.

There in lies the tricky part, and is certainly why these paths so easily wind into scholarly pursuits. You must read, meditate, think, truly try to find the nature of things or else you can make a more than fatal mistake. Don't mess around with things you don't understand or else you will probably end up burnt in someway. Getting at what I was saying at the start, a very basic form of magic can be seen in that Love/Hate - White/Black dichotomy. Your Love and Hate through prayer can be materialised into the non-astral realms, you can use yourself as a beacon to exemplify what is already inside of you. Even a fairly elementary study of magic will reveal that is not inherently self-destructive even in the Celtic tradition. You'd find magic lies pretty close to the heart of things in regards to ancient europe it becomes virtually inseperable from their culture and beliefs for a surprisingly lenghty amount of time. Keep lurking anon, keep seeking and exploring, and your path will reveal itself in due time with the will of the Cosmos.



Here is a general tip, OP, for distinguishing between these powers of "good" and "evil":

If it brings healing and love, immediately and in the long term, then it is "good".

If it brings pain and fear, then it is "bad".

Really, it comes down the intention. A man sending a blessing to his son over seas is "good" magic. A woman placing a curse on her neighbor's dog to die is "bad" magic.

This is an over-simplification, but I hope it can help you distinguish better in the future. Namaste.



This is a good post, like attracts like

The thing about The All is, it created everything, it is everything, and loves everything equally. The All won't literally punish you for doing something because he just watches, as long as you exist, he wins. Consider this, The All wouldn't allow something he doesn't like, he only creates stuff he finds interesting to watch, so if you were gonna do something he doesn't want, he simply wouldn't allow it; It simply wouldn't happen. If you do something bad, it happened, and The All allowed it; If you can do something, its okay.

Don't believe me? One time I used autosuggestion to mind control a thicc blonde qt into liking me, as it turned out, I was a loner, but the point is, I didn't get shit for that. Karma isn't revenge, its cause and effect


There is neither good or evil.

As long as you strive towards truth the end justifies the means.

Straying from the path however corrupts



The Good and Evil dichotomy is a human one, and false, sure there are enttes that will see to harm you but they do ths ether to test f you are worthy or t means you need to dominate them and make them your bitch, or it's the only way they understand, either way, you need to be a master of your own self and when you do, you will also master many other entities.

Just as in life, don't submit and be enslaved, always be a master and destroy all those who seek to harm and enslave you.

With that understanding, you will not fear any entity, also in order to do this you need to overcome your fears specially your fear of death.


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The jedi vs. sith comes to mind, the sith are not evil, they are just power oriented.

while the jedi are buddhists the sith are luciferians.



Morality means nothing in the face of universal law. Why bind yourself to concepts made purely out of an animal mind?

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