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Egalitarian radicals in the 1500s

>we are equal subjects under the king and God

Egalitarian radicals in the early 1700s

>there is not king and subject, all white land-owning freemen of able-body and sound-mind and high social status are equal

Egalitarian radicals in the early 1800s

>all white men (of able-body and sound-mind) are equal

Egalitarian radicals in the late 1800s

>if you can do the same work as each other you are equal

Egalitarian radicals in the early 1900s

>white women are equal with white men

Egalitarian radicals after the second world war

>all goyim are equal, whites and non-whites, even the mentally infirm and physically invalid (there were lots of damaged veterans after the war)

Egalitarian radicals in the 1950s

>dolphins and monkeys are equal with humans

Egalitarian radicals in the 1980s

>brainless sissy retards, fetuses, farm animals, and just about anything else you can think of are all equal with white men

Egalitarian radicals in early 2000s

>everything is equal, even inanimate matter has the same worth as the life of a white gentile, everything is the same hurr durr

Egalitarian radicals in the 2010s

>sexual deviants of all types (trannies, pedos, homosexuals, fappers, bdsm, weebs, pervs, etc.) like people who mutilate their genitals and take hormones and criminals and druggies and all the other taboos are equal

It's been a long and slippery slope. I have been reading many texts from all these periods and I tell you, "all men are equal" has changed in meaning drastically since the medieval period. At first it reflected a sense of sovereignty of the people, that we are equal subjects under the king. Then it became butthurt against kings and not wanting to be subjects anymore thanks to le French revolution. Then cucks started including other races and women and it morphed into all these other varieties of butthurt until after World War II egalitarians went to new levels of full-retard thanks to the influence of jews who were intentionally propagating absurd and stupid ideas to destroy the gentiles and they started to hold everyone and anything as equal. Once they ran out of stuff to declare equal the latest development has been to desensitize themselves to faggotry, pedophilia, trannies, and every kind of taboo like egalitarians have basically become Aghoris now.

Nowadays people who'd have been regarded as extreme far-left liberal-types in the past can make themselves feel like they are ultra-conservative by saying something like a gay couple shouldn't adopt a child to rape and abuse or a neo-feminist dyed hair freak of nature shouldn't kill all men.

It's easy for people to take a quote from someone long ago and misinterpret it. They just kept expanding more and more who is included in that statement "all men are equal".


1500: White free-men who are able-bodied and sound-of-mind and possessed of virtue and sentience are equal under the King and God

1700: White free-men who are able-bodied and sound-of-mind and possessed of virtue and sentience are equal under God

1800: White men who are able-bodied and sound-of-mind and possessed of virtue and sentience are equal under God

1850: Whites are able-bodied and sound-of-mind and possessed of virtue and sentience are equal under God

1900: Whites who are possessed of virtue and sentience are equal under God

WWII: Humans who are possessed of virtue and sentience are equal under God

1950: Sentients who are possessed of virtue are equal under God

1980: Living organisms are equal under God

2000: All things are equal; mineral, plant, animal, and human.

2010: Not even poor character, taboo, criminality, or any degeneracy shall distinguish us; there is no good or evil, there is no higher or lower, no male or female, there is no God.

2020: Equality with memetic entities? Maybe we shall have to include abstract concepts, fantasy characters, etc. as being equal and the new fad will be weed-smoking furry homosexuals otherkins criticizing the even more far-left libturds who sue people over hurting or doing an injustice in some way to an AI or a persona or a LARPer or a fictional character?

Egalitarianism has nowhere to go from here. There is nothing left for them to include.


2020 - if you draw some fictional character doing some lewd stuff you're literally raping the character and violating its equal rights

I think that will be the apex. After that egalitarianism I guess will crash and burn. By 2030 we'll probably go full circle (all the egalitarian retards will have died off) and maybe we'll have a king again and bring back slavery and exterminate the foreign invaders and so on.



You’re postitive, I like that.

Bet people said the same things when blacks got voting rights, when woman got voting rights and when being a faggot was made acceptable.

Anyway, I hope you’re right.


What about children, dead people and animals?


People who sperg out about egalitarianism seem to misrepresent it entirely. Equality under the law =/= equal in every possible situation.


>Then it became butthurt against kings

because every king is always an upstanding moral person.

>who'd have been regarded as extreme far-left liberal-types in the past can make themselves feel like they are ultra-conservative

expressing an honest opinion shouldn't make you feel like anything. If that's how people are going to see you than so be it.

>by saying something like a gay couple shouldn't adopt a child to rape

except most dont do it to rape a kid they just do it cause they want a kid. Plus they do the world a favor by not reproducing. unlike other people who just pump out kids to fill whatever void in their life.


>we'll have a king again and bring back slavery and exterminate the foreign invaders and so on.

You say that until you become the slave then your going to be the ones that butthurt


>Equality under the law

not possible



>not possible

How? Some faggot diplomat just has to write down on a piece of paper that every demographic gets the same treatment then the other faggots vote on it and, now we're all equal. Egalitarians fight for equality within the logic of the political system.



How? because writing it on a piece of paper doesn't mean that people will up hold it



This is why we need to replace all positions of power with robots.


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Animalfuckery began with boomers. They started to try and give "human rights" to apes and dolphins because "they're sentient".

Children? They got a ton of different rights they didn't use to have, before you could beat children and many children would die before reaching adulthood, and the life of a child wasn't valued that much. Nowadays there's all kinds of absurdities that given protection to children and children can get away with crimes adults can't.

The dead are already given various rights that concern them; however only if it fits the jewish agenda. The graves of white men of historical importance are now desecrated.


The last time egalitarianism meant equality under the law was the reign of King Alfred The Great.

>Alfred the Great (Old English: Ælfrēd[a], Ælfrǣd[b], "elf counsel" or "wise elf"; 849 – 26 October 899) was King of Wessex from 871 to 899.

>Alfred successfully defended his kingdom against the Viking attempt at conquest, and by the time of his death had become the dominant ruler in England.[1] He is one of only two English monarchs to be given the epithet "the Great", the other being the Scandinavian Cnut the Great. He was also the first King of the West Saxons to style himself "King of the Anglo-Saxons". Details of Alfred's life are described in a work by the 10th-century Welsh scholar and bishop Asser.

>Alfred had a reputation as a learned and merciful man of a gracious and level-headed nature who encouraged education, proposing that primary education be taught in English, and improved his kingdom's legal system, military structure and his people's quality of life. In 2002, Alfred was ranked number 14 in the BBC's poll of the 100 Greatest Britons.



>because every king is always an upstanding moral person.

ahahaha Thomas Paine is that you? I'll counter with; since when has every leader of the other forms of government proven to be perfect? At least under monarchy, if you get a good monarch, you get to enjoy a long reign full of prosperity and basically live out a golden age. Under the current system we get nothing but shit leaders.

>except most dont do it to rape a kid they just do it cause they want a kid. Plus they do the world a favor by not reproducing. unlike other people who just pump out kids to fill whatever void in their life.

Except that's statistically not the truth at all and they abuse the children at way higher rates than heterosexual couples and the kids always end up fucked up. Homosexuals shouldn't be breathing air in the first place, nevermind adopting kids, they should be hanging from trees.

>You say that until you become the slave then your going to be the ones that butthurt

…and I'm not a slave already? Wake the fuck up faggot, slaves in the 1700s in the South worked an average of like 1,100 hours a year and people in general in the north about 1,300. Today wageslaves work WAY more than that and get FAR LESS out of it. Back then you could get many acres of land, a house, a horse, a wife, and everything else you really needed. Now nobody but the filthy rich can afford land and houses and you have to work all the fucking time; and many are either renting multiple people in just one room or living at home with their parents. How am I going to be butthurt about being a slave under monarchy when I'm already a slave under ZOG?


No you need to divest yourself of the false god of equality and embrace the struggle of life and see where it takes you. Slaves btw always have been able to at least buy their freedom. Your present day slave is subjected to MK Ultra programming and can't do shit to free themselves because the original soul was caste out of the body and they, the current occupant, were created to serve.



>if you get a good monarch


and nothing makes a better leader than a berk who inherits everything. Most of Zogs can probably claim linage to some type of royalty

and it doesn't make them better rulers. They are just the end result of a long line of power hungry faggots.

>Except that's statistically not the truth

gonna need sources bb

>and I'm not a slave already?

by accepting to have any other man rule over you your always gonna be a slave.

>Back then you could get many acres of land, a house, a horse, a wife

Some not all not to mention you grew whatever the king said. If you want to be a farmer then go do it

>How am I going to be butthurt about being a slave under monarchy when I'm already a slave under ZOG?

>My life would be so much better if I was getting buttfucked by a monarch.

>Slaves btw always have been able to at least buy their freedom.

gonna need sources their friend



This is rhetoric because you fail to define what you mean by equal. Probably because the term equality is not used consistently between all groups. Of course saying dolphins are equal to men in all ways and practical functions is stupid, I don't think anyone is actually saying that, what is being said instead is our capacity for emotion and suffering. I really don't like how you just conflate anything that preaches an ideal of equality in treatment with stupidity when you don't give anything a chance other than your own indulgence. How is advocating civility and good manners to all people regardless of their race or gender a bad thing? How is standing up for the rights of animals who also have the capacity to suffer and who go through all sorts of horrors for our pleasure? It seems you think that if anyone is talking about an ideal of equality then you think it must mean equality of outcome to all, but really it is not, the majority who hold the egalitarian perspectives you are talking about (which i'd say is the majority in the west) are meaning equality in treatment, approach and oppurtunity. This is what western ideals are founded upon, not judging books on covers, giving everyone a voice and chance regardless of there background and personal prejudice. I don't agree with your arbitrary system of value; I am not going to value something or see everything else as insignificant just because it doesn't resemble me in a specific way. If I read between the lines of what you are saying, especially the whole >muh liberals >muh jews I think I can deduct you are a racist who doesn't stand for equality based on very different reasons. I mean really? You just summarise egalitarianisms spread due to jews? Shows what you think of people really, mere puppets to be infiltrated and controlled, not associating any of these ideas or concepts with anything other than maliscious intent. No, it goes deeper than that, people change, new ideas are introduced from a huge number of ways organically, culture changes, new questions are asked, we explore. Fuck you preaching a world of slavery and unnessacery suffering, induldging yourself in your own ideological bubble whilst condemming everyone else because you hate the world you live in and want to live in a fantasy land you have never experienced and only read about. You talk about accepting the struggle of human life? You can't even accept the relatively easy life we have right now.



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>nowhere to go from here.

Only thing left to do is rebel.

Second Image as offering to Gondolas.



>misusing an aristotle quote from millenia ago to justify racial discrimination

Also you're a cuck who probably enjoys being ruled by authoritarians.



You're a literal cuck who enjoys his homeland being invaded by foreigners and his women taken from him.

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