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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: a09eca0c83da985⋯.png (26.28 KB, 381x421, 381:421, Screenshot from 2017-05-19….png)


Technology is being intentionally restrained and various products are being released in a controlled manner year after year, with "upgrades" that should have been included in the first version of the product, but they intentionally left out. This is done ostensibly to keep a consumer cycle going; but it may also have something to do with gradually adjusting people to higher technology. There is also plenty of foreshadowing in media for products that, really should already fucking exist and be in the hands of every man, but they won't bother to mass produce it until much later. When 2020 rolls by, they're going to release a lot of technology which they will pretend is all new, but it already existed (just not mass produced) 10 to 20 years ago.

It pisses me off. :/



bby why not release these products early and make lots of cash?


Because consumers by a large percentage are spiteful destructive assholes.

If "they" released all tech when it came out they'd no longer have an upper hand should the consumers get too smart or actually begin to comprehend the tech. If they reveal themselves as technowizards bordering on gods then thousands of years of work they spent would be gone as individual humans started to explore the universe for their own growth



Back in the day when the Game Gear came out and it was in color, GameBoy was still B&W (or rather, various shades of green).

Nintendo would release the GameBoy pocket before it went color. Why? Because as long as a product sells, you don't put out a better version. You first squeeze every single customer out there who is willing to buy it, and only then you release the "improved" version, so that they will give out their cash again.

It's basic marketing.



Oh, and capitalism is a lie. Big companies will often agree behind closed doors to hold onto improvements on their products and services so that they can all maximize profit.

This is of course illegal, but internet providers and utility companies do it all the time.


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