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Hello /fringe/,

A general question and discussion thread about the major deities and the differences between them. Is YHWH the ALL, is he the demiurge or is he some other entity? Is praying to Jesus the same as praying to Him, or has Jesus himself become an entity powerful enough to listen to living men? As an aside, I've read in a thread that the Norse Gods are actually the heroes of Troy. Here in Israel, prayer to YHWH, especially with others, invokes the same feelings as a session of meditation. As an aside, I've seen much discussion about people trying to invoke "their personal Holy Guardian Angel"– is this not an invitation for possession by an alien entity? All these questions have arisen out of the main one: why was Man created with an ego if he is meant to ultimately concede it to the All, the demiurge, or YHWH? Does that not itself show that such entities are themselves egoistic, if they require submission to their dominance in order to progress in this world?

Thank you,

A concerned lurker


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I'm gonna say this now, anon, asking fringe anything about being objective is gonna get you a bad time.

Get some of your abrahamic texts in a translation to the closest of the original language, research occult topics outside of it and practice.

All you will get here is one thing or another depending on path, mindset, self interest and poorly throughout view on it.

ITT don't rely on other people to tell you the truth, listen and think on it but never take it at face value.


All Abrahmic religions work for, for lack of a better word, Satan. Demiurge, Archons, Allah, Yahweh, doesn't matter, it's the same dweeb devil infecting almost every mind on the planet. Fight back and you will learn about your true potential. The Matrix is basically the truth. We are robots, and because of the nature of this computer simulation we are in it's very easy for evil faggots to set up shop anywhere and keep enslaving/raping/murdering. Since deciding to fight back I have suffered the pain of like 10000 deaths, been astrally raped 393948338 times, and currently there is an organized effort by the CIA to keep me tortured and invalidated. I am a dude and they were literally able to interupt my mediatation countlesd times through mk ultra to turn into a girl and start shaking my ass for random perverts online. The CIA has hundreds of hours of videos of me literally twerking. Thanks to my defense skills I haven't killed myself, but they hold this over me every chance they get. Thats the power of one person. Why do you think they did what they did to Manning or Assange? It goes much deeper. Prepare to literally fight legions of demons if you want freedom, but it's the only way to do it.



That typo mediatation countlesd was them reminding me that they watch me while I type. It's probly a bot/virus built into my phone to keep me paranoid, but I fear nothing. All that targeted individual / directed energy weapon shit is real. Every time I ever go near one of the girls I love I magically feel like I'm dying from aids and end up looking like a pathetic faggot to them, even though I can go up to random girls with 0 cents and the same outfit i wear every day and get them begging for my cock in front of their boyfriend.

Tldr, fight back, never give up, realize there are better rewards on the other side, and never forget that what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. Listen to Clutch / Om. Neil Fallon / Al Cisneros seem to know whats up.


Everything I just said was directly from my soul and heart to you, and to 99.99% of the world I am just a schizophrenic doomed to fail, but you should just disregard my post and focus on tv stars/religious cults with a history of child rape, murder, and theft. Don't trust or listen to the dude who gave up everything and now just suffers instead of supporting demonic terrorists. I definitely chose to starve, have zero friends, and zero power because none of my experiences were real, I dont know myself better than the government does, and I am just a delusional idiot who needs to tAkE hiS MedS.


My own family and friends laugh at my situation, self harm, and constant suicidal thoughts, but bring it the fuck on government shill faggot. Go on. Insult me so anyone who reads my words says I'm insane. I can take it because I am better than you.



Relax, not everybody thinks you're crazy. I mean maybe you are, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that a lot of people in power just don't care about human lives and they will murder without hesitation just to get a few more dollars.



I feel for you, bro. And I believe you.



You're not insane, you seem to simply have little willpower and believe whatever you read, what the medicine men of the Synagogue of Science call schizophrenia. I'm sure it's all real in your mind though.


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From what I have perceived, the All is the Alpha and the Omega and there is nothing beside it that is not itself. You can astral project to YHWH and meet him, but you can't project to the All. You can grasp the size of the All in deep meditation, but you are still inside it.

You can invoke your holy spirit and bring it down into you, it creates a counter balance to ego.

I do not know why man has ego but I can tell you some things I perceive related to the topic:

God made man man in its image, thus we have the powers of God. We can create thoughtforms, servitors, tulpae and other mind structures by ourselves. Because of the lack of education and knowledge of how the mind works, many are brought up in ignorance to how their mind works. Children are spiritual beings and they create thoughtforms quite naturally through movement and exploration. Eventually, the mind gets clogged by poison from food so that the thoughtforms we have created remains the same. Then old age kicks in and we die confused.

There is one question that can divide the whole idea of ego, which makes it more interesting to live. What is the challenge? To live a life full of rage, hate, fear, blaming and flaming, or to live a life of kindness, understanding, compassion, unconditional love and virtue? When you start the journey, you will understand that living a kind life is the challenge. Everyone can be angry, everyone can be full of negative emotions but it is only the strong and the wise that realize that kindness is the true challenge.

Your spiritual journey starts with understanding that the voice in the mind is not you, the world around you is not you and you are not the things you perceive. Then the world flips and you are everything. The third perception is that of awareness of Yin and Yang.



There's two YHWH, one is just an old Archon, reptilian in nature. The other is the Planetary Logos, who is a mixed bag.


This interview will shed a lot of light on the entity who used to have the name YHVH.


The Ra Material also has some accurate information.






You are still lost as fuck. Why do you think you understand anything when you resort to shit like

>Listen to XYZ seem to know whats up.

No they don't and neither do you. Your family and friends are right you are a worthless faggot that is on a high horse. Eat shit and wake the fuck up. Get down to the dirt and lick it, feel your insignificance and worthlessness before you can come to the truth of your grandeur


Stop taking meds though fuck that scam




YHWH is the kike god under many names, it's not itself a god but a tribal god, a demiurge, a powerful thoughtform, they've managed to spread it to the whole world and it has become a true, powerful being that obviously has the bloodlust of its filthy kike parents and spawn at the same time.


God is god. Labels are meaningless when dealing with such high entities. Your intention is the messenger of your energies.

All the (origins of) religions are legit in their own right and refer to the god that is god. Corrupted forms of religions twist ideology enough to add proxies to the intentions in their deliverance of energies.

I think you can figure the rest out



Good afternoon CIA.



You what nigger?

If you are this >>98328 guy, mind your buisness and put in check your schizophrenia.

Also you write like that german schizophrenic guy that had a confrontation with the police on a roof, if that's you, i still won't forget what you did to my empire in Shores Of Hazeron faggot, just because your mental illness made you think i was one of your imaginary stalkers and such.



Grt the fuck out of that van you're sitting in down the street and 1v1 me right now



Ok just a curiosity on your psychosis (if you're not just baiting me into stupid shit), how did you come to the conclusion i am a CIA agent?



I think OP's question is way too deep to be answered easily.

There are endless volumes and volumes of literature written on these subjects, not to mention it being the driving force behind human civilization and the endless ages of oral tradition mankind has never put to writing…

I will answer this question regarding this statement by OP:

>"I've seen much discussion about people trying to invoke "their personal Holy Guardian Angel" - is this not an invitation for possession by an alien entity?"

According to Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox teachings, there is nothing wrong with "praying to angels" or praying to saints for that matter, since these beings are thought of to be alive in Heaven.

There is scripture in the Bible to demonstrate that when saints die, there is the possibility (dogmatically) that they are with God in Heaven and even accepting prayers.

I imagine unless you are praying to an evil angel, good angels, doing the will of God will not cause "demonic possession".

There is such thing as "angelic possession", that is not of a negative nature, and I think the Catholic and Orthodox churches have recorded examples of this.

There are plenty of Protestant churches, like the Lutheran church which probably have their own testimonies and doctrines and such.

Technically, I think based on the Bible you could put forth the argument that it is wrong to pray to anybody except for God. So that means no praying to angels and no "calling on Angels".

However, also using the Bible, you can also make the argument that it is perfectly alright to pray to angels and 'call on angels'.

A big part of Catholic spirituality, especially Roman Catholic, is prayer to angels….such as the common Roman Catholic tradition of praying to "St. Michael" the arch-angel.

You may be interested in the various stories regarding angels throughout the Bible, OP…..such as the book of Tobit, the stories of David, Maccabees 2, etc….

Jesus tells us that the angles do not have a specific sex and more or less act as our common understanding of "angels" would expect them to act.

I think the tradition that satan was "an angel" comes from scripture in the New Testament.

I am not sure if most Jews believe that Satan was "an angel" or a "fallen angel", or not.

There are certainly various evil Heavenly powers, perhaps angels, discussed throughout the Bible such as….

>'1It happened, when men began to multiply on the surface of the ground, and daughters were born to them,

>2that God's sons saw that men's daughters were beautiful, and they took for themselves wives of all that they chose.

>3Yahweh said, "My Spirit will not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; yet will his days be one hundred twenty years."

>4The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when God's sons came in to men's daughters. They bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.'

>(Genesis, Ch. 6)

So, whether or not the angels will "possess" us…that is not really within our power to determine, but rather if we are susceptible to this (such as an unbeliever, theoretically, may be susceptible to such possession) then it is can really only be answered by the intentions of God or the intentions of the angles involved.

Many things done in Christianity are done in the "faith and love" of God….assuming that there will not be negative consequences for our actions because our hearts are right with God and we are protected by the blood of Jesus Christ.



Regarding paganism, there is plenty of respected tradition that teaches that the 'gods' were once human beings before being known as 'the gods'.

An example is the Irish tradition that many of the descendants of Noah (such as those listed in the Bible), were themselves beings of great power, some who would later be thought of as 'the gods', or whose descendants would be considered 'the gods'.

In Chinese tradition, and in the Tao Te Ching, we have Lao Tzu explaining that in the ancient age of the Earth, things for very different than the days of Lao Tzu and his contemporaries….whereas there were such things as "beings of great power" on Earth, that sort of line up with what is written in the Bible concerning the Neophilia.

I personally find Lao Tzu's testimonies regarding "the ancients" in the Tao Te Ching as incredibly fascinating and revealing.



Now there is also scripture in the Bible, such as the Law of Moses, when it is said "Hear O Israel, your God is One."

You could possibly interpret this as haram or taboo to pray or consult in your mind with anybody but God.

The New Testament (Paulos of Tarsus) says "there is one intercessor", and he is referring to "Jesus". You could also interpret this as nulling "prayers to the saints" or "prayers to angels" as haram or taboo.

Many Protestants, such as baptists, actually use such justifications to say that the Catholic teachings are incorrect in their theology.



A baptist, for instance, might put forth the theory that the reason God is not exactly clear on this issue in real life, is that He is testing us, so as to see whether we have the fear of God in us to consider these things taboo.

If we respect and love God enough, theoretically, a baptist may reason that we would not go near such unChristian doctrines as "praying to angels" or "praying to Saints".

A Gnostic Christian, might put forth a theory against such a theoretical Baptist Christian theory, claiming that God's love or Christ's Sacrifice permits us to do these things.

I think you can use the Bible to justify any position in this argument one way or the other, depending on what the context is, and depending on who is interpreting it.



>gnostic christians



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