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Esoteric Wizardry


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Philosophies attempt to organize knowledge like a machine meant to have thoughts/problems pumped in one end and perceptions/solutions pumped out the other. Philosophers naturally strive for a philosopher stone or, "perfect machine" in order to pump out perfect perceptions and thoughts across all situations.

Broader philosophies such as following the 10 commandments or 7 hermetic principles do so to a vaguer degree, meaning while you can use them as a way of producing perceptions and solutions to situations, you can also use them as a means of categorizing thoughts and problems based on the category of commandment or principle they deal with.

Religious maps/models such as Kabballah and Kundalini switch to a dominant perspective of categorization. While cultivating oneself in order to embody certain positive qualities of chakras or sefirot is thoroughly emphasized, emphasis is mostly placed upon how these traits are systematically categorized throughout these models. These specific models can be viewed as a machine much like philosophy, through which thoughts and problems are purified in order to eventually reach enlightenment.

Finally, there is Memetic Taxonomy. Whereas all previous models have had varying levels of categorization of information being done while strongly emphasizing an end goal of creating a single result whether its a perspective, solution, or experience, Memetic Taxonomy would almost entirely, if not entirely, abandon this machine-like function. By categorizing all knowledge into simple, easily understood categories, while displaying this information in a map-like model much like religious models and maps do, people gain the ability to better understand how knowledge connects together. People deal with the complex abstraction of knowledge without having this map, or only ever having an extremely vague, unspoken map in their minds at best.

What if all knowledge could be mapped simply? You collect all the best scholars, have them list the most fundamental lessons and core teachings of each study and culture and philosophy and piece of knowledge, and create different maps accordingly. These maps would be made and remade over and over to better reflect importance and relationships within these different maps of knowledge. Some maps would be merged and others discarded until the ideal Memetic Taxonomy, the ideal categorization of memes into a model, is created.

This map would be electronic, interactive, displayed in a fully interactive virtual reality system. Each time one selects a concept, that concept would expand much like accessing a file within a file folder, revealing more files and information with their own information inside deeper related categories. Everything would be connected and conveyed with up-to-date 3D models and audio. Through this, one could gain a better understanding of the nature of how all knowledge connects together.

I have a hunch that religious models and maps have been vaguely touching upon this lack of a map of knowledge that people so desperately need in order to understand how all knowledge connects together. Philosophies organize knowledge with an end-goal in mind, religious philosophies do the same thing but to a lesser degree, religious models do the same the least by merely implying one should have an end-goal of enlightenment with the overall goal being embodying categories of symbolism, and Memetic Taxonomy would have one understand and if one so chose, embody all broad categories of knowledge from the esoteric to the exoteric.

In short, we should move away from this reliance on philosophy, religious philosophy, and religious models and instead focus on categorizing all knowledge through Meme Taxonomy both for scholarly reasons of understanding and for religious reasons of maintaining a balance of embodying a little bit of everything in all aspects.


In case my name is not displaying properly, I am Epyc Wynn.


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I don't agree with your definitions of philosophy. It is not an attempt to categorise thought nor is it a means to an end. A philosophy, broadly speaking, is just an outlook, a way of thinking. You can never entirely abandon it because even trying to reject philosophy is a philosophy in itself. Since all the things you are talking about: religion, philosophy, memes etc are entirely abstract the concept of creating some "fully interactive virtual reality system" just brings me to wut. Certainly that is impossible for some time, if ever, so isn't this all just fantasy?

Maybe if you studied Kabbalah, as it can be viewed as a map of Archetypes and concepts of the cosmos, or tarot and delved deeply into the abstract you could attain this sort of experience mentally. Gaining insight into astral projection, thought-forms etc using complicated mystic systems to achieve some form of transcendence. This seems more of a believable solution to your goals, something religions and mystics have proclaimed to have actually been able to do for centuries, hoping out for some massive think/data tank of the greatest scholars in the abstract and humanities department and hoping to throw away millenia of work to build the matrix instead ain't gonna happen anytime soon.



Philosophy organizes thoughts in a manner that produces an end result of an outlook or a solution. As you have just said, it produces an outlook, which is just another product of the philosophical machine. Saying the rejection of a machine is a machine in itself I believe is more of a semantic play on words than a legitimate argument -an argument which many philosophers make due to how vaguely they try to define the word in an effort to sound witty and act as if philosophy has a monopoly on all thoughts and meanings, when in reality it does not.

Kabbalah and tarot vaguely touch upon this, but they are tied down by elder traditions with biases of specific symbol systems and a bias of trying to produce a spiritual effect. While a spiritual experience is something to indeed be yearned for, the act of organizing things with an end goal in mind outside of organizing things I believe bastardizes the whole map of knowledge. A map should be made to show where things are and how far their boundaries extend -a map should not be bent to favor a specific viewpoint because that makes the entire map a useless lie compared to what it was intended to map out in the first place.

I suggest organizing all memes into a map with boundaries dictated by the size of the spread of these memes both in terms of how much they are believed and how much they are backed.

Once a basic map of this is formed, drawn out, argued for, and compared critically against other maps, a true map can be created. This map can be drawn, then digitally rendered, then rendered in a 3-dimensional electronic environment, then rendered in a virtual reality environment, and finally rendered in a fully immersive virtual reality environment. This map would be made to start with vague terms/studies/philosophies/cultures you could select, only to be immediately met with summaries and descriptions. These summaries and descriptions would elaborate and show further sources and research the deeper one wished to delve into them much like how one finds more information the deeper they go into a folder.

If you don't understand, try for example imagining a touchscreen map of the world, and whenever you tap a country, a summary and some descriptions/areas of thought are shown that stem from that country. Each time you click a specific category that is contained within that country, you are met with more information and the option to select more niche categories. Now imagine this, but instead of being separated by countries, all categories of knowledge are separated into studies based upon the meaningfulness, uniqueness, and influence of the studies.

~Epyc Wynn


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No it simply doesn't and I didn't say it produced an outlook simply that it was one. You are the one playing semantic tricks with yourself if you can't even confront what I say and need to twist it round; completely unaware of your own ignorance, to then spout some hypothetical fantasy drivel with no practical purpose or speculative use to anyone. "Saying the rejection of a machine is a machine in itself is blah blah blah" Yeah except I didn't actually say rejection of a machine or even the word in my entire post - another example of your ignorance, refusing to use any other concepts than your own which only indulge yourself a little more. We already have books and the internet, maybe you should try looking some more into them instead of trailing off into pure naievete. Your whole idea sounds like some irrelevant side-piece in a million science-fiction tales. Nothing original, insightful nor intelligent.


the board has been going this long and people still respond to epic wynn threads. Read this and turn back before you waste any precious time.



Condescension is the enemy of all intelligence.



>I am epyc wynn


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