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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Jesus is Lord, magic is forbidden by God and carries the penalty of death.



I mean, seriously, do you really think the star of Remphan is a Christian or Jewish symbol?

This is good bait.


Unfathomably low level of bait



>magic is only ok when God and prophets do it

>don't try to understand the universe goy that's only for Yahweh

fuck off christcuck


This bait just hit the sea floor



That guy gives the penalty of death for just about everything tho



Bump the fuckin troll thread, nice



This is a legitimate thread you tavistock shill



>Christcuck detected


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Tell that to the jews. the Manchester bombing has jewish kabbalah written all over it. the number 22 comes up multiple times and the claim is its fake because of this but I say it's a signature of the type of witchcraft used to make that event occur.

Manchester bombing occurs on the 22nd of May at 22:30 hours, Fifth month (May) plus 2017 = 2022, bomber was 22 years old, 22 people killed, there are 22 pathways in the Sephirot (kabbalah), 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, 22 cards in a traditional Tarot card deck.

OK that last part is not Jewish but the number 22 is an occult number.

I've heard Judaism doesn't prohibit witchcraft, only Christianity does.

Y'all Jews need Jesus.



The Torah says that witches have to be killed and that no Jews can be sorcerors, charmers, mediums, diviners, or necromancers, because they're abominations.




Seriously though, let's not dabble in conjecture. Why do you think no one likes Alex Jones? Thank god his conjecture is much more practical these days.


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clearly satanic jewish magick is afoot.


As YHVH's power wanes in this would, Dagon's waxes.

Soon the old rival will awaken with the sea and wash away the filth of Jehovah, bringing a new age of prosperity for all. You had your chance, you had your time, now concede to the turning seasons.


But seriously, God is truly the Master Ruseman like no other. Chief Artisan in the art of trolling.



I've been practicing magick for years and I'm still not dead but would like to be.



cause change to occur in accordance with your will by tying a rope around your neck, friend



Green pill me on this



Methods tried so far:

1. Hanging.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide

3. Fully concentrated bleach

4. Slashing + intense exercise

5. Electrocution

6. Sleeping pills

7. Challenging people to fights

I'm still alive. It's like every time I kill myself or think I have killed myself, my reality gets reset, and I'm back here living this shitty life still.



I remember it being the turn of the fisherman after the carpenter in Zeitgeist



you drank bleach? are you shitting out of a colonoscopy bag now?



Yeah, the Zionists have been pushing this for a while through all their suppression of magical texts, history, the Catholic church and all other types or ley-line hijacking churchgoing idol worshipping nonsense literally interpreted by the mundanes.

Meanwhile the actual Hebrews migrated North and became druids, later founding America and keeping the prophecy of Israel(pagan).


Realizing that the Khazar kike mafia Zionists hijacked Israelite Hebrew identity and that the "Lost Tribes" are all now Europeans is one of the most legit pills ever.



Live stream drinking that shit.

Or do any number of obvious things for infamy if you aren't role playing.



>Meanwhile the actual Hebrews migrated North and became druids, later founding America and keeping the prophecy of Israel(pagan).

Tell us more


Are they the 13th tribe? I saw an insane 5 hour documentary that explained this and other fuckery like Jesus being Cleopatra's son and Hitler being a jew working for the khazars killing the other jews. And that how those of the three abrahamic faiths say amen, it is actually in refernce to amuntoth or something some egyption diety

it was fucked, probably disinfromation mixed with truth



"My love has been declared in Hebrew - in the Hebraic tongue." asserted Taliesin, the King or Prince of Druid Bards


Through etymology it's obvious that those Tribes migrated North and founded the modern European countries in their various forms. English is based on a lot of Hebrew. Anyone who is anyone knows that Adam (name means ruddy, red) was sired by the Annunaki and thus became the white race or pale and enlightened shining ones. Since the white race is the most alchemical species on this planet, they were promised dominion over all gentiles. Then something went astray and somehow we got abandoned and are currently in the chastisement period, according to the Bible which is just one book. Moses came down from the mountain and made his people drink monatomic gold he made from the golden calf (instead of engaging in idol worshipping)… And bards were one of the most spiritually advanced peoples according to Anastasia of the Ringing Cedars, no less the Druids who had spiritual colleges and knowledge of all sorts that puts the modern world to shame.

The Khazars are abominations that originated in modern day Turkey, some even say crawled out of underground reptilian genetic bases in the area. Then you have the whole matrilineal bloodline and mitochrondial dna thing they are obsessed with. It doesn't matter because they are subhuman vermin but very willing to decieve and have convinced the world that they are the "Chosen People" when all the evidence points to the contrary of them being base creatures with scat fetishes.


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>the jews are actually the real white people

holy shit, you stormfags have come full circle




Christian Identity and British Israelism are not new.



> reptilian genetic bases

I want to know more about these.


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That just means you need to stay alive for something, hang around and see what comes up instead of killing yourself.

Besides, if you're not afraid of death and instead crave it, why not go apeshit and do whatever the hell you could want from life?



>implying you even tried to kill yourself




Magic is forbidden because the ochlos (the """dumb""" i.e. unitiated masses) cannot be entrusted with it like you can't entrust everyone with the knowledge how to make Napalm or nuclear weaponry.

Basically it's "the ears are deaf to the unenlightened", only with a societal component. When you burn your own house down but survive, others won't let you burn their houses down so you "die" in the eyes of the community.




everything is magic. you are blind. only God has real magic, we are all but witnesses. observers.

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