You read all that and concluded that the universe is solipsistic? What the hell lol. I mean if solipsism says that all that exists is the result of one mind, then all of our minds are only parts, and connected to one mind.
It's your subconscious beliefs that create reality, and as Jungian psychology explains, there is personal unconscious (aka subconscious) and collective unconscious (hivemind shit)
If you added up all the microcosms (personal unconscious of everyone) you would get the macrocosm (collective unconscious). And when I say everyone, I mean all entities including the nonphysical ones.
When you say consciousness, you mean beings. Pure consciousness is useless without subconscious and cannot interact or make any action whatsoever without a vessel of some sort. Consciousness does not need to be able to "perceive itself" (because first of all, consciousness alone does not have a 'self' that exists in the subconscious). As far as I know, Consciousness only has two attributes. The ability to perceive and the ability to make decisions. It is the subconscious that does everything else (which all amounts to feeding information to consciousness, and getting fed decisions). Without subconscious, consciousness cannot perceive anything let alone make decisions, because Not to mention that, well, without subconscious there is no input and no vessel to process input.
>For example, when a person is asleep and dreaming he is not concious. Yet inside of his head, in his dream, a whole lot of conciousness is going on.
Dude what. If you are perceiving, you are conscious. Physical reality is a shared dream (and it is not the only one, but the only physical one). In a personal (lucid) dream one simply creates thought and it manifests into (dream) reality. The shared dream of physical reality requires all people (relatively speaking, in an environment) to have the same "thoughts" to manifest this shared thought into reality. So in a way, the subconscious beliefs are like "subconscious thoughts" that correlate and resonate with physical reality at different levels (with the level of thought correlating to the physical scale that is effected in (or rather effects) physical reality).
>(if you are a believer in the phenomenon of astral projection, for example, you'd believe the range of conciousness is quite huge).
This is a silly statement. I was wondering what you considered of astral phenomena (which is the same thing as saying nonphysical phenomena). The astral realm has different levels of 'astral realities' and all of them are, in a sense, separate shared dreams.
And there is no 'not believing in astral projection' because if you have dreams you are technically in an astral state, and visualizing and such are all astral phenomena. Remember, thinking and conscoiusness and subconsious and concepts and etc… ALL the nonpysical phenomea are technically astral phenomana (actually the energy that connects the astral realm and physical realm is referred to as etheric energy resulting in etheric constructs and such, but that is not relevant to the discussion presently) .
Anyways, being able to astral project is more of a skill; and skill has nothing to do with beliefs. At least not in the manifestation sort of way (but manifestation can be a part of it, can be a huge catalyst once there is thorough knowledge and understanding of the skill).
Actually, the skill for astral projection and lucid dreaming are the same; an interesting phenomena can happen. There is an important role of beliefs in the case of when you are able to have some control of the dream/astral state, but you are still unable to astral project; it's your absolute refusal to believe in collective astral realities that will make only lucid dreaming possible (this of course stems from your ideology aka belief system). It is not at all a locked belief, at least not on incarnating. Indoctrination of materialism (and some other ideologies) is what locks it in due to selfpropagating human cultures.
And yes, discussions rely on terminology and semantics. So agreeing on definitions before starting a discussion is very helpful. In your own discussion you never clarified a definition so what your saying, can sound quite silly (which it did to me and I pointed it out explaining why by sharing my understandings of definitions).