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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: cf29ec1f6b81144⋯.png (22.74 KB, 1210x153, 1210:153, Screenshot from 2017-05-30….png)


I hate schizophrenics. By this I mean people like Hanz who spew word salad and have persecution complexes and create life-damaging drama. I just got visited by two police today because of some schizophrenic cunt from craigslist that I wasn't taking seriously at all but who apparently contacted police because of her delusions which she started including me in. She kept thinking I was some random person I'm not and sending off hundreds of emails to me and then accusing me of stuff and talking about her child and some random guy called "Jose". It was all word-salad and paranoia and a lot of nonsense. I thought it a fucking LARP and did not realize the bitch was actually flagging my post over & over and legit calling the police multiple times to go bother them.

Nobody here besides Hanz is schizophrenic by my standards btw.


Hi I am Hanz AMA.



You're not Hanz.


Hanz is an attention whore probably possed by the lamest weakest kind of demon that won't go away because people keep feeding him

This includes you OP

The bitch you mentioned is also probably an attention whore, possible because she may actually have been fucked over badly in real life and is just a broken human

Btw there's no such thing as schizophrenia it's just an overactive third eye chakra



>I hate people who cause drama so I've come to create a thread creating drama about people with a mental illness



>I hate how the jews want to destroy everyone not of their own race so I am going to kill everyone not of my own race 8841 hale hortler



>I hate how Americans are so intolerant of other ideas so I'm going to go to a school where everybody has the same ideas as me and immediately shoot down everything I disagree with



>I hate how people dismiss my ideas on estoricism as bullshit so im going to go to /fringe/ and call everyone a bullshit sissy wizard


I hate how everyone endlessly accuses their brother and sisters, when in the end we are all merely victims of society



I'm no victim, I am the perpetrator!



Even as a perpetrator of evil in society, it would only be because of your upbringing and cultural influence (or desire to rebel against said cultural influence)

We are all victims of a culture that propagates it self through indoctrinating the youth that grow up to propagate the culture further





Who would win in a Schizoff between Hanz and Smiley?




what the fuck is that you absolute shitlord



a battle to death for who is the supreme schiozphrenic wiztard



>schiozphrenic wiztard

Doesn't exist. Schizofrenia is a malfunctioning third eye

They would both probably commit suicide, and then fail to die, and then cry about it



>Schizophrenia is jus an overactive third eye chakra

Plz explain to turn this thread from shit to gold



What is there to explain. You see hallucinations. All perception 'exists' in one way or another. Either perception is physical or nonphysical.

To say the least, when you start seeing demons and shit trying to convince you to kill yourself or others or god knows what, the veil between the nonphysical and physical is no longer entirely separating the realms.

This "veil" only exists due to having a closed third eye. People with schizophrenia have their third eye FORCED OPEN. They cannot close it. I am not too sure about this, but they are perceiving different realities. It would not be suffice to say that they are perceiving the nonphysical realm in it's entirety, as first of all that would imply correlations of localized coordinates, that the nonphysical realm is entirely superimposed on the physical realm.

It's possible in some cases that people only have, for a lack of a better term, 'ports' open that allows entities to fuck with them. This can actually be due to incoherent belief systems, or straight up brainwashing or ignorance or simply a lack of a satisfied opinion on fringe topics.

On the other hand schizophrenia can just be hallucinations from your own personal subconscious (as opposed to the collective mind of humanity where archetypes come from, where all entities live). This is like the third eye looking inward, still forced open. The differences in consequences would not be much though

For those trying to force kundalini awakening or to jam the third eye open… be careful what you wish for.


File: 3d71e3b850f7336⋯.png (78.67 KB, 800x600, 4:3, bronnen invitation.png)

give us your schizos, we already have many

redirect all schizos to bronnen.net/int



>To say the least, when you start seeing demons and shit trying to convince you to kill yourself or others or god knows what, the veil between the nonphysical and physical is no longer entirely separating the realms.

I perceive that shit all the time on this horrible board called >>>/4chon/ … nothing but demon possessed people urging each other to die and feeding on misery.



There is no such thing as the personal subconscious btw. Every experience, memory, and all the rest of a person can be accessed by moving your awareness to them. There is nothing that exists in isolation or cut off from everything. All mental phenomena are on the mental plane.



Yea yea but that requires some high level wizardry to somehow manipulate consent

Yes consent is an absolute rule in the spiritual realm. Unfortunately everyone has some level of implicit consent that allows them to open up

On a related tangent, my pet theories for (lucid) dreams as opposed to astral projection includes incredible shrinking and playing in a universe in the space of your head that feels as big as the universe. It's not isolated per se but good luck getting past the natural ethereal defense mechanisms. Though maybe you can influence their dreams by letting them react to your energies that permeate everything. Though you will have no way of knowing how they will react, let alone perception of the energy that you released past the skull


File: 714fe6a54978515⋯.jpg (118.4 KB, 1346x1232, 673:616, Haraldur listens to a bats….jpg)

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Kill yourself, Lucas.


lol smiley is a schizo


File: 0170a2d758660b2⋯.png (69.24 KB, 255x232, 255:232, 5f4837f0ed389a4124c81ef8eb….png)


Is that dogs name?



"▶ Canada 3 days ago No.5156


No I blocked someone that Hanz told me was a demon and that I should block her." - https://pastebin.com/1TxDRJg2 Dog likes to larp as hanz. Eh?



Lucas should kill himself. That's for damn sure! >>110572

A funny thing to note is that after dog had smileberg block dwarf.. dog started saying creepy af hanz type shit and whatnot.


>>110573 Dog said that all of this could have been avoided. I have a hint at who made the >>>/cow/ thread and who malty the cyber bully is. Dog didn't take the rejection well and the shit show that you're witnessing is the end result.


File: 245da0d10440207⋯.jpg (73.87 KB, 535x800, 107:160, bosnian liar.jpg)


hanz, smiley, and fat czech walk into a bar…


Some are just people who get geomancy forced on them.

Some are bullied intensely in one context and it reaches other contexts.


hanz here. i know you guys are all machines and this world is a prison for me. only me and a very select few are real. tell me the truth.



> Schizofrenia is a malfunctioning third eye

According to most Fecalmancers, including myself, it is actually a malfunctioning brown eye.



Could you go into that geomany bit some?

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