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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Get me laid before Sunday, /fringe/.

I want big tits and a skinny but healthy body, nice round ass, and she must be Scottish or have at least an ounce of Scottish blood.

I am not familiar with any of this witchcraft stuff and frankly I don't give a shit about the rituals. I do, however, give a shit about fucking a qt 3.14 just to piss off God.

Do your witchcraft shit and help me out pls


OK OP repeat after me.

It is my intention that I shall fuck my dream girl. I accept fully the consequences of this and have no reservations about my higher self directing me away from this course of action. I shall experience fully the outcome of this karma. I submit myself involuntarily now to this path, such that my every thought, intention, action, etc. shall now be aligned exactly with this outcome. I shall be unbounded only after I have finished fucking my dream Girl.

Repeat this over and over while focusing on the actualization / willing of this.

See also: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909will.pdf

…now if you want ME to do this all for you, then I require absolute submission from you, including surrendering your spiritual authority to me, and effectively giving me the opportunity to control you and do with you as I please. This of course requires you trust me that I won't use you while you're in this entranced state to do something other than fulfill your desire.

However you can skip me as the middle-man and just go direct to God.



is there any way to do it without the consequences part

I don't feel like dying any time soon



also I don't want THE girl of my dreams because I've already met her and she scares the shit out of me


kill yourself



you kys cunt



>give a shit about fucking a qt 3.14 just to piss off God.

and I'm the cunt? Don't make me laugh


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Masturbate to this sigil and when you orgasm, chant "I will bring the fate associated with this sigil upon myself and upon no other. So mote it be."



you're not supposed to help the mundane anon



inb4 OP get's demonicanally raped



Why do you think consequences means dying? Consequences could just mean getting stuck in a loveless marriage, or getting a crazy bitch stalking you, or becoming a promiscuous degenerate, or getting an STD, or whatever.



>…now if you want ME to do this all for you, then I require absolute submission from you, including surrendering your spiritual authority to me, and effectively giving me the opportunity to control you and do with you as I please. This of course requires you trust me that I won't use you while you're in this entranced state to do something other than fulfill your desire.

Hey can you make me an egregore/servitor thingy that can clean my room for me. And chores in general




Jesus Christ this thread…



How about a mind controlled slave? You can buy one between 3,000 to 5,000 USD. If you're interested I'll put you in contact with Mistress Perry.



Grant me this wish,in the lapse of 2 weeks. If you fail to acomplish this, you guys and your belief are fake. As a consequence, you will be condemned to reincarnate for eternity.

(Im not Op, btw)




>Get me laid


>before Sunday

Not happening virgin

Tip: Stop masturbating for good and get out the house.


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I recently just use magic to manipulate some one into my qt gf in a few days,

just start magic mundane, it's fun.

Although I did this as a pass time, you could achieve this rather quickly if you focused on it.

You gotta start some were OP and if you fail so what you can always learn from your mistakes and try again much like a video game, but keep in mind that this game may have a time limit for you Op, better get started.

I'll give you a hint and to others who know magic more then Op I used this and it works like a charm for all your social needs.

use magic to find and become something that brings about the emotions that you want them to experience towards you.

have fun.



>manipulate some one into my qt gf in a few days

I hope that doesn't mean what it sounds like

over all hard to understand, especially the hint you gave I cannot comprehend though I understood it to mean something about charisma

>use magic to find and become something that brings about the emotions that you want them to experience towards you.



>no reservations about my higher self directing me away from this course of action.


How do you know my higher self isn't all for this?



It may or it may not be 'all for this'

If it is not, the point is that you won't have any 'reservations'

you will accept whatever the higher self wants for you




I would make this pact with you except I want to be the girl or at least a very androgynous male. This is not a joke.



I don't believe you 5k is pretty cheap. But if you're for real I'm interested.


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My people are destroyed for lacke of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reiect thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the lawe of thy God, I wil also forget thy children.

7 As they were increased, so they sinned against me: therfore wil I change their glory into shame.

8 They eate up the sinne of my people, and they set their heart on their iniquitie.

9 And there shall be like people, like priest: and I will punish them for their wayes, and reward them their doings.

10 For they shall eate, and not have enough: they shall commit whordome, and shall not increase, because they have left off to take heed to the Lord.

11 Whoredome, and wine, and newe wine take away the heart.

12 ¶ My people aske counsel at their stocks, and their staffe declareth unto them: for the spirit of whordomes hath caused them to erre, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.

13 They sacrifice upon the tops of the mountaines, and burne incense upon the hilles under okes and poplars, and elmes, because the shadowe thereof is good: therefore your daughters shall commit whoredome, and your spouses shall commit adulterie.

14 I will not punish your daughters when they commit whordome, nor your spouses when they commit adulterie: for themselves are separated with whores, and they sacrifice with harlots: therfore the people that doth not understand, shall fall.



>I want big tits and a skinny but healthy body, nice round ass, and she must be Scottish or have at least an ounce of Scottish blood.

Just sent one to you. Nice big tits, skinny waste and an ass to die for. Really pretty face too. Full-blooded Scott. You'll meet her soon.

P.S. You didn't mention anything about penis size. I made sure she has a nice big one. Hope that's cool.



>I want big tits and a skinny but healthy body, nice round ass

careful what you wish for pal


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>op turns into a trap.


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>Curb Your Enthusiasm outro plays



How would I go about giving my absolute submission to you? And what would be an example of what you would have me do?

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