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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1416197836938.pdf (494.18 KB, grimoireofhonorius.pdf)


Enough of your simple theory books. It is time to bring out actual spell tomes. File related is a grimoire for summoning entities of the judeochristian panteon. This is merely a sample of the great grimoires that exist in the world, but dwell on it and you shall discover many more grimoires. If you already have grimoires, please do post them in this thread.


File: 1416201414731.pdf (1.92 MB, Grimoire of the Red Dragon.pdf)

Time to crank out the real heavy duty magick.


>he still uses grimoirs, babby neophytes first magick books
>he doesn't construct spells from scratch with his deep knowledge and understanding of spellwork
>he probably just found out about the occult this year
>he doesn't realize our books are like 90% practise 10% theory




>Acts pretentious

>Doesn't contribute


File: 1416226774833-0.pdf (509.09 KB, gkos-1.pdf)

File: 1416226774833-1.pdf (544.22 KB, gkos-3.pdf)

The Key of Solomon, or "Mafteah Shelomoh, (מפתח שלמה).

>Book I contains conjurations, invocations and curses to summon and constrain spirits of the dead and demons in order to compel them to do the operator's will. It also describes how to find stolen items, become invisible, gain favour and love, and so on.

>Book II describes various purifications which the operator (termed "exorcist") should undergo, how they should clothe themselves, how the magical implements used in their operations should be constructed, and what animal sacrifices should be made to the spirits.


Wow this is amazing. It's a how-to guide on becoming an initiate to a magical sect, and they practice a magical art that isn't discussed at all on this board.


I though I was downloading the Grand Grimoire. In any case, very fascinating.


I was looking for the grand grimoire on the pirate bay, and found this instead. I believe the title is a play on words considering the content is about dragons and is in itself quite comprehensive


I presume this one is quite rare, as I couldn't find it when I searched for it. Then again, it was probably meant to be read by the initiates of that particular sect, so it is no wonder then if the book is not available for "the outsiders".


Why should I contribute to this shitty grimoire thread when I've got an entire library of books I've uploaded to /mega/ linked here?


Can you link to the thread where you posted that? Can you tell us what the books are about?


Yeah it's


>tfw people never read the stickies


Woops, >>1


File: 1416423772597.jpg (72.06 KB, 400x533, 400:533, 1409483312619.jpg)

This book has been very useful, thank you. I was just working my way though the grimore website, not knowing where to start.


I looked in that book and didn't find a single thing that is new to me. It's all stuff already contained in the other books and the other books in the /fringe/ mega cover the stuff in that book better and in more detail.


Woah. Thanks for the find anons. These guys are Typhonian, and its pretty hard to find stuff.

You might like Andrew D. Chumbley's stuff.


>they practice a magical art that isn't discussed at all on this board.

Which would be? I bet you it has been discussed here.

Important considerations:
1. Who are the authors and are they mundane?
2. How come there knowledge seems so limited?
3. What are there influences and source material?


>wanting to be part of an explicit group

>not having decentralized wizardry
>implying GD, IoT, etc. haven't been shit and full of obese and other pathetic-tier magick practitioners


File: 1418853009873.jpg (23.26 KB, 320x320, 1:1, dragon rouge.jpg)


The "title" is just what someone changed the file name to. The only "title" it has is Dragon Rouge's "Magical Course 1.0". There are pdfs floating around of their first three degrees. Dragon Rouge is a Swedish LHP magical order.

"Le Dragon Rouge" is also another title of "The Grand Grimoire", which I think is where the confusion you "advanced wizards" are having is coming from.

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