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File: 1d72b0588ebe1fa⋯.png (52.48 KB, 616x606, 308:303, Screenshot from 2017-06-02….png)

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I want a "Voodoo Magick Box". Anyone know where I can get one or how I can build one? I'm studying all these circuits and stuff trying to figure out how to build one.

Anyone that wants to share info on electronic mind control welcome in this thread as long as it's practical how-to and not rants about the technology being abused by the CIA, government, etc.


File: dff5260ddc139bf⋯.png (58.57 KB, 612x691, 612:691, Screenshot from 2017-06-02….png)

Oh man I like this one.


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File: 30b9e148db98a56⋯.png (216.1 KB, 715x376, 715:376, Screenshot from 2017-06-02….png)


Relaxation between 5hz and 10hz for different levels of relaxation
Meditation between 4hz and 7hz, either cycle between a few, or stay at a particular frequency for different results
Induce Sleep between 4hz and 6hz for starters, then go into frequencies below 3.5hz, settling on about 1.5hz to 2.5hz for sleep
Creative Visualization about 6hz for a while, then up to 10hz works well
Stress Reduction any use of frequencies below 11hz will reduce stress
Self Hypnosis about 8hz to 10hz while playing any self-hypnosis tape, or guided meditation
Super Learning about 7hz to 9hz while playing any learning tapes, like foreign language tapes, etc. to increase comprehension
Subliminal Programming 5hz to 7hz while playing your favorite subliminal tapes
Improve ESP / Intuition Theta frequencies help in this area, 4hz to 7hz
Reaching Higher States of Consciousness Theta again, with daily half hour sessions
Quick Refresher on long days low Alpha 8hz to 10hz for 15 minutes works well


File: fc4b649bef91dc0⋯.pdf (42.59 KB, binaural.pdf)




1. Adrenalin

2. Aktetron

3. Alcohol

4. Amphetamine

5. Amphetamine sulphate

6. Analasine

7. Anhalamine

8. Anhalidine

9. Anhaline

10. Anhalonidine

11. Analonine

12. Anhalonium

13. Aphyllidine

14. Aphyllin

15. Atropine

16. Atrosine

17. Bambusa

18. Banisterine

19. Barbiturate

20. Belladonna

21. Benzidrene

22. Bendocaine

23. Bromoharmine

24. Bulbocapnine

25. Butyl-bromally-barbituric acid

26. Caffeine

27. Caffeine sodium

28. Calcium chloride (35)

29. Cannabidiol

30. Cannabinol

31. Cannabis

32. Cannabol

33. Caramine (narcotic)

34. Carboline

35. Caroegine

36. Chloral hydrate

37. Cocaine

38. Coffee

39. Coramine

40. Delvinyl sodium

41. Di benzo pyran derivatives

42. Dicain

43. Dramamine

44. Ephedrine

45. Ephetamine

46. Epinephrine

47. Ergot

48. Ergotamine

49. Ethyl harmol

50. Eucaine

51. Eucodal

52. Eukotal

53. Eunacron

54. Epicane

55. Escrine

56. Ether

57. Evipal

58. Evipan

59. Evipan sodium

60. Evipan sodium (35)

61. Genoscopolomine

62. Harmaline

63. Harmalol

64. Harman

65. Harmine

66. Harmine methiodide

67. Harmol

68. Heroin

69. Hexacol

70. Histadyl

71. Hydractine

72. Hypoloid soluble hexabarbitone

73. Icoral

74. Indole

75. Indole methyllarmine

76. Insulin

77. Lophop-nine

78. Lyscorbic acid

79. (illegible)

80. (illegible)

81. (illegible)

82. (illegible)

83. Manganese chloride (35)

84. Methy-cocaine

85. Metra-ol

86. Morphine

87. Morphine hydrochloride

88. Narco-imal

89. Nambutal

90. Nicotine

91. Nikthemine (narcotic)

92. Nitrous oxide

93. Novacaine

94. Nupercaine

95. Pantocaine

96. Pantopone

97. Parahyx

98. Pellotine

99. Pentobarbitol sodium

100. Pentothal acid

101. Pentothal sodium

102. Percaine

103. Pernoston

104. Peyotl

105. Phenactin

106. Phenamine

107. Pehyl-thio-urethanes

108. Picrate

109. Picrotoxin

110. Procaine

111. Pulegone-orcinol

112. Pulegone-olivetol

113. Pyrahexyl

114. Pyramidon

115. Quinie

116. Salsoline

117. Scolpolmine

118. Scolpolmine aminoxide hydrobromide

119. Scopolmine-phetamine-eukotal

120. Sodium (62)

121. Sodium amatyl

122. Sodium barbital

123. Sodium dlelvinal

124. Sodium evipal

125. Sodium pentobarbital (nembutal)

126. Sodium pentothal

127. Sodium phenobarbital

128. Sodium rhodanate

129. Sodium soneryl

130. Sodium succinate (77)

131. sodium thioethamyl

132. Somnifen

133. Stovaine

134. Strychnine

135. Styphnic acid

136. Sympatol

137. Synhexyl

138. Telepathine

139. Tatra-hydro-cannibol-acetate

140. Tetra-hydro-harman

141. Tetra-hydro-harmine

142. Tropacocaine

143. Tropenone

144. Yageine

145. Yohimbine sulphate


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Almost all methods used to create altered states using non-chemical means rely on changing the most powerful frequency at which the brain operates and synchronizing both hemispheres of the brain so that they both oscillate in phase.

That's exactly what the meditation in step 1 of Initiation Into Hermetics does holy shit, vid related.



There are three primary techniques used for thought stopping. The first is

MARCHING: the thump, thump, thump beat literally generates self-hypnosis and

thus great susceptibility to suggestion.

The second thought stopping technique is MEDITATION. If you spend an hour

to an hour and a half a day in meditation, after a few weeks, there is a great

probability that you will not return to full beta consciousness. You will

remain in a fixed state of alpha for as long as you continue to meditate. I'm

not saying this is bad–if you do it yourself. It may be very beneficial. But

it is a fact that you are causing your mind to go flat. I've worked with

meditators on an EEG machine and the results are conclusive: the more you

meditate, the flatter your mind becomes until, eventually and especially if

used to excess or in combination with decognition, all thought ceases. Some

spiritual groups see this as nirvana–which is bullshit. It is simply a

predictable physiological result. And if heaven on earth is non-thinking and

non-involvement, I really question why we are here.

The third thought-stopping technique is CHANTING, and often chanting in

meditation. "Speaking in tongues" could also be included in this category.

All three-stopping techniques produce an altered state of consciousness.

This may be very good if YOU are controlling the process, for you also control

the input. I personally use at least one self-hypnosis programming session

every day and I know how beneficial it is for me. But you need to know if you

use these techniques to the degree of remaining continually in alpha that,

although you'll be very mellow, you'll also be more suggestible.



This would be a great way to program people into becoming national socialist zealots that go out and wage race war.


Electronic mind control is bullshit. There are crude biofeedback devices and that's it. I don't believe anything more advanced exists or it would have already spread around like wildfire and being used by ISIS and random people all over the world.




>posting an onion link for a website literally nobody gives a fuck about and would never in a million years censor

Stop trying to be so fucking edgy and post a link for the rest of us who aren't posing teenagers.



Really interested in your feedback:

I have an idea of turning off all outside impressions then processing every impression ever had by turning them all in on themselves and allowing them to gestate… and being reborn into a new self-concept based on treating the rest of life beforehand as like an embryonic developing state of impressions.

I am basing this off of reading that impressions are destroyed by taking them outside of themselves into the temporal flow of dynamic impression-making… so if I turn in on myself, I will be safe to gestate into an integrated newborn man… being born as an adult in a sense, which is the "rite of passage" of any boy to solidify himself as a man.



based uncle chuckie is too hardcore for these plebs



>drugs tested

So what were the test results for each?

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