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Esoteric Wizardry


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I hate being bogged down by low quality information sources. I feel like we could condense basically all useful human knowledge into a series of PDFs, the first one being a summary of all the actually useful principles of psychology, physics, mathematics, etc. and the next one being for those who have mastered and applied that shit already, and so on in a series of documents that lead us to superhuman capacities. So much useless fucking information I keep pouring through. I think just one PDF could easily teach us everything we need to know magick. Maybe I'll write it myself if nobody else is going to bother, then I will claim very aggressively it is the sum of all knowledge on the topic, thus tricking people into teaching me new concepts I haven't been exposed to or listed yet. There's no need for all this NOISE.

Sources that are full of noise: the deepnet, random html internet pages, blogs, youtube videos.

Sources with actually useful information: lengthy and well researched books, e.g. The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Manly P. Hall), The Occult (Collin Wilson), Personal Power (Atkinson & Edward), 2013SeriesOfLessons (Atkinson).

JoyOfSatan tried to compose such a resource but filled it with lots of tedious bullshit.

If anyone has any good rich information sources that will yield me actually useful fucking knowledge please point me in this thread. I am so tired of wasting time combing through bullshit and discovering it's just tons of blather with a few actual bits of knowledge in-between that are so basic I know them all anyways already

I notice a distinct lack of any quality publishings after World War II btw. I seem to never encounter any good shit written in more recent times.

tfw can't upload the perennial philosophy pdf



Everyone learns different, especially when it comes to spiritual/occult stuff. What you call useless may be invaluable to someone else and that's why it would be so difficult to come up with something so condensed and at the same time useful to everyone. For example I think that not many people will start by mastering psychology, physics, mathematics as you say, but it's a really interesting approach.

Go on with that pdf if you feel like doing it. You'll probably learn a lot while writing it and it could be very useful to lots of people. You could even get some money for it haha.



You have been cucked by misinformation. All these books full of nothing but pretentious circlejerking is causing atittudes of more empty pretentious circlejerking, turning the ignorant into the ignorantly arrogant

>I think just one PDF could easily teach us everything we need to know magick. Maybe I'll write it myself if nobody else is going to bother, then I will claim very aggressively it is the sum of all knowledge on the topic, thus tricking people into teaching me new concepts I haven't been exposed to or listed yet.

I like the way you think.


Niggah calm your tits, Im already working on writing a book that does all that. Yall wizards cant help neophytes for shit. The beginner reading list is so garbage I had to go off on my own and start my own book collection and path. Even began training friends around in the art of magic and so far its been a success for everyone. The main problem lies in making sure they develop alongside their magical abilities and don't fall prey to their own ego. SO, not only is it instruction on magic but instruction on how to conduct life as a mature adult.

Also, just because something is noise to you doesn't mean it won't have value for someone else. Shut the fuck up you elitist prick and crawl back under the rock you came out from under. The books aren't wasting your time, you are ;^)

Protip: Your guides told me to tell you to learn your axioms, skrub



The stuff I'm calling useless is the stuff that is just plain wrong or plain noise. As for the stuff that is actually helpful, it's too much "I'm going to write a book for the sake of writing a book and repeat magick 101 basics like a thousand people before me" and not enough actually building on the knowledge.


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Don't be such a bitch and just read you fucking lazy faggot.

The library has everything you need. I uploaded some shit in the "Electric Cultivation" Thread that has some good shit as well.

Just read up on everything and mediate the noise of study with the processing power of exercise, diet, vitamins, socializing, video games, STEM, art, and sex/masturbation.

You have to read a shit ton and shake up your neurolinguistic programming. Write with the other hand, read upside down, that other shit I said, travel, walk around, buy some new sensory shit like different color light bulbs, incense, essential oils, music, buy and wear some new clothes, do something uncharacteristic….

You can only get through the noise if you learn some new patterns or reinvigorate the old ones.



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This book ( The Perennial Philosophy ) called to me at the public library, last month. I read it fairly slowly over a period of about a few weeks, but the wisdom presented inside was priceless. In other news, I dreamed about going to a used book store and finding "The Secret Doctrine" and "Isis Unveiled" for a very reasonable sum. This month I went into a used book store for the first time ( they're closing soon ) and purchased all four volumes in great condition for a very reasonable sum. These kinds of events are what has kept my worldview /fringe/ since I was very young. I also strongly recommend reading both the above mentioned works of H.P. Blavatsky.



>Shut the fuck up you elitist prick and crawl back under the rock you came out from under.

Projecting *;^)*

>The books aren't wasting your time, you are

You can twist words all you want but when someone reads a book with shit that they already know, that book is wasting their time plain and simple


ya fuckwit OP is obviously someone who already knows all that shit and everything


What's so special about the book? It's a simple idea takes 5 seconds to understand *this is hyperbole, towards the effect geniously described by OP "thus tricking people into teaching me new concepts "



Dude, you are quite obnoxious. Please leave this board.



suck my dick




can we get something like a temporary ban on people who just come to /fringe/ to shitpost? I mean I appreciate it in the context of imageboards but at the same time aren't we here in /fringe/ trying to elevate ourselves to a higher place? shit piss fuck jokes are so /b/ . We don't have to bring their culture here, rather let's just try to have a civilized conversation EVEN IF IT IS FUCKING HARD NOT TO CALL SOMEONE A DICK SUCKER NIGGER FAGGOT okay?



>on fringe

>dont like reading

>dont understand the reason you read more is not just to gather new information but that the old information modifies itself into new meanings as you advance in your practice



Assuming samefag, your the one who came here to complain. Your the one who personally attacked me. Call me obnoxious with no explanation of why? Fucking kill yourself.

It's not my fault if you get triggered and cry like a little bitch. Unlike you I am trying to contribute to the discussion that op wanted


Another fucking shitposter, but you think I care enough to cry about it? Let alone ask for bams on a board that has a loosh farming flag? LMFAO you guys are despicably ignorant

When I first saw op of imagined and hoped for a series of concise posts maybe with links to very high quality content books or pdfs

But the opposite happened where other than me everyone started to bitch and moan

You are all fucking insufferable

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