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Esoteric Wizardry


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What makes people interested in trivial magick and psychic powers that are basically just parlor tricks? I mean comic book powers like telepathy, astral projection, curses, luck boost, telekenisis, summoning stuff, etc…

To me it's much more interesting to work on something like buddhist Nirvana or christian Salvation than learning how to levitate or talk to trees. In the grand scheme of things magical pursuits should aim at high metaphysical goals, not shooting sparks out of your ass.

Even if magic and astrology were possible id rather invest my time building muscles in the gym so I could crush you wiccan neckbeards with my super strength.



That's why you do both, lmao. You only need to spend an hour every three days at the gym to gain strength anyways. Get the best of both worlds dawg.


I feel retarded for posting so early. I agree we need higher goals; atleast some of us. I feel as if the telepathy, telekinesis, etc are just fun for most and "proof" for themselves as to how magick works. Anyways strength should be worked on too is what I was getting at. lul


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You can spend your whole life developing "super" strength if you want but you'll lose it when you're dead


Skill and knowledge, not might or magic.

Sabotage your enemies without being caught.

Win through technical supremacy.

Capture the minds of others with mastery of their culture.

Predict the future through knowledge of the actors who make it, and skill to understand their minds.

Skill and knowledge is superior.


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OP maybe you should go to a gym and spend some time talking to the guys there who are only dedicated to cultivating their muscles, ask them what they think about life, death , what their goals in life are . Maybe then you'll get the answer to your question yourself.


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Do we live to lift or do we lift to live?



No. I want to shoot sparks out of my ass. Fuck you.


I agree with you OP. Doing spectacular feats is cool and all, but the spiritual truths discussed in The Secret Teachings Of All Ages are far more significant. Such knowledge transforms and evolved the spirit a great deal more than spiritual gifts. The gifts are merely symptoms of enlightenment that can be mimicked by even novices.

"To practice magic is to be a quack; to know magic is to be a sage."

-Eliphas Levi



/fit/ and bodybuilding.com are seriously some of the most toxic places on the internet


File: e662adbecc42f38⋯.jpg (417.22 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Foto 5-12-17, 4 06 27 AM.jpg)








YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>places that encourage and focus on physical health and fitness are the most toxic on the internet

>not Tumblr, reddit, Facebook, or MSM

found the "healthy at every size" SJW



Both are bad tee bee eich

One promotes physical hedonism, the other intellectual hedonism.

I'm not saying that caring about your body is bad, I have utmost respect for people that diligently care about it, but the extreme of that is sort of vacuous and empty. Plus they think that only working out is going to fix their issues in life.

Now, some people here think that only reading books and doing specific rituals is going to turn their lives around, but at least there isn't a hivemind about stuff.



>they think that only working out is going to fix their issues in life

I don't know how it is for the others, but for me working out in the gym every day has solved or drastically improved:

>minor hormonal deficiencies

>diagnosed anxiety disorder

>personal confidence and self-image

>eating habits

>sleeping habits

>being a little bitch

>time spent on useless websites

>low libido

>video game habits

>lack of manliness

>social performance

>intermittent psychosis

>sense of humor




>doing magic without getting fucked up

>growing a manly beard/mustache with my increased testosterone

>having energy to do things

>personal hygiene

So there are a few things left it hasn't solved yet like making all my lazy friends work out with me or reading 2 books per week, but it's otherwise a pretty good panacea. I will now provide you with some uplifting quotes from the world's enlightened.

"Lifting is the holiest of all practices."


"Take up your barbell and follow me."

-Jesus Christ

"Thou shalt make for thyselves any machine, for free weights are a jealous tool."


"There are few things graven in stone, except that you have to squat or you're a pussy."

-Mark Rippetoe

"Countless words count less than the silent difference between bulking and cutting."

-Lao Tzu



Thou shalt not*



> Plus they think that only working out is going to fix their issues in life.

You have a lot of implications in your diet.

>at least there isn't a hivemind about stuff.



File: 6cf7260c04a740c⋯.gif (4.16 MB, 315x242, 315:242, 6cf7260c04a740ced7d60eb1a7….gif)


Get the fuck out of here tumblr, this isn't your safe space. Did someone on /fit/ call you a manlet? Don't worry little boy, it's ok to cry.

In any case FPBP and the thread should have ended there.

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