>they think that only working out is going to fix their issues in life
I don't know how it is for the others, but for me working out in the gym every day has solved or drastically improved:
>minor hormonal deficiencies
>diagnosed anxiety disorder
>personal confidence and self-image
>eating habits
>sleeping habits
>being a little bitch
>time spent on useless websites
>low libido
>video game habits
>lack of manliness
>social performance
>intermittent psychosis
>sense of humor
>doing magic without getting fucked up
>growing a manly beard/mustache with my increased testosterone
>having energy to do things
>personal hygiene
So there are a few things left it hasn't solved yet like making all my lazy friends work out with me or reading 2 books per week, but it's otherwise a pretty good panacea. I will now provide you with some uplifting quotes from the world's enlightened.
"Lifting is the holiest of all practices."
"Take up your barbell and follow me."
-Jesus Christ
"Thou shalt make for thyselves any machine, for free weights are a jealous tool."
"There are few things graven in stone, except that you have to squat or you're a pussy."
-Mark Rippetoe
"Countless words count less than the silent difference between bulking and cutting."
-Lao Tzu