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Hello Fringe

Might be able to speak for a lot of people with this but i really need help and honestly fringe is one of the best locations i have found in years.

Science i was five i watched people around me do amazing things that can't be explained, my parents where the type who enjoyed doing their little psion tricks in front of people, moving crystals, warming and cooling objects, healing scares and marks at a 10th the times others have. Because of this I was also introduced to the wide margined of roleplayers, delusional, and fakers. It was very rare to see anyone else with gifts besides my parents.

as for me i have been trying all my life reading anything covering everything only limiting my studies from teachings that hurt others, such as sacrifices. beside seeing those few humans do what the could most of my belief in the supernatural comes from what i have seen and heard for myself such as creatures and shadows that should not be there, seeing light no one else can. and then the always fun one was that i could hear voices when i would lay down to sleep. i would hear people talking or having conversations like they were standing next to me but they never existed. this however stoped about a year ago when i started taking ambien.

My main problem is that even though i have reach out and felt the supernatural world i myself have never accomplished anything, no matter what way i go, what i read, who i learn from, nothing ever comes of it. I have no doubt in my mind of what we are capable of and that's probable because of the things i use to see my parents do, but it's always been so freaking frustrating to feel so inept incapable of anything more than producing physical energy when i need it.

Where do i go, what do i do, how do i learn to use "magic" i can't so much as make a half burning candle go out. Where do I go from here

TLDR: I have been a devout believer in the supernatural but i have no clue how to use magic and it's killing me.


Sometimes the best teacher isn't a person, maybe you should just read the recommended books and put questions in the fucking questions thread



i literally have not been outside of fringe, i link i used a while back took might straight here and i did not even know there was a questions board for fringe. would be happy to move this there.


I'd answer you but I may as well just keep writing my book and release it when it's done. There are specific things I could talk about, little pieces of the puzzle, but I must present a lot more to get you to the point of actually operating.



You should find your purpose. Create it. Choose it. Find it.

You might want to find a group you can work with. Not necessarily formal, though you can make it formal, but a casual group would be enough motivation and direction to "open pandora's box" so to speak.

Maybe you realize that you'd have x999 more phenomena of the spoopy variety if you actually started doing shit. Your parents had each other, were socially involved, and weren't going to become estranged and isolated from their experiences so they had no sub-conscious reservations.

You though likely need the security of knowing your experiences won't over power your ability to function and live in the normal world. Maybe your fear of being unable to achieve what your parents have done is stopping you, performance anxiety but ingrained.

Sometimes the positive; power, abundance, thrill, joy; can be more terrifying than the negative.

Go have some average satisfying experiences and your 'block' should dissolve. Get out of your head. Talk about your experiences and parents and all this shit with normal or not-normal people, friends, co-workers, strangers… you can have all the power inside but if it doesn't reach out to the world it'll never manifest.

The "Electric Cultivation" thread has a manga list;



>Zui Wu Dao is fucking awesome and most relevant to your case I think.






dude focus on lucid dreaming. if you can't even manipulate your own personal deamscape how can you hope to manipulate a shared rigid reality


They say that when you are ready for a teacher, one will come to you. You shouldn't focus too much on results yet and instead work on Step 1 of IIH and read as many books as you can. Meditate and ponder on long walks the Hermetic Principles.



red storm resonated very well with me and i was able to take some information and make new powerful meditations.


its also a damn good read.


Four times.



teachers are for pussies. probably manipulated by aliens. trust no one, not even yourself until you can build yourself up



>teachers are for pussies

nice attitude.

why do you teach?



It is not my intention, I try not to come across as condescending (unless you literally fail to comprehend what I say so I have to teach you to stop being retarded. lul)

My intention is to work and collaborate towards a greater understanding for everyone, myself included.

It comes across as teaching when I am only giving info…


One must always consult their intellect when exploring and expanding their understanding

The worst is when someone blindly accepts/obeys what someone else says without understanding what was said.

However, that being said, sometimes you do need a teacher for rapid development of a skill perhaps, in which case (once you have found someone worthy of it) you should blindly trust them and obey the practices and exercises



by purpose you mean what i want to do with my life, because i know what i want… accomplishing it is not so easy, but your words are not lost on me.

i'm starting a group this Saturday were suppose to be getting together once a week to talk and learn more about the supernatural. each session is a mix of topics were interested in plus personal thoughts and attempts to learn from one another. if you have more ideas i might be interested in adding them to the group.

talking with average people besides my small group of mostly "supernatural stuff is fake" friends is a bit difficult as most of my time is taken with a stay at home job, lack of a vehicle also adds to the difficulties. but i will still see what i can do

thank you for the helpful info and i will hope to apply it, if you have anything to add i will gladly listen.


The best way to teach, is to get them to figure it out for themselves. If you just tell them they will never learn

That's why teaching requires time and patience and willingness to care

On the other hand saying some ambiguous shit like a pretentious douche is only going to help get your own dick hard and piss off everyone else


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All perception is rooted in the flesh. Treat the flesh treat the root.

Subtle flesh is in direct contact with energy systems, and in direct contact with perception of your life experiences of any physical, psychic or whatever realm.

In order to turn experience into knowledge one must focus on the flesh and its subtle body systems.

Perform physical activity every 30 minutes at least. Focus on becoming supple, elastic and powerful like the tiger or dragon (crouching tiger hidden dragon anyone?).

Learn the meridian and accupoint systems, qi gong, and grab some medical grade chinese textbooks and laymans guides I dropped in the Electric Anatomy Daily Cultivation thread. It has some Shaolin Heritage Authentic training manuscripts as well. There's more elsewhere, in the library there is good shit in the Occult Seed and other links.

When you download the docs go through them slowly and focus more on connecting the knowledge and experiences you already have.

Remember, strengthening the body is prerequisite to energetic, emotional, social and mental ability… even spiritual. The body already has strength really, yet the body's systems are uncoordinated and movements and diet unhealthy. Thus you must focus on diet, nutrition, adequate water, breath and becoming supple but incredible strong. It is our tendons that limit strength, not the muscles. Remember that one, it's golden. HEALTH is Golden. CIRCULATION is Silver. Make Electrum (Gold/Silver alloy).

Since you already have psychic perceptions, the limitations of your health are what keep you from improving. Your energy is incredibly sensitive, subtle, dexterous… all great qualities to have. But without the strength to handle energy fuck ups from direct manipulation, your body-consciousness is protecting you.

With cardio, conditioning and gymnastics your power shall improve manifold in every area of the Human Condition.

Oh and most these guys are douches who compensate for their slow progress with arrogance and pride in order to make every micro-progression a monumental ego victory.

They would be wise to take my advice about physical cultivation being the quintessential hinge point to success in anything and everything. It's no wonder the most ambitious entrepreneurs, politicians, people in general train their bodies. Most go about it the wrong way however.

In order to truly have strength, you must make physical cultivation a meditation at times, a contemplation and reflection another, and an active "thorough working" of thought when called upon by necessity. It's not about training for the exercise but the exercise training you. Never conform to a system. Always have a system conform to YOU as much as possible. This is about Freedom and Freedom Accessories.

You have to read occult unrelated books as well. Philosophy (I prefer German and Greek), Tehcnical/Scientific, History, Fiction, Classics, Practical, etc.

Training the mind trains the body and vice versa. Training the emotions, personality…. sexuality, sensuality…. creativity, artistic ability… language, speaking ability… soul, spirit… Train the tissues and the philosophy or principles that tissues represent and you shall achieve greater than what is thought human.



>All perception is rooted in the flesh. Treat the flesh treat the root.

What are OOBE, especially when the body was clinically dead?


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Don't worry so much about being unable to do any of the practical stuff OP, if your parents can do magic then odds are you'll be able to do it too eventually. My dad's line is a somewhat lost wizard bloodline and though we've lost all formal teachings as we moved from country to country, my father instinctively knew how to hide his presence from mundanes, heal people by laying hands on them etc. After I found freedomboard a few years ago and actually trained myself I can do what he could and even more. Just today for example I practiced some precognition watching the Chase game show and accurately predicting what answers are correct, what will the player and chaser will pick with 100% success rate.

Basically open up the book archives in the sticky and get to reading and putting what you learn to practice. You don't need a trainer if you actually manage to connect to your higher self. Best of luck.



While OOB you are still rooted and connected to the flesh. It's why you look like you do when in your body until you change it.

People having OOBE while dead are not technically dead, since the tissues don't die and become inhospitable to a soul/spirit until the heart has stopped for a long time (at normal room temperature in the air), along the lines of 10 minutes is normally too much decay for a person to remerge with their body on their own.

A sufficiently skilled, knowledgeable and thus powerful spirit/soul could remerge with their body after 1 hour+, or longer (jesus, 3 days?) with help or even greater skill/power.

Non-human souls/spirits of great power, skill and knowledge could manifest from dirt or sand or thin air a human body.

You are still "Body Imprinted" long after you're dead (usually). This means you still retain much of the body consciousness or artifacts of body consciousness long after you're dead.

This never the less does not invalidate my statement. The root is one third of the tree, and so the flesh is one third of the Human. There is indeed energy pathways, circuits, systems, and basically metaphysical systems of incredible alien concept to the mundane which can be considered the trunk or branches of Human perception.

Note on OOBE: People experience a chord attached to their Out-of-body body going back to their fleshy body while projecting.



Your use of the word flesh is inconsistent with everyone else in the world. If the heart stops and there is no blood flow, there is zero brain activity. Therefore an OOBE while clinically dead means perception cannot happen through physical means.

Therefore perception is not rooted in the flesh.

Feel free to completely trash all knowledge of biology though. If you can make an entirely new cohesive alternative theory that explains all the biological processes better than the theories we already have, then go for it. Your attempts can be entertaining if we are lucky



Treat the flesh → Exercise, diet, "science of breath", etc.

If you have blocked channels in the flesh you have blocked perceptions.

Pulling a plant out from the earth does not mean the plant does not root in the earth, it does not mean the plant roots in the air.



Channels aka Charkras are not physical.when it's something all entities have



Channels aka acupressure points and meridians aka you should read more than a handful of same-same books and concepts.



As well, the channels are parable for blocked intentions. If your mind can't remember something due to improper brain chemicals, malnutrition, poor blood flow, etc etc, you have a blocked channel.




Maybe you should try to understand the shit you keep regurgitating

Or maybe read more. There is a truckload of literature that correlates completely the acupressure points and meridian concept of qi with chakras.

Anyways, call it what you will but qi/chi is not physical and it's something all entities have. Including nonphysical entities, ie they do not exist at all in the physical realm



i can manipulate my dreams, lucid dreaming actually come easy to me as long as my sleeping cycle is going well. i tend to use my lucid dreams to ask questions about existence (believing that all minds or connected) the problem is about three weeks ago the beings i would ask questions of stopped showing up. now when i try to ask questions it's just the well dressed guy in a suit showing up watching me.


you are not wrong i should start reading more. my problem with this is that in a world full of fakes, rolplayers, and people trying to make money i have no clue who's books are real and who's books are fake. after years of reading fakes i just want the real ones. also what are the hermetic principles?


for me getting a teacher is not about blindly accepting or obeying him, it's similar to being back in school hes there to help me and guide me not to make me his servant.


I see two common themes with teachers, A it's a guide and B you will get one when you are ready. As for A i say why can't he teach me how, whats wrong with expecting him to help me like i got back in school. And to B i say this sounds like an easy cop-out to say "oh it's your fault your just not ready" when people could easily just come out and say they are rare or far and in-between. just because you are "ready" does not mean you will ever get a teacher. Not all teachers are going to be some super powerful telepathy who seeks you out because they felt your cosmic energy reach the right point. This sounds more like roleplay than fact. but again this is all my opinions.



your post is similar to what i was told by my parents, granted your is a lot more in depth and actually brings together why it would matter so thank you. i find it hard to work on the body but if that's what it takes so be it i'll take the leap. Seriously though thanks, a lot of people say you need X for Y but they don't explain why X and Y connect. Do you have any books you would suggest that would be more helpful?

Also when you talk about OOBE, i was wondering if you mean astral projection? i have been working my ass off for years trying to do this because i feel it's the next step i need to take to be able to learn what i need. i want to be able to interact with other beings that i believe i can meet in the astral realm. i have spent a long time using my dreams to ask questions of entities that seem to appear in them (i have called them oricals because if this nature) and for a long time this worked fine but than when it came to magic they turned cold and refused to continuing asking my questions. i continued pushing night after night and now for the past month or so they have stopped appearing in my lucid dreams. Now when i call out to them this man in black appears, he's clean cut wears a suit and is ether smoking or drinking. i try speaking with him but he takes his damn time to give me any kind of attention and often he ignores me or says he has no need to answer my questions… so i don't know if this means anything or if it's just my own mind fucking with me. But i hope if i can astral project i can meet new beings and learn from them, via trade of energy… i can produce it easy i just can't seem to use it.


Thank you and congrats on the achievement it must be an amazing feeling to have.

as for books i run into the same issue where i just don't know where to start i don't know who's real and who's fake, i don't know if reading fake books will be any help. do you have any advice on who's books i should be looking into?



I'll concede a point. Instead of perception I should have said function, but still.

Reading something in a dream or astral or whatever, does not translate as well into conscious knowing/retrieval as it's less… dense. Using your hands and eyes to turn a physical book translates into being easily accessible while awake and probably when asleep.

So that's my point → Use the flesh as your "war front", your "vanguard" to most things.

You ever read manga where the protag has to train his constitution by extreme physical training in order to handle more "chi" or "spirit power" or whatever they'll call it in the manga? Yeah, well, that's the idea here. If you train to be like Bruce Lee and a gymnast and a strongman, you'll have the strength, constitution, will, control, qi and meridians necessary to handle actual power and ability.

I read an interesting concept that's apparently in chinese(japanese?) culture well enough to be in a manga: Dude was warned that if he tries to use too much power/chi, it'll reverse on him and result in "demon possession"… even though it was just a forced energy reversal and self-destruction, it was called demon possession besides the fact it had nothing to do with demons, in context of the manga.

Shamans have the concept of "power intrusion", which they call any power of the natural (and unnatural? waiting to find a shaman book for the artificial and technological spirits) world that invades the body, like an illness but is more metaphysical. This as well is a result of a weak constitution, or vigor.

So the physically powerful are less susceptible to all "intrusions" or "reversals", due to the nature of physical training… training the flesh. Furthermore, extending the realm of "flesh training" to "vigor training"… or, life force training, due to its direct contact (1 degree of separation until you reach a certain threshold of power/function), it's even moreso relevant. Directing energy that is in direct perception BY the flesh, is indeed good training; or at least a great realm to train. Mind the fact that tactile response is a direct measure of the strength of the energy in question….

So… your definitions of what is physical and non-physical is arbitrary, as one feels the "non-physical" physically and the "physical" non-physically. There is no fucking non-physical, it's a matter of degrees of the physical.

The fucking point of all this is that I'm trying to help a dude who wants to unlock his power; that's going to be by building up his body first.


Do olympic lifting with DBs, gymnastics, martial training, strongman training, cardio, calisthenics and mobility training. Iron pill I guess.

Read "Science of Breath", it's in the Occult Seed. Brown pill I guess.

Read every book in the Occult Seed then choose your path. Shaman, Qi/Meridian (which can be broken down into martial, spiritual and medical), summoning, hermetic, jewish, chaos, contemporary, love and light unity, yogi, or many others as well as sub-categories thereof.



Hmmm yeah wow maybe you should ask you PARENTS or did they die in a freak accident, too?




Develop your intuition. Logic is bountiful, intuition is not. Remain within a center of intuition.

Read them all and don't get stuck in any of them. The "charlatans" teach as much as the "masters". Intuition. Intuitive logic.

You will not grow until you choose intuition over logic. Let logic serve intuition. The dress of wisdom comes off the woman of power only after seduction by intuition, not the force of deduction.

Don't get performance anxiety; just workout light and easy.

If you can do 20 push ups do 15.

30 mins later if you can do 20 sit ups do 15.

30 mins later if you can do 30 squats do 20.

etc etc.

Good activities:

Head stand(start against the wall)

hand stand(start against the wall)

push ups variations

handstand push up variations

squat variations

animal walks

static holds

power snatch (use a db)

power clean & jerk (db)

uneven variations

Look up a bunch of different exercises and physical activities and utilize them according to what gets you the best results.

focus on strengthening and making supple the connective tissues (tendons, ligaments). When I do a power snatch for instance, then lower it very slowly, I feel pain when I relax my arm when I drop the weight. Relaxing right after a contraction will reveal hidden pain an discomfort. You want to make that disappear by "youthing" your tissues. Self massage and stretch in your spare time after any activity. Your tissues only improve if you cycle tension/exertion with relaxation/effortlessness. Power and Economy.

Try to have some enthusiasm and fun about it. Positive emotion is its own power, and is great motivation.

Those with greater knowledge are subject to greater trials, as there are those whose business it is to know who may threaten their power and thus they subjugate such persons.

If you want power you must have power. Begin with the power you have. The body. Knowledge. Energy. Money. Connections. Skill. Accumulate all you can, gain all you can, and you will passively have enough power to fight the battles you don't even realize you're fighting.>>99832



Check out the astral projection thread

If you can lucid dream them have you tried dreaming in real world places? Can you manipulate the dream? Like changing the environment


Consider that you don't need guidance anymore and that you need to actually develop your own inherent understanding

If I didn't know better I'd say your dream guides left because you weren't actually learning/understanding anything but thought you were, but only blindly listening. They probably got sick of telling you answers without you getting it's meaning

Astral projection won't happen until your significantly self developed. You can't learn just from information and logic, you need to actually experience certain things to develop. Like riding a bike or so many other things

Read this for arguments for and against why knowledge isn't enough. Also just look into qualia if you want. There's a great vsauce video going into that




>You can't learn just from information and logic,

I meant to say information and knowledge, I suppose that is also correct. That Freudian slip though

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