>what the hell do angels really look like?
I think this picture you posted, and OP's picture are spot on.
I have actually seen them a few times. They look like spinning geometrical shapes, moving within each other. I think mandalas and yantras are those culture's version of representing these entities in a 2d plane. The picture I posted is what I have seen, only imagine each level of sphere moving independently.
They first appeared as flashing lights in my periphery, which I later discovered were actually beautifully intricate geometrical patterns, that were spinning extremely fast (hence the flashing) and by matching their frequency, I could connect with them.
Similar to in the movie, Enter the Void - where the camera enters lights to merge with them and switch locales. This concept is also taken from the Tibetan book of living and dying.
In these other traditions, the mandala or yantra represents the actual abode or dimensional existence of the deity it is linked to. And I must agree, I think they exist outside our 3d dimension, so connecting with them, allowed them to show me other places of existence.
To further lend weight to my idea, it is commonly thought that this is what an actual 5th dimensional entity would look like if it entered our 4d world. (Time is the 4th dimension) It wouldn't be coming from any 'direction' we could see, it'd just pop in at s single location, and be an indecipherable mess of changing blobs.
See this video for some visual introductions to the idea.