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How to actually astral project ?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread)


It's a skill you develop. Start with lucid dreaming

Or take the shortcut and do drugs but that will only make it harder to do without drugs


Essentially though, you want to keep your mind awake and body asleep.

The classic method is the Wake Induced Lucid Dream technique where as you fall asleep you stay conscious and enter sleep paralysis and then if you manage to stay calm you enter the nonphysical realm.

From here you can apparently roll out of your body lol. But if you fail you enter a cool lucid dream anyways

I can go on and on


I've had more success with Dream Induced Lucid Dreaming though it's never directly intentional. Short naps when your already in a trance state may be more successful.

Another method is Finger Induced Lucid Dreaming. Induce a fake stoned paralysis trance state a d after not moving for a very long time try feeling your finger move without moving it. Just barely send the brain signal to feel very slight physical tension. You are Infact moving the astral body when doing this.


WILD DILD FILD techniques are all real with many guides on the internet. Have a gander at them

There is also Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dreaming. I'm not sure if that has to do with mantras, but simply repeating "the next time I am dreaming I will realize I'm dreamkmg' a thousand times can work


All these examples of volce entering dream state while your body thinks it's sleeping. Like lying down. Preferably on your back (though my unintentional experiences were often on my stomach so idk maybe that's better for DILD and on back for WILD? go figure)

A more expert teqnnique is more akin to channeling. Meditating on your bum, and entering the trance state. Chances are you will visualize things without meaning to.

During meditation while WILDing or meditating, it can be helpful to do one of so many visualization techniques. One example is visualizing your surroundings

From here you can visualize/recreate all the small details in your room, but another intense practice is to keep zooming out. Now visualize all the rooms in your house. Literally pretend to be roaming in your house using just memory and visualizing. This is not unlike actual astral projection. Now keep zooming out and visualize your neighborhood . Now visualize your city, country, the world,imagine traveling through space.

This is pretty overwhelming and I only tried it once. Just that was enough to boost my intuition lol. But go further and further

As above so below and beyond


Make sure there are sources of vitamin b, tryptophan, and fish oil forazimizing chances of vivid dreams

Or you can also just go straight for those dream herbs. There are many, I got some that I've been meaning to try for a very long time now. So much mundane stuff I gotta accomplish first though



Sorry I misspelled am on phone but should be obvious. But feel free to ask


Also stop fucking smoking weed if you haven't managed any dream success. After a few days of not smoking weed dream recall will increase exponentially

Though in general different states of mind always cause some newness in dreams which often causes a unique dream to say the least

First time in a while or forever smoking weed doing m etc can cause this. At least on the comedown.


So when you astral project, there are 2 key factors that play in.

First, you gotta deconnect from your physical body, and only afterwards to attempt shifting your consciousness into your astral one. Temporal Chamelon's technique makes you attempt connecting to your astral body when you're heavily programmed to do so and deconnected from your physical one because you just woke up. When you just wake up, your thoughts which are cerebral waves/bioelectricity have a lowered number of cycles per second, and thus you're in a trance-state. You're partially deconnected from your physical body already and thus you're capable of shifting your consciousness with more ease. Being more deconnected from your physical body also helps in gaining more information through your astral one since the consciousness will be transferred to a higher degree, and you'll also not respond as easily to loud-noises from the exterior surrounding your physical body.

In order to deconnect, and do it faster not by sleeping before, you gotta learn to lower your cycles per second of cerebral waves. The awaken state is called the beta state when you have 14 cycles per second, the alpha state is 7-14 and that's when it can or can not work, the delta state is 0-4 and that's dangerously low and might fall aslepe, the ideal state is the theta state and has 4-7 cycles per second.

In order to enter deep-trance, you gotta not move your body at all and enter a deep-trance. You enter the trance by 2 ways, whichever works better for you, and you can try to improvise in order to attain the "deep-effect" as I call it.

You can enter the deep-effect by constantly relaxing and imaging yourself deepening more and more, getting lower inside your own body, relaxing more and more till your body is paralysed to some degree or at least goes numb. Try to think of nothing but try to remain awake, it's important to keep your mind not too active to not get excited, but not good to fall asleep either. Or, you can use the ladder-technique, where you constantly go step by step lower on the ladder, and at some point once you consider you're deep enough, you jump on your back. That is with the goal of attaining a fall-effect. Sometimes you have some dreams where you feel like you fell, I'm speaking about that effect, it creates a shock of disconnection from your physical body.

Next step, the 2nd one, is to connect to your astral one. If you entered deep-trance you'll already be more connected to it and see the astral very vividly while still in your body even if you weren't open enough to do so while awake. You need to concentrate on the sensation right above your skin, and try to drag yourself out of your body, member by member, by rolling, moving your hands, little by little, but if you have enough will-power you should be able to even move your body as a whole. Try not to move your physical body, but move the subtle-sensations that you feel in your body, for that'll move the astral body. Try to make it so your willpower's core is in your astral body instead of your physical one.

Entering deep-trance is the key, it takes time to master but it can get better with void meditation/meditating on thinking of nothing, for that'll lower the cyclles per second of the brain even faster if you can think of absolutely nothing yet not fall asleep. For the beginning, just try to not get excited, it's okay if you think of stuff, just not delve into them.

There's also the option of not visualising at all, and concentrating just on relaxing, clearing your mind, letting go, and once you're relaxed enough, to concentrate on the sensation right above your skin/on your skin and connect to it, moving the small vibrations you feel outside your body.

There are ways to make sure that your astral body will be easier to detach, and that's by meditation on your soul and chakras. If your chakras are more open, your vibrations will be higher and your soul will be stronger which helps with projection.

When you project, you're connected to your body through some chakra-cords, the main one being the silver cord connected to your pineal gland which is the seat of the soul. There are techniques in the 6 basic meditations for getting started where you project by lower the connection of all of your chakras to the physical body. Those connections when cut, true death occurs. The further you are away from your body, the less vivid you see colors according to my experience.



Yes attempts after waking up; there are tutorials for this called Wake Back To Bed (WBTB) and it seems the easiest to do, if you can manage to remember this. Alarms usually wake you up too much.

The best is waking up without moving a muscle. You enter back into a dream within seconds. Many people who take their time waking up usually do this in attempts to 'finish their dreams'

>In order to deconnect, and do it faster not by sleeping before, you gotta learn to lower your cycles per second of cerebral waves. The awaken state is called the beta state when you have 14 cycles per second, the alpha state is 7-14 and that's when it can or can not work, the delta state is 0-4 and that's dangerously low and might fall aslepe, the ideal state is the theta state and has 4-7 cycles per second.

Yes this is why binuaral beats are 'supposed' to work as the difference in tone between ears are in this example 7 hz. This only works with headphones as each ear needs to hear a different tone. You know it's working if you hear a 'wobble' that goes away when listening with only one ear or with speakers.


This is supposed to "force" you into that brain state, but of course you'd have to be at least a little susceptible for it to work. Maybe not instant lucid dreaming, but this should have some effect.

Another tip is to just generally meditate before sleeping (like on your butt before lying down). This should prime you're body into getting used to having an awake aware mind, while the body enters a state of minimal activity.

Basically, relax. The more seriously you take this, the more tense you will be causing you to stay rooted to your body.



Actually there are alarm applications made specifically for this that turn off automatically which is very useful for what you're describing.


OH yea another thing. Although sex or wanking generally doesn't directly affect dreams, completely inhibiting sexual satisfaction for days and weeks will eventually lead to wet dreams. These are very very good chances to become lucid in a dream. Just from the fact that you forbade yourself all sexy time so if there sexy time it HAS to be a dream and this solidified into your constant awareness should trigger complete lucidity within dreams. That is if you don't give into sexiness while dreaming. At the very least consider that you wouldn't want to wake up with a mess


Oh that sounds pretty simple actually. At first I thought of those weird heart beat detecting alarms that wake you up depending on what brain state you are in. That's craziness


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Read a book.



I read the entire book. I'm still not actually astral projecting



What exactly does it mean to shift your consciousness? Pure Consciousness is technically infinite and formless, so you must be referring to something that has a form.

It seems if one does not have 'astral consciousness' they still are controlling their astral body completely unaware


If your chakras are not aligned you shouldn't even bother trying to astral project



Please elaborate. I've had spontaneous projections since childhood and I knew shit about chakras.



You are born attuned to your self and with balanced chakras. If you are lucky the corruption of the world will not break this balance

Anyways, spontaneous doesn't sound very healthy. An overactive third eye chakra… well you can guess how that wouldn't be a good thing



what if i play an exiting action game while listening to the binaurals? will that completely fuck the effects?

will it affect the way i perceive the binaurals in the future?



No what the hell

what effects are you even looking for?

If you're trying to astral project from sleeping you should be, well trying to sleep DUH

Another way is if you meditate while listening to binural beats for a while, and then go lie down.

Looking at any screens or exposure to any light before sleeping is how you fuck up the entire sleeping process putting your circadian rhythm whack



i'm sorry to have disappointed you anon

please forgive me


yea it would have been nice if OP actually contributed and not shit posted a question. but astral projection is a huuuge topic and does deserve it's own thread, even just focusing on instructions and learning.

I like this admin, smiley would actually lock the thread that's really annoying. his sperginess locked a thread I made one time that asked people's opinion on their favourite method to enter astral projection. literally not a question for knowledge but for opinions. doesn't belong in question thread

anyways that being said, what's everyone's favourite method to astral project? it seems my body is much more attuned to 'waking up' from with in a dream but I am obsessed with directly entering it from a conscious state. lapses in awareness are super lame but it seems I am just not developed enough to do that

it's like my desire for sleep paralysis has made it impossible to happen now. any way to induce or force sleep paralysis? I haven't felt fear in so long, but maybe it's because I fear fear itself. I don't really know.

one should only fear god, which is inside you. maybe I should embrace the fear of myself, but I don't know what that means


my forgiveness is meaningless, one must forgive themselves.

your expression of humbleness is admirable.

humility is a good to have, along with gratitude

although I sense some sarcasm. humour is cool too



I don't usually come to /Fringe/ so forgive me if the info provided is garbage.

I myself have never Astral projected, but I do believe it is possible. I may try when I have more time.

There is a man named Thomas Campbell. He wrote a book titled "My Big TOE" TOE = Theory of Everything in which he speaks of Astral travel, and the method him and his friends used to achieve said state. More or less what >>99781 is talking about. Binaural beats and what not.

Interesting stuff, but it has been awhile since I've last been able to try to read the full book. IRL stuff has swamped my schedule something fierce.

>Links provided





Not being sarcastic



le bump tiem

muh balanceI have OCD


book is sooo long actually :DDDD


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I haven't practiced dream projection intentionally, but i think i've become kind of good at it. I lived a at noisy place and was often woken up, which made me want to go back into the dreams and by that i learnt lucid dreaming. I can create my own worlds, characters, settings and scenerios. I've been exploring the most interesting places, based and created on my desire and experiences, which makes it be what i just want to see.

I have visited strange countries and islands, and there i seek and find what i desire. Sometimes i do strange and deadly obstacle courses just for the fun of it, because i can't die. I can morph creatures to fight against and take chances i normally would not because i am invinsible.

Anyways, this must be lucid dreaming and not astral projection. Is the difference that astral projection is going around the real world.



In my limited/compressed understanding the TLDR is as follows: LD is internal; AP is external


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>Basically, relax. The more seriously you take this, the more tense you will be causing you to stay rooted to your body.

This really set me back not so much because it kept me rooted to my body but because I put so much pressure on myself and took it so seriously that when I went into astral I ended up bringing some really bad shit my way. My key piece of advice for anyone getting into this is let it come to you and don't try to force it. You really need to develop your mind and reflect a lot, don't be tense and rigid just try to go with the flow and stay aware of your mind.

Lucid dreaming is slightly different to astral projection though both follow the same sets of rules. In astral you will be in contact with other entities and some of these are extremely dark. They will be attracted to you more depending on the levels of fucked your subconscious projects into it. If you have a troubled past or some deep shit you haven't taken care of then TAKE IT EASY. Try to keep your mind as benign and relaxed as you can as their are things out there that want to take advantage of you and manipulate. A being who contacted me has told me that when and what you project into the astral the astral can also project into you. Keep your thoughts clean.

Something I recommend for activating a healthy dream-cycle with enhanced vividity is reading a book just before you sleep. It won't work so well if you take something like a philosophical or secular novel but try doing it with fantasy books like Lord of the Rings or Ovid, Homer, Wheel of Time, Mistborn etc. Right now I am going through A Song of Ice and Fire again and I have really managed to keep my process of imaginative visualisation (astral sight) firmly rooted within me so that it carries on into my dreams. Picture architecture, landscapes, creatures, focus on the poetic qualities of the writing and let it take you away. In my opinion occultism and poetry are synonymous, poetry is just the literate version of symbolism. It'll really help you keep that level of awareness if you find something that resonates good.

See you out there!



Did you DO the exercises?


I know that astral projection and lucid dreams are separate things but my questions is:

Do i need to be in REM to astral project or can i do it whenever i feel like?



no your mind needs to be awake and body asleep. Problem being you risk falling asleep because it takes just as long for your body to let go. Your most likely be better off trying to lucid dream.


What is 'Hell' in relation to Astral Projection? How can someone travel to hell? Can you learn anything by going there?



The underworld is an astral projection of your subconscious. It usually feels hellish because our subconscious is usually not very clean.


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>Finger induced Lucid Dreaming.



I am not going to read fucking rants. Every post about "How to lucid dream", "How to remote view","How to astral project", is 90% YOUR BRAIN WORKS IN THIS WAY ITS CRAZY U GO INTO THIS WAVELENGTH AND THE DELTA WAVE AND 3 HOURS OF REST AND THEN YOU HAVE TO DELTA WAVELENGTH


I looked at some remote viewing books, and gave up after like 2 pages because it's just people talking about themselves. I have horrible ADHD and can get nowhere in this ego obsessed world because of it. Every fucking book on the planet, whether it's science, or history, spends like 10 pages talking about "How freaking cool and amazing science is and how freaking much I have benefited from learning history and all the amazing people I have met along the way!"

I wish the average page of a book looked like this :


and we were able to interpret what that means

if someone asks me how my day was, i should just be able to say hjflkdsa29 instead of good so somebody actually fucking knows how my day was and how they can possibly help.

youtube videos are the same. Ever have a piece of shit remote that you can't open the battery compartment for? You go to youtube, look up that model, and for 3 minute some fucking dweeb is like "HEY GUYS YOUTUBEMAN69 HERE CHECK OUT THIS THING I BOUGHT IT THIS IS NOT AN AD THIS IS JUST INFO CHECK THIS OUT ITS USEFUL FOR THIS AND THIS AND I BOUGHT IT FOR ME AND MY FAMILY LOVES IT AND DID I MENTION THAT I AM A PERSON?

I should have been able to go to this thread and seen

Step 1) Prepare for bed

Step 2) Relax your body. Flex every muscle up and down and become aware of where your body is

Step 3) Imagine a beach. Put yourself in that beach instead of your bed.





and then had like 50 others takes on it to, eventually having it turn into a wiki of sorts


We have enough Mark Zuckerbergs who think they are the gatekeeper of all socializing and shit. That faggot literally sits in his throne thinking he is some god, when in reality he is just a used car salesman.



Just do sense concentration exercises and you'll function better on the mental-astral plane. Any time you daydream you're on that plane, you just have to deepen the thoughts, via concentration + emotional flow. That is all.



truth in this. i find if i smoke everyday, then suddenly stop my dreams are always much more vivid. then after a few days not smoking my dream recall drops again. then when i start smoking again, boom, vivid dreams again.

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