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Esoteric Wizardry


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Yo, so I have this exam next week and I need some help

>1 - how to have a strong aura, I wanna be the male who stands out (usually an exam room have about 5 males 10 females) and 3 guards

>2 - is there a way to get better grades, or answer in a better way through some sort of thoughtform/ thinking way? I really wanna ace that shit

no rituals lads, have a nice evening


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

vid related for auras and shit

read your textbook like a storybook. shit works. read fucking everything. don't study hard study smart. math muscle memory only gets you so far. actually understand the inherent concepts behind the work. be interested

how to make yourself be interested? well that's where magic comes in. either actually learn to change your perspective at will aka get gud at pretending so that it doen't even make a difference what you thought was interesting, or make a fucking thoughtform to be interested for you. good luck with the form dissipates due to your lack of energy feeding it. just feed energy to yourself

also see rule 2

>2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread

go to the question thread next time kiddo



thanks for the answer



>2 - is there a way to get better grades, or answer in a better way through some sort of thoughtform/ thinking way? I really wanna ace that shit

If you don't want to go the Goetia route I suggest you look into meditation. If you want to go the Goetia route I also suggest you start meditating every day. It will improve you in many ways, including intellectually.

Also there's a question thread for this you fuckhead.

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