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Esoteric Wizardry


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I don't usually use this board but I believe most of what you believe. I believe myself to have been a victim of MKUltra programming and I am afully curious as to the symbolism of various known triggers. So far, I have none of the conventional ones (Alice through the Looking Glass, Dorthy Gale in The Wizard of Oz, any Disney characters, trees, knives, mythological creatures, etc). However, I have discovered through exploration with a friend that I have an odd reaction to the song "Put on your Sunday Clothes" from the film/play "Hello, Dolly". The song is the embed.

Throughout I get a wide range of confusing emotions. Some parts of it I feel terrified and some parts of it I feel happy and relieved. On the parts I feel terrified around it's not so much a scared feeling as it is a want to hide and shut out the world feeling as if I am in danger. Other times it elevates to true terror. What does it mean?

Also I don't know if this is relevant but afterwards the scene from *The Mancurian Canidate* where the man finds the trick deck filled with the Red Queen of Hearts (which was his trigger). I don't know if this memory came out from the post-trigger or just that I was thinking of related things.


Uhhh.. have you tried meditating? Everyone is a victim to society and it's brainwashing conditioning ie indoctrination of school system, movies played in class at early ages, etc

Just take notice of every thought, feeling or action that you do and do not have a reason for. Suffice to say, you have to find out why. Chances are there are beliefs hidden in your subconscious from the programming that happens from being conditioned by society

If you don't remember getting raped, you are probably good.


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Meditation meditation meditation meditation meditation meditation meditation meditation.

Ultimately, directly or indirectly, it is the answer (or can provide one) to mostly everything, especially spiritual, but also mundane.

If you don't remember getting raped, you are probably good. But meditation will clear that one out for you too.

So get to it.


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Have you read stuff by Fritz Springmeier or Cathy O'Brien?

If you've been "programmed" it means you've been tortured at a young age in order to make you dissociate and create alternate personalities as a survival mechanism.

Triggering these personalities isn't going to make you conscious of them since their original purpose is to take the brunt of the horror while leaving you with no memory of the event.

That's why it is used, so the person has no conscious record of who they have talked to or what they have done.

You'd need the specific triggering codes in the proper sequence to access the personalities.

If you think this has happened to you, that you have mpd/did I'd suggest reading "When Rabbit Howls" as its a book by someone with mpd and your alters will respond to it just from the way its written.

That still doesn't mean your going to become conscious of them, but it can help them to know there are others who've been through similar things.



so can reading lots of cool fiction books fix stuff? reading books is fun. better than video games if you have an imagination



why just reading? If you want to do magic maybe start writing your own work. Try writing things that you enjoy and include yourself in the story as a main character, and use the story as a sigil to develop the abilities that you need.


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MK Ultra is a dead program and the results of its research are many of the electronic products and pharmacy drugs and so on we have today.

You're too young for MK Ultra.

Just learn to assert le master self and reprogram your own being.



Here OP. This isn't MK Ultra even though they're calling it that. This is the current-day mind control.




While we're in the topic. Is there any one else who was taken out of class and had to partake in language activity? I remember it but not everyone was who you'd think it'd be.

It was only three, maybe 4 max, kids and at least in my school, we were put into the one disused buildings, near the end of the school grounds. Also, heard something crazy happen outside my window once but that's more than likely unrelated.


I know a bunch of degenerate druggies who use the October Man on young girls.

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