Have you read stuff by Fritz Springmeier or Cathy O'Brien?
If you've been "programmed" it means you've been tortured at a young age in order to make you dissociate and create alternate personalities as a survival mechanism.
Triggering these personalities isn't going to make you conscious of them since their original purpose is to take the brunt of the horror while leaving you with no memory of the event.
That's why it is used, so the person has no conscious record of who they have talked to or what they have done.
You'd need the specific triggering codes in the proper sequence to access the personalities.
If you think this has happened to you, that you have mpd/did I'd suggest reading "When Rabbit Howls" as its a book by someone with mpd and your alters will respond to it just from the way its written.
That still doesn't mean your going to become conscious of them, but it can help them to know there are others who've been through similar things.