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I am majorily fucked up from drugs and stress and accumulated toxins and various issues and I need to reset my body really badly now. What should I do to clean out my body completely inside and out? Drink hot distilled water and eat nothing for 4 days and nights and pray? What has worked for any of you that have tried anything like this?



Your problem is that you go about life looking for shortcuts. It's time for you to learn a hard lesson.

Start exercising, eating paleo-style diet with plenty of vegetables and very little carbs (no processed or refined sugar) and quit smoking and drinking.

Your body knows how to recuperate if you stop fucking with it. So stop fucking with it and solve your mental issues. Dumbass.



Fuck off. I have never smoke or drank in my life and eat a high-fat diet with barely any sugar and I bike 20 km a day (10 to the gym and 10 back). Your advice is shit and I need to take things a step further than mere exercise and diet which I already have down pat. I've been cautioned before actually that I overexercise my body too much and that could be fucking with my sleep and so on.



Also the drugs I've been taking are melatonin and diphenydramine hydrochloride and recently some anti-anxiety pills. I took them out of desperation because absolutely nothing else fucking worked.



Alright. A part of my advice still stands. Solve your mental issues first and foremost then.

You say you are fucked up from drugs, which you took to unfuck yourself. From what did were you fucked back then? Stress? "Accumulated toxins" means nothing, especially if you say you eat correctly and don't do recreational stuff. "Various issues"?

Dude. Mental issues. Sort them out. Find the root. Go to a shrink, whatever. But stop trying to solve this backwards. It's not your body that has issues, it's your fucking mind.



>I have never smoke or drank in my life and eat a high-fat diet with barely any sugar and I bike 20 km a day

Perhaps you should drop the meme diet and have a drink with some friends sometime for a change, you psychotic fuck.

You don't have friends with whom to have a beer, do you?



OK, first of all, there's a question thread for this kind of questions.

Second, as others have said, you sound like you have some psychological (astral, in Montalk terms I guess) problems that might be causing a reflection upon your physical. I believe this judging by the very small amount of detail you gave in the OP. So call it a shamanic illness if you will.

How is your relationship with your parents? How would you feel, say, about having a beer with your dad (or a juice or whatever), or partaking in any common hobbies you guys might have (or he has)? Have you ever done anything like that? How did it go?

Don't drink hot distilled water for 4 days unless you want to seriously fuck your shit up, given your already weak state both mentally and physically.

This is a random article, but you can find many on the Internet:


>Fasting using distilled water can be dangerous because of the rapid loss of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride) and trace minerals like magnesium, deficiencies of which can cause heart beat irregularities and high blood pressure. Cooking foods in distilled water pulls the minerals out of them and lowers their nutrient value.

Also, checked.



If you want to know the real issue, it's the accumulation of diphenhydramine, it's a deliriant, firstly an antihistamine. If you've been taking it every night for a while, this will easily mess with your sense of reality. Adding benzos into the mix will probably further depersonalize you. Look into it, and see if these might be applicable. Stop taking DPH to fall asleep.



Excercise produces natural endorphins which help balance the mind, reducing stress and increasing overall mood level. Sweating and increasing blood circulation also helps push any bad shit in your system. Basic excercise is really easy just use your own bodyweight; push ups, sit ups, squats, crunches, pull ups etc. If you want to clean your lungs out I recommend using menthol crystals (ONLY USE A SMALL AMOUNT OR YOU WILL FUCK YOURSELF) you put them in a bowl of boiled water and inhale the vapour that gets let out as the menthol crystals dissolve. If you have been smoking for a while you will probably cough up loads of black shit but afterwards you will realise you have forgotten what its like to actually breathe.

I am not sure how it works but cranberries are very good for detox, drinking plenty of cranberry juice will definitley help. However I am not aware of what drugs exactly you are trying to rid yourself of. Some drugs will not leave your system for a very long time and I don't think eating nothing and drinking hot water for 4 days will change that so I guess it depends on what exactly you are trying to get out of you.

For stress? Man thats all you, sure I have no idea about the water thing but if it was really so easy as that I doubt many of us would be stressed. You need to start cultivating a more positive mentality. Burn incense, listen to ambient soundscapes, go for walks and reflect a little. Great books can also give you the words you need to here so that your positivity is reinforced. Ridding yourself of stress is very hard but really you just have to make yourself do very easy things such as simply relaxing and being comfortable - preferably after a bit of excercise to get those endorphins and a bit of self-entitlement going. Meditation can be a very powerful tool as well you should also consider the affect your mentality and attitude has on your physical body. Try to create a nice atmosphere for yourself, eat very prudently, and excercise. You don't need to be a wizard to know that will make you very healthy mentally and physically.



That kind of attitude doesn't help anyone or cultivate anything positive it just helps create more stress and confrontation.



Prayer and meditation, really soul resonating music, joyful activities, and drawing in life force will do you well.

Instead of biking everywhere, if you like biking, do some casual biking around the neighborhood. Start doing yoga and stretching instead.

As well, Horse Stance is suppose to create a "root" that draws burning healing energy up from the earth into the body, and might work for you. Yoga and stretching would be better though.

Instead of a healthy diet, you need more diet. You can't have energy or heal the body without fuel, so try to eat more of whatever you're eating. You bike so damn much you should be eating 3000 calories a day at least. The "obesity epidemic" sensational crap biases perception so people don't even consider that maybe they just need to eat more rather than perfectly proportioned this and that.

Meditate and pray for sure though.

Moreso though, pick up an artform. A handful of them actually.

Try this as well:


I made the thread to take care of random bugs in your physical, emotional and mental health and wellness.


Drug addicts can only "detox" by suicide. Die.





lots of fruits and veggies and lots of clean spring water (your cheap store brand gallon sizes)

not eating shit



you should go for a bike ride, that always cheers me up! I hope you feel better soon depression stinks


OP seek out supernatural assistance for your fasting and your great cleanse

the time that i did such to such an extreme so as to know that i have been detoxed and cleansed was after becoming a reborn believer in the Christ

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