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What does it mean?

(Rule 2)


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Nero Caesar in the Hebrew alphabet is נרון קסר NRON QSR, which when used as numbers represent 50 200 6 50 100 60 200, which add to 666.

Preterists (probably right) believe the Apocalypse is divided into two periods - initial persecution (tick), latter day second coming (awaiting).

On that interpretation, 666 ain't even spooky.


The flesh, the ego. Science itself proves this, with our carbon-based bodies holding the nomenclature of 6 protons, 6 electrons, 6 neutrons. Our bodies ARE the beast, which is neither good or evil, only that it is massively influenced by suggestion on how to be utilized. Do you feed the lower mind, serving carnal desire and pleasure which further aims to strip you away from spiritual awareness? Or, do you harness the innate nature of this vessel through existence itself, rising to the higher mind, to "Solomon's temple" in your mind and your body, breaking through the illuminations by the sun and the illusions by the moon? It's only as trivial as the pursuit taken to get there.

The problem with this pitch is how unfortunate many are in the world to where they cannot break free from the doctrines and dogmas enforced by churches, keeping many held to literal interpretations of books and stories, and not seeing any of the hidden meaning layered within scriptures and myths? That is also part of the ongoing trial in why we are here - to overcome the carnal mind present within ourselves, yet few understand how to do so. This carnal mind is comparable to Satan, simply because it is a part of us, and is there as a test to surpass. It is not meant to be full-blown, camoflauged with agendas.

Now for an inquisitive question. Would there be so many followers of religious practices and congregations upon the possibility that God had the intention set towards Satan falling from Heaven (put much more correctly, descending from the Higher to the Lower), in order to ultimately test shreds of its collectively individualized states of consciousness through the Beast in order to weigh out the principle of duality?



The flesh. Mind operating without Spirit. Intellect without intuition.

Whenever it shows up in my life it means I'm ignoring or in danger of ignoring knowledge from my higher self. Or that someone else around me is and that I need to be cautious of their behavior..

Capacity for unimaginable cruelty since the mind is separated from spirit and ignorant of spiritual repercussions.

I remember reading something Montalk related/having some ouija board discussions about it being VISA cards but don't remember the details beyond roman numeral [VI].


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This number has been demonized by purpose because it's actually a good number. I don't know what exactly does it mean but it had nothing to do with a horned fucker made up by christianity.

Number six has something to do with the fibonacci, pretty sure 666 is some kinda super fibonacci stuff.



>neither good nor evil

'the mark of the beast' is one of the seals. It's all part of the mystery. And the mystery is crucial. Everything is a paradox. If the truth is simply told to you, instructed, taught, then you will never learn it. The truth of the rock of ages and the tree of knowledge of good and evil is that it is THE TRUTH. But the only way to learn this truth is to abandon everything else. Some call it ego death, I disagree. Killing off the ego is to limit yourself, instead the ego needs to be brought to heel. Same as with emotions. Some say that emotions must be abandoned, others that they must be embraced. But, with no emotion you will never find it, because another one of the seals is love, to find that the world is nothing but ugliness and greed but still find within yourself the capacity to love. In this regard, abandoning emotion or over embracing it in a hippy dippy 'love everything no matter what' kind of way are to your detriment.

Now, where they are called seals.. you could see them as stumbling blocks that need to be made into stepping stones. They are all a mystery, they exist.. they can be seen and felt.. but only by the keen eye of the man who has an ear.

And what is a mystery? A question that can't be answered? Or could it be a question that can not be answered conventionally? Maybe it is a question that only the mind of a thinking man can even identify as a question, let alone find an answer to it?

There is a reason such things are spoken in riddle and metaphor, it is for the protection of the unwise. Is that because 'the wise' are pompous and arrogant? No… Well in the cases of those who build secret societies and 'offer the truth after one shows enough commitment' yea fuck them.. but the reason that even those who wish to spread the truth speak in riddle is a bit of a failsafe. To outright tell someone what the truth is is to cause their undoing, they will never learn it that way because in order to learn it it must be a mystery.. complete fucking paradox.

The most that someone can do is offer a hand and give gentle nudges towards the correct questions. This is part of the failsafe I mentioned, it is literally the most they can do. Everyone who has ever found it has also known that what they found could not be shared, it is the one most important rule that there is. Hints can be dropped, vague explanations can be given, but a complete breakdown to someone who has no chance of understanding is forbidden. Not only because you will make it infinitely more difficult for them to find it but because if they are dimwitted the cognitive dissonance that would come with everything they ever knew being proven to be incorrect would absolutely drive them insane. But, paradox its ineffable so it can only be spoken of in metaphor anyway.

So with that. Hint time.

Before hint time, if you are not entirely confident with your understanding of yourself (mind, body and spirit) do not continue reading. I started this path not entirely ready for it and let me tell you, it is not for the faint of heart. The prize at the end of this labyrinth is beautiful but the path is treacherous. This is the forest of illusion, do not enter it unless you are prepared to stay on the path at all costs. Leave the path and you will find yourself lost, and the more lost you become the worst it gets. If you go forth and find yourself off the path, it is like quicksand the more you struggle the quicker you sink. (this is all metaphor) Do not forget that there is someone that can help. When you get lost you will ask him for some light. He will give you tough love, but he will help if you show you are willing to help yourself.

>Let he who has wisdom count his name because his name is a number and it is 666.

>The devil exists

>he is a deceiver

This does not have to be about any specific religious/esoteric text. They all speak of a similar entity/concept. But with that in mind:

>If there is a deceiver

>and he/she/it has ever once deceived

>and all that you know you have come to know in a world where that deceit occurred

>then what do you know to be true?

As much as I would like to, I can not continue further than that because I can not ensure that the only people who read these words have their spirit and wisdom built up enough to handle the path ahead. Tread lightly.


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The mark of the beast is the seal of servitude for the falling souls who are slaves of the animal mind in the Kingdom of Klipoth, where “no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that has (Kabbalistic) understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man (Tiphereth); and his number is Six hundred Sixty and Six.” Revelation 13: 17, 18.

So, the number of the beast is 666. When we add these numbers together, 6+6+6, we get 18; and by adding 1+8 we get 9; the number nine is Yesod – Sex. In itself 18 is the Arcanum of occult enemies, those psychological entities (bestial ego) that hinder our spiritual development because of their bestial Fornication (animal orgasm). The Tree of Good and Evil is symbolized in the duality of the Eighteenth Arcanum; within the number 18, the Ninth Sephirah Yesod – Sex is found twice, which points out the good and evil ways of utilizing the sexual energy of the stone of Jacob (Yesod).

So, Tiphereth (the true Servant of God) is the sixth of the ten Sephiroth. Tiphereth begins and ends with the letter Tav, and corresponds to the letter Vau, V, of the Tetragrammaton IHVH. It is also called Meleck or King as well as the Son of Man (Son of Arik Anpin). It is the central Sephirah of the SIX that composes Zauir Anpin, the Microprosopus, or Lesser Countenance, the Microcosmos, the Human Soul, the terrestrial man.

The Malkuth (physical body) of the terrestrial man has three nervous systems or three brains which are located on the top, middle and bottom of the spinal medulla (symbolized in the Hebrew letter Vav) and that are represented in the inverted triangle of the seal of Solomon:

Tiphereth, in servitude of the Demon of Desire(in Hod) that squanders the fires of the letter Vav (spinal medulla) through the Sexual Center, sexual organs = 6

Tiphereth, in servitude of the Demon of Thought(in Netzach) that squanders the fires of the letter Vav (spinal medulla) through the intellectual center, the head = 6

Tiphereth, in servitude of the Demon of Evil Will(in the causal plane) that squanders the fires of the letter Vav (spinal medulla) through the emotional center, the heart = 6

So, 666 is the number of a Man, a Man that falls, and that Man is Tiphereth, the human soul in servitude to sin.

Until Psyche awakens, our Tiphereth, our Vav, is negative; it is asleep. That is why in the Book of Revelation the beast has the number 666. Those are three Vavs—three brains: mind, heart, body. All three are asleep; all three in us are dominated by animal desire. Our mind is dominated by fear, pride, envy, anger, lust, greed, gluttony, laziness. Our heart is dominated by negative emotions, by resentments, by memories, by cravings. Our body is dominated by habits, by laziness, by busy-ness. Our three brains are 666: three negative Vavs, inverted in Hell; that is why we suffer. We need to rectify that, to correct it.

The Eighteenth Arcanum is the abyss, darkness, and sexual temptations which the initiate has to fight against. The Ninth Arcanum is the Ninth Sphere, initiation into the mysteries of "The Hermit" as it is called.

The gods have judged the Great Harlot — humanity, whose number is 666. The sentence of the gods was:

To the abyss!

To the abyss!

To the abyss!

Synthesis: the beast 666 is the inverted triangle of the seal of Solomon, in other words, it is the soul bottled up into the number 18 (the unbelievers, the uncircumcised, our occult animal or bestial psychological enemies within). The mark of the beast is the sign on the forehead of Kain (the animal mind)!



Gaia's rotational axis is inclined to the orbital plane by an angle of about 23.4° or if you view it differently 90°-23.4°=66.6°. This oblique ecliptic enables the four seasons. One can only speculate how life would look like or even if life could have emerged with a perpendicular rotational axis.

The ego is the beast's culmination. If materialistic drives are transcended, if the self deconstructs the ego, if duality is unmasked as the One, the beast metamorphizes into a transcendental conscious being. The possibility to act against the naturalistic principle is the very essence of our spiritual potential through reason. The number 666 reminds us of our origins, our impossibility of being independent from material conditions.



3, 6 and 9 are the keys of the Universe, according to Nikola Tesla.



I am ready for the next step, and I know the answer you will give me because many have gave it before but everyone has their own interpretations of it, however it is not a pointless question as the answer is the same, but everyone who knows that you ask leaves a different piece of knowledge not left in the clues and hints by those before.

This forest of illusion you speak of, I am well acquainted with myself, and was getting lost in it the more I struggled for I entered the forest before I was ready. I have already met my guide and he truly has lead me back to the path (I say lead and not shown, as to get back to the path I had to see through illusion and understand the mystery that he left me).

I'm not sure if this is part of my journey or something happening to many people and I can feel it before it is happening (I know of this, I won't go into it as I'm not knowledgeable enough to even describe it in mystery to others except for those that already know), it's either there's something big out there, or there was already something catastrophic in the past and I am just feeling the after shockwaves. Am I "correct" in one aspect of this?


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>is this part of my journey or something happening to many

Both. When I was first lost, and oh boy was I lost, literally irl and spiritually. The illusion is fucking real. I was not into the esoterics much, I knew of the myth and various introductory topics but I didnt know anything really. So I thought I was the only one for a while. But then I started seeing people trying to talk about it all over the place. The journey is unique to you, but many will walk it. Some of the tests and trials are the same or similar for many but they will vary based on your weaknesses. For me the path out of the first illusion was humility. After a while I recognized that my eyes were being deceived, and then I recognized that the harder I tried to find where it was that I was trying to go the further away from it I became. It wasn't until I admitted that this illusion seemed to be something I could not solve on my own and asked for help that the illusion was lifted. Later that night I spent hours talking to whoever would listen asking questions and receiving answers for them. I asked a ridiculously powerful question and it felt like a knowledge was being beamed into my head, after which I just happened to know/understand more about esoterica than most. My trial was very, very specific to my personality.

As for your guide. One question that remains difficult to answer is, is your guide different than mine? I know exactly what you speak about when you say guide. But I have a very strong sense that that guide, at least in my case.. may be more than one. I have detected an air of deceit from it at times, where as others it feels like a loving father figure trying to help me to learn to get back up when I fall. Other times it has a very female quality to it (which also feels a bit deceptive). Exactly who it is that comes seems to depend on the moon in the sky. It could be the same entity or 3 different ones, so far it is hard to know because atleast one of them is deceptive. And when I say deceptive I mean false miracles and shit like that.. so, very interdasting.

>either theres something big out there, or there was already something catastrophic and I am feeling the aftershock

All of the above. There was once a crime so great, so horrendous, that it caused us to sin. Everything in existence is a paradox. The crime was seen coming so a lie was told. The situation was one where to act was to sin, but to do nothing was to allow a terrible sin to occur. So, instead, it was decided that to crawl through hell to ensure the wicked ones fail in the end was the only way. It was decided that love is vengeance.

tldr; something awful once happened, and something huge approaches. If you hear the drumbeat, and I suspect you will know what I am talking about, pay attention to it.



to understand them is to hold the keys to the universe. There is no 0, '10' is 1 complete set and the 1 of the next set, i.e. 11. Play with numbers with that in mind and you will understand it.



>deceptive guides

they may be liars, parasites.

>all that other false light trap chit chat that has a few christian undertones

connect with your Higher Self. if you think that your other guides are giving you false advice… your Higher Self won't ever lead you astray.


>the deceiver exists

the (((corrupt demiurge))). this very name is a tip for your quest, the absolute realization that We are One. truth can be taught, but it only integrates seamlessly only you ORGANICALLY apply it and REALIZE its validity. and by organically applying and understanding it, you are learning it.

>tread carefully.

good advice.


hmmm… ponder this: false timelines. "an event that happened to many"… this reeks of false light to me. the forest of illusion is a metaphor of the journey of discovery.



Lil John confirmed for masonic insider??




>that image

kek thats not what I posted


>false light trap

>christian undertones

I do not intend for it to have undertones of any religion. I structured my wording specifically for a reason, there are questions that need to be asked within them.. but for me to provide those questions makes it less likely that any uninitiated who read it will be able to find them. As far as I am concerned to flat out say 'this is true' or 'this is false' is to attenuate the ability of the uninitiated. To reveal the mysteries to them is to undo them. And the mere fact that I found it, and that you speak of it and we understand each other means that all others are capable of doing it themselves as well. Like I said, if you know that you exist, and you know that there was atleast one deception, and you know not where that deception starts nor where it ends, then the only thing you know for sure is that you know nothing. And if you know nothing then anyone telling you that they know something must too know nothing. The only true way to find the truth is to strike out and carve your own path to it. Once you are there you will find that you are not lonely. Because like you said, everything is one. But then.. every one is 3 and every one is 9 and nothing is 0.

When ever you read, read between the lines. Everything is literal and everything is metaphor, reality is a poem that lives within a symphony that is so funny I forgot to laugh. This is the land of the lost where we are found. Right is up and left is down, I stand up but I am sideways. Stare into a pond and you will see smoke, look to the sky behold! Fire! PARADOX, my lads.

When you read something, read it all and then read it word for word and see past the sentences to the meaning within. And you will find freedom without.



reexamine all songs going back to childrens nursery rhymes from way the fuck back. Theres a thread touching on it in the catalog.



Thank you, anon. I discover the meaning of nonmeaning. The essence of self and the selflessness of essence.

to say I understand would be to choose one or the other. One can not exist without the other yet to exist holds nothing at all, without the nothing of meaning and the meaningless I wonder where it is I end up next.

I am a wanderer, I find home in the lost, my greatest illusion is finding a home where there is none. Finding no home at all.



No, thank you. The student is the master and the master is a student. Your words are profound. Truer words have never been said so falsely, nor false words said so truly :^) when we reach the end of the path and climb the mountain upon which the temple sits, too often do we rejoice "at last I have found it", and when we do that we fail to notice that there is yet a mountain higher. And too often do we seek the wisdom of elders, but fail to notice that the wisest words come from the mouths of children. But, worse, sometimes we get to the top of the mountain and do not see where next to travel. You helped me find the right perspective to see it. Thank you for those turning words.

When you go about your day keep your almond on maximum activation, constantly, when you speak to someone hear their words, as those words come from them, but also listen for underlying metaphors, those words come from on high. Call him/it whatever your heart tells you is his name, he speaks through me, and you, just as much as it does through the village idiot. All the words of tongue and pen, song and poem.

Theres a thread in the catalog about music. I suggest giving it a read. You just might discover more. Cheers!



I'll look at it.

as it happens, I'm a wandering musician too.


Q: (L) What is the meaning of the number 666 in the book of Revelation?

A: Visa.

Q: (L) You mean as in credit card?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are credit cards the work of what 666 represents?

A: Yes?

Q: (L) Should we get rid of all credit cards?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) Would it be more to our advantage than not to disconnect ourselves from the credit system?

A: Isn't just credit also debit.

Q: (L) Is that an affirmative.

A: How are you going to do this?

Q: (L) Well, do you have any suggestions?

A: World will soon have nothing but credit and debit have you not heard of this new visa debit cards this is the future of money as controlled by the world banking system i.e. the brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist.


Q: (L) If I don't have a credit card then I don't have to belong to this system?

A: No. You will have no choices: belong or starve.

Q: (L) What happened to free will?

A: Brotherhood aka Lizards aka antichrist has interfered with free will for 309000 years. They are getting desperate as we near the change.

Q: (V) It has always been my nature to rebel against that which I did not feel was good for me. Is rebellion against this system possible?

A: If you are willing to leave the body.

Q: (L) Leave the body as in death, croak, kick the bucket?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) If we were to move…

A: Changes will follow turmoil be patient.

Q: (L) We would like to move into the country. Will it be possible to get along without this credit/debit card leading that kind of life?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are they going to have the kind of capability of controlling everything and everybody no matter where they are?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Even if we moved to Guyana and built a log hut in the rain forest and didn't bother anybody, we'd still get sucked into this thing?

A: Laura you will feel the effect of the Lizard beings desperate push for total control no matter where you go.

Q: (L) That is inexpressibly depressing. Do you understand?

A: Why? Change will follow.

Q: (L) Will it follow soon?

A: You are slipping a bit. Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?

Q: (L) In the reference cited, Joan of Arc is described as feeling ecstatic while burning at the stake. Is that what you mean?

A: Sort of, but you need not burn at the stake.

Q: (L) That's small comfort. There's other ways to die.

A: We are not speaking of death, Laura. If you listen to those who are firmly rooted in 3rd level this is when you run the risk of slipping in your knowledge learned no matter how good the intentions i.e. Lewis.

Q: (L) What do you mean about Lewis?

A: Guyana.

Q: (L) What do you mean "Challenge will be ecstasy"? What sort of challenge?

A: Living through the turmoil ahead.

Q: (L) Several books I have read have advised moving to rural areas and forming groups and storing food etc…

A: Disinformation. Get rid of this once and for all. That is 3rd level garbage.

Q: (L) We feel pretty helpless at the mercy of beings who can come in and feed off of us at will. Do we have someone on our side, pulling for our team, throwing us energy or something?

A: Who do you think you have been communicating with?

Q: (L) Are you going to be able to assist us through this turmoil?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are you going to?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) If we call, can we get your assistance?

A: All you have to do is ask.

Q: (L) Will we go through any periods when we may be cut off from help?

A: You are never ever cut off.

Q: (L) Oh, I don't want to suffer!

A: You need not suffer. Stop thinking 3rd level.

Q: (L) I don't want anybody I love to suffer either. I don't want any pain. I've suffered enough!

A: You are stuck at 3rd level tonight.

Q: (L) It's not just that. There is so much disinformation you just don't know who to believe… I mean, how do we know we can believe you? There are so many sources out there deceiving and they do it so cleverly. Look at the Bible… for 2,000 years people have been believing that…

A: They deceive when you allow it.

Q: (L) I know you are supposed to take some things on faith… but, do you see my problem here?

A: Yes, but you don't.

Q: (L) What is my problem?

A: Mental block.

Q: (L) In the recent past you indicated that chapter 24 of Matthew and chapter 21 of Luke, were given by Jesus after his extended sleep state. Now, both of those chapters refer to the present time as being like the days of Noah. Is that a correct assessment?

A: In a sense and individual events are as yet undetermined.


Q: (L) Well, the story of Noah tells us that Noah was told to build an ark.

A: Symbolic.

Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm?

A: No. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see?

Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing and be where we should be?

A: You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.

Q: (L) Am I correct in thinking that many people who think they are channeling are just channeling earthbound spirits?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (L) Is it possible to channel dead people who have gone into the light?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (L) Would it be possible for us to do this with other people present so that they could ask questions also?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is S___ under the influence of other forces?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who?

A: Who else? The Lizzies.


VI is 6 in Roman Numerals. S was 6 in ancient Egypt. A was 6 in Sanskrit. VISA, see, is 666. Interesting that to travel for extended periods one needs a "visa" also, yes?

Q: (L) The other parts of chapter 13… Verse one says, "I stood on the sandy beach I saw a beast coming up out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads. On his horns he had ten royal crowns and blasphemous titles on his heads…" What does this verse mean?

A: Many meanings. Monetary control. 10 represents universal control of whole units of value.

Q: (L) So, the ten horns represent units of value, so we are talking about money here. What are the blasphemous titles on his heads?

A: In God we trust.

Q: (L) "And the beast that I saw resembled a leopard…"

A: New World Order.

Q: (L) "And to him the dragon gave his might and power and great dominion…" Who is the dragon?

A: Read again please.

Q: (L) "And the beast I saw resembled a leopard…" What does the leopard signify?

A: Leopard is fast moving and distinctly patterned.

Q: (L) "His feet were like those of a bear…" what do the feet represent?

A: Russia.

Q: (L) Why are the feet like those of a bear?

A: Hidden power center in that geographic location.

Q: (L) What nature this power center?

A: Same as USA. Feet are not so easily seen.

Q: (L) Does this mean that Russia and the US are secretly united?

A: Under same control.

Q: (L) Are these the Lizards?

A: At the root.

Q: (L) "His mouth was like that of a lion…" What does mouth represent and why is it like a lions?

A: Noisy and boastful.

Q: (L) Who is noisy and boastful and how is this going to manifest?

A: Economic power structure. Lion is powerful and commands attention by roaring. Who has been speaking loudly about a new world order?

Q: (L) The United States?

A: Close. Elements of same.

Q: (L) "One of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound, but his death stroke was healed and the whole earth went after the beast in amazement and admiration…" What does it mean that one of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound?

A: Aliens.

Q: (L) The aliens will seem to be a deadly wound to the Beast?

A: Initially.

Q: (L) "But his death stroke was healed, and the whole earth went after the Beast with amazement and admiration…" What does this mean?

A: Initial fear gives way to worship and admiration.

Q: (L) "They fell down and gave homage to the dragon because he had bestowed on the beast all of his dominion and authority…" Who is this dragon?

A: World Body Politic.


Q: (L) And who is this Beast?

A: New World Order aka Brotherhood aka Lizzies aka antichrist.

Q: (L) "The Beast was given the power of speech uttering boastful and blasphemous words and was given freedom to exert his authority and exercise his will during 42 months…"

A: Timing is open. Power of speech is self explanatory in terms of audio and video media.

Q: (L) "And he opened his mouth to speak slanders against God blaspheming his name and his abode even vilifying those who live in heaven…" Does this mean that this group, this beast are going to…

A: Disseminate disinformation with respect to encouraging worship, loyalty and obedience to antichrist.

Q: (L) "He was further permitted to wage war on God's holy people and to overcome them and power was given him to extend his authority over every tribe and people and every tongue and nation…" Does this means trials and tribulations of those who refuse to submit?

A: No. See previous answer.

Q: (L) "And all the inhabitants of the earth will fall down in admiration… everyone whose name has not been recorded from the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of the Lamb that was slain in sacrifice from the foundation of the world…" What are "those whose names are recorded in the Book of Life… what is the Book of Life?

A: Supercomputer.

Q: (L) The Book of Life of the Lamb… everyone whose name has not been recorded… it is saying that the people who are going to worship the Beast are names that have not been recorded… does that mean that there is a supercomputer recording the names of those who do not worship the beast?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And who has this supercomputer?

A: Beast. All names will be recorded as being either obedient or disobedient.

Q: (L) Who is this "Lamb?"

A: Beast.

Q: (L) "If anyone is able to hear let him listen: whoever leads into captivity will himself go into captivity; if anyone slays with the sword, with the sword will he be slain… herein is the call for the patience and fidelity of the saints (God's people)… "Who are God's people?

A: All.

Q: (L) What does it mean: "Whoever leads into captivity will go into captivity?"

A: Follow the leader.


Q: (L) If they follow the leader they will become captive and if they fight with the leader they will be killed?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) "Then I saw another Beast rising up out of the land; he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon…" What does this signify?

A: Other faces of the same entity.

Q: (L) What does it mean that he had two horns like a lamb? A lamb doesn't have horns. Why does it say he has horns?

A: Confusion by contradiction.

Q: (L) And what does the lamb represent?

A: Same face of the Beast.

Q: (L) What does it mean he "spoke like a dragon"??

A: Same.

Q: (L) "He exerts all the power and right of control as the former beast in his presence and causes the earth and those who dwell upon it to exalt and deify the beast whose deadly wound was healed and worship him…" Well, it seems to say that there is a second beast that is different from the first beast but you are saying that it is just another face of the beast…

A: Yes. Look at it this way, aliens one face; God another; government another et cetera.

Q: (L) Did you mean to say that God was another face of the beast?

A: As represented by religion.

Q: (L) "He performs great signs, startling miracles, even making fire fall from the sky to the earth in men's sight.." What does that mean?

A: Aliens perform "miracles".

Q: (L) And what is the "image" of the Beast?

A: Aliens.

Q: (L) What does it mean to have been wounded by the sword and still live?

A: Perceived as scary then Godlike.

Q: (L) "And he was permitted to impart the breath of life into the Beast's image so that the statue of the beast could actually talk and to cause all to be put to death that would not bow down and worship the image of the beast." What does this mean?

A: Total control once deception is complete.

Q: (L) "Compels all alike, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be marked with an inscription on their right hand or on their foreheads…." What is this inscription?

A: Visa ID number.

Q: (L) Is this going to be actually physically put on our bodies?

A: Encoded.

Q: (L) How? Is that what the aliens do when they abduct people?

A: No.

Q: (L) How is it going to be done?

A: Stamped.

Q: (L) By what technical means?

A: Electronic encoding. A series of numbers.


Q: (L) Are they going to put these on our skins or imbed them in the skin on our heads or hand…?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Does that mean that you will have to place your hand on an electronic scanner in order to conduct any type of monetary transaction?

A: Precisely.

Q: (L) Okay, it says: "Here is room for discernment, a call for the wisdom of interpretation, let him who has intelligence, penetration, insight enough calculate the number of the Beast, for it is a human number, the number of a certain man, his number is 666. What does this mean?

A: Visa as explained previously. Everyone will get their own number and it will be a Visa number, the number of the Beast.

Q: (L) "Then I looked and Lo! the lamb stood on Mount Zion and with him 144,000 men who had his name and his father's name inscribed on their foreheads…" What does that mean?

A: ID. The Lamb is the Leadership council of the world bank. Many will think they are taking the "mark" of God when actually being marked by the Beast.

Q: (L) "And I heard a voice from Heaven like the sound of great waters and like the rumbling of might thunder and the voice I heard seemed like the music of harpists accompanying themselves on their harps…" What is this voice from heaven and the sound like great waters and mighty thunder?

A: The return of Christ.

Q: (L) "And they sing a new song… No one could learn to sing that song except the 144,000 who had been ransomed from the earth… you said the 144,000 are the leaders of the world bank and here it says they have been ransomed from the earth at the coming of Christ… it says the 144,000 have not defiled themselves by relations with women for they are pure as virgins. These are they who follow the Lamb wherever he goes…they have been ransomed…"

A: Symbolism added later and this is not entirely accurate point. The symbols have been mixed. Tends to encourage elitism and divisiveness.

Q: (L) Are the 144,000 good guys or bad guys as we would term them?

A: Both. But they are ones who have supreme knowledge.

Q: (L) Are these human beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) There will be 144,000 people on the earth who have supreme knowledge?

A: Approximately.

Q: (L) Now, this 144,000, are we among that number? Just curious.

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) "No lie was found to be upon their lips for they are blameless, spotless, untainted without blemish. And I saw another angel flying in midair with an eternal gospel to tell to the inhabitants of the earth, every race and tribe and people, and he cried with a mighty voice: Revere God and give him glory, for the hour of his judgment has arrived, fall down before him, pay him homage and adoration and worship him who created heaven and earth and the sea and the springs of water…" What does this tell us?

A: Added later by questionable source.

Q: (L) "Then a second angel followed declaring: Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great, she who made all nations drink of the wine of her passionate unchastity…" Who is Babylon and what does it mean she has fallen?

A: Same as previous answer.

Q: (L) "Another angel followed, a third, saying with a mighty voice saying whoever pays homage to the beast and permits his stamp to be put on his forehead or on his hand he too shall have to drink of the wine of God's indignation and wrath poured undiluted into the cup of his anger, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb…"

A: Disinformation. Intended to create fear and resistance so that the aliens can feed off of these emotions.


Q: (L) "Again I looked and lo! I saw a white cloud and sitting on the cloud one resembling a son of man with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp scythe in his hand…" Is that further additions?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) "Another angel came out of the temple saying with a mighty voice to the one sitting on the cloud: put in your scythe and reap for the hour has arrived to gather the harvest for the earth's crop is fully ripened…"

A: More fear based disinformation.

Q: (L) Now, I have compared certain passages of Revelations to the work of Immanuel Velikovsky, were those sections accurate in what they describe?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And those are events that will transpire after the Lizzies have done their thing, after the Visa is in place, and before or after Christ returns?

A: Before.

Q: (L) So the cluster of comets is going to come before the return of Christ??

A: Yes. But return is just one event not the whole thing.

Q: (L) Is there going to be massive disruption on the planet and maybe a lot of people transitioning out of the body simultaneously because of the interaction of this cluster of comets and the earth.

A: Close.

Q: (L) And, shortly following this event, Christ will return?

A: As part of the whole.

Q: (L) That is going to be part of the cluster of comets activity?

A: After.

Q: (L) What is Christ going to do after he returns?

A: Teach.

Q: (L) How many people are going to be on the planet to receive this teaching?

A: Open.

Q: (L) May we assume there will be six billion?

A: Assume as you please.

Q: (L) You keep saying that the return of Christ is a part of the whole as though there is some important thing that I am missing the question to discover. Consider that question asked… tell me what it is I am missing, please.

A: Obvious if you have been paying attention.

Q: (L) And that is…?

A: The transition to 4th density.

Q: (L) Is the transition to 4th density going to happen before the comets or after?

A: After.

Q: (L) Is the interaction of the comets and the planet earth going to….

A: Precede the transition.

Q: (L) Is it going to generate this change in some way?

A: No.

Q: (L) It's not going to have anything to do with electromagnetic interactions which would heighten the atomic vibrations of the planet?

A: No.

Q: (L) So, the comets are going to make a mess of things and then the transition is going to come as Christ comes?

A: Before.

Q: (L) The transition will happen and we will all be standing around glazed in the eyes or whatever, wondering what to do with ourselves, because we are finding ourselves in a new estate we have not been in before, and then Christ comes?

A: More or less.

Q: (L) Now, what is going to happen after Christ comes back and everything is sort of straightening out and he is teaching… is everybody on the planet going to be gathered together in one place to receive these teachings?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is he going to travel around and teach?

A: Technology.

Q: (L) He will teach via the media?

A: Yes.


Q: (L) And we are still going to have access to our media, television and radio and so forth?

A: Some.

Q: (L) Are some people at that point in time or just prior to this transition, going to leave in large groups with the Lizzies?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are there going to be large groups of people moving into domed cities on the planet living in "cahoots" with the Lizzies?

A: Close.

Q: (L) In other words there may be areas of Lizzie control on the planet and areas under the control of Christ?

A: Christ does not control.



Is there more? Thanks for posting this.



>What is this voice from heaven and the sound like great waters and mighty thunder?

>A: The return of Christ.

When I first started traveling this path I had no idea what I was doing. I had become entirely compelled to solve mysteries. Started off with this undying feeling that I needed to disprove 'modern physics'. Wound up coming to some tentative conclusions that seemed to me to more accurately describe how reality works. Somewhere along the line I became aware of 'this object'… a three dimensional object that moves along 4 axi and exists in an atleast 10x8x6 3-dimensional plane where each coordinate was its own dimension, with each of those 'coordinate dimensions' affecting the shape of 4 dimensions in which the object can move. it was purely hypothetical at the time but for some reason that I couldnt shake it seemed very real but I couldnt explain why

So, tldr, I was going full autismo on infinite abstraction, barely any knowledge of the esoteric at the time. Then after a while I started experiencing what some anons have been posting about in other threads, unexplainable levels of paranoia, full blown existential cognitive dissonance. After really fucking fighting against it for a while I finally admitted that I was fighting something I couldnt best on my own, gave myself a suckerpunch to my pride and humbled the fucking shit out of myself, and of course many of you know how the story goes from there.

But, anyway, while I was really struggling against my trials, there were several things that I experienced that I will never forget. One of them was this sound that would come at night. It sounded like a river, but the closest moving water is about 20 miles away. I mean it didn't sound like white water rapids but it sounded like a decent sized small river/large brook and it sounded like it was 50 feet from my house. And when I went to go investigate the sound would move further away, but when I turned around it would follow me back.

During this same time period I was hearing all sorts of wacky, and unexplainable noises of thunder that didnt sound normal and roaring in the distance which tbh I tried rationalizing as "yea someones just bending steel girders at 2am, in the woods where there are no buildings" because it sounded like a fucking dragon and at this point I was starting to get concerned that I had completely lost my mind




I dance between the two extremes of cruelty and compassion. My mind on its own tosses thoughts from both sides across the spectrum. God knows.


File: e48ac7714084654⋯.jpg (35.31 KB, 691x573, 691:573, CarbonAtom.jpg)


666 represents the frequency of Death.

777 represents the frequency of life.

All life on earth was created out of 7electron7neutron7proton silicon atoms but due to a cataclysm, we were downgraded to 6electrons6neutrons6protons Carbon atoms.



That was it. Cassiopean stuff.

I wouldn't recommend using a ouija board for anything. Unless your working with magical protections and are as serious about it as a bow hunter stalking a grizzly, it could prove to be very damaging and possibly fatal.

On a side note, when those amazon voice things started showing up in the news saying things and laughing, the first thing I thought about where ghost boxes.



Whoever taught you chemistry ought to be publicly shamed.



Who are you? You are correct to not lightly take information provided by someone as truth, but don't be so quick to assume that you haven't been lied to at the most fundamental levels.



Silicon bonds with less atoms and chemicals than carbon, this is the reason why we get sick very easily and die.

Carbon is death and silicon is life. the earth's crust is 90% silicon and there was much more silicon in the past than there was today.



its highly possible that this is the case, I examined the same conclusion in depth a while ago as a possibility. But, there is no way to say for sure.


Number occurs often when i'm grocery shopping - makes me think, cause theres no way i subconsciously buy stuff that adds up to 666. Eg today i bought 4 bananas, one apple, a pear and a beer and it added up to 6.66. What does it mean? Should i stop buying at these stores? lol seriously, any idea what to make of it?



Same here. The sign is all over the place and that's the "sign".

Been playing this one game and always see 666 or 1666

Couldn't be coincidence right?

When I buy items that would subtract my current gold I would get 666 as change.



Thought about it as well - like earth's court to hell and we're all getting constantly reminded. And cause truth can't be hidden, only eyes wide shut won't see it. And speaking of coincidence to me it's the same as faith, so, guess we're meant to think about why 666 keeps oddly occuring in our lives.



>theres no way that I subconsciously

The way I see it, is that there are several possibilities. Either it is entirely coincidental, it is your subconscious guiding you to these purchases that add up to 666 or it is God/the universe trying to tell you something.

If it happened once, then yea maybe its a coincidence. But, in addition to your purchases there are plenty of such occurrences which seem to happen often enough to make a strong case for the notion that coincidence is impossible. And, as for your subconscious, could it be that your brain just notices these things when they happen more often that other arrangements of numbers? That you have been conditioned to notice it? If that is the case, regarding these occurrences, which is it that you are conditioned to do… Notice these patterns? Or to chalk them up to coincidence and ignore them?

That leaves only one possibility, those numbers mean something. Is it God/the universe/a higher being trying to communicate with you? Can't be ruled out. Could it be that something about the way that the universe is structured causes those numbers to come together more often? Seems to be so. Whether it is merely that the way that the universe is structured or if it is something about the way the universe is structured plus God/the universe/a higher being trying to send you a message is one of the great mysteries.

There are many numbers that pop up just as much as 666, they each have a meaning, what could it be? :^)

If you want to throw your autism down a rabbit hole:

Write something, just put pen to paper and write. Write what you are pondering or a question you have been asking and expound upon it, write your thought patterns on it, possible answers or possible questions which need to be answered to answer the main question. When you write, include no spaces, punctuation is optional but no spaces, and write so that each letter is aligned with the letter in the sentence above it. Now, read what you wrote. After you read what you wrote: read it vertically notice some 3-4 words popping up vertically? coincidence? impossible but the rest of it is gibberish right? confusion of tongues sometimes we need to read phonetically I give unto thee a fragment of the true language crystal



Thank you anon!

It's everytime creepy and funny at the same time when then cashier wants 666 from you, so there's a good factor on judging about the randomness of the occurring number, especially if you buy things which prizes are revealed at the checkout counter. Of course there are plenty of other numbers which significantly or at least as such percepted occur and catch my attention, but the 666 keeps following me purchasing groceries lel. Maybe my dreams will speak to me about it.

Was triggered, did after your instructions and read one word vertically: TACO. Fits perfectly into groceries


Free ross ulbricht he's in jail for trying to free us from corporate and mafia/cartel/police/military monopolies.


File: facb51aa7fad342⋯.jpg (703.91 KB, 2560x800, 16:5, Mining_MineWater2560.jpg)


<Silica is converted into silicon by reduction with carbon

>carbon can be created using forest fire or any other method using fire.

>Silicon dioxide is is used in semiconductor industry, and has other uses such as dissolving rock.

<Silicon dioxide is attacked by hydrofluoric acid to produce hexafluorosilicic acid.

>Hydrofluoric acid is a solution of Hydrogen fluoride and Water.

<Hydrofluoric acid oxidises in the presence of hydrocarbons.

<Hydrocarbon is Crude Oil.

<hydrocarbon is created from hydrogen and carbon.

<Crude oil is a waste product of Silica processing

<Ocean water is Mining waste.

<Quarry water is the same blue color of the ocean due to chemicals.

Refining Waste is pumped deep into the earth. Earth was a giant silicon crystal with silicon life.


File: 12ffbd583de9410⋯.gif (4.31 KB, 555x103, 555:103, TriangularNumber.gif)

File: 6ec53e71a926cae⋯.jpg (46.23 KB, 497x384, 497:384, 666-36th-triangular-number.jpg)

666 is a magic number, it's not evil. It's one of Lain's favorite numbers too…

Always remember that Knowledge is Power, and Rulers don't give Power to their serfs. This means if corrupt assholes make something taboo, or call it a derogatory name (like nerd), then it's probably worth digging into.

666 is the largest repeating digit T(), where T() is a Triangular Number. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!)

A triangular number is where you make nodes of a triangular grid. pic related. This is also the basic shape of certain feed forward neural networks.

It's also the 36th (6 * 6)th triangular number.

This makes 666 very important in sacred geometry.

If you place 0's between 6s you get: 60606

60606 = 7 x 13 x 666 = 91 x 666 = T(13) x T(36) - i.e., 60606 is the product of two triangular numbers.

60606 = 7 x 37 x (13 x 18), Revelations 13:18 is the place where 666 is mentioned.

The 1928th prime is 16661 (a special palindromic prime, same forwards and back)

1 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 1 + 9 + 2 + 8

144 = (6 + 6) * (6 + 6)

If you total the first 144 fractional digits of Pi, you get 666.

3.(1+4+1+5+9+2+6+5+3+5+8+9+7+9+3+2+3+8+4+6+2+6+4+3+3+8+3+2+7+9+5+0+2+8+8+4+1+9+7+1+6+9+3+9+9+3+7+5+1+0+5+8+2+0+9+7+4+9+4+4+5+9+2+3+0+7+8+1+6+4+0+6+2+8+6+2+0+8+9+9+8+6+2+8+0+3+4+8+2+5+3+4+2+1+1+7+0+6+7+9+8+2+1+4+8+0+8+6+5+1+3+2+8+2+3+0+6+6+4+7+0+9+3+8+4+4+6+0+9+5+5+0+5+8+2+2+3+1+7+2+5+3+5+9) = 3.(666)

a^2 + b^2 = c^2, then a,b,c is a Pythagorean triplet

216 , 630, 666 is such a tripplet made up of only 6s:

(6*6*6)² + (666 - 6*6)² = 666²

There is only one such Pythagorean triangle having an area with repeating digits:

693, 1924, 2045 = area of 666666

666 is a simple sum and difference of its first three 6th powers:

666 = 1^6 - 2^6 + 3^6

666 = sum of its digits plus the cubes of its digits:

666 = 6 + 6 + 6 + 6³ + 6³ + 6³

There are only 6 positive integers numbers that have this property…

666^47 = 5049969684420796753173148798405564772941516295265408188117632668936540446616033068653028889892718859670297563286219594665904733945856

666^51 = 993540757591385940334263511341295980723858637469431008997120691313460713282967582530234558214918480960748972838900637634215694097683599029436416

Sum the digits after the = sign and you'll get 666.

666 is the only positive integer greater than one with this property.

Also, (4+7) * (5+1) = 66.

First 6 Roman numerals, in order from largest to smallest is 666:

DCLXVI = 666.

Using degrees, the Golden Ratio "g" can be computed thus:

g = - ( sin(666) + cos(6 * 6 * 6) )

(to be continued)


Mark Zuckerberg stole Facebook because jews are useless lazy parasites who rely on lying and backstabbing to accomplish anything. These kike murderers will be held accountable and when all is said and done there will not be one ounce of kike blood left in the universe. You are less than fucking insects you disgusting fucks.


There are kikes selling drugs right next to this police station right now, because select groups of people are allowed to commit crimes. Billions of dollars of heroin is brought into the us to murder Americans . Us military police and intelligence are all in on this because they are fucking pussies. Too bad these dumb fucks made the wrong choice because they are all going to be held accountable. I will take on the entire world by myself. I am not afraid of one of you fucking losers. You need 99999999999 people holding your hand while you do anything.


Why the fuck would I consent to letting some kike monitor my internet habits when I could just blow my fucking brains out and go to heaven? You kikes are so fucking retarded. I die, you die. None of you have consciousness. How do you exist if there is nothing here? Fucking gross ass kike parasites holy fuck Hitler was the only good person who ever lived besides me!


Disagree with the hivemind at pol and you will get banned. Somebody give me the exact location of this power tripping assburgers nigger who just banned me for pointing out how sitting in a hugbox makes you become a weak submissive faggot and that's why pol accomplished nothing except expanding their prison. You have no idea how bad I want to just follow these mods around and stare and laugh at them. I won't even touch them I'll just rape them with my better existence by existing near them. They will literally fucking die from coming near somebody who is more betterer than them. I have fifteen thousand fucking kikes trying to sabotage my life twenty four seven because I openly declare that they are disgusting and that Hitler was dumb but pretty fucking cool, and I get banned on a fucking neo Nazi message board.



i've been saying this forever, they go on other boards and think they own the fucking website.


File: cde4ad9b8609161⋯.jpg (13.28 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

barcodes arn't a coincidence, they are designed to have these numbers built in them.



Look dude they win if you get ass hurt ok? Just take a breather and take another look at things.






anyone still primarily using /pol/ and thinking in terms of /pol/ are as foolish and anyone still using /b/ and thinking in terms of /b/.

They all, every one of them, make the same mistake. They assume themselves to have figured it all, or enough out, so that there is no need to continue figuring anything out. Any thinking, any actual thought, that they had accomplished was immediately followed by non-thought.

"Oh wow I atlast I am redpilled"

This is how the world works, though.


Of any population 80% will sift toward the bottom with only 20% being of any worth. And of that 20% 80% of them will sift toward the bottom of worth while only 20% strive for more. and on and on.

But, the more that the 20% strive, the further they travel, the further they pull that deadweight 80% off the ground.


also, this. I do not endorse simulation theory at all, but it contains several analogies which are apt. When you let the npc's see that you are awake they will attack you. The higher the elevation of your perspective, the harder their attack.



Yep. You're def onto something there…

Sun is electric, and emits H+ ions, creating a positive electric charge around it. Silica rocks blasted with H+ in the lab produce hydroxide HO, and water H20. Oxygen is the 8th element, Hydrogen is 1st. unity = 1, infinity = 8, etc.

Explains the chemistry via comets, "water" seen in cometary tails while comet surfaces remain dry, it's due to H+ ions bumping O's off of the silica rock:




A bit more numerical background, then onto Biblical refs.

6 * 6 = 36. Add the numbers 1 through 36, total is 666

> Wait, who put 666 in the number line?

Sum the square of the first 7 prime numbers:

2² + 3² + 5² + 7² + 11² + 13² + 17² = 666.

> well, they put 666 in the prime number line too. Must really like 666 for some reason.

There are 6 * 6 * 6 integers co-prime to 666. (having no common divisor besides 1)

666 is a "Smith" number, the sum of its prime factors is equal to the sum of its digits.

666 = 2 * 3 * 3 * 37

6+6+6 = 2 + 3 + 3 + 37

18 = 18

The largest prime factor of 666 is 37. in Roman Numerals: DCLXVI which is the 6 smallest Roman Numerals in sequence. If you add the numerical position in the English alphabet of each letter, the largest prime factor of the sum is also 37.

SIX in Greek is the number of cosmic order.

6 is a perfect number, sum and factors equal itself:

1+2+3 = 6

1*2*3 = 6




This next part makes extensive use of this Gematria table:


Note 7 is the central number.

26 = 2 rows of 13

S I X = 6+5+3 = 14

666 = six six six = 14 14 14 = 3*14 a circular allegory for 3.14 (pi)

666 is related to Jesus, Wisdom, Man and The Beast in the Christian Holy Bible.

Generations of Jesus, Abraham to Jesus = 42, 4 + 2 = 6

Generations are separated into 3 groups of 14 generations:

Abraham to David, 14 generations.

14 generations after David to exit Babylon.

14 generations to Christ.

42 generations = 14 + 14 + 14 = (SIX SIX SIX) = 3 14's (pi).

FOURTEEN = 6 2 6 5 7 5 5 1 = a sum of 37

SIX SIX SIX = 14 14 14 = FOURTEEN FOURTEEN FOURTEEN = 37 + 37 + 37 = 111

111 * 6 = 666

37 reduces to 10, a Godly number, 10 is related to 666 and Jesus through the base 10 number system.

3 is approx Pi = circle = halo, holy.

7 is a powerful holy number.

37 is a prime & a Holy Trinity.

37 is related to 111 and 666.

111 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. 3 * 37 = 111

666 = 6 + 6 + 6 = 18. 18 * 37 = 666

Unity through the Holy Trinity of 37 works for any trips number.

222 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6. 6 * 37 = 222

333 = 3 + 3 + 3 = 9. 9 * 37 = 333

I could do a whole other series of posts on 111's significance in the Christian Holy Bible.

Using the gematria table above:

JESUS = 45666 = 4+5 + 6+6+6 = 9 + 18 = 27.

27 = 3 * 3 * 3, or 9 * 3, it's a trinity… 18 is a trinity, 9 is divine

5 letters in Jesus; 5 * 27 = 135

The mirror of 135 is 531.

531 + 135 = 666

The Sun's Magic Square

.                               Total
| 6 | 32 | 3 | 34 | 35 | 1 | = 111
| 7 | 11 | 27 | 28 | 8 | 30 | = 111
| 19 | 14 | 16 | 15 | 23 | 24 | = 111
| 18 | 20 | 22 | 21 | 17 | 13 | = 111
| 25 | 29 | 10 | 9 | 26 | 12 | = 111
| 36 | 5 | 33 | 4 | 2 | 31 | = 111
= = = = = =
111 111 111 111 111 111

6 rows * 111 = 666

6 cols * 111 = 666

Reduce the Solar Magic Square's numbers to single digits, numerologically,

eg: 19 = 9+1 = 10 = 1+0 = 1

.                               Total
| 6 | 5 | 3 | 7 | 8 | 1 | = 30
| 7 | 2 | 9 | 1 | 8 | 3 | = 30
| 1 | 5 | 7 | 6 | 7 | 6 | = 30
| 9 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 4 | = 30
| 7 | 2 | 1 | 9 | 8 | 3 | = 30
| 9 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 2 | 4 | = 30
= = = = = =
30 30 30 30 30 30

The quality of rows and cols is "magically" preserved so they still sum to a single number, 30.

6 rows * 30 = 180

6 cols * 30 = 180

Triangle = three 60 degree angles, 180 degrees total.

Diurnal Cycle (2 urns / 2 turns)

180 degree arc of day, half circle from rise to set in the day & 180 from night to morning.

180 + 180 = 360, Holy solar disc / solar circle.

Sun Circle / Solar Disc also represents time.

6*6 = 36. 36 days is:

864 hours.

51840 minutes.

3110400 seconds (3.1 ~ rough approx. pi)

5 weeks + 1 day.

51840 min

LORD = 2254 = 13

JESUS = 45666 = 27

CHRIST = 365567 = 32

13 + 27 + 32 = 72

72^2 = 5184

5184 * 10 = 51840

51.84 degrees = base angle of side of Great Pyramid at Giza.

This is related to the squaring of the circle, the union of Heaven and Earth opposites.

864 hours

60 sec in 1 min

60 min in 1 hour

24 hour(us) in 1 day

60 * 60 * 24 = 86400 seconds in 1 day.

864000 = 100 * 86400

864000 miles is the diameter of the sun, at least according to "Academia"…

JESUS = 27


27 * 32 = 864

864 has 24 divisors. A day is divided into 24 hours.



It's not just English translation / Gematria. Let's apply the Greek Greek Gematria, using the reference to Jesus found in the greek which KJV is based on:

Lord Jesus Christ = κύριος Ἰησοῦς Χριστός

Lord = κύριος = 800 = 8

κ 20

ύ 400

ρ 100

ι 10

ο 70

ς 200

= 800 = 8 + 0 + 0 = 8

Jesus = Ἰησοῦς = 888 = 24 = 6

Ἰ 10

η 18

σ 200

ο 70

ῦ 400

ς 200

= 888 = 8 + 8 + 8 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6

Christ = Χριστός = 1480 = 13 = 4

Χ 600

ρ 100

ι 10

σ 200

τ 300

ό 70

ς 200

= 1480 = 1 + 4 + 8 + 0 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4

8 κύριος

6 Ἰησοῦς

4 Χριστός

^-= 864 <- there it is again.

κύριος Ἰησοῦς Χριστός = 800 + 888 + 1480 = 3168

Sum of the Divisors of 3168 =


= 6660

= 666 * 10

So even in Greek Jesus is related to 666 and 864

JESUS sylabbically is JE SUS, 45 666 in the cipher above.

Sum all the digits of base 10:

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 45

Sum of the base 10 square:

1 2 3 ============ 6
4 5 6 = 15 = 1+5 = 6
7 8 9 = 24 = 2+4 = 6

Another 666, and if you include the 0 row, you get 6660, which is the sum of the divisors of 3168

What about Hebrew?

On the cross we have INRI, abbreviated Latin for 'Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum' = 'Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews'.

I = 10 yod=י

N = 50 nun=נ

R = 200 resh=ר

I = 10 nun=י

total = 270

 // Multiply the columns (tilt your head, x = a cross)
1 2 3
x x x
4 5 6
x x x
7 8 9
| | = 162
| ==== 80
======= 28

162 + 80 + 28 = 270

JESUS = 45666 = 27; 270 (Jesus on the cross) = 10 * 27

(there's the 10 as Godly, elevating Jesus on the cross)

Speaking of pi allegory earlier:

Pi is referenced and encoded so many ways in the Christian Holy Bible in relation to Heavenly Circle, Halo, God's name, Gematria of "God", "Lord", etc. etc. it's a whole other thread, one example, GOD is where we find Pi in the number line:

GOD = 7+2+4 = 13
3.14 15 = pi

> Hey, they didn't stop at 666, someone put Pi in the number line too!

> It's almost like someone's trying to get our attention… What could it mean?!

Remember: Sum the first 144 decimal places of pi, you get 666




(continuing) and might as well repost Gematria table:


JESUS = 45666

Multiply the digits.

4 x 5 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 4320

4320 * 2 = 8640 <- Crikey, there it is again!

360 * 12 = 4320 (12 circles)

360 * 24 = 8640 (24 circles)

4320 / 2 = 2160

360 * 6 = 2160 (6 circles or 6 squares AKA the cube)

6*6*6 = 216

Multiply the numbers 1 to 6 (as seen on a 6 sided die)

1*2*3*4*5*6 = 720

Hexagon has 720 degrees. Cube has 720 degrees (90+90+90+90= 360, 6 * 360 = 720)

1*2*3*4*5* |6| = 720
1*2*3*4*5* |6| = 720
1*2*3*4*5* |6| = 720
Total 2160

Toes have 2 segments, flanges. 20 total.

fingers have 3 flanges, 8 of them total 24.

thumbs have two flanges, 2 of them total 4.

Feet = 20 segments.

Hands = 28

Sum numbers 20 through 28 on the number line:

20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28 = 216

6*6*6 = 216

The number of man…

Rev 13:18 = reference to 666

13 * 18 = 234 (nice "number-line" sequence)

The mirror of 234 is 432 (don't Hz me bro)

432 + 234 = 666

432 * 2 = 864 <- Bloody hell, there it is again! He just keeps getting away with it!

According to Strong's Concordance the singular word "beast" is used 182 times in the Christian Bible.

182 is half of 364, 364 = 13 lunar months of 28 days each.

So, it's half the cycle, what's the other half to complete the circle if not beast? God?

Genisys 1:27 : God creates man in His image.


The Rev 13:18 verse:

> Here is wisdom.


> Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:

So, it's wise those who can understand things to count the number of the beast.

I've counted that number 6 ways from Sunday, and it's almost like a marker, a red-flag saying "Wisdom Crossing".

> for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

666 is the number of a man. It's encoded in the protrusions of your hands and feet at opposite ends of man's body.

Man was made in God's image. That means 666 is also the number of God. We find that number hard coded into the universal mathematics in the prime number series, in the basic number line, in the digits of pi, etc. etc.

10 is related to 666 through 6660 (INRI), the base ten grid, 45 & 666 (Jesus) etc. Jesus is God in a flesh jacket. The divinity of base ten numerical system really shines as it places enlightening numbers such as the digits of pi, right in the simple number line. The mathemetician who argues base 10 is an arbitrary selection is simply an ignorant fool (or deciever).


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That's some basics. If there's occulted wisdom in The Christian Bible (or any text) it's wise to see just how much more there is. Why stop at philosophy and universal truths? How about some technology?

1 Kings 10:9 - King Solomon gets 120 talents (talons) from the Queen of Sheba (Shiva / Isis / Inanna ref).

1 Kings 10:13 - King Solomon gets 666 talents of gold (sun / Horus) in a year (864, sun). Other surrounding context also hints at Osirian aspects / legend.

Hexagons have six 120 degree angles, totaling 720 degrees.

120 is related to 666 through the circle:

Add the divisors of 120 you get 360:

1+2+3+4+5+6+8+10+12+15+20+24+30+40+60+120 = 360

Circle, Pi, 144 digits = 666.

Sheba is said to have run off with the Ark of the Covenant (bark, Egyptian solar sky boat; arc, electric). Earth's sun is electric, there's a vast voltage differential between Heaven and Earth, Feynman notes it's about 100V per meter altitude charge separation. Natural quartz crystal is Hexagonal, has six rectangular faces, six triangular faces, and six edges of those intersections, six corners there, arising to a singular point, etc. not unlike an obelisk but hexagonal.

Rev 14:1 - Lamb chills on mount Sion with 144,000 virgins having Father's name written in their foreheads. Must have been one hell of a party…

14:2 - God speaks like many (rushing) waters (static, noise, no signal), and there's a thunder (lightning, electricity), and harps (harmonic strings, probably electrum), which produce a song (signal).

Sum of 144 digits of pi = 666.

Also, 12 tribes of 12 thousand = 144 thousand.

Boaz & Jachin are said to be made of electrum (highly conductive, a resonating pair?) claimed to have writing on them that no one could read (remnants of a past civilization perhaps, maybe part of the atmospheric electricity collection or even wireless communication system). Thor (Lighting God) also had twin pillars… dig into the legends of the pillars, interesting stuff, they erected a temple everywhere the Norsemen went, first thing. Maybe wanted to call home or just turn on the power for lights, etc?

Quartz crystal when placed in an electric circuit is a resonator, it creates a standing frequency wave. Two similar crystals will resonate at the same frequency allowing wireless communication and other "magical" feats. Run a gold wire up in the sky (tower, sky balloon [bark], etc.) connect it to quartz on the ground, and you've got a frequency generator. Make something like a harp with several strings in the circuit and pluck them, you've got amplitude modulated RF broadcast.

Water snowflakes are also 6 sided. Ionized Water is an electrolyte, put it in a jar with metal inside and outside, you've got a battery.

You can also apply stress to a thinly sliced natural quartz crystal and it will produce an electric field (piezo electric effect), that means you can use vibration of the crystal to create electricity. Applying electricity to the crystal also causes it to flex, so you can make it into a speaker (or microphone).

Gold is a better radiation shield than Lead. Did Solomon's temple have all that gold because the Ark is radioactive?



2 Samuel 6:1-7 and 1 Chronicles 13:9-12 tels the story of Uzzah being struck dead for touching the Ark. As the ark was being transported not according to God's instruction, the oxen pulling the cart stumbled, and a Levite named Uzzah took hold of the ark. God’s anger burned against Uzzah and He struck him down and he died.

Apologists (heh Apollo) say that "Uzzah’s punishment does appear to be extreme; However, there are the reasons why God took such severe action. [… insert foolish bullshit excuses …]" No, dipshits. That crate is full of electricity and radioactiviy, etc. Maybe even spiritual power. If you don't follow the precautionary instructions for transport that dangerous shit will zap and burn you dead if you touch it. "Why did god burn the guy's tongue off and kill him just for kissing the glowing wall face?", fools would ask, and someone would think up an excuse for why God didn't intervene to stop an idiot from french kissing the wall outlet. That's the level of shit you have to put up with if you don't have Understanding or Wisdom.

So, let's just go with the concept that people who could built a tower up to the heavens had some decent technology at one point in time. They had some kind of electric radioactive Arc power source / weapon and the Philistines stole it. What would happen if some Mexican idiots stole the radioactive Caessium from a X-Ray Machine not too long ago? They got radiation poisoning and one died, and they tried to give the shit back. Let's see what happens to the Philistines:

The Plague of Ashdod:

>1 Samuel 5 and 6 describe the Philistines as having to move the Ark to several parts of their territory, as tumours or hemorrhoids ("emerods") afflicted the people in each town to which it was taken: Ashdod, then Gath, then Ekron. The Septuagint adds that "mice sprang up in the midst of their country". Stirrup points out that the "severity of the punishments increases through the passage": tumours in Ashdod (vv. 6-8), extensive tumours and panic in Gath, which had volunteered to take on the Ark (vv. 9,10a), and tumours on those who did not die and deathly panic in Ekron, which was 'volunteered' to take the Ark (vv. 10b-12). The text explicitly ascribes the plague to "Yahweh's hand" (1 Samuel 5:6).

So, seems like they got a bunch of cancerous tumors that got worse the longer they had it there because the Ark is radioactive.

>In Ashdod, when the Ark was placed in the temple of Dagon, the statue of Dagon was found prostrate in front of the Ark the next morning; after the statue of Dagon was restored to its place, it was again found prostrate the next morning, and this time its head and hands had also been broken off.

And it's so active it melts / induces current in / charges statically and repells / vibrates / does something to the statue of Dagon till it falls over.

Nah, couldn't be about the prior past of a technological civilization.

Anywhere you can find the 666, dig deeper and consider carefully. It's not just a Beast number, 666 is more than meets the eye. It's also found a lot more places than just in The Holy Bible of Christianity.




thank you both.. You sent me the smile that helped me unlock one of the seals. And wew. Im going to need to draw a bunch of pictures to explain it all, will take me some time as its going to be a massive picture.


"just go get a shitty job servicing Yale enablers then watch Rick and Morty. Never improve your standing in ant way. Take fifteen thousand fucking pictures of your asshole and upload them onto Zuckergram. Once you become the most popularist you will beat the game and unlock the next season of annoying kid and ugly old dude." - Modern McGoyimfaggot



Extreme metaphor as well. The fucking answers were right in front of us all along. Fucking amazing.


ERR'd out here


Forgot to Smith sum +

>666 is a "Smith" number, the sum of its prime factors is equal to the sum of its digits.

>666 = 2 * 3 * 3 * 37

>6+6+6 = 2 + 3 + 3 + 37

>18 = 18

Should read:

666 be sum "Smith" shit y'all. Dem digits fo sum prizime factizimes be straight up wit y'all home skillitz devil digits.

666 = 2 * 3 * 3 * 37

6+6+6 = 2 + 3 + 3 + 3+7

18 = 18





TLDR: It's probably just the universe trying to get your attention. You could even be causing the numbers yourself… but you should still take notice! There's something to be aware of, so don't be daft! Learn from my mistake.

This used to happen to me A Lot when I was a teenager. I was very much into the idea of magic and fantasy of it all, and very much wanted it to be real, but KNEW it couldn't be, because I was a nerd and knew everything about causality, atoms, quantum mechanics, black hole singularities, the impossibility of time travel (except leaps forwards via gravitational time dilation), the whole nine mundane yards. I was a veritable science encyclopedia. "We're just a cosmic accident, and the universe wouldn't care if the whole damn world winked out of existence tomorrow," I'd say, usually while smoking a cigarette. It was a damn fine sentiment as far as rationalizations go, but I couldn't have been more wrong…

Knowing magic was bogus didn't stop me from pretending to do magic occasionally. It felt silly using the stones I polished to arrange geometric vigils by candle light, and cast stone sigils into ponds when no one was looking (or leave them places friends would certainly find them, just to fuck with their minds, you see). Though I may have called out to the spiritual realm, casting about for light, dark or any forces at all to make contact – I didn't know what I'd do if a demon materialized, but I was expert at black-box testing to crack computer games & safefiles so I figured whatever responded I could probably work with, and if it killed me nothing mattered anyway, it would be an adventure. But all the while I absolutely KNEW it was impossible for anything magical to occurr, I was just having fun pretending to have a silly "Chuunibyou" (as they call them now), it was purely middle-school-tier fantasy roleplay, kinda.

Chaos was my "shtick", I would do chaotic things and let the "vortex of chaos" decide. When the waiter arrived, I'd flip a coin several times, decode the binary number, and order that from the menu. I'd spin around with my eyes closed, then grab a random book to buy from the games & comic shop.

6 and $6.66 and $n.66 etc. would show up all the time. Even pumping gas (letting it stop where it may, rather than hitting an even number). I'd buy a pack of smokes and a random counter snack to upset the price, and often it would be $6.66. I assured my friends it was the cosmos talking to me, but they laughed and teased and I honestly didn't believe it myself. It was just a shtick, but I really was having some fun pretending it wasn't.

My friends all played D&D, Rifts, WhiteWolf, etc. RPGs and wanted magic to be real, some even more than I. We even went as far as even deciding to create entire new universes with custom rules to role play in. We'd mockingly pray to "Gods of platonic shaped dice rolls". Not that we believed it actually gave better rolls.

When you roll lots of dice you see lots of "impossible" combinations, but that's Chaos theory: Even the most unlikely thing might be equally likely to happen. (But mathematic chaos theory is broken, incomplete, missing a key puzzle piece).

I'd often write a bunch of code and then hit compile and the compiler would ERR on line 666, or 66, or 6 of the current file. I felt it was so frequent that I'd collect screenshots and save receipts to show my pals, but we were all convinced it was "selection bias" even as I told my friends otherwise: "Somebody Down There Loves Me," I'd say.



My friends would see my wizard kit (I'd have left it out to look cool, then act like I didn't want them to see), and they'd teasingly beg me to do a spell, summon a spirit, etc. I always declined "garish public displays", but there was one time I obliged with just me and a childhood neighbor friend.

Two gothy "wiccans" had came home with us from a party. We fooled around for a while, then they left before their curfew o-clock struck and turned them back into bitches. My friend said, "Hey, shouldn't you do some magic to counter anything those girls might have done", so I put on a show using incense smoke and twin mirrors shaped like archways, a few candles and amethyst stones I polished. I explained to my friend the symbolism that I was pulling out of thin air from the chaos as if it was actually a known ritual, finally I folded and burned some parchiment paper I had just drawn some cool looking symbol on, telling my friend exactly what it meant (which was all made up on the spot).

We waited literally holding our breaths (in our hands), for the last ember to die, to "complete the spell". My friend was really into it, but I was scoffing internally. We cast our breaths into the air after the last wisp of smoke and sat in awkward silence for a good minute, then we both shrugged and laughed heartily until the phone rang. My friend put it on speaker phone: It was the gothy gals calling, "Just wanted to make sure… Ummm, Is everything OK between us?" We were both surprised and my friend said, "Oh, shit, they felt it!" and hung up. They hadn't left on bad terms, but I never heard from them again; I still hold out hope that it was just a lucky coincidence. At the time I knew for certain it was. Magic wasn't real, after all. But now friend KNEW magic surely worked. How clueless can you be? (and by you I mean me!)

After my teens I "grew out" of the 6's. But I still liked doing quirky chaos things, and "ironically" called on the winds of this, or elements of that, or "Tree Gods of the Concrete Jungle" to make me immune from Pollen Allergies. I kept sneezing though, but later I would rigorously scientifically determine I was not allergic to tree pollen in the slightest, it was something altogether different…

Things have happened. Times have changed.

Now my view of this realm is completely different. I probably know more about theoretical physics and cosmology than anyone in my city. I can calculate star distances by redshift using my telescope, and model in software the maths of "Einstein's Special Relativity" to show you how gravity is supposed to work (if time was a dimension). But I know now for a fact that these constructs are udder ballcocks. I have felt and seen some serious shit, was forced to strongly question my own sanity, found it rock solid, and now know for certain that every pop-culture "Genius" paraded before us is worth less than a snake oil salesman – At least I could make use of the snake oil…

Learn from my mistakes. Don't dismiss anything. You may not get another chance. If something is noticing you, acknowledge it right back! The universe is not as it has been portrayed.



> Gaia's rotational axis is inclined to the orbital plane by an angle of about 23.4° or if you view it differently 90°-23.4°=66.6°.

KEK! That used to be my favorite, "Gotcha, look 666 hiding in plain sight", to tease my devoutly atheist friends. I might take that one away from you later.

But since the 6's love the folks in this thread so much, I'll give you a few more to use in its place. If you've been following along, many numbers should be familiar, but you may glean some additional meaning.

(6+6) x (6+6) x 6000 = 864,000 = Diameter of the Sun in miles.

6 x 6 x 60 = 2,160 = Diameter of the Moon in miles.

(6+6) x 660 = 7,920 = Diameter of the Earth in miles.

> Wew lads! What are the odds? Hang on tight, we're on a roll!

7,920in = 1 furlong (or 660ft)

7,920ft = 1/2 league or 1.5 nautical miles

1 nautical mile = 1 minute of latitude

60,000mi = Jules Verne's 20,000 leagues (unda da sea)

6 x 60 x 660 = 237,600mi = Distance between Earth & Moon.

(~' .')~ Oh yeah!

66,600 mph = Earth's speed around the Sun

~(' .'~) …Unts Unts Unts Unts….

(Basic bitch shit here tho)

60 minutes = 1 hour

60 seconds = 1 minute

864,000 = seconds in a day (yeah yeah)

864,000 years = a Hindu Yuga division <- w-wha?! He fucking did it again!

8,640,000,000 years = 1 Day and 1 Night of Brahma

^— He just keeps smiling and getting away with it!

864 = the number of New Jerusalem in Christian sacred geometry.

^– Can't anyone stop Him?!

31,680 feet = 6 miles

31,680 furlongs = Earth's radius

31,680 miles = Earth's square

316.80 feet = circumference of the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge

\(`, ')/ Did He just square the MuhFunkin Circle?!

Oh, shit… 666 thread, my bad. uh…

The earth is approximately 25040 miles in circumference.

In 3 miles laterally the surface will have dropped 6ft.

In 10 miles the surface will have curved 66.6ft mmHmmm, like that 66.6° Tizilt! Sheeeit!

In 100 miles the drop due to curvature is 6660ft Hep Meh, Lord JESUS Christ! (but do it in Greek, where 6660 is the sum of divisors of 3168 = 800 + 888 + 1480 = κύριος Ἰησοῦς Χριστός)

Wew, bebbe!

Was it good for you?

I don't know about (you) but if those aren't enough 6's to convince you there's some cold calculating Mysteries round these parts, I don't know what will.

::Cough:: Saturn ::Cough:: Well, maybe we'll break down wandering stars or stellar distances, etc. later.

Unfortunately, no one can be told what "The Matrix" is, they have to see it for themselves. So they can quote it semi-ironically while chuckling to themselves.


666 is DCLXVI in Roman numerals.

D, C, L, X, V and I are all the Roman numerals below M, in descending order.

666 = Number of the Beast = Numbers of the Roman Empire

No big mystery.


more greek stuff using the pythagorean system of "wordnumbers":

Ο ΤΕΛΕΙΟΣ = 690 => 6 (the perfect one) (6 as symbol for a spiral as perfect number 1+2+3=1x2x3=6)

ΤΕΛΕΙΟΣ ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ = 1050 => 6 (perfect number)

Ο ΠΡΩΤΟΣ ΤΕΛΕΙΟΣ ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ = 2670 => 6 (the first perfect number)

ΚΟΣΜΟΣ (world, order, cosmos) = Η ΘΕΟΤΗΣ (the deity) = ΚΙΝΟΥΝ (move) = ΚΟΣΜΙΚΟΝ ΟΝ (cosmic beeing)= ΚΥΚΛΙΟΝ (circle) = 600 => 6

in an big amount words and numbers match the content, for example:

ΕΒΔΟΜΑΣ = 322 => 3+2+2 = 7 (Week)

ΑΙ ΕΠΤΑ ΗΜΕΡΑΙ ΤΗΣ ΕΒΔΟΜΑΔΟΣ = 1465 => 1+4+6+5 = 16 => 1+6 = 7 (the seven days of the week)

ΜΗΚΟΣ ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡΕΙΑΣ ΚΥΚΛΟΥ / ΔΙΑΜΕΤΡΟΣ = 2294 / 730 = 3,14… (lenght of the circumference of the circle / diameter)

ΤΟ ΓΑΡ ΘΕΙΟΝ ΠΗΛΙΚΟΝ ΕΣΤΙ ΚΩΔΙΞ ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΙΑΣ = 3141 (because the divine quotient is the code of creation)

Ο ΑΡΙΘΜΟΣ Π ΕΣΤΙΝ ΑΠΕΡΑΝΤΟΣ ΥΠΕΡΒΑΤΙΚΟΣ = 3140 (the number π is infinitely transcendent)

Η ΑΠΟΚΩΔΙΚΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΑΡΙΘΜΟΥ Π = 3141 (the unravelment of the number π)

ΤΑ ΕΠΤΑ ΦΩΝΗΕΝΤΑ = 2401 = 7 = 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 (the seven vowels)

ΖΩΔΙΑ = 822 => 12 (zodiac)


Holy heck Satan is so fucking amazing I love her so much I wanna snort amphetamines with her so we get in an anal mode then we can fuck a double sided dildo then after we can lick eachother's assholes while dressed like Jesus!


File: 87f997c071ba2b2⋯.png (102.77 KB, 466x586, 233:293, 1521177578265.png)



Human 1: Wow that person experienced pain. This is not good. If we allow this pain to happen, than that means anyone is allowed to have pain inflicted on them. The collective goal of humanity should be eliminating pain. Somebody is getting abused as we speak. Somebody who did nothing is about to die. That is the true reason that problems continue to exist. That is why the world is out of whack.

Human 2: So that person experienced some pain… So what? It's just some pain. I experienced pleasure today, so who cares. The world revolves around me. Now blindly worship me, the person who doesn't care about your pain.

Wow which one do I choose this is so hard SMH!?!!?!!!!!



contemplate both situations. what resonates with you, your Innermost Being? speak with your Higher Self/Inner Divine Self.

you may have incarnated here to play out the STS role, unbelivable as it may seem. it's a curious thing.



> paranoia, full blown existential cognitive dissonance.

I wander if a tree craves weather to stretch its boughs or tousle its leaves and blow the dead away.

> One of them was this sound that would come at night. It sounded like a river

Could it have been the ocean of time? Or maybe the background sound of a new universe unfolding? >>117765

I remember an article a while back about others hearing silent explosions. It was more common than thought…



Well written



Silicon is 14/14/14



-10 = -1 not enough

10 = 1 too much

0 = completion, or "whole"



ANON. look up mountains = giant remains of cut down stumps from ancient silicon trees: the theory



File: 3444c2653d22cee⋯.png (807.72 KB, 1092x862, 546:431, 7354632767.png)







Person with a stake in this rigged world spotted. All these symbols and tricks are just used to imprison us. All crime is summoned so psychos can play games. They are psychic vampires who have only ever destroyed, are hated by the universe, so to cheat they steal others energy. Think about how fucking much has happened, how many good people have stood up to this, and how fucked up shit still happens. It's because parasites are a fucking thing.

Heaven is literally right over there. There is no point to this. Any lessons learned from this chaos can be transferred through other means. People are born with ORIGINAL SIN, because according to DEMIURGE they havent suffered as much as them, and that is a sin! I fell down this well, so everyone has to!

There is no getting around this. Everything else is just a distraction. Why take the stairs when there is an elevator right here? It will ELEVATE YOU YOU FUCKING RETARD.



elevators can malfunction and get stuck, and unless it's glass (which is really unsafe) you can't even see yourself go up, and if it's fast, you get dizzy and throw up, and if it's slow, you can't actually feel yourself go up..

stairs on the other hand build great ass climbing up and if it has a good handrail to keep you safe and appropriate wet floor signs then it shouldn't be too crazy…

gotta get up those stairs so God can say "hey cutie you got a great ass, good job" and give you a slap on that ass. then you're in heaven baby!



Actually nitrogen has 7 electrons, not silicon. lol.




just kidding

or am I?

or or am I?

so how many of each does silicone have then? or were we all just nitrogen based? maybe thats why we need anti-OXIDANTS because we're all allergic to oxygen and age and die slowly over 100 years as a result? just a theory, don't hold your breath. I wouldn't reccomend it.


>buy bag of potato chips




just to be very clear, we need oxygen to breath or we die. don't stop breathing.



Breathing less is good, redart!

There is a whole system dedicated to sustain onself by breathing less until breathlessness is achieved.



wait, I thought jesus was called "the son of man" in the bible?



You're thinking of "the sons of Adam."































wake up people!

>who invented the english alphabet: imperfect human beings

>who invented the hebrew alphabet: imperfect human beings

>who invented human languages on earth: imperfect human beings

>who invented all the alphabets for those languages: imperfect human beings

>who invented numbers and all their symbols: imperfect human beings

>who invented numerology: imperfect human beings

>who invented technology we have had for thousands of years: imperfect human beings

>who invented nasa: imperfect human beings

>who works at nasa: imperfect human beings

tell me:

>can anyone who isn't nasa physically go out and certifiably beyond any and all doubt:

>measure the earth

>measure the sun

>measure the moon

>measure the speeds at which they are traveling

>measure the distances between them

and can nasa which is comprised of imperfect human beings even actually do all or even any of these things beyond any and all doubt, with 100% accuracy?

and tell me this:

>can we even trust nasa which is comprised of imperfect human beings?

>how can we trust anything they say if we can't go where they only "SAY" they have gone?

>how do we even know if space is what they say it is? "oh it's because they showed us pictures and videos of the space station" have you never heard of photo shop or "deep fake" software? it's existed for long before (((they))) ever felt it advantageous to allow us to learn of its existence.

>why should we trust them? what reason or motive do we have to listen to what they say? because they are right? because they are in charge of space?

>how do we know that nasa isn't a part of the same satanic globalist cult that probably helped write the bible thousands of years ago?

and finally tell me this:

>if (((they))) own our numbers, our language, and our history, how can we know that any of these mathematical "consistencies"- because they aren't coincidences, were not simply built into the media around us, in the bible and scripture and so on? how do we even know if the sun and moon are what they say it is? we have no way to prove it and simply stating that we know because the people who may be lying to us said that they proved it and told us to trust them isn't an answer, but a cheap excuse.

doesn't it make perfect sense that a really evil, creepy, egotistical, narcissistic group of people from some ancient satanic cult of control freaks who want to rule the world would try to insert their folklore and mythology into every single thing that they could get away with, including most other religions as well as systems of belief and multiple different kinds of languages, mathematics, and science?









File: 3dbe8a3c87c3071⋯.jpg (71.85 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, le_bullshit-oculist faec.jpg)

>le bullshit oculist faec



Well fuck my ass…. I always thought the Bible said the Son of God. That's some mindfuckery right there…



Yepperoonies pepperoonies ding dong doodely!

That's why you gotta be reeeeeeally careful.

>best advice:

Love God first, Love yourself second, Love family and friends third. read and learn everything, trust nothing. only trust God.



>who invented numbers and all their symbols

>imperfect human beings

You're plainly wrong. Numbers exist in any universe where counting is possible. We created the symbols to represent numbers, but the numbers themselves are transcendental.

We created the symbol for 1, but the concept of "one" exists whether we do or not. The number line exists in any conceivable universe where there is low enough entropy that a pattern can exist. Not even God can create a universe where the number line is different than 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. There can be different symbols, but two is always twice of whatever one is, and three is thrice what one is.

Thus in ALL universes that could possibly exist where it is also possible to count, you will find that the Six = 1+2+3 and Six = 1 x 2 x 3 (it will still be a "perfect number", since addition and multiplication [repeated addition] are transcendent principals – Facts of ANY universe where pattern can emerge.

God can not create a universe where 6 * 6 is not 36. God can not create a universe where the first 36 numbers sum to anything other than 666.

These facts simply exist as a byproduct of existence and are true in ALL universes whether God wants to create it that way or not.

Who wrote the number line? If you don't answer "God", then you're saying there's a higher power than "God"…





>who invented numbers and all their symbols

>imperfect human beings

<You're plainly wrong. Numbers exist in any universe where counting is possible. We created the symbols to represent numbers, but the numbers themselves are transcendental.

There may exist universes where counting is not possible. 1+1 does not always = 2. Things can be very "out there" even here in this world. Symbols we create only represent our imperfect human perspective and our attempts at giving shape our desperate attempts at understanding.

<We created the symbol for 1, but the concept of "one" exists whether we do or not.

imperfect human beings made up the idea of concepts. there's no guarantee that any number really truly even exists. what exists is God and the experiences God allows us to experience.

<The number line exists in any conceivable universe where there is low enough entropy that a pattern can exist. Not even God can create a universe where the number line is different than 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. There can be different symbols, but two is always twice of whatever one is, and three is thrice what one is.

God can do anything. God is free of all limitations. God creates a rock so heavy that God can not lift it and then God lifts it anyway.

Each water molecule is made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, thus there are two "H" atoms and one "O" which create One water molecule. 2+1=1. even in our water that God has created for us, the truth runs free.

<Thus in ALL universes that could possibly exist where it is also possible to count, you will find that the Six = 1+2+3 and Six = 1 x 2 x 3 (it will still be a "perfect number", since addition and multiplication [repeated addition] are transcendent principals – Facts of ANY universe where pattern can emerge.

no guarantees that every universe/dimension run on the same rules other than the universal rule that God controls everything.

<God can not create a universe where 6 * 6 is not 36. God can not create a universe where the first 36 numbers sum to anything other than 666.

God can do anything. God is all powerful. God is not bound by any limitation. just because imperfect human beings think something is impossible, doesn't mean anything.

<These facts simply exist as a byproduct of existence and are true in ALL universes whether God wants to create it that way or not.

<Who wrote the number line? If you don't answer "God", then you're saying there's a higher power than "God"…

there is no higher power than God, but you speak as if God isn't all powerful and doesn't control everything. if God doesn't control everything, is God still God? who do you think you're actually worshiping? you've clearly been fooled and are not worshiping the real, actual God. I'm just saying but you're being tricked and you should know. you should pray and say "please God, the true great and powerful limitless and eternal one and only God, please hear my prayer, please cleanse my soul of all corruption and guide me to only the truth" it's a prayer that can only reach the one and only God. even if someone else is listening, God will listen and know the prayer is for God only. you will be heard and you will receive help.



>there is no higher power than God, but you speak as if God isn't all powerful and doesn't control everything.

You misunderstand, perhaps deliberately so.

I say: There is no universe that can be created wherein counting is possible to any significant degree, where 1 + 2 + 3 and 1 * 2 * 3 does not equal 6. Universes where counting is limited, where chaos prevents one from being able to count thus, are not universes whereby sentient minds or even life itself can exist.

Either you claim otherwise, and are an ignorant fool, or you make one of the two presumptions:

Either it was God who wrote the numberlines and placed 666 in the squares of the first seven prime numbers, and in the total of the first 36 numbers (36 = 6 * 6), and encoded all other such patterns of the heavenly harmonies, and made 666 thereby a holy harmonic, even having 666 be the total of the first 144 decimal digits of pi, and having pi encoded in the decimal number line 13,14,15 = (1)3.1415… etc.

OR you are ignorantly claiming that Man is the one who made the natural number system. (Any mathematician will agree that man did not make the natural numbers).

My point stands: Man created the symbols he used to count with, but the numbers themselves do exist in any universe wherein counting is possible. The equivalent of 666 and 111 and etc. other heavenly harmonies does exist in any universe that can possibly be created regardless of whether the beings therein choose to recognize such patterns exist.

> if God doesn't control everything, is God still God?

You're making assumptions about God, not me. I'm simply stating verifiable truths.

> who do you think you're actually worshiping?

I know the God I worship is alive and well. I worship One Who Wrote Every Number Line. You're just acting a fool, trying to play wise rather than gaining wisdom through understanding the universal truth that God has given some of us to tell others.



666 is the number of man. Humans are carbon based life forms, thus 6 6 6 is their number.


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The Christians used this number to warn each other that Nero troops were coming, it means fucking nothing to us nowadays.



It means the material. The common symbol for the material is a three-dimensional cube (which has six surfaces), also resembled in a hexagon, star of Remphan etc. Everything material consists of carbon. Carbon has six neutrons, six electrons, and six protons. Sixhundred and sixty-six is the number of the beast, the devil, everything evil. Why? Because longing for the material causes sin. Sin harms yourself, sin harms everyone around you. You should not seek the material because when you die, you won't keep anything. Anything that will last beyond your death are your words and deeds. This is what the coming generations will remember about your existence.

Anon from /pol/ made an excellent thread and probably posts here >>>/pol/11633784



It means you're on the sixth floor.



What is 777 then, if I may ask?



>language is human thing


The archons, higher beings, and similar taught us language.

Language is the key to understanding the universe next to it is music. A right vibration, spell/chant/elegy/prayer is how you cast REAL magick. Spell caster - get it? Letters came from sacred runes and glyphs which are symbols that's shared among us all.

The peace symbol, the plus symbol - all of them are charged spells or 'sigils' whatever you call them. The collective imagery of symbols tap into the console of the universe.

How do you create a computer program? Programming Language.

What separates man among animals is that animals cannot speak nor enjoy music.

That is because they weren't taught to and they don't emit the same energy.

Humans became "intelligent" due to our ability to speak. How about you raise a human on its own? We'll see another wolf boy or dog girl who absorbed animal energy while young unable to speak or learn to speak.

Babies will sometimes cry not for food but just the presence or the cuddle the mother that is due to the energy emitted by mothers that make humans 'human'.

People are connected in various ways that is why there the environment and people around you are a huge influence while still young.


NASA is a psyop to LIMIT.

It is a shackle preventing us to know what is out there.

They told us exactly what is space "spoiler alert? nothing to see here - refer to the books and encyclopedias"

They blasphemed the nature of "planets" they told us our "galaxy" and "solar system" are moving while the oldest rock formations still show that the stars have not changed positions for eons. Truth revealed in time, for our ancestors knew this day would come. Truth not for all.

Ask why. Somewhere around that moon landing year people started to become more spiritual but they tried to halt the development by making up black hole science and astro metaphysics and several mathematical constants to keep the math wizards on their toes - keeping them busy and occupied.

Peace sign is a sing of the bad times. Do not charge such symbol with your hope. The opposite peace sign is the real one.



peace represented as the opposite but is accurate for the peace today is an illusion held together by fragile facades.



is the sign of materialism or straying away from spiritual and life vibration 777 - when you 666 it is a coincidence that the /numbers/ tells you to not focus into the material aspects of life.

they (the bastards) tried to blaspheme 777 by turning it into the biggest number in Casinos that win the jackpot of materialism a symbol of luck and money when 7 should represent the value of life and not the value that shackled life.

7 is also the number of this age of aquarius in the astrology wheel.

1 is represented by the age of leo - the beginning.

6, by the Age of Pisces. False age of light - which comprised of all these injustices that formed the Cabals and their elite riches and grasp today - they had been here since the Age of Leo if I am correct with my guess.

Follow the 7.

Liberty Life Light


In this Dark Age of Aquarius.

Let Darkness be attenuated by Light.

Through the night sky, the invisible light will shine upon us - Truth written in the stars.


It is the purple heart.



If you are talking about triple synchronicities to do with these numbers then it means bounty, multitude, excess, fullness, whole, insanity, crazy, God, power.

If you are referring to the biblical number that is 616. The meaning of this number is far more interesting and can be found in a new book I'm writing. I can't share the book with you at the moment, but search Amazon for 'the cubic stone' in a few weeks and it will be there.






Dude, numbers doesnt mean anything. Those are something that the human made up to register things: how many people is here, how many stones do I have, etc.

666 means nothing. Thing of other numeric system that isnt decimal, then 666 would be something completely different (in hexadecimal, 666 is 2 9 10 [29A]). Then it wouldnt happen so often, other number would take this place and be the new 666.

Even some new found documents say that the number of the beast from the old testament could be 616… (if 616 is decimal, it means 1558. if it was a year, it was pretty boring, only the elizabethan era began and some spanish conquered some places in south america)



If 666 means nothing then why is all life that we know based on carbon, an atom that has 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons?



Something Similiar happened to me anon.

Especially the thunder sound resonates with me.

One night i was outside praying aloud and everytime I said "God" this voice from a cedar tree in my yard said "RA!" Then the voice of donnie darko started talking to me and said autist au ti st Golden Targeted Individual Saint

Then I checked myself into the Psych Ward

So VOG, ZOG, or RA?


IS RA the EL or 1 of 72?



The first thing the Watchers did in Enoch is cut down all the trees.

Also meat comes from trees in Le Bib


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With my Hawk's head I gouge out the very eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross.

Let Mary inviolate be turned upon wheels.

directed by aiwass in Cairo, Egypt 1904

See Liber 440 and the A. A.



The machine mind is purely 'mechaniacal', incapable of diffe5entiating between cruelty and compassion.

It is mystified by the spontaneous. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzwhen someone is disconected form spirit they become predictable and reliable.

[all caps] why people who are cruel seem to all be reading from the same script, to a tee.

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