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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Are they not afraid of burning in the Lake Of Fire once God returns to Earth?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )


They think that God betrayed Humanity and that Lucifer is the light bringer or something like thay


I thought u said it was saturn or molech?


Elites do not worship Satan. If anything they worship Moloch but only some of them do. Satan is just a boogieman for anything Christfags don't like.



They think they will somehow get away by feeding a demon who's currently controlling the reincarnation process for the inner circle so they can regain their family's wealth in the next life and avoid hell. It's temporarily tho, it ends with that demon, which is why they do all these ritual sacrifices, including legalizing abortion. They think if they kill enough innocent people their demon master will get strong enough to defy god indefinitely, and they will then escape god's punishment. It's a legit religion but they are not going to make it… it's a rip off version of the vampyric religion but they didn't understand the basic functions of it beyond the reincarnation. It may sound huge to an average mundane but in the greater perspective they can't do it. It had been different if they had targeted only criminals or had some sort of personal values, but they didn't understand this part because they are completely amoral and do not acknowledge the concept of sin or karma.


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>Not realizing God and Satan are one in the same


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If you keep the lakes clear, you can live without spectacles.


yes there is always to live one's life as if none of it even exists or has ever existed EVER….i guess it would be on God to just come wake you up from it somehow

a bit of wisdom i've heard on /x/ once was that sometimes people who are more "simple" people are often more apt for survival


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But why do the commoners worship tractors? Haven't they read Kingsley?




More like the Lord created Satan on purpose, methinks



Thanks for the insight. What religion do u follow?


mb because the elites are jews. Kaballah = full of demons piece of shit



Implying 'commoners' can afford tractors.


you're all so SO confused. read this, and stop being confused.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TL;DR: Satan (shining one) is an illuminator who tried to free the humans from this garden prison.

The Adversary is the illuminator.

We're related to the old gods, what Norse Dieties, The Watchers, Greek Gods, Annunaki, etc. are based on. Thus are descended from heavenly beings, meaning our blood lines are to be preserved. Everyone else is just chattel that now calls itself "human". You can tell because they're all enchanted by our spells, including most of fringe.

Our ancestors lost the "cosmic" war, now we're trapped here but we're on a path to kill that "god" faggot and escape eventually. Probably will just leave the chattel behind.

TL;DR: "Satan" is a key to a seal that unlocks hidden wisdom in the Abrahamic religion (which is based on real historic events).

P.S. Skip to ~ 1h 52m of vid related, history has repeated several times. Some are foolishly trying to get the public on board with the program, but plebs are seriously too daft.



I would imagine that it's a bit of >>110401 and a bit of them simply not believing in these things.


No coincidence that that's going the same direction as the Siege swastika, that is, the symbol of Yin and death.


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Satan has presented them with convincing evidence that the prophecy is wrong and his victory is possible. They have aligned with him in hopes of receiving great power in his world.



>(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )

It's good we keep good threads up by not allowing pointless material to kill old threads but it's also very stagnant in terms of thread freshness and quality on /fringe/. There's some good questions that do make actually decent threads all on their own. It sucks when a bunch of questions have to flow together in one giant questions thread and just get lost completely. Sometimes it feels good to have one organized thread for one good question that creates a huge amount of conversation on that one question alone and the efforts to answer it in many different ways. I think that rule 2 should get a remake or be indefinitely disabled so that /fringe/ can get a little more active and have some more threads with greater levels of participation. It goes back to how many boards mods get mad at you for making a thread because technically anything can be accused of being a questions or request thread given enough mental gymnastics, and all it does is kill good discussion potential and discourage activity on the board. Some questions are really good questions and spark massive deep conversations that might otherwise never happen, and that's threads worth of material. Please BO consider allowing "good questions"



polite sage in respect for the conversation I had with the BO, OP and everyone in this thread should at least check out the image of my thread because it exposes much of the satanic stuff and many of the connections it has and related connections to other religons.




Because obviously they don't believe the spooky fairy-tales they themselves created to control the masses.



The elite worship nothing more than themselves. How do you think they got to their situation to begin with? The day their thoughts took root in their body they had one desire, and only one desire. These people cannot enjoy simple, lasting facets of life. In a way I kind of pity them.

Hear me out, these people live shadowy lives amidst a small cloister of like-minded individuals. They can only see the world in extremes, in desperate bids to improve numbers by even so much as 1%. They live lives more or less better suited for computers, calculating numbers all day. Families are arranged and set together without a hint of empathy or loving emotion. Children are born into callous, distant environments devoid of even so much as physical contact of a hug. They only interest themselves in fancies if it assists their pursuit of their one and only desire. They will put hours upon hours into a week, no fun, no joy, just toil in their conceited neo-coal mines searching for what diamonds they can scrap together. Finally when their life leaves them they cling, desperately and fearfully, for they "have so much to lose" for without this reality they are nothing. Without the concept of this one pursuit of their life they have nothing. Without the people envious of their so-called lives they claim nothing. So eventually they sit, restrained to a dying corpse of a shell, pumping all kinds of toxins into their frail, decrepit skin in hopes of some 1% chance it would extend their lifespan by yet another 1%.

Truly, I do not envy these individuals landlocked in a cutthroat's game of cards. For each one has a knife deigned to sink toward's the other's back. No trust, no compassion, very little humanity except what is presented in facades to the masses. No honor, no potency of life besides what is bought and sold.

I just want to watch my plants and animals grow. I just want to see my students learn. I want to know that the med devices I help make at work help someone. That's good to me.



Thoughtful post.

What kind of medicinal devices do you construct, if I may ask?



Processed donated human tissue.



as much as i pity the so called elites for being so twisted, its harder and harder to find my own happiness as long as they continue to drag the world down into the filth with them.


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Bumpity bump, it's a good thread, let's keep it alive


It is a metaphor for the fire that genders the contents of a horoscope in number and degree.


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They should be, chances are God's next incarnation will be Kalki, but then again god doesn't have to follow rules.


Need I say more ;



As if the creation/creation could ever defy the self-created/creator, I guess this is very childish spirituality focused on true power not true knowledge


I became a satanist at one point in my inward journey after rejecting Christianity because of passivity in the face of all the evil in the world today but I always felt that Lucifer must have a god too.


Graham blew my mind. Fucking asteroids ice ages Atlantis and flash freezing mammoths

"Meteor hits ice cap, ends the ice age, kills off mammoths, and pours so much water into the ocean that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge collapse brining Atlantis whit it under water.




There is a superior unity of all those who despite all, fight in different parts of the world the same battle, lead the same revolt, and are the bearers of the same intangible Tradition. These forces appear to be scattered and isolated in the world, and yet are inexorably connected by a common essence that is meant to preserve the absolute ideal of the Imperium and to work for its return.

-Julius Evola

If you want to escape death you must get help from god, since even this universe is destined to perish how could your body possibly be eternal.


>> its harder and harder to find my own happiness

I know that feel, but worry, not the factual position of the soul is to be in relation whit god and to be full of bliss and knowledge. It is your destiny to return home to the spiritual sky beyond time. These hard times will in the end be the contrast that will have made your bliss more heartfelt.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



created/creation *

and pours so much water into the ocean that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge collapses* brining Atlantis under water whit it.



Thanks for this viewpoint. Abortion is evil because the foetus is alive from the

beginning and has a spirit soul within.


I'm also interested in the answer.


What is that one overpowering desire?


Glad to see the Prabhupada follower in this thread. He is the ultimate redpill.

As far as I know according to him nescience or ignorance is the real demon, and

he calls maya and atheism the demon which possesses men. But maya herself is a

servant of Lord Sri Krishna.>>120920


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