Truth 05/26/18 (Sat) 11:20:39 No. 120566
The truth about religion, God, and exposing the false religion of the satanic globalist cucks
(Finally got a chance to make a thread for this, which I'm sure will make the /fringe/ BO and mods really happy. Thanks for being so friendly and understanding. I will be happy to cooperate with your needs so that we are all happy.)
on another related note the mewch thread 404'd mysteriously for no obvious reason so I just finished remaking it and decided that now was a good moment to finally make this one too. here's a link in case anyone cares about that.
trigger warning. you may be triggered. this pisses off atheists and religious fanatics alike.
you know you're doing something right when absolutely every single last person in the world gets pissed off at you, because it is no measure of good health to conform to an ill society. all sorts of stuff aside, lets look at the facts here. the image is meant to deconstruct the lies you have been led to believe for thousands of years. in all belief there sits a beLIEf. to simply only have faith and to only just simply have belief is to lie to God and to lie to yourself. instead you must know. KNOW GOD. do not believe. KNOW.
the rest of the text posted is for you to KNOW the truth.
This thread is the most recent and updated version as of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX . (if you even beLIEve in time)
Please good people, if you know things that I don't know, please inform me so that the truth may be perceived from a better perspective than what I currently have.
>know about a good book?
tell me about it
>have some knowledge or wisdom?
help me learn
please don't leave me in the dark. I want to become better, and do better.
05/26/18 (Sat) 11:24:01 No. 120567
>as of XXXXX
Ughhh as of may 26 2018. Don't know how many times I went back and fixed that and somehow forgot about it again. I like being organized anyhow but you can't always be perfect you know?
>pic related: how badly the globalist satanic cuck shills want to get rid of me for telling you all this information.
if it's not a big deal or isn't true, then why are they throwing an absolute freak out session over it?
I really want to share what I found with you. I'm making this thread in good will because I believe I can help people who feel stuck or lost in all the confusion of religion or aren't really sure where they stand because of a bunch of difficult to accept contradictions. I'm making this thread to expose a bunch of lies and corruption in many major religions, but to also provide some really good answers to help people feel closer to God.
please keep in mind that this thread is EXTREMELY controversial and probably isn't for anyone who is a hardcore believer in any given religion because your mind will reject it and shut down instead of sitting down and really trying to go over the facts and this will probably just make you very angry or something. if you're a hardcore believer in anything, I'm going to say this now, I'm not making this thread to attack you or your beliefs, and I'm not going to try to convince you that you're right or wrong or that I'm right or wrong. I'm fully aware that you just simply can't change some people's minds and I'm not going to even try to do that, so don't come into this thread all like "fuck you man you made this thread specifically for me somehow even though I'm a random anonymous poster and I deliberately entered into a thread about a topic I don't like and now I'm upset how could this happen to me you're a liar you're trying to convince me bla bla bla"
I'm not against debate or philosophical discussion at all, but if you're a hardcore christian for example, just don't even look at this thread, and don't even get angry. it's just going to give you a bunch of assblasted butthurt and derail the thread. (which you might actually want to do after reading this) so there you have it, your special snowflake trigger warning.
I'm going to be talking about how most religions are actually secret satanic cults, and why you should transcend the limitations of religion and love God directly.
05/26/18 (Sat) 11:24:56 No. 120568
most updated God pro tips list: a guide on how to cut out all the bullshit and corruption and just simply be very close to God in the most innocent and pure and undiluted way possible while on earth.
In my life I learned that science is as much a religion as religions are a religion, and as religion in its limited perception of the universe is imperfect; therefore so is science.
science, just like religion has many different versions and subsections of people with entirely different beliefs.
religion and science both get things right
religion and science both get things wrong
science is very often wrong
religion is very often wrong
if science was 100% right all the time, we wouldn't need science to figure out how the reality around us functions.
if religion was 100% right all the time, we wouldn't need religion to figure out how the reality around us functions.
if science was 100% right all the time, we wouldn't need religion to figure out how the reality around us functions.
if religion was 100% right all the time, we wouldn't need science to figure out how the reality around us functions.
dedicating yourself strictly to one type of science or one type of religion and shutting out the wisdom and lies of the rest of the different kinds of systems is the death of creativity, curiosity, learning, and innocence. we are meant to explore and learn and find out the truth. during this process we are inevitably exposed to lies and we must vaccinate ourselves against those lies so that we may grow in our search for the truth. beware that intentionally going out of your way to immerse yourself in an ocean of many lies and little truths is a fools game for the most manipulative, evil, and self-dishonest. intentionally surrounding yourself with many lies in an attempt to discover the truth is like drowning for a small bubble of dirty air. (many evil cults do this on purpose, especially the globalists democrats, united nations, pro-gmo and pro-multiculturalism and diversity advocates remember these guys built the tower of babel and want to re-unite all the races by mixing them all together to actually DESTROY diversity, not their lies of "helping diversity" )
05/26/18 (Sat) 11:25:13 No. 120569
(notice some of these are smart tips from multiple different religons and spiritual beliefs. there are little pieces of truth scattered about and hidden in everything. there are also lies scattered about as well, but not in this guide as I seek to create the most honest and simple perspective possible)
here I will try to explain:
>1 How to listen to god
>2 Listening to god is of the utmost importance
>3 Humans talking about (what god wants) are not actually talking about what god wants. The bibile/ any written test "of god"/ any religion of god. is not actually of god
>4 what god wants from/for each human is different hence point 3
>5 It's important to try not to commit the "sin" the imperfect human beings who wrote writings of gods and religions make. a lot of these imperfect human beings attempt to claim authority and falsely claim officiality as they try to imperfectly extrapolate the message of god into a broad message easily digestible for everyone in such a way that it is used to control them or further confuse them by covertly and indirectly distancing people from god by giving them false ideas to worship- Which is not the nature of the message of god because the message is personal to each and every human being. I would be would be somewhat guilty the same as them if I told you how to talk to god and how to receive the message of god the way that others do, which is why I'm trying to convey the most simplest understanding that I can. I am NOT condoning or supporting the idea of creating another religion. this is designed to free people from limiting and false ideological chains and corrupt ideas so that they may simply love God. that's it.
05/26/18 (Sat) 11:25:35 No. 120570
once I got rid of all the garbage between myself and god, I felt much closer to god.
I'm not exactly shitting on everything the bible or every religion says, since you can clearly see me using the bible as a source. just remember that there is wisdom in all religions but there is also corruption in all religions so read up on pretty much everything but be very careful. believing everything you read or experience in life as perfect, that's the problem.
simple pro tips:
try to be a good person by your own standards.
keep trying to improve your own standards.
avoid things you know are bad for you and try to expose yourself to things you know are healthy.
keep trying to learn more good things, and keep trying to unlearn more bad things.
learn to better tell the difference between good and bad and learn the differences in between all the absolutes and grey areas that exist.
who what when where why how if and/or/not/but/however. factors variables dependencies catalysts controls grey areas in absolutes, and absolutes in grey areas. recursive. meticulous. systematical.
just love and believe in God. pray whenever you want, wherever you want. no dumb ceremonies, no dumb rituals. you don't even have to talk. just whisper to God in your own mind with your soul and pray. just pray.
always try to just flow. move like water. (beware there are many corrupt teachings that parrot this because it sounds deep and edgy)
flow in the zone to flow with the force of God. (do not misinterpret this as doing what everyone else does. it is no measure of good health to conform to an ill society)
no strings attached. that's it.
05/26/18 (Sat) 11:25:48 No. 120571
pro tips continued: I will try to stay on topic and not derail too far unless it's slightly important to know or be aware of:
>God is truth.
>there is no religion higher than truth.
>God exists. He exists not as a theory and not as a concept of the universe as a whole, but as an actual thinking real individual/beyond being/entity of pure power and love and permanently unmatched and immeasurable intelligence that is capable of beyond infinite multitasking better than any computer or program that has ever, does, or will ever exist in any way shape or form.
>God is the one and only God
>If someone believes in the one and only God then they automatically believe in the right real truth that is more real than the reality we currently live in. to know the one and only God is to believe and know the truth. God automatically knows that they mean the right and only true choice since they are accepting that everything else is fake and false. God automatically understands that people who believe in the one and only God could only possibly mean the God, the one and only. if you accept the unbreakable and incorruptible fact that there is only God and you believe in and love the one and only God then God automatically protects you since God knows you don't mean something else like a false god or false idol or false cult or false religion and so on.
>all who have ever lived- live now- and ever will live, have failed to- and always will fail to represent God perfectly.
>God created everything
>God knows everything
>God controls everything
>God created free will. God controls free will. <- yes this is a paradox. God also created paradoxes. God also controls paradox.
here is a great example:
God had foreknowledge and may have had impact on Eve and Adam's decision to eat the forbidden fruit.
God may have set them up to eat the forbidden fruit, just the same way Pharoah was told to release the slaves but then "hardened Pharoah's heart" so Pharoah couldn't let them go.
the fact that Eve did not know the difference between Good and Evil when she ate the forbidden fruit is very paradoxical, since She and Adam literally had no way of knowing that disobedience was a bad thing. They are technically being punished for doing evil when they specifically didn't know what evil was or that eating the forbidden fruit was wrong other than the fact that they were told not to eat it, but that goes back to the fact that they had no way of knowing that disobedience was a bad thing… The question is why? To learn? Are we meant to learn here on earth? Does this experience exist because we are supposed to learn what it is and know what is good and bad and avoid what is bad so that we may be distinctly good? it's becoming clear that everything is planned.
05/26/18 (Sat) 11:26:02 No. 120572
>God created humans but God is not human. God is great, endless, limitless, and imperceivable by humans. you can only ever really truly and wholly perceive and appreciate God when God takes you if God decides to do so.
>to the imperfect perception and definitions and standards of humanity, perfection is percieved and defined as a dead end because people make the foolish assumption to believe that once perfection is reached that you are simply "there" which is completely incorrect. but true perfection, as in the true perfection of God is always growing and changing and improving in amazing ways that nobody will ever be able to keep up with. God is already perfect, but always becoming even more perfect.
>no human no matter how perfect or great could ever be as great and as perfect as God is. God is on an entirely different level that is unreachable. period.
>God is eternal and the eternal is one
>God is outside of time
>God is outside of time and the outside of time is one
>God is actually heaven
>God is a being that has no end and no limits and technically also a special place that has no end and no limits
one of the translations of the shema prayer (one of the things judaism gets right) says "god is eternal and the eternal is one" the definition of eternal is "outside of time" because time is a construct of this false reality. time doesn't really exist. God is literally heaven. this reality, the one we live in now is fake. heaven is the only real reality, and since we are experiencing "not heaven" but our reality is fake, then it's the ultimate Non-contradiction because there is no real flip side to heaven. heaven simply exists, is the only real reality, is good, and is God.
>heaven (real reality, also is God):
>no bad limitation (freedom)
>eternal (outside of time and lasts forever)
>automatically perfect
>earth universe (hell simulation):
>limitation (everything is such a problem)
>temporary and temporal (time bound and doesn't last forever)
>intentionally flawed
>camp/boarding school
why do you think that matrix means "womb?" why do you think apocalypse means "the lifting of the veil"? what do you think renaissance really means? "rebirth".
we are in an artificial simulation womb reality and god is lifting the veil covering the vagina and we are all going through rebirth.
05/26/18 (Sat) 11:26:13 No. 120573
>all things that happen percieved by people as good or bad are things that God chooses to make happen
>we are imperfect human beings and we can not push God away, nor should we want to. we cannot shake our hands and make God fall away from us like flour from baking bread, nor should we want to. we can not wash God from ourselves no matter how hard we scrub, nor should we want to. even the evil globalists who blaspheme against God and commit horrible crimes can not shake God from themselves no matter how desperate they may be to do so. we can not sell our souls to anyone else or any other cause, nor should we want to- because we are all in the hands of God. we are all children of God. all is as God wills it. this is an absolute unbreakable fact.
>there is no devil or bad spiritual/religious enemy figure, and these false idol characters are always created by people who childishly refuse to give God credit for all events that take place.
>people who can't handle giving God credit for everything in every way, are accidentally foolishly insulting the intelligence of God by pretending they are taking away power from God by inventing false idol puppets like jesus and satan.
>some people can't handle giving God all the credit for everything because "my puppy died" and they rationalize "my puppy is good" so how can God be good if God made my puppy die? it's extremely sad and I'm not denying how these people feel even if I know that they are being stupid. not everyone can grasp the big picture, but even those who can grasp it are only grasping like a baby grasps at their mothers breast.
>there is no hell, other than the very earth we live on. when God made the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars and said "and it was good" it was not good for humanity, but good for the purpose God has for humanity.
>you don't have a soul, you ARE a soul and you are given a body by God so that you may function and interact here like an avatar does in a videogame. treat it well, and do good by the gift God has given you. don't disrespect it.
05/26/18 (Sat) 11:26:24 No. 120574
>God communicates directly with every human being. You've been doing so your whole life, but not everybody realizes it.
>When you first learn to listen, it is very easy to convince yourself (and for others to convince you) that you are insane.
>It's not always a good idea to tell others what you are experiencing because they might react in very irrational ways that are harmful to your health and wellbeing. however, this is a great way to test who your real friends are. warning: you may end up alone because as it turns out, most people are shit. (most being shit based on experience. could simply be that some people just run into a lot of bad people, giving them a confused angle on what people are the most common)
>there is no such thing as a random thought in your head. everything you think was meant to be thought of. yes, we all have silly or disturbing thoughts pop into our heads like this very simple and shallow example: "what If I choked on the food I'm eating right now?".
>some thoughts are given to you so that you can hold them in your mind and consider them without agreeing or disagreeing with them, similarly to how ideas are handled by the most intelligent people.
>some thoughts come up as miraculous ideas
>some thoughts come up so that you can think "No! that's stupid, that's totally bad, lets not do that." because it can make you aware of what Not to do.
>God will offer undeniable proof to you if you ask. But, and here's where it gets kind of funny… the proof is not transferable. The proof will absolutely convince you of the truth, but will not be anything that can convince others.
>Once you have a personal relationship with God, that supersedes all other teachings, the bible, any type of teachers (religious/spirutual or not), and history.
>you don't need to go to a church or a temple or mosque or synagogue or any other religious place to pray or be close to God.
>you don't need to pray for God to know all of the things in your heart and soul, even if you won't know it for years or forgot about it.
>even though God knows everything, God still likes it when you pray for some reason.
05/26/18 (Sat) 11:26:37 No. 120575
>many religions are designed to get in everyones way and tie them up with tedious obsessive busy work that accomplishes nothing and gets them nowhere and entraps them in very limiting belief systems (just like schools and college and jobs in this world) (if you are too busy stressing out trying to do your homework and pass tests and exams and get good grades and figure out your taxes and pay all your bills, and worry about insurance, you can't stop and think clearly to improve on philosophy and wonder why you're doing any of this in the first place) bad people say what they say, but they really always mean- "there is no fun allowed, you are not allowed to wonder, you are not allowed to ask questions, you are not allowed to feed your curiousity, you are not allowed to learn, you are not allowed to have passion, you are not allowed to be free, you are not allowed to dream." so never listen to them.
>many religions are intentionally designed to trick people into thinking they need to go to a special building to worship God so that they don't feel as if they are being heard by God as well as if they were praying in the (((approved place of worship))) like churches, synagoges, and mosqs.
>the bible and all religious texts from most if not all religions are flawed and imperfect at the very least because of the fact that human people wrote the bible and human people are flawed and imperfect (many examples in the bible where both good and bad people had a chance to write/add things in while it wasn't done yet) "the love of money is the root of all evil" but "money answereth all things"
>human beings are imperfect, and everything they make, say, do, and so on is imperfect, including bible, scripture, stories, any religious texts, books, teachings, and so on. some things in life like a sturdy house are well built and good quality but nothing we do is perfect by the standards of God.
>the word of God doesn't come from the bible. everything here is a false idol including the bible, money, statues, kings, and so on.
Exodus 20
>"You shall have no other gods before Me."You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth."
Deuteronomy 5
>You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.
>the word of God only comes straight from God.
>what all imperfect human beings are searching for is not temporary, or lasting, but rather eternal peace and and happiness and love and freedom. this can only be reached through not obtaining, grasping, or driving yourself or others crazy, but rather being gifted perfection by God.
>perfection is not a human definition. any idea of perfection that human beings have is imperfect. God is the sole true understander and beholder of perfection. God is perfect, and only God can grant perfection. (being let into heaven to become better)
remember people, I'm talking about the one and only God here. the infinite, beyond infinite. eternal
05/26/18 (Sat) 11:26:52 No. 120576
just as a note here: not trying to create a new religion. more like, trying to teach you how to distill the truth out of all the impure other religions so you can have some good spiritual vodka of only the most pure real good stuff.
someone replied to this thread once and said this:
>If you're smart enough to figure any of that out you should also be smart enough to realize that anyone else as smart would have also done so, and that posting it here is only going to make those that aren't smart enough further build their ego in rejection to the idea.
>"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast. ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them. under their feet, and turn again and rend you."
>tl;dr retarded newfig s will never get it even if you tell them
this was my answer to them:
<I know anon. I know. but if it's pointless, if it doesn't matter because evil will always reject God then who am I to deny this wisdom to those who seek it but do not know it? just because they haven't found it yet? maybe they are smart enough but they havent been given guidance.
<you hear me you good ones out there!? this is for you.
05/26/18 (Sat) 12:51:25 No. 120582
reply I got on /x/ and my reply
>But by attacking religion you are attacking the only thing which has protected humanity in history and you are attacking the very reason humans are allowed to exist!
>If you maintain your anti-religious views you are forfeiting your right to exist as a human on this plane and will face the karmic consequences of such acts!
>Religion did a great job of protecting humanity, becase humanity still exists! If there had been no religion you wouldn't be online typing that, because you would be extinct!
Saying that religion did a great job of protecting humanity is like saying that hardcore illegal street drugs did a great job of making many people feel better because humanity still exists. Lets just totally disregard how many lives have been destroyed by hardcore illegal street drugs (and the gang wars, drug wars, and actual wars it's created) as well as religion and the wars it's created right? Just because something bad existed and posed a challenge to humanity- and humanity survived doesn't mean that it was entirely beneficial or even good at all. because of religion, people were tortured in dungeons because their beliefs didn't line up with the beliefs of those who were torturing them.
Religion has been one of the biggest methods by which human beings have manipulated and controlled each other as well as one of the biggest reasons for almost every single war that has ever been fought up until and including modern history (2018 USA time for all those reading this a couple thousand years from now). Protecting humanity? Religion is a scam. It's a business just like war. "Hey be very afraid so give your church all this money because god needs your money and he loves you but you're going to hell forever so no killing, meanwhile go kill all these people because they don't believe what you believe! also, do whatever we say or god will be very upset with you!" Religion is a cucked up scam that distances people from God. why worship an impefect human created system when I can just worship God directly?
The only pure and honest founding reason in history for the creation of religion is to bring people closer to God. humanity is imperfect and has since corrupted the world around it and failed religion and thus humanity has failed God and humanity has also failed itself. religion was supposed to protect people by teaching them how to be closer to God but but it caused countless wars and hurt many people in many ways beyond physical wounds. religion was supposed to bring people closer to God but instead it became a business about gathering as much money from it's followers as possible and manipulating them and controlling their lives through fear. religion filled peoples minds with false and limiting ideas and left so many people with such a bad taste in their mouths that so many in their disgust and confusion sought to reject and spit out religion but instead pushed themselves away from God. religion CREATED atheists.
If you seek to preserve humanity you must preserve the love that humanity has for God. only GOD
05/26/18 (Sat) 15:03:41 No. 120587
05/26/18 (Sat) 19:37:05 No. 120592
While I have not fully read your thread and I agree with you currently religion is nothing but a sort of dis-info trap. I do want to point out that religion inst 100% wrong either. I think that religion, if used properly, is an amazing tool to explore reality and I think that is what its original propose was before it was corrupted over the ages. Or maybe it has always been corrupted? Anyways, the concept of religion if applied correctly can make a really powerful tool towards cultivating greater understanding of magic.
05/27/18 (Sun) 23:05:27 No. 120625
I'm sure that if you ever do read my thread you'll probably find yourself agreeing with me on quite a few points.
05/28/18 (Mon) 00:45:36 No. 120628
Can someone kind do me a favor and link this (this post right here) post to the mewch /fringe/ questions thread for me? You should probably specifically state that you are not me, and just posting to help me so they don't ban you for ban evasion thinking that you're me or something.
mewch /fringe/ questions thread:
why the hell did this happen mewch /fringe/ mods? we were friends! we were like brothers! you were the chosen one!
my complaining on mewch /meta/
All I know is that
>my thread existed without any problems on mewch /fringe/ for around a week.
>everything is peachy keen, lots of good conversation
>Suddenly it 404's for no reason.
>repost the thread because I thought it was just thread-slid by trolls or shills
>404's again out of nowhere for no obvious reason
>repost thread because this is getting really stale
>banned for not using flags
>explain I can't use flags because they're broken and I can't select them
>suddenly unbanned
>look for thread
>thread is gone again
>son of a fugging muffin with extra blueberries
>painstakingly repost thread
>get accused in /meta/ by "supposedly the mods from /fringe/" of making multiple threads, which is a lie.
>wonder where it all went so wrong
what was the point of that?
>thread deleted multiple times for no reason
>outright being treated like shit
I was good, why do you hurt me so?
this is the thread I posted here on mewch/fringe/
(redundant linking, I know but this is my message to the mewch /fringe/ mods)
05/28/18 (Mon) 08:53:57 No. 120677
complicated way of saying you're too stupid to understand this so it's worthless to you.
05/28/18 (Mon) 09:49:33 No. 120680
"Semiramis and Horus/Tammuz were worshipped as "Madonna and child." And as the generations passed, they were worshipped under other names in different countries and languages. Many of these are recognizable - such as -Fortuna and Jupiter in Rome; Aphrodite and Adonis in Greece and Ashtoreth/Astarte and Molech/Baal in Canaan."–Syncretismas!by Martin G. Collins Forerunner, December 1995
The ancient Germans worshipped the virgin HERTHA with the child in the arms of his mother. The Scandinavians called her DISA pictured with her child. In Egypt, the mother and her child wereworshiped as ISIS with the infant OSIRIS or HORUS seated on his mother's lap.In India, the mother and child were called DEVAKI and KRISHNA, and also ISI and ISWARA as they are worshiped to this day.In Asia, they were known as CYBELE and DEOIUS; in pagan Rome, as FORTUNA and JUPITER-PUER, or the boy JUPITER; in Greece, as CERES, the great mother with babe at her breast, or as IRENE,the goddess of peace, with the boy PLUTUS in her arms. Even in Tibet, China, and Japan, Jesuit missionaries were astonished to find the Roman counterpart of MADONNA and child. SHING MOO, the holy mother in China was portrayed with a child in her armsand a glory (halo - nimbus) around her.
Semiramis was worshiped in Ephesus as the pagan fertility goddess DIANA who represented the generative powers
Think of the Creator as encompassing both the male and female energy - thesis and antithesis - combining to form synthesis, which is the creation, the manifestation of the will of Creator. The holy trinity.
Now take that and invert it, which is what tptb do. A woman and her brother. They have sex and birth an inbred child. The woman is Semiramis, the mother of all whores. The brother/father is Nimrod. The son is Tammuz. The Egyptians took it a step further and said Tammuz/Horus was not just the son of, but the reincarnation of his father, Nimrod/Osiris. The Catholics took Joshua ben Joseph's story, which was spreading Gnosticism all over the place (we can't have that, now can we?) and applied this template to it, and now Semiramis is called Mary, and Tammuz is called Jesus.
05/28/18 (Mon) 10:54:54 No. 120683
whoa, whoa, whoa. interesting. Now what was the point of all that? do you have a source btw? I'd like to confirm this a bit and then possibly add it in? Why would so many different cultures copy paste the same characters of a story over and over again? According to what you're saying here, it's been copypasted so many times that in some versions they're evil and in some versions they're nice, but it's all connected and they're all the same characters anyway, so it's just yet another giant cluster****?
05/28/18 (Mon) 11:59:35 No. 120684
That type of reply is exactly why he posted that picture
05/28/18 (Mon) 12:11:42 No. 120687
>I posted that reply because I thought some poorly designed insult would make this thread disappear and It didn't! now I'm sad. How could this happen to me?
05/28/18 (Mon) 12:37:34 No. 120689
This is the same story we are told all the time.
you get the idea.
Information is memetic in nature and actively seeks to replicate.
Star wars is THE STORY, retelling itself through different cultural lenses to awaken those who have eyes and ears to see and hear.
We want unity, our restricted minds require contrast
Rey is anakin reincarnated.
Anakin Skywalker
Anagrams to:
Anakin k walks rey.
Remember vowels are relatively modern in language.
K is how "ka" (astal body,life force, energy being) would be written.
Watch the force awakens again.
Why does rey master the force hours after learning shes force sensitive?
Why after kylo ren offers to teach her the force, does she repeat "the force" her eyes twitch, and all the sudden she is able to dominate a Sith Lord with a weapon she didn't even know existed until a few hours ago?
The fact that Rey picked up on using the force so quickly is a metaphor for each of us. We have talents, instincts, inclinations. They didn't come from nowhere. Rather, they are remnants of work we did in previous incarnations to develop them. That's why you should never feel jealous of someone who is extremely talented. At some point, they did the work to develop that talent.
When Rey had her "premonitions"the first thing she hears is Vaders breathing.
What was she seeing? Would any of it be familiar to Anakin? Like his memories?
Then of course the lava planet.. hmm almost like a chronologically accurate depiction of Vader's life
Remember Anakin was brought up a sleeve on a desert planet and he hates the sand which is why luke was sent to tatooine, because they knew vader wouldnt go there.
Ray also in a matter of a few minutes managed to repair something that was wrong with the Millennium Falcon that had given Chewy and Han who have had that ship for decades difficulty for weeks just displaying Vader's affinity for all things mechanical. She also showed anakins compassion for Droids when she refused to sell BB 8 this is a Droid she just found minutes ago and was offered 60 portions when she would work the entire day for enough credits for a quarter portion and she refused to sell him.
The fact her name anagrams in Anakin's is just icing on the cake.
She is unquestionably The Reincarnation of Anakin.
If you remember when Anakin was immaculately conceived by the force according to the prophecy he was the child that was going to bring balance to the force he did not fulfill that destiny nor did Luke Anakin solo didn't complete its mission so it came back.
Ray was not chosen at random, she is a Skywalker
One thing I feel that is being severely underestimated is that the force and light sabers, are weapons that children are trained at from the age of , to wield with any level of proficiency.
Certain Jedi and Sith use the force to extend their life just to master one of the seven forms of lightsaber combat.
Anakin was 15 when he began his Jedi training and the council was concerned he was too old Luke was 18.
Ray appears to be in her twenties but even if she's only in her teens the fact remains literally hours after she finds out he's force-sensitive, she is able to best kylo Ren who has been training his entire life, with a weapon she had never held before in her life.
Also remember the spirit of Vader stop speaking to kylo Ren through his helmet could that be because his Consciousness activated within Ray
05/28/18 (Mon) 13:20:13 No. 120695
that's really fascinating. tbh I'm very disappointed with the new starwars movies. they had some fun parts but overall I didn't feel that they fit the theme of what starwars should feel like. the message was still the same though, and I kind of figured that. hmm.
05/28/18 (Mon) 13:26:51 No. 120696
Having fun with the samefagging?
05/28/18 (Mon) 14:17:55 No. 120697
Ask the mods if I'm samefagging and they will be able to prove that I'm not.
05/29/18 (Tue) 15:36:41 No. 120753
Update on the stalker shill image.
05/29/18 (Tue) 22:22:39 No. 120779
At least smiley is likable and has some interesting things to say.
SAGE! 05/30/18 (Wed) 00:12:49 No. 120785
05/30/18 (Wed) 14:27:50 No. 120805
what are you trying to say?
not the first time someone has asked me If I'm smiley. It's not like I can say "I'm not them" because you will just assume that means that I am them, even though I'm not.
anybody who says anything good about them is shamed I see.
>At least smiley is likable and has some interesting things to say.
so tell me, who the fuck was smiley? like really? no schizo insult bullshit. who were they really? be honest with me. maybe they also had people stalking them?
05/30/18 (Wed) 14:55:35 No. 120806
Smiley was definitely stalked. even by the police
05/30/18 (Wed) 16:16:21 No. 120808
so I guess I'm finally unbanned on mewch /fringe/.
I'm trying one more time to post my thread hopefully without any problems.
So far my thread has been okay. No new posts yet. Hasn't been deleted, And I haven't been banned again yet.
Everything is okay right now. I hope it stays that way, but I also hope to get some new posts and some nice discussion of course.
Not really sure what to expect, but I'm hopeful.
05/30/18 (Wed) 16:20:57 No. 120810
that's really sad. what ever happened to them? are they okay now?
05/30/18 (Wed) 17:06:05 No. 120813
Yea >>120783 is the post where Smileberg tried to buy a slave and expected the police to come to his house. It's not stalking if there's probable cause
05/30/18 (Wed) 17:08:31 No. 120814
>what are you trying to say?
You're a mid tier initiate of the LHP trying to drag other people into your cyclone of depravity
05/30/18 (Wed) 21:52:52 No. 120824
I don't get it. How does some random chat log that could have been just created, not even doctored, just literally made up in software somehow prove this smiley guy was buying a slave? how and why the fuck does someone even "buy a slave" these days? that doesn't make any sense. The idea of slavery is pretty stupid if you ask me and I don't know of anyone who would want to do that outside of some pretty bad people that work in some kind of gangs or something, but who knows what. The real question here is why would someone go through the effort of making up some false evidence "LOL SMILE WANT BUY SLAVE" to fuck them over? was smiley the girl in the mental hospital with him/her or did they pick up the nickname after? I'm really confused. Did they actually present this easily faked bullshit slave buying evidence to the police and the police took it seriously? Was smiley some kind of esoteric occult discovery type person? that one screenshot has them talking about writing sigils or something.
what's the story in chronological order? what happened to smiley?
05/30/18 (Wed) 21:55:36 No. 120825
>You're a mid tier initiate of the LHP trying to drag other people into your cyclone of depravity
What is the LHP? the LARGE HADRON POLLIDER at sern? please explain how I'm trying to drag people into a "cyclone of depravity". Like give me an actual argument as to why you think that.
05/30/18 (Wed) 22:33:14 No. 120829
There you go again, sounding exactly like smiley pretending to be some random anon who's totally not smiley
>What is the LHP?
….or MAAA-AAYBE you should lurk 2 more years before posting
05/30/18 (Wed) 22:36:55 No. 120830
Oh and btw, we don't really care about you or your posts, we just ban you because we're jewish.
05/30/18 (Wed) 23:19:32 No. 120833
05/30/18 (Wed) 23:19:34 No. 120834
<There you go again, sounding exactly like smiley pretending to be some random anon who's totally not smiley
>What is the LHP?
<….or MAAA-AAYBE you should lurk 2 more years before posting
So you're accusing me of being smiley and being a newfig in the same post. derp.
05/30/18 (Wed) 23:32:06 No. 120836
wow. so what I got from that was that smiley is some canadian who went way way autism deep into /x/, /pol/, /fringe/, and a bunch of other deep stuff and gained a massive cult following of poeple who randomly hate him for no fucking reason, and a bunch of people who are just really interested in watching what he does, and some people who really love him for just being himself. the level of autism rage sperging that follows this individual is nearly immeasurable. It's just a giant shitstorm of love and hate. I somewhat respect them in some odd endearing kind of way. I hope their life is good and I hope they are successful at whatever dreams they have. I still don't get why people think I'm them though. I'm similarly hated and loved randomly by shills and autists who respect my work or want it stopped. I don't know. What can I say. We should all try our best because what is supposed to happen is what is supposed to happen by the will of God. shills going to shill, people who respect the good things will respect the good things, defenders against the shills will defend the innocent from the shills, adventurers will discover, and the truth will prevail. Amen.
05/31/18 (Thu) 18:41:16 No. 120876
Holy shit this guy is nuts. He actually kidnapped someone else's tulpa?
05/31/18 (Thu) 18:57:48 No. 120877
You think it's just one anon…?
05/31/18 (Thu) 22:16:52 No. 120879
OP is a faggot who spams every /fringe/ thread with his retarded image. He has also moved to /x/ and /pol/. Fuck off with your schizophrenic shilling
SAGE! 06/01/18 (Fri) 00:44:59 No. 120883
He's on every good board. Even /rel/
06/02/18 (Sat) 01:18:55 No. 120915
>shut up! stop telling the truth! how dare OP have good discussions on relevant topics in totally on topic boards! everything we disagree with is spam! wahh wahh wahh! mommy ban them! delet this!
Hi stalker shills. you're nothing but a bunch of bullies. the truth is free, but your mind is your own prison.
SAGE! 06/02/18 (Sat) 09:44:28 No. 120932
>everyone I disagree with is evil. there's literally no way I could possibly be wrong about anything
How open-minded of you.
06/03/18 (Sun) 15:47:58 No. 120941
The covert agenda at play on websites we use is simple. Play up the government, the army and the system. The pictures they use are anything from a zelda ad to a man in space. All that matters is the order and what it us reinforcing. Use fatherly figures as representative. Show the state and its representatives over and over, on every facet of communication, using a submissive camera angle to implant in your mind over and over these people are in charge, the state is real. Then promote non issue topics like racism, sports, television shows, left vs right, controversies. Consistently distract the public so they think they're fighting the right battles and never realize who is really in charge or how their lives really are compared to where we could be as a species. Make them fight each other so they can never unite against a common enemy. Next they promote childlike behavior and reliance. Video games, cartoons, fast food. All layered with mind control and chemicals to make you a weak slow animal too dazed and in a trance to ever wake the fuck up and do ANYTHING. Next they promote violence. The show school shooters, beatings by police, people crashing in aircraft, earthquakes. This puts you in a state of mind where you are scared and looking for an authority figure and are dissociated. They then come in with an "authority" figure that tells you some bullshit in your vulnerable state, because whether you know it or not seeing people fucking die messes with you. All of that combined with hypnosis, chemicals, and an education, political, and sociological system designed to put you on a track for your whole life and shame anyone who deviates from the government approved message and you have a populace of well groomed farm animals ready to feed your own materialistic greedy pathetic pockets generation after generation until finally, hopefully one day the majority of westerners decide to look out the fucking window and realize people in other countries are DYING EVERY DAY and we eat, fuck, and buy clothes.
06/03/18 (Sun) 17:05:12 No. 120942
>spams on other boards
>complains about stalkers
06/03/18 (Sun) 22:38:25 No. 120960
> realize people in other countries are DYING EVERY DAY
Name one country where people aren't dying every day.
06/03/18 (Sun) 22:38:54 No. 120961
06/04/18 (Mon) 01:51:14 No. 120962
If you're willing to say "your thread is wrong" then you should be just as willing to provide an argument as to why you think that based in logic and fact.
so what you're saying is that the world is a crazy dangerous sad place and people are all lying to and hurting each other all over the place. what's new? everyone should stop and think about everything. world might become 2% better.
>everything you disagree with is spam
just admit you don't like this thread and have no mature way of stating that and move on.
It's mewch /fringe/ read the post completely or don't read it at all.
06/04/18 (Mon) 03:57:03 No. 120963
I meant people are dying in droves. Youre r8ght though people die everywhere
06/04/18 (Mon) 05:01:24 No. 120964
>God is the one and only God
See here's where you kinda lost me, because I agree to all the "god is love", "religions don't speak in the name of god" etc, but I just don't understand the fixation that people have with "worshiping only the true god". First of all, it doesn't even make sense to think about "the true god" because there are no real fake "gods". The word god means "the" god, you can claim to be god but it's probably easy to prove that you ain't. You can claim that you're a bus driver to apply for a job but if you don't know how to drive then you just don't know how to drive.
I'd expect god to just not give a shit about being worshiped directly or through some manifest form. For example, let's say I'm god. Whether there's a native american shaman calling me Manitou, or a Taoist shaman calling me the Tao, all I have to do is manifest myself to them with that attire. To the indian I appear as the spirit of his ancestors. To the taoist I appear as duality in everything. You know what I mean? Why would god be like "Oi you! You're worshipping a statue that has red feet, but I only like it when you worship the statue with the blue feet. Obey your god!"
Let's imagine that I'm waiting for a phone call from my close friends. Now one of them calls me from his cellphone, the other one calls me using her landline. Wouldn't it be stupid for me to be angry because the latter used a landline, and not a cellphone? The end goal is to be able to talk to them, whatever that takes. If my friend calls me and asks how I'm doing, I'm not gonna say "Listen, you're cool and all but you're calling from a landline and to be my friend you have to call from a smartphone. Specifically the 2012 Samsung Galaxy s2 model. Any other phone just won't do." And she's like "but we are talking, isn't that what it is all about" "No, no and NO! You have to do it right otherwise I won't talk to you".
I can see humans falling for that bullshit but I just can't see god giving a shit about how he's worshiped , hell maybe he doesn't even give a shit if he's worshiped at all. Like a good father who just wants his children to be happy. You don't care if your children love you, I mean it hurts if they don't, but being love by your children isn't the real reason why you take care of them and give them everything you can. It's out of selfish love that you ignore when they say "i hate you dad! I wish you were dead!" and just keep on being the best father that you can be for them.
06/04/18 (Mon) 06:54:52 No. 120969
>santa lives in the "north" pole and gifts you material things based on an arbitrary karmic system.
You ripped that off one of my posts word-for-word. Thanks for the credit, faggot.
SAGE! 06/05/18 (Tue) 01:01:45 No. 121012
the whole collage is just random shit thrown together and he acts like he invented this "truth" while he adds nothing to the board but making people angry
06/05/18 (Tue) 14:26:18 No. 121037
>God is the one and only God
>See here's where you kinda lost me, because I agree to all the "god is love", "religions don't speak in the name of god" etc, but I just don't understand the fixation that people have with "worshiping only the true god". First of all, it doesn't even make sense to think about "the true god" because there are no real fake "gods". The word god means "the" god, you can claim to be god but it's probably easy to prove that you ain't. You can claim that you're a bus driver to apply for a job but if you don't know how to drive then you just don't know how to drive.
I'm trying to say that a huge amount of people don't get that God just "is" they try to invent a bunch of fake bullshit and drive everyone crazy and confuse them. There is only God.
>santa lives in the "north" pole and gifts you material things based on an arbitrary karmic system.
>You ripped that off one of my posts word-for-word. Thanks for the credit, faggot.
just out of curiousity, if someone anonymous posts something smart and then someone else repeats it because they think it's smart, how does the anonymous poster get mad they weren't given credit -"some anon said this woo woo" I mean I would be proud of someone liked something I said and said it again if I'm being wise. I don't know what you're upset about though.
>the whole collage is just random shit thrown together and he acts like he invented this "truth" while he adds nothing to the board but making people angry
everyone who's angry about the truth says it's bullshit or a disorganized collage because they have no fact based argument as to why it's bad so they just whine.
06/05/18 (Tue) 16:28:41 No. 121050
I like how he hates on Christianity and dualism but uses the same faith based tactics for his own "findings". 'You can't disprove it so you have to assume it's true.'
06/05/18 (Tue) 16:38:31 No. 121051
I feel like OP is a kike shill. This is like that new age "one world religion" stuff.
Answer me this OP. If all three of the major religions are full of lies and none are completely true, then why do Jews hate Jesus and hate Christianity so much? They dedicate their very existence, as a collective group, to destroying Western civilization and Christianity. Don't shut me down with some bs, actually debate me on this please. Prove to me you're not a kike shill and that you honestly believe this shit to be true.
06/05/18 (Tue) 21:49:00 No. 121068
>everyone who's angry about the truth says it's bullshit or a disorganized collage because they have no fact based argument as to why it's bad so they just whine
Here's a fact based argument for you:
You posted a large number of screencapped posts, greentexts and random quotes with no proper sentence structure or punctuation, all pasted into one huge messy image with no beginning or end. You are not presenting any information or argument.
When anons point this out, you get upset and call them shills.
If you want to be taken seriously, reformat your message.
Your text needs to contain the following:
>your observation of reality
>your own viewpoint
>presentation of your hypothesis
>a summary including your conclusion/argument
>what your goal is
>motivation of why this goal should be reached
>detailing of your thought process so others can follow you
>method for reaching your goal
06/06/18 (Wed) 10:48:35 No. 121090
Said it on your old post, I'll say it again. You are saying nothing new. What you're spewing on the board is just a watered down retard level version of what David Icke and many others have been saying for a very long time. Even that is a compliment. The Santa Claus thing is just stupid to mention even if relavent. Everyone gets excited from realizing something and they get the urge to share, but what you've learned is not significant and anyone who has been on this board for more than a month is familiar with the concept. There's much more to learn and unveil. Stop shitting up the board with what's pretty much well known shit
06/06/18 (Wed) 10:51:37 No. 121091
Haven't noticed that the Jews control the Vatican and use Christianity as controlled opposition? If Christianity were the enemy of the Jews, we would have won long ago
06/06/18 (Wed) 13:43:51 No. 121095
>>God communicates directly with every human being. You've been doing so your whole life, but not everybody realizes it.
I've realized this. And I have realized the meaning of 'everything has a reason' and I see the evidence of creation. But, one thing I am struggling with greatly is this communication has taken on a bit of a vulgar tone of late. And it has lead to a great deal of confusion. Am I being tested to see if I can resist such vulgar temptation? Or am I supposed to consider that there is a lesson within such vulgarity?
06/06/18 (Wed) 13:49:49 No. 121096
>then why do Jews hate Jesus and hate Christianity so much?
One thought to consider along those lines is that the kikes are well known for controlling/manipulating their "enemy groups". And even going by Christianity, "God created all and knows all, the book that no man has read has already been written" Therefore, by Christian standards God willed for the kikes to be a despicable group of shadow dwelling malcontents that stick their incestuous noses into everything.
I don't know, man. I had thought I had started to figure things out on a respectable level but I have recently found that the further one goes into the rabbit hole the further the rabbit hole grows.
06/07/18 (Thu) 20:43:04 No. 121150
>I like how he hates on Christianity and dualism but uses the same faith based tactics for his own "findings". 'You can't disprove it so you have to assume it's true.'
What is your own personal definition of dualism? To me that means that you think that If I don't believe in the god and the devil that I'm automatically wrong. I explain in more than one place why this is satanic propaganda.
>but uses the same faith based tactics for his own "findings". 'You can't disprove it so you have to assume it's true.'
please specifically link and quote the post where I make these kinds of assumptions. you could make the same accusation to any spiritual belief or religion, so how does this support your side of the argument? what is your argument?
06/07/18 (Thu) 20:43:20 No. 121151
>I feel like OP is a kike shill. This is like that new age "one world religion" stuff.
Please explain how I'm a kike shill. If you can't then everyone will know you're a shill yourself. I already think you're a shill because it doesn't seem like you even read any of my thread. shills usually don't read the threads they attack. If you would have read my thread you could have easily noticed that I'm pointing out all the bullshit new age one world religion bullshit and explaining how the NWO shills are actually behind it. but of course you just make up shit without reading so you can badmouth me as usual.
>Answer me this OP. If all three of the major religions are full of lies and none are completely true, then why do Jews hate Jesus and hate Christianity so much? They dedicate their very existence, as a collective group, to destroying Western civilization and Christianity. Don't shut me down with some bs, actually debate me on this please. Prove to me you're not a kike shill and that you honestly believe this shit to be true.
Any jewish person that claims to be against jesus and christianity is 1. a typical "occult-uneducated" normalfag like everyone else regardless of what religion they believe in, or 2. someone who isn't behind 100% clear and honest about the connections they are already secretly aware of. The same can be said for most people in most religions. Some people know what's going on and stay quiet or feign ignorance, and some actually don't know anything and just follow whatever religion they grew up with. Not everyone that's a part of a religion is bad, but also not everyone who knows about these things is bad. knowledge is a weird thing. If you want a more specific answer I suppose it could be said that the satanic cult bad guys have been manipulating all the other religions are far back as history goes and no ordinary members of any religion are really at fault because they just don't know any better and it's a part of their culture. I explained large amounts of the connections in the image. I suppose another variable to be considered is religious bigots, people who just don't like other people from other religions because they're just angry people who are angry based on the way they grew up but with a lack of knowledge as to why they feel that way. there are plent of christians and jews and muslims who don't really have too much of a problem with each other but there are also the type of people who strongly dislike members of one group but are okay with another, while there are also the kind of people that hate everyone who isn't exactly like them. There are very large grey areas to be totally clear with you. maybe I derailed a bit here, so I'll try again to leave you two answers to be very fair.
>Answer me this OP. If all three of the major religions are full of lies and none are completely true,
Again, let me make myself clear. all religions and spiritual belief systems and human teachings, and even science are full of knowledge and wisdom but also mistakes and lies and corruption.
>then why do Jews hate Jesus and hate Christianity so much? They dedicate their very existence, as a collective group, to destroying Western civilization and Christianity. Don't shut me down with some bs, actually debate me on this please. Prove to me you're not a kike shill and that you honestly believe this shit to be true.
Lots of factors and variables to consider here. you could argue that some jews don't like jesus because he broke their rules but you could also just as easily say "wait a minute, jesus was jewish too" so do the jews that say they dislike jesus today actually dislike him or was he secretly on their side and part of a secret plan to create a major offshoot religion to capture everyone else who wasn't compatible enough with "basic judaism"? There's also some really interesting warnings here to consider. the bible mentions more than once to watch out for "the fake jews of the synagoge of satan". what this means is that there are some typicial basic jewish people who just bless bread and do the wine blessing and all that oyvey stuff but tend to keep to themselves and generally don't fit into the stereotypicial jewish meme-types. the sad thing here is that those stereotypical jewish greedy types aren't just some internet joke. reasoning behind this is simple:
>some jews believe in God and worship God only (not greedy)
>some jews don't believe in God at all and just try to take over the world and control everything. (extremely greedy)
I'm sure you will totally flip your shit and say "BUT /pol/ SAID THERE IS NO GOOD JEWS!" I'm not saying good or bad here any more than there are normal people who live their own lives vs those who try to control the lives of others. I hope this makes sense.
06/07/18 (Thu) 20:43:32 No. 121152
>everyone who's angry about the truth says it's bullshit or a disorganized collage because they have no fact based argument as to why it's bad so they just whine
<Here's a fact based argument for you:
<You posted a large number of screencapped posts, greentexts and random quotes with no proper sentence structure or punctuation, all pasted into one huge messy image with no beginning or end. You are not presenting any information or argument.
<When anons point this out, you get upset and call them shills.
<If you want to be taken seriously, reformat your message.
this is a great example of how shills try to give people large amounts of unnecessary busy work so that they can waste their time
many other people seem to have no problem at all reading the thread. you're lazy or you're lying.
<Your text needs to contain the following:
>your observation of reality
>your own viewpoint
>presentation of your hypothesis
>a summary including your conclusion/argument
>what your goal is
>motivation of why this goal should be reached
>detailing of your thought process so others can follow you
>method for reaching your goal
this is a great example of how lazy shills are. they want to be spoonfed without any effort of actually reading the thread
06/07/18 (Thu) 20:43:56 No. 121153
>Said it on your old post, I'll say it again. You are saying nothing new. What you're spewing on the board is just a watered down retard level version of what David Icke and many others have been saying for a very long time. Even that is a compliment. The Santa Claus thing is just stupid to mention even if relavent. Everyone gets excited from realizing something and they get the urge to share, but what you've learned is not significant and anyone who has been on this board for more than a month is familiar with the concept. There's much more to learn and unveil. Stop shitting up the board with what's pretty much well known shit
If there's so much more to learn and unveil then why don't you make a contribution to this thread? If my thread isn't important then why do you come here to try so hard to get rid of me? you could simply refuse to participate and let my thread slowly fade away but you choose to try to convince me that this message isn't worth spreading because you have hidden motives. If nobody was actually interested in this, my thread wouldn't be as successful as it is. you could actually ignore it and it would disappear. the problem for you here is that even if you don't participate, other people who do care and are very interested will continue to discuss this topic. that is where the problem is for you, and that is why you come here to try and convince me to willingly stop talking about this. I wont.
06/07/18 (Thu) 20:44:08 No. 121154
>Haven't noticed that the Jews control the Vatican and use Christianity as controlled opposition? If Christianity were the enemy of the Jews, we would have won long ago
levels to take note of
>people who know and are the ones doing it
>people who know but are a part of it willingly
>people who know but aren't a part of it
>idiots from all kinds of different religions who know some things but basically just spend all day "jewing" each other thinking they are getting somewhere.
>sheep (normalfags)
>God communicates directly with every human being. You've been doing so your whole life, but not everybody realizes it.
>I've realized this. And I have realized the meaning of 'everything has a reason' and I see the evidence of creation. But, one thing I am struggling with greatly is this communication has taken on a bit of a vulgar tone of late. And it has lead to a great deal of confusion. Am I being tested to see if I can resist such vulgar temptation? Or am I supposed to consider that there is a lesson within such vulgarity?
without being way too specific because this is usually a very personal thing, can you give a loose example of what you meant by communication taking a vulgar tone? remember what I said here:
>there is no such thing as a random thought in your head. everything you think was meant to be thought of. yes, we all have silly or disturbing thoughts pop into our heads like this very simple and shallow example: "what If I choked on the food I'm eating right now?".
>some thoughts are given to you so that you can hold them in your mind and consider them without agreeing or disagreeing with them, similarly to how ideas are handled by the most intelligent people.
>some thoughts come up as miraculous ideas
>some thoughts come up so that you can think "No! that's stupid, that's totally bad, lets not do that." because it can make you aware of what Not to do.
maybe God is giving you a taste test so you can help discover your morality and try to become a better person. like having a bad dream and waking up from it to have thoughts like "thank God I'm happy that isn't real" by the way, If you have violent urges seek a mental health professional. I'm not a mental health professional.
06/07/18 (Thu) 20:44:20 No. 121155
>I don't know, man. I had thought I had started to figure things out on a respectable level but I have recently found that the further one goes into the rabbit hole the further the rabbit hole grows.
everyone's life is a crazy clusterfuck of miserable bullshit and confusion and chaos, even the secret manipulative badguys. everyone is screwing everybody in some way or another, intentional or not. everyone is screwing their own people or themselves in some way or another, intentional or not. some people are just better a pretending that everything is fine and that they are the boss than others. we're all just winging it. no excuses.
06/07/18 (Thu) 22:18:41 No. 121165
Let me show you what you just did, mr. schizo
>When anons point this out, you get upset and call them shills.
>this is a great example of how shills try to give people large amounts of unnecessary busy work so that they can waste their time
You confirmed right there in the open that you do exactly what I said you do. You can't deny it now.
>this is a great example of how lazy shills are. they want to be spoonfed without any effort of actually reading the thread
You are the one saying you have an argument. You are the one spamming shit all over the place.
It's up to you to present that argument, if it exists .
If you can't do that, you are proving again that you are full of shit, just like your posts.
06/08/18 (Fri) 03:47:57 No. 121170
<Let me show you what you just did, mr. schizo
>When anons point this out, you get upset and call them shills.
>this is a great example of how shills try to give people large amounts of unnecessary busy work so that they can waste their time
<You confirmed right there in the open that you do exactly what I said you do. You can't deny it now.
I see you all over the place on 8chan making using the same exact shill tactic to try to shit up threads you don't like. Nobody is going to take you seriously and re-fucking-do their entire thread just because you say it's disorganized and don't like it. You're an immature brat if you're not a shill. Try learning some reading comprehension. If you tell me to redo my entire thread I will laugh in your face.
>You are the one saying you have an argument. You are the one spamming shit all over the place.
>It's up to you to present that argument, if it exists.
>If you can't do that, you are proving again that you are full of shit, just like your posts.
You are the one who is refusing to read my thread in the first place and then claiming that no argument is being stated because you have intentionally blinded yourself to it by refusing to read it in the first place. If you claim that I have no argument then you are a fool. Read my thread all the way through and debate me or go cry in a corner. I don't care.
06/08/18 (Fri) 09:44:49 No. 121179
I 'read' the Buddhist section of your image, as that's what I'm familiar with so it jumped out at me, and it's completely wrong. It's an extremely banal, base-level misunderstanding of Buddhism you'd expect from somebody that hasn't even read the Wikipedia page on the subject.
If that's the level of knowledge you're operating on, I have little faith in the rest of your message.
SAGE! 06/08/18 (Fri) 10:19:21 No. 121180
my sides are in orbit.
SAGE! 06/08/18 (Fri) 10:33:36 No. 121181
but jokes aside, your image is pretty much the ultimate fedora wielder in a nutshell.
>globalist scum
>muh gamergate
>muh religion (sux)
pretty much the only reason people attack is your narcissism, i'm only typing this because i'm tired of this awful thread on the frontpage because of some samefagger.
06/08/18 (Fri) 20:06:35 No. 121193
>without being way too specific because this is usually a very personal thing, can you give a loose example of what you meant by communication taking a vulgar tone? remember what I said here:
Not really thoughts. Abstract sounds that sometimes come through clear as day as words but most of the time are garbled. The communication manifests within stomach noises and flatulence. I've seen anons posting about this on 4/x/ so I'm not the only one. Another thing that really puzzled me was every time id lay down to sleep or meditate Id have this sensation of energy that manifested as an external energy and would feel like fingers or even a tongue touching me most often in vulgar ways.
Really fucking tormented me for a while but last night some anon posted something and it made me realize the meaning of a sign I had received and took note of but did not understand.. I got out of my car in a parking lot and there was a random chinese finger trap on the floor. And I realized that in my struggle I was placing chains around myself, I was resisting the flow when I should be riding the tiger.
06/08/18 (Fri) 20:30:43 No. 121197
>I 'read' the Buddhist section of your image, as that's what I'm familiar with so it jumped out at me, and it's completely wrong. It's an extremely banal, base-level misunderstanding of Buddhism you'd expect from somebody that hasn't even read the Wikipedia page on the subject.
>If that's the level of knowledge you're operating on, I have little faith in the rest of your message.
Please be the person who opens my eyes and shows me what's really going on here. I want you to prove me wrong and help me grow.
06/08/18 (Fri) 20:33:23 No. 121199
>but jokes aside, your image is pretty much the ultimate fedora wielder in a nutshell.
If you actually bothered to read my thread, you would understand that I'm not an atheist or a fedora, not even close.
>globalist scum
>muh gamergate
>muh religion (sux)
It's all connected. read the thread.
>pretty much the only reason people attack is your narcissism, i'm only typing this because i'm tired of this awful thread on the frontpage because of some samefagger.
you mean the shills that keep shilling or how I'm being a good OP and replying to everyone who posts because everyone's posts matter? I'm only here to show people the truth and get some good discussion out of it and maybe even learn something too.
06/08/18 (Fri) 20:39:17 No. 121200
Give me a TL:DR of your argument.
That's just normal decorum.
I still didn't see any organized text written by you, it's all just loosely thrown together sentences you didn't even write yourself.
But that's the problem isn't it?
There's no coherent thought behind your posts, you just mindlessly copy paste things to spam and annoy people with, to ruin the reputation of /fringe/ and discredit the entire topic because you don't understand it.
>current year
>on /fringe/
>still thinking smiley did nothing wrong
06/08/18 (Fri) 20:59:59 No. 121201
>without being way too specific because this is usually a very personal thing, can you give a loose example of what you meant by communication taking a vulgar tone? remember what I said here:
>Not really thoughts. Abstract sounds that sometimes come through clear as day as words but most of the time are garbled. The communication manifests within stomach noises and flatulence. I've seen anons posting about this on 4/x/ so I'm not the only one. Another thing that really puzzled me was every time id lay down to sleep or meditate Id have this sensation of energy that manifested as an external energy and would feel like fingers or even a tongue touching me most often in vulgar ways.
the stomach and fart thing is actually really funny. out of the endless different ways that God can communicate with you, some of them end up being a bit silly. the stomach gurgling and farting could really be anything, maybe something to bring up with your doctor. if you're sure that it's God talking to you then all I can say is I don't think that's even close to the wildest way someone's had a conversation or a hint from God.
abstract sounds may possibly be the result of a few things here:
>mild schizophrenia (not a big deal as long as you know what you're dealing with and your doctor(s) and you are already in the understanding of what's going on)
>God is actually talking to you
>some stress and anxiety based OCD urges kind of overflowing into a little accidental intrusive thought processess manifesting as loud thoughts that sound like noises or words.
these things can happen to almost just about anybody. even people who are normal 99% of the rest of their entire lives. people are capable of having episodes where they just experience something weird as a one time thing like a very intense brain fart maybe in a tough time in their life, but this can also be said as an excuse because someone doesn't want someone else to acknowledge the fact that something "different" really did happen. It's a lie to say that it isn't complicated and that the possibilities aren't tremendous.
remember that I'm not a mental health professional.
06/08/18 (Fri) 21:00:13 No. 121202
also remember that everyone's spiritual journey may be a little or very very different. It can be interesting or even scary to say the least in some or in many cases. I'm not some spiritual expert either, I'm just sharing my best possible try just like everyone else, so it's good to take everything into consideration without assuming that you know 100% sure of anything in any case. just be careful and stay calm and don't worry too much but seek help where needed obviously (but don't get scammed!)
as for the fingers and tongue things, you know- It's odd but God has some really really funny ways of expressing love sometimes. I've experienced some really scary things that I probably shouldn't share in too much detail because it would make God a little sad since everyones stuff between them and God should stay a little personal and secret to say the least, but you should think of God as a stalker. no, I'm not kidding. you should remember that God is always watching and knows and controls everything. God is like a very obsessive stalker that loves you very very much, almost in a creepy way so to speak. this is basically kinda just normal. you get closer to God and you notice more signs, you communicate better, you understand more, you see deeper into the truth about everything. just remember that even if it feels a little bit spooky, it's always God just being spooky but the message is usually "I love you". of course if there's a burglar in your closet then run away and call 911 obviously. don't assume everything is safe all the time. trust not the world and everything in it, Trust God.
06/08/18 (Fri) 21:00:22 No. 121203
>Really fucking tormented me for a while but last night some anon posted something and it made me realize the meaning of a sign I had received and took note of but did not understand.. I got out of my car in a parking lot and there was a random chinese finger trap on the floor. And I realized that in my struggle I was placing chains around myself, I was resisting the flow when I should be riding the tiger.
self limitation is a bit of a clusterfuck to be honest. riding the tiger and the rest of that guys books have some good knowledge and wisdom but also loads of corruption and secret mentally limiting traps as well so be careful as with any teachings or books and so on. remember the anime "hellsing"?
>"the bird of hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame"
remember the story of the son and the father with the wax wings? flying too close to the sun and the wings melted and fell and drowned in the ocean?
some self limitation basically translating to "be careful" is something to keep in mind in this world of limitations and dangers, but too much self limitation puts you right in a jail of your own making. for example: refusing to fly in the first place. what the someones own personal definition of flying may be is almost always different from person to person, so don't let anyone twist that message and try to force you into a prison that they painted as "flying".
06/08/18 (Fri) 21:19:27 No. 121204
>Give me a TL:DR of your argument.
Okay, I'm going to be very fair and honest and nice with you here. I'm trusting you to not be a dick about this so here goes.
<imperfect humanity created a bunch of beLIEf systems to try to better understand God
<bunch of bad guys secretly hijacked most or all religions and inserted their evil sneaky tricks into everything to use what is meant to be a way to get closer to God, to just control people and make their lives miserable
>in the thread I expose the connections between many of the different religions (evidence of corruption) and what the evil bad guys secretly want you to think and beLIEve.
>then I go further into how to swipe all that corruption aside and clear your mind so that you can just be close to God in the cleanest and most pure way possible with no fear or and corruption involved.
the summary really doesn't do it justice so only if you really do care, give the whole thing a read. even if you procrastinate and put the thing off for months, save the image, save the text from the thread, go back to it some day when your soul says it's ready and read it all while drinking some tea and eating some biscuits or something. I don't think you'll regret the read.
>I still didn't see any organized text written by you, it's all just loosely thrown together sentences you didn't even write yourself.
If you're really not shilling, It's probably because it's very overwhelming. You're seeing this giant wall of information and your eyes are moving very fast and trying to make sense of it so it appears to be a mess to you. Just take a deep breath and relax. If you really care about what you're reading and it's really interesting to you and you're very passionate about it, you can try to read slowly. just read one sentence at a time and eventually you will reach the end (maybe anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour or maybe even surprisingly less) and at the end you will be disappointed because you will be surprised how fast you read it all and how quickly it was all over, leaving you craving more of the story with great interest.
>That's just normal decorum.
It's also normal decorum to ask nicely.
06/08/18 (Fri) 21:19:35 No. 121205
>There's no coherent thought behind your posts, you just mindlessly copy paste things to spam and annoy people with, to ruin the reputation of /fringe/ and discredit the entire topic because you don't understand it.
It's quite the contrary actually anon. I'm really here to post the truth with the best possible intentions. I understand that intentions are one thing, and the results of those intentions can be another thing. I'm trying my very best to have good intentions and create good results simultaneously. I'm not here to annoy people as much as the truth can be annoying for people who have never heard it before. I'm not trying to ruin the reputation of /fringe/ more so than it is already ruined in the minds of those who already dislike /fringe/ or /x/ for other silly biased reasons and preconceived notions that they already decided long long ago. I'm here to share the truth with those who are willing to try and think about it, consider it, and really get deep without truly believing it before being willing to say "hey you know what, I actually think there's something to that". I'm not here to waste people's time. I'm here to make you think.
>current year
>on /fringe/
>still thinking smiley did nothing wrong
In all the conversations I have ever observed, and in all the things I have ever heard about smiley, I don't believe I have ever heard anyone actually give a real reason as to why smiley is "bad" people just seem to talk about them like they're famous or something, while also expressing dislike towards them. I don't really get it but from what I did see they seemed interesting enough. just as I have given you a summary about my thread would you be willing to give me a summary about the story of smiley from your perspective? hopefully unbiased?
06/08/18 (Fri) 21:40:03 No. 121210
From a short attempt at working with smiley to get mewch/fringe/ and /pol/ going I know first hand that he's a master at overdemanding things, being unthankful for what he got for free, derailing himself and insulting and annoying everyone from a perceived injustice against him which consists only of people not giving him features (in reality free work) he asks for and free web hosting. His family is pretty rich and he could run his own website if he wanted to but because his personality gets in the way all the time he'll just keep fucking everything up and driving people insane until they turn against him and start attacking him to get rid of him.
You're like him, except you provide nothing but the annoying cancer part, there's no benefit to your presence. Smiley at least can be amusing and he does produce some useful things.
But he did a lot of things wrong, and in the end those are what you remember.
I will now kindly tell you to stop ruining /fringe/. Stop posting your image.
I suggest you make a website instead, maybe a blog.
See here as an example:
Now be gone, you vile demon!
06/08/18 (Fri) 22:14:34 No. 121212
>From a short attempt at working with smiley to get mewch/fringe/ and /pol/ going I know first hand that he's a master at overdemanding things, being unthankful for what he got for free, derailing himself and insulting and annoying everyone from a perceived injustice against him which consists only of people not giving him features (in reality free work) he asks for and free web hosting.
This is really feeling pretty biased. I wonder if they would say the same thing about themselves. I wonder what their side of the story is.
>His family is pretty rich and he could run his own website if he wanted to but because his personality gets in the way all the time he'll just keep fucking everything up and driving people insane until they turn against him and start attacking him to get rid of him.
any examples?
>You're like him, except you provide nothing but the annoying cancer part, there's no benefit to your presence. Smiley at least can be amusing and he does produce some useful things.
Wow thanks a whole lot.
>I will now kindly tell you to stop ruining /fringe/.
Anon, posting things that you personally do not agree with does not constitute ruining /fringe/
>Stop posting your image.
>Now be gone, you vile demon!
Yea sure, I'm the demon who tells the truth and you're the perfect little angel who wants me shut up. nice try!!
06/08/18 (Fri) 22:24:39 No. 121213
>any examples?
Spamming gore all over mewch for several days like a baby yelling to make his parents give him a new toy when he didn't get things his way.
Then bitching for 10s of posts insulting the site owner, mods and programmer over a 2h ban he got for "flooding" when posting mp3:s.
That's just not how you get people over on your side. You recognise your own behaviour in it? Just a bit? If you keep it up you'll be just like him. Except no one will ever defend you and say you at least contributed something , because you started off at the bad end and kept going from there.
06/08/18 (Fri) 22:44:16 No. 121215
>Spamming gore all over mewch for several days like a baby yelling to make his parents give him a new toy when he didn't get things his way.
is there any proof that this was actually smiley and not some random spammer which angry people like you just conveniently attributed to smiley?
>You recognise your own behaviour in it? Just a bit?
No. You're just taking me and lumping me in with smiley because you don't like them and since you don't like me or my thread content you rationalize that everything you don't like in the entire world is specifically one person and rationalize that the fact that I disagree with you means that I have bad behavior.
>If you keep it up you'll be just like him.
Oh No! I'm so scared that some immature whining troll who doesn't like my thread because I didn't say nice things about jesus will decide my fate somehow! everyone will hate me because you decided that I'm not good enough for you. everything I say is spam. everything I think is spam. I breath in spam. I exhale spam. I am living spam, just because you decided you don't like me. PLEASE… don't make me laugh any harder.
>Except no one will ever defend you and say you at least contributed something, because you started off at the bad end and kept going from there.
I started off the bad end in your opinion . I post good content and there are people out there who read and appreciate it. I'm no different from any other OP who posts there own unique thread on /fringe/ or /x/ besides that you have decided that you don't like me. seriously rethink your entire life. you're obsessed with me. you and I, we don't need each other. let's make things simple and easy. You should participate in threads you enjoy instead of shitting up threads you don't agree with and I will continue to make my threads in a civilized way so that the people who do care can appreciate and enjoy the truth and knowledge I have to offer in peace. If you can't agree to that then you have more severe autism than I do.
06/08/18 (Fri) 22:49:25 No. 121216
>everything I say is spam. everything I think is spam. I breath in spam. I exhale spam. I am living spam
SAGE! 06/08/18 (Fri) 23:16:49 No. 121217
>From a short attempt at working with smiley to get mewch/fringe/ and /pol/ going I know first hand that he's a master at overdemanding things, being unthankful for what he got for free, derailing himself and insulting and annoying everyone from a perceived injustice against him which consists only of people not giving him features (in reality free work) he asks for and free web hosting. His family is pretty rich and he could run his own website if he wanted to but because his personality gets in the way all the time he'll just keep fucking everything up and driving people insane until they turn against him and start attacking him to get rid of him.
You guys got butthurt because he didn't suck your cocks for adding the things he asked for, which in the end overall improved the site. NOTHING should've mattered except improving the site but you guys wanted recognition. No better than name/trip/avatarfags which is what mewch is filled with. Also it wasn't for free, if you guys didn't attack him off your site (which you admit), mewch would've likely been the home of the FringeWizard which would've brought the /fringe/ egregore with him, which in turn would've brought the traffic. You guys are impatient attention whores and it was a funny and short ride watching the whole thing unfold. Also you guys would lead him on which made him continue to keep asking for stuff, the only programmer at the time was lynx and he didn't know how/want to program half the things smiley asked for but you guys refused to tell him that directly. You would say vague things like "I just don't think it's that good." instead of just a straight up no I cbf.
You're like fucking Israel. Crying of the evil smiley posting gore for no good reason, which was actually retaliation to all the invested time and energy improving the site to be taken away when the boomer /pol/ BO removed him as a mod. You guys are fucking clowns.
06/08/18 (Fri) 23:26:21 No. 121219
whoa, I knew someone would tell the truth eventually. my spiritual feelings tell me that this anon is telling the truth. I knew that other asshole was holding back something. no way this smiley guy would just randomly do all that bad shit for no reason at all, just like hitler wouldn't do all the things they said for absolutely no reason at all.
By the way, mewch /fringe/ BO or MOD assholes deleted my mewch thread again for no reason and they keep making up fake excuses and accusing me breaking rules I didn't break. If that's one of or the same asshole that smiley had problems with I can totally understand why any sort of shitstorm happened. the mewch /fringe/ mod is one of the most cucked mods I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with in my life. they take rulecucked to a whole new level beyond wizard chan's level of rulecucking, because mewch /fringe/ just bans you and deletes all your shit and then literally lie to your face and tell you that you broke rules that you didn't actually break.
hilarious yet rage inducing thread here:
06/08/18 (Fri) 23:37:44 No. 121220
>boomer mod removing him as mod
After which he went back to "help" the boomercuck again, contrary to the plan we had which was to get rid of him, claim /pol/ and transfer the threads from /POL/ there. You see with smiley, it's just him, he can't ever follow suit.
He also doesn't understand his position, and neither do you seem to. The owner has the final word, that's not something you need to explain to someone. Smiley doesn't get it. For someone claiming achievements like he does, being this blind to power structures is just ridiculous. It's where his self perceived character deviates from the image other people get of him, and it's downhill from there when this becomes obvious.
06/08/18 (Fri) 23:45:19 No. 121221
What really doesn't make sense is why some power hungry fatass always has to be throwing his authority around like some kind of fat king with gravy dribbling down his dirty unwashed chin demanding that everyone respect their authoritah without giving anyone anything in return first. some self obsessed fool always has to demand the respect of everyone around them as if they're better than everyone else and then punish them when they dare say "respect is a two way street, so No! and the very fact you are demanding respect just because you're the self proclaimed boss of something and wear a crown means jack shit to us!" I say if there weren't these tryannical cucks demanding everyone swear allegiance and fealty to them constantly there wouldn't be these sort of cataclysmic shitstorms in the first place. Some fat sack of shit need not be obsessed with power when people could simply work together and get good shit done like make a website better and allow the world to benefit from it in peace.
06/09/18 (Sat) 00:05:56 No. 121225
>After which he went back to "help" the boomercuck again, contrary to the plan we had which was to get rid of him, claim /pol/ and transfer the threads from /POL/ there.
>contrary to the plan we had which was to get rid of him, claim /pol/ and transfer the threads from /POL/ there.
So you guys were actually going to completely fuck over the boomer /pol/ BO and take away his board which he owned fair and square. There you have it folks, the true character of mewch administration.
06/09/18 (Sat) 00:24:38 No. 121227
It was Smiley who made /POL/ to replace /pol/ after he got into a fight with the boomercuck BO of /pol/. This however exposed the boomer for being a newfig from 4chan. After smiley got people onboard with the plan and the thread transfer tool was implemented, he then suddenly felt sorry for the boomercuck and decided to help him fix up /pol/ again, if he only would give him the mod position back . Meaning he himself suddenly turned his back on the isolation tactic halfway through, which was meant to kill off /pol/ so it went up for claims. This effectively ruined 2 weeks effort to get people to use /POL/ instead of /pol/ and the following drama made MegaMilk close board creation and delete both /pol/s from mewch.
That's what smiley's ability to fuck things up means in reality. Currently Juden is banning all /pol/ posting on sight, just in the last hour he banned like 7 anons for writing "nigger".
06/09/18 (Sat) 02:46:56 No. 121236
I thought I was losing my shit to be honest and didnt tell anyone about what I was noticing. Then one day I was talking to someone and asked them a question and then my stomach made a noise and that person was like "wtf did your stomach just say yes absolutely?"
I don't quite know what to make of it, at first I was considering that I was imagining it but I never told anyone and someone verified that Im not imagining it.
>careful with any teachings or books
I find that even the most well intentioned writing is often a hinderance the second the author starts dictating the definitions of the ineffable. The way I see it is the truth is the truth and it is always begging to be revealed but it will never reveal itself to everyone the same way. Sort of like how the redpill must be taken voluntarily, you cant force someone to take it. We all have a maze built of mental stumbling blocks, some of us have the same ones structured in the same way but most do not. This is why one who sees can explain it to his closest peers but to the rest of the congregation only give a sermon that either barely touches upon the truth or winds up flat out deceiving them whether that was intentional or not.
I don't know where this path leads. It could be beautiful or it could be horrendous. But gotta keep moving forward, the Truth beckons to me.
And as far as mental illness or any of that goes.. I've approached this taking each step with a mountain of salt. At first I assumed this is just insane. Then I assumed it had to be confirmation bias. I tried my hardest to disprove it because I didn't really want it to be true because the implications scared me a bit at the time.
06/10/18 (Sun) 05:03:19 No. 121280
holy shit mewch is totally fucking cucked and broken
holy shit mewch used to have /pol/ boards!?
06/10/18 (Sun) 05:16:48 No. 121281
>I thought I was losing my shit to be honest and didnt tell anyone about what I was noticing. Then one day I was talking to someone and asked them a question and then my stomach made a noise and that person was like "wtf did your stomach just say yes absolutely?"
top kek I know what you mean. that other person must have had some okay intuition too to know that.
>I don't quite know what to make of it, at first I was considering that I was imagining it but I never told anyone and someone verified that Im not imagining it.
That's sorta rare-ish for someone else to confirm something for you.
>careful with any teachings or books
>I find that even the most well intentioned writing is often a hinderance the second the author starts dictating the definitions of the ineffable.
Yes, even trying your best can be a silly mistake but a worthwhile exercise. It's difficult to discern the good stuff from the confusing attempt at good stuff
>The way I see it is the truth is the truth and it is always begging to be revealed but it will never reveal itself to everyone the same way.
Totally agree 100%. I really like the way you said that.
>Sort of like how the redpill must be taken voluntarily, you cant force someone to take it. We all have a maze built of mental stumbling blocks, some of us have the same ones structured in the same way but most do not. This is why one who sees can explain it to his closest peers but to the rest of the congregation only give a sermon that either barely touches upon the truth or winds up flat out deceiving them whether that was intentional or not.
Yea it's like a big puzzle and the more generalized you get trying to reach a larger and larger audience, the more niche groups you accidentally alienate like a greedy corporation, but the more inclusive and insular you get trying to please those niche groups the more you alienate the larger mass of observers. that's why many different forms of messages are important to exist but in many different forms of messages existing it also creates a figurative and metaphorical and philosophical minefield for everyone to navigate because now there's so many different messages to consider (which is also a good mental exercise but extremely overwhelming) one persons golden message is another ones trash message. everyone has to try their best to find their own best path. I created this thread because I found a special path that overlaps some of the best parts of niche and generalization with minimal alienation, and hope to improve for myself and others.
>I don't know where this path leads. It could be beautiful or it could be horrendous. But gotta keep moving forward, the Truth beckons to me.
The truth is beautiful and good. The path is the truth guiding you. The journey itself is horrendous but has little sprinkles of happy and good, but the destination is always inevitably the Truth.
>And as far as mental illness or any of that goes.. I've approached this taking each step with a mountain of salt. At first I assumed this is just insane. Then I assumed it had to be confirmation bias. I tried my hardest to disprove it because I didn't really want it to be true because the implications scared me a bit at the time.
I'm just saying to be careful. the truth is everyone has mental illness whether they know or not. It just depends how much and what kind of combination of kinds. insanity not, rather level of ability to articulate and compatibility of communication. Peace be with you. (sounds like a buddhist type of thing to say but a nice thing to say none the less)
SAGE! 06/10/18 (Sun) 10:48:41 No. 121304
Mewch still allows /pol/ content on /int/ but you can't be stormcuck over there because of the mod Juden banning people for antisemitism if they sneeze in german. It's still more /pol/ than you'd think considering the /soc/ culture since /int/, /fringe/ and /wai/ are all kinda nazi boards even if they don't make a fuzz about it.
SAGE! 06/10/18 (Sun) 12:01:53 No. 121307
Pic: proof that OP is just being paranoid, mewch mods ban and delete things based on personal values all the time, the rules don't matter and you're not being treated differently than anyone else.
This is also a good example of mods swinging the scythe:
06/10/18 (Sun) 22:35:41 No. 121345
that would explain why my thread (same as this one) always gets deleted on mewch /fringe/ for no real reason at all.
06/10/18 (Sun) 22:37:28 No. 121346
Okay, so it's safe to say mewch is totally cucked. I guess I feel better knowing I'm not being singled out but I'm probably going to avoid mewch all together now which is sad considering I thought It was a decent place before this.
06/10/18 (Sun) 22:39:08 No. 121347
Does anyone know an alternate archive site to or for some reason the archive fails when trying to capture mewch /meta/ threads.
06/10/18 (Sun) 23:04:15 No. 121349
update here, hope you all enjoy.
SAGE! 06/11/18 (Mon) 04:19:09 No. 121362
More like mod Judas, heh
06/11/18 (Mon) 20:30:08 No. 121390
Those charts and texts are too big.
Make a TLDR; please.
06/11/18 (Mon) 20:35:34 No. 121391
Arrows connecting train of thoughts would help as well
06/11/18 (Mon) 20:38:23 No. 121392
OP is schizo cuck incel fedora tipping demiurge follower thinking all religions are secretly satanism instead of religions of their respective deities.
He should educate himself about satanism so he knows what he's talking about tbh.
When told this he calls everyone shills and stalker and he annoys the fuck out of everyone he interacts with and spams all boards.
06/11/18 (Mon) 23:02:07 No. 121401
>Those charts and texts are too big.
>Make a TLDR; please.
the first 3-4 posts of the OP are somewhat of a tl;dr
here's another summary
06/11/18 (Mon) 23:03:48 No. 121402
if you slowly read the image from top to bottom, left to right, you start to slowly get deeper and more involved in the line of thought. get some tea and biscuits and just slowly read a little at a time. before you know it, you will reach the end and say "wow it's already over?"
06/11/18 (Mon) 23:07:43 No. 121404
>OP is schizo cuck incel fedora tipping demiurge follower thinking all religions are secretly satanism instead of religions of their respective deities.
I provided evidence of my line of thinking, regardless of what you're conclusion as to what I am is. of course, you ignore that because people like you never read my thread at all. just post insults and then run away again like cowards.
>He should educate himself about satanism so he knows what he's talking about tbh.
why don't you educate me? if you're so smart about it then I would like for you to actually be honest and share that knowledge. unless you don't have any knowledge and are just blowing hot air
>When told this he calls everyone shills and stalker and he annoys the fuck out of everyone he interacts with and spams all boards.
I don't spam. I posted my thread in relevant and on-topic places. maybe if you actually tried to have a real conversation with me instead of your low-effort hit and run insults I would actually give you the time of day. but you're really rude and don't give me a chance so I can never give you a chance. I'm sure you wont even reply to this as usual.
06/11/18 (Mon) 23:09:28 No. 121405
also, I just wanted you to know that most sections have their own size and color text, or are boxed off or close to an image that's related to the text. it's not just randomly sprayed all over the guide. I hope that helps. I know it's overwhelming at first.
06/12/18 (Tue) 01:56:43 No. 121423
>>He should educate himself about satanism so he knows what he's talking about tbh.
>why don't you educate me? if you're so smart about it then I would like for you to actually be honest and share that knowledge.
Check out if you're serious. I'm not the anon you replied to and I haven't read your image, but I assume you accuse the people running the show to be Satanists , but honestly they're the furthest thing from it. I think you're actually going to find a lot you can agree with when it comes to Satanism, atleast from the JOS perspective.
06/12/18 (Tue) 03:53:51 No. 121427
>He should educate himself about satanism so he knows what he's talking about tbh.
>why don't you educate me? if you're so smart about it then I would like for you to actually be honest and share that knowledge.
<Check out if you're serious. I'm not the anon you replied to and I haven't read your image, but I assume you accuse the people running the show to be Satanists , but honestly they're the furthest thing from it. I think you're actually going to find a lot you can agree with when it comes to Satanism, atleast from the JOS perspective.
I'll check it out. Do you personally have a summary from your own perspective of what satanism is all about?
I think that the bad guys running the show are some type of section or sub-group of satanists who do not have good intentions, or a group who are trying to appear a lot like them, or a group of satanists or copycat look-alikes that have good intentions but for some reason everything they do appears to be evil at the surfact and deeper, but has some kind of hidden higher purpose that results in something good but secret. so far I think it's just some kind of evil satanist subgroup. Many theories to go around but I'm just pointing out the strongest evidence so far.
06/13/18 (Wed) 03:06:27 No. 121523
That is a waaaay huge load of reading material on that joysofsatan website. I'm sure there's many pieces of good wisdom scattered among the BS just like every other religion. from what I read so far:
>christianity BS alot of people says satanism is bad
>satanism says: NO UUUUUUUUU!!!! christianity bad, btw we support science *tips fedora* just love satan, don't worry satan is a nice guy he will understad- now here's how to do a bunch of magic stuff- 6666666666666666666 pages of history/ science/ magic/ conspiracy theories/ redpills/ their version of the story.
It's pretty fascinating, and I'm sure I will learn something good from the whole thing. thanks for posting it. even if these guys aren't the actual "bad guys/shadow group" trying to rule the world, I feel like someone or something similar to them or trying to copy off of them definitely are the bad guys. It's really a weird complex overlapping story with alternate versions of history and different sides of different religions (that are basically secretly all the same in some ways)
It's really funny because christianity says satan is bad, and satanism says christianity/christ is fake/bad, but as I showed in my image (I'm OP) they are both the same character, possibly because christianity ripped it off of satanism or it's all just a giant secret cult in the first place. very very interesting.
SAGE! 06/13/18 (Wed) 12:25:11 No. 121543
>I don't know what you're upset about though.
It's mostly that you've sullied the astrotheological significance and put quotes around the word "north" for no good reason.
06/14/18 (Thu) 04:36:40 No. 121605
>It's mostly that you've sullied the astrotheological significance
How? and what?
>and put quotes around the word "north" for no good reason.
Where? I'll fix it if you explain it to me and it makes sense.
06/14/18 (Thu) 04:39:53 No. 121606
look at this.
if it's bad to get coal, is it good to get silicone?
get dragon dildos as present, made of silicone HAHA
or horsetail herb?
06/14/18 (Thu) 04:42:00 No. 121607
06/16/18 (Sat) 23:04:50 No. 121790
Still waiting for a reply anon. Just letting you know I'm here.
06/19/18 (Tue) 14:13:01 No. 121947
>dat big old pile of I am 12 and what the fuck is this
>literally just screen caps of random posts he found intriguing
>babby tier research
>much learned
D-did one of those mysterious /pol/ boomers find /fringe/?
06/22/18 (Fri) 23:18:09 No. 122095
I read the entire thing. I agree a lot on your spirituality (God being the universe and religions being false). But you claim Satan isn't real, yet you accuse the "rulers" of the world of being communist satanists.
I don't think you know what communism is, because if we live in a communist society then we wouldn't have corporations controlling shit. (I'm not a communist but I'm just pointing that out).
Why do you avoid putting the blame on Republicans? Or do you view them as the same as democrats?
I also view the mixing of human skin colors as the natural result of evolution (God's plan). If all if this is "wrong" as you say, then why is it happening? In your worldview, things don't happen unless they are meant to. So what is happening now is meant to happen. A pink haired feminist is just as much in tune with God's plan as you are.
If humanity leaves Earth and colonizes other planets (if you view such things as real) then humans on those planets will change to adapt to them.
06/26/18 (Tue) 22:23:50 No. 122205
ayylmao you're just a tulpa of a tulpa stuck inside a kusoge
bg no re
06/29/18 (Fri) 08:20:20 No. 122414
>I read the entire thing. I agree a lot on your spirituality (God being the universe and religions being false). But you claim Satan isn't real, yet you accuse the "rulers" of the world of being communist satanists.
They believe in satan, even though they know it's fake. They also hate God and pretend God is fake, even though they know God is real. basically cuck hypocrites.
>I don't think you know what communism is, because if we live in a communist society then we wouldn't have corporations controlling shit. (I'm not a communist but I'm just pointing that out).
I'm just using that to describe some of their qualities. I'm not saying that communism is exactly a bad thing but rather that most of that type of bad guy usually falls into that type of category. communism is a strange attempt to make earth more like a utopia, but simply because of the way the false reality matrix functions- communism also seems to just fail in most cases, and is usually run by someone evil in many cases. You might say that communism would work much better in heaven, but at that point it's no longer needed anyway because heaven is heaven and everything is already great.
>Why do you avoid putting the blame on Republicans? Or do you view them as the same as democrats?
I think that most politicians in general are pure evil or just plain greedy. I think most of them regardless of the side they're on are full of it, but there are a small amount of good ones on both sides too, but I think there are a larger amount of good republicans than there are of democrats because of how democrats tend to fall in with the UN globalist crowds agenda. I really like trump even though I hope they legalize marijuana everywhere 100% to the level of being as legal as broccoli, but I think smoking it is stupid and unhealthy just like smoking anything else. I also think that it's totally cool that gay people can get married and do whatever they want to in the privacy of their own bedroom, even though I think marriage as a concept is totally broken and pointless and as much of a scam as anything else, but I think that gay people or any kind of people who randomly fuck anyone without getting tested and using protection are disgusting and contribute to making the world a sicker and worse place. Seriously, people should pick someone or a small group of people they love and trust, all get tested, use protection, and promise not to fuck outside the exclusive "contact safety circle" or they're fucking diseased pigs to be honest- regardless of sexual orientation. disease spreaders cheaters and the disloyal are the worst. If people are clean and take measures to stay clean, all my love go out to them.
>I also view the mixing of human skin colors as the natural result of evolution (God's plan). If all if this is "wrong" as you say, then why is it happening? In your worldview, things don't happen unless they are meant to. So what is happening now is meant to happen. A pink haired feminist is just as much in tune with God's plan as you are.
Where exactly did I say this again? Anyway, I think that if two people truly love each other then it's okay, but people who choose to do things just because it's in style or have been pressured into feeling so guilty that they did it out of stupidity is just plain wrong. It is true that some pink haired feminist is just as much in tune with God's plan as anyone or anything else but there is a factor of awareness. Are you a pawn? Technically we all are, but of what quality? some random radical femminist marching down the street preaching that all men should die simply because they are men is a very stupid idiot, but you could say that technically they are doing exactly what God wants them to do. They believe they are doing the right thing, even though in the grand scheme of the whole story their character is playing an evil role, which is technically supposed to be a part of the story. It's complicated, but I don't need to tell you that. Nobody 100% totally knows the plan of God. It isn't exactly fun to watch the world change in bad ways but I have complete faith in God no matter what, because I know that even if the world becomes horrible in the end it doesn't matter because Heaven/God/real reality is waiting. It's perfect and untarnishable. this fake reality is just like a bad videogame, and One day it will be over naturally as God wills it.
>If humanity leaves Earth and colonizes other planets (if you view such things as real) then humans on those planets will change to adapt to them.
I don't understand.
06/29/18 (Fri) 08:22:02 No. 122415
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>122205
>stuck inside a kusoge
a what?
>bg no re
SAGE! 07/10/18 (Tue) 11:54:41 No. 123107
You've got a whole lot of greentexts which basically all say the same thing of jesus is globalist tool and satan is demiurge and at the same time worshipped by globalists then, at the same time you have a buddhist topic about how it's a gloablist tool too, then there's also a segment about jews for some reason and then there's some 8chan screencaps one of which is basically a le epic roast and the other is about how globalists fear about being called cucks then you have a conspiracy of 8chan's logo being some pink ribbon and infinity being a failed attempt to grasp perfection, and then you have a seemingly unrelated topic taken directly from pizzagate.
honestly, if you're gonna drop a huge box like this at the very least summarize your arguments, ain't nobody reading this huge box filled with text complete with low effort stuff much of which is common sense.
the unrelated buddhist segment seems out of place, since it's made a couple thousand years ago, perhaps even before the formation of judaism, then there's that tree worship segment which is borderline memeing, the relation of 8ch and pink ribbon doesn't seem like anything since they don't even look similar and even if they did, i don't quite understand what are you hinting at there, the infinity imperfection part also doesn't have any relation to the other topics, then there's also that le sad demiurge which may aswell be completely removed since it doesn't even have a source and barely relates to the other demiurge topic, then you have the cube star segment which is based on a post that is highly likely a larp, then there's the folded money which i don't understand the point of at all.
I feel annoyed that i spent the time reading this and pointing out some problems, honestly most of this is very unlikely stuff, i don't quite understand how you decided to draw three lines in the star of david to make a cube, the atom being the star of david made me laugh though, thanks for that, it reminded me of that micro jew copypasta. >pic related.
>inb4 shill
08/05/18 (Sun) 16:47:35 No. 124147
Arent paradoxes grand? I wrestled with many of the same questions as you and came to the same conclusions that you did. The whole experience is paradox. In order to come to these conclusions you have to chase the concept of forbidden knowledge of the wisdom of good and evil.
It is distinctly possible that the purpose for all of this is for us to learn what good and evil are. But, it is also possible that there is much more to it. I have this notion that I cant shake from the back of my head that the purpose has to do with "learning good and evil so that an impossible question can be answered" Maybe its something like that, who knows…
09/29/18 (Sat) 16:32:27 No. 125366
Good image full of worthwhile information. But one part says (paraphrasing) "they hate everything that's good, that's why they hate trump".
I couldn't tell what the last two folded dollar bills are showing at the bottom.
I'd like a clear definition of what cuck actually means. There are so many people using it in different ways.
Also, would like to add, since you asked to know information that you didn't, that Jesus Christ was a vaishnava and a bonafide spiritual master. His teachings were (I think) written down after he died, and have been grossly corrupted down the ages. He was trying to teach vaishnavism to a society that was too savage to be ready for the full teachings, so he had to start with the basics such as 'thou shalt not steal', 'thou shalt not kill' etc. So while modern day Christianity is very dangerous to follow, do not insult Jesus Christ. He is a self-realized vaishnava who is still capable of guiding you to the true teachings (look into Srila Prabhupada's pre-1977 editions of books) if you really
surrender to him. Not the bible, but the man.
> beware that intentionally going out of your way to immerse yourself in an ocean of many lies and little truths is a fools game for the most manipulative, evil, and self-dishonest. intentionally surrounding yourself with many lies in an attempt to discover the truth is like drowning for a small bubble of dirty air.
true. I already have a belief system (krishna consciousness) so I won't read
through all of your advice. However, I believe you have the best intentions at
heart and will attempt to correct you (from my perspective of course) whenever I
feel the need.
>just love and believe in God. pray whenever you want, wherever you want. no dumb ceremonies, no dumb rituals. you don't even have to talk. just whisper to God in your own mind with your soul and pray. just pray.
This is very important. I would add that try to pray with desires other than material ones. Try to have spiritual desires in mind, such as 'Please bring me closer to you God.' 'Please grant me an experience that will deepen my faith in you' etc.
Quality post. Perfectly in line with the teachings of KrishnaConsciousness. "not a blade of grass moves without the will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead" -
>all who have ever lived- live now- and ever will live, have failed to- and always will fail to represent God perfectly.
True. God is infinite and we can never capture him perfectly.
>>God created humans but God is not human. God is great, endless, limitless, and imperceivable by humans. you can only ever really truly and wholly perceive and appreciate God when God takes you if God decides to do so.
But he has a human form. Pic related.
> God is already perfect, but always becoming even more perfect.
Because he is infinite.
>God is actually heaven
correction : God lives in heaven.
>>camp/boarding school
correction : prison
>"my puppy is good" so how can God be good if God made my puppy die?
Srila Prabhupada, The Nectar of Devotion – Bombay, December 27, 1972:
When one becomes brahma-bhūtaḥ, self-realized, at that time, he becomes prasanna-manaso, joyful. Na śocati na kāṅkṣati: he has no more lamentation or hankering.
09/29/18 (Sat) 16:33:47 No. 125367
>>there is no hell, other than the very earth we live on.
Correction : there are many, many hellish planets with different types of punishements and people are assigned to them based on their different sins. One's karma promotes one to the heavenly planets or the hellish planets. Once one is free of karma they are promoted to the spiritual sky, Vaikuntha planets or even the topmost planet, Goloka Vrndavana.
>>you don't have a soul, you ARE a soul and you are given a body by God
'I am not this body, I am the spirit soul within' is the beginning of self-realization.
>>even though God knows everything, God still likes it when you pray for some reason.
because it asserts our wish to be dependent upon him and surrender unto him. The only function our free will has is to either serve Lord Sri Krishna or serve Maya. When we pray we are acknowledging our dependence upon the Lord and Him as our master, which is the first step to serving him.
>>human beings are imperfect
Conditioned souls (souls trapped in this conditional life of maya) have 4 defects - 1. Imperfect senses 2. Fall into illusion and delusion easily 3. Commit mistakes 4. Tendency to cheat others - Srila Prabhupada (paraphrased)
You repeat this idea of worshipping God directly but let me tell you it isn't possible. Lord Sri Krishna says in the Bhagavada Gita, to approach him through a spiritual master and not directly. The reason for this is that he is pure and perfect, whereas we are imperfect and impure. So we do not know how to serve him directly. We are not qualified. We have to approach someone with the credentials, who can teach us, and in the meantime, accept our bad service and elevate it so that God may accept it and so that we can be called to be "serving God".
"Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth." -
The whole problem is finding the right religion. (Read : Krishna Consciousness)
quality post
OP specifically debunks new age stuff in a very humorous way. That was my favourite part of his whole image-post.
this is one of the 4 defects of conditional life. cheating propensity.
I thought it was well-written and reasonably concise given the amount of information he was trying to convey.
OP you have wasted enough energy on him. Let him be.
09/29/18 (Sat) 22:06:51 No. 125368
So uhh… there IS still God, but the kike one is false… r-right?? ;_;
09/30/18 (Sun) 03:34:58 No. 125376
That's what he thinks. That jesus christ is satanic. but that's not true. the teachings of jesus christ have been corrupted, however, and we must seek in places other than the bible (read : srila prabhupada's teachings) to gain authentic information on how to know god.
09/30/18 (Sun) 11:50:49 No. 125380
>the kike one
/pol/ is such mind cancer
09/30/18 (Sun) 12:54:38 No. 125382
>he thinks "kike" was invented by /pol/
shiggy diggy
09/30/18 (Sun) 20:08:44 No. 125386
It is a central concern of the literate that the developmental problems of each generation are given the entire possible address they might.
10/01/18 (Mon) 07:52:29 No. 125395
Becoming so myopically obsessed with a single conspiracy that it pervades even your conceptions of the most high.
10/04/18 (Thu) 18:46:24 No. 125447
10/06/18 (Sat) 22:51:43 No. 125502
>Good image full of worthwhile information
With your very first sentence you're violating the essential principle of satya. It's good that you're attempting to steer him in a correct direction through politeness, but there's no need to open these good intentions with a false statement.
The OP image was glued together in MS Paint and resembles a big mass of schizophrenic dabbling.
The only reason I'm popping in here now is because I told the OP I would do so about 8 months ago, and here I am.
However despite his misconceptions and schizo rambling, it sounds like he's going in the correct direction on his own though, with his post of >>120570 . It's just hard to feel devotion to and approach the nameless, formless grounding of reality (Brahman) directly, which is why the majority of human beings practice idolatry and the worship of Istadevas- ie Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, the Bible, etc.
Abhinavagupta in his commentary on the Bhagavad Gita says that those who worship Brahman directly have to work twice as hard as those who use an Istadeva.
10/07/18 (Sun) 13:05:09 No. 125515
i found some of the information useful. i shouldn't have said 'full of worthwhile information' though.
>nameless, formless grounding of reality (Brahman)
actually Brahman is just the cosmic effulgence or rays emanating from the body of Lord Sri Krishna. It can be compared to the sunshine coming off the sun. Merging into Brahman is an inferior form of liberation. The best way to escape the matrix (this material universe) is to worship the personal form of the Lord directly in transcendental devotional service.
Mayavadis (impersonalists) are unaware of the superior personal form of the Lord and thus strive to merge into Brahmanic bliss but later fall down back to this material world because they have yet to conquer their minds and senses. (lecture by Srila Prabhupada on the topic -,_so_how_do_the_impersonalists_attaining_their_goal_merge_into_the_impersonal_brahmajyoti%3F )
10/07/18 (Sun) 13:43:44 No. 125516
>avoid things you know are bad for you and try to expose yourself to things you know are healthy.
This is wrong. You should expose yourself to bad shit in order to build up a tolerance to it.
SAGE! 10/08/18 (Mon) 15:11:29 No. 125540
The connection among all the world's religions is partly what inspired me to look into religion & spirituality in the first place. It's hard for me to empathize with the perception that hidden wisdom is somehow bad or evil. Sons of Set, I suppose.
11/17/18 (Sat) 09:21:59 No. 126332
only works for some things, we aren't perfect.