Question Thread #35 Post All Questions In Here 10/22/17 (Sun) 12:34:55 No. 111038
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: FAQ: /fringe/faq.html Mewch:
10/22/17 (Sun) 15:36:07 No. 111042
Does anybody has books about roman pagan religion? About the gods, cults, how to call them, etc.
I want to get in touch with my roots.
10/23/17 (Mon) 05:49:03 No. 111051
If my goal is to raise kundalini, how will I know when I'm prepared?
I've practiced Qigong for 3 years and have some experience with Yin and Yang concepts.
I can direct energy in my body and express it externally and onto others to a certain extent.
My issue is that I haven't directly worked with Chakras.
Is it a matter of intuition or will there be an "AHA!" moment as I work to balance myself?
10/23/17 (Mon) 18:22:26 No. 111061
Why is this world so shit? And don't try to say it isn't, because it is
10/23/17 (Mon) 21:22:14 No. 111066
10/23/17 (Mon) 23:27:17 No. 111070
Do you have any evidence of that?
10/23/17 (Mon) 23:35:12 No. 111071
Is there any validity to "loosh harvesting"? Is there guides for application of gathered energy or does one just get creative?
I'm thinking of making a park in roller coaster tycoon in the shape of a sigil and use the happiness gained from the vr people for my own devices.
10/24/17 (Tue) 09:50:04 No. 111077
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rolled 2, 3, 2, 1 + 4 = 12 (4d4)
Hi! Check this out. Somewhat related to your query. Let me know what you think. kthnxbye
10/24/17 (Tue) 10:03:15 No. 111079
they say positivity is one of the most important aspects of mental growth.
10/24/17 (Tue) 16:16:25 No. 111087
You're an idiot. Only actually conscious beings produce loosh. A bunch of simulated game characters don't.
10/25/17 (Wed) 10:53:42 No. 111118
Are hallucinations induced by sleep deprivation meaningful in anyway? Is sleep deprivation 'magical' in any way?
10/25/17 (Wed) 13:59:13 No. 111119
Yes and yes. Your post # illustrates it well…run on 1 long enough to jump to 8. You deprive yourself enough you start to resonate in a less material way. This will draw beings to you. Mostly, beings associated with psychopomp status will try to lead you back to dreamtime. Black dog, cloaked man, boatman, skeletal figures, cat, etc. Usually you'll see whatever is relevant to your ancestry or beliefs.
10/25/17 (Wed) 16:31:27 No. 111121
Are they simulated or one of the jillions of possible universes one could end up in? As above so below, the Matrix showed us that sentience is not bound to organic matter and the game is coded to give the populace a happiness/sadness meter with likes and dislikes. There's definitely magic in there.
10/25/17 (Wed) 19:51:09 No. 111123
How can one learn from these things? I've experienced some of the things you describe in your posts and would like to know more.
10/25/17 (Wed) 20:20:49 No. 111125
Two questions..
1. What is the best method for believing? Clarification: I want to make myself believe that a certain state of affairs is actual, how can I convince my sub-conscious and my whole self?
2. Is there a magical system centered on trading? Or perhaps sacrificing and recieving something else? For example, I might want to trade an inch of penile length that I possess currently and recieve in return financial success or improved facial aesthetics.
10/26/17 (Thu) 17:49:29 No. 111140
You can sacrifice time (by putting in the time to do something), loosh/emotions (by using them up for something until you're out of fucks to give and have to regenerate or strengthen the influx), and vitality (you will become sicker from doing this). Form though, such as form of your penis, doesn't really matter. You can also perform sacrifices and austerities purely to release emotions/loosh to use in a working. You can also do timeline dealings where important moments in the timeline are altered (you take different course of actions) to benefit some entity that then does stuff for you in turn.
10/26/17 (Thu) 17:53:35 No. 111141
No just no. Cyberspaces can accumulate loosh by being used by lots of people who release their emotions in the cybermagickal environment and you can invest your own loosh into Roller Coaster Tycoon but since it's offline it's just your own loosh you're working with. Don't blabber to me about other possible universes and so on.
You can also work with God and any beings higher in the scale than you to open a great influx of loosh in a more direct and potent manner then these indirect routes.
Those game characters, unless they become animated by your own loosh and mental input, are little more than sigils / pointing to something else at best. They're the equivalent of a bunch of minerals/rocks being used.
10/26/17 (Thu) 17:56:41 No. 111142
I only get so called hallucinations when well rested and never when sleep deprived and I have been through extensive and very bad sleep deprivation my whole life.
Sleep deprivation isn't magickal in my experience. It literally just gives you brainfog and makes you unable to think and do anything properly, nevermind conjure up any worthwhile thoughtforms.
If someone who is sleep deprived does get the attention of some neg-shit it's because neg-shit likes to attack the vulnerable, weakened, and fatigued; since they can sometimes get in easier then.
In case of long sleep deprivation though you're so weak and rundown and anhedonic that you don't attract much to you.
I would not deprive myself of sleep if I were you. If you want to experience so called "hallucinations" just have strong emotions and cultivate the opposite of anhedonia and do sense concentration exercises and make sure to look at everything around you with the mind and not just the eyes. This way you will pick up all kinds of astral shit.
10/26/17 (Thu) 18:01:06 No. 111143
Too much accumulated spiritual debt caused by jews and egalitarians whose degeneracy has made a wreck of the world. The cycle will repeat though with another culling at some point and the character of the world will become much less shit.
I do chakra shit and yet consider it unnecessary and kind of delusional. If you want to prepare yourself strengthen the whole nervous system; do exercises, have a diet, have mental attitudes, etc. that are all geared around making your nerves throughout your whole body numerous and strong. This will support a potent energy structure and with continued work and interaction with that structure you'll know what you're doing. I have all the 7 main chakras memorized as to their locations and the colouration for each and sometimes use the correspondences for them to bring in qualities, influences, etc. I want. You may also pay attention to your various organs though and encourage them to operate properly.
I'd have kundalini experiences but they don't seem to be that big of a deal or anything to strive for. Just focus to temporarily reach gnosis and attain very high mental state for a bit to do workings that's all you need to do there.
10/27/17 (Fri) 10:03:01 No. 111147
I spent so much time when i was a highschooler focusing on "scenarios" that i wanted to happen, fantasizing for long periods of time (everybody did this right?), obviously i didnt know shit about this whole magick stuff but still, it was the same of what u were explaining
But, none of the "stories" that were going in my head happened, care to explain why? what was i doing wrong?
10/27/17 (Fri) 22:36:21 No. 111182
What's a good religion to refer to myself as? Technically I'm closest to Esoteric Hitlerism, but that term isn't viable for obvious reasons. A better way to phrase it might be which religions would tolerate Radical Traditionalist beliefs. Would Sufism tolerate it? It seems like lots of Buddhists and Hindus would be fine with it. Are there any Christian denominations open to actual spirituality? It seems like almost all of them are extremely materialistic, and outright fight any mysticism.
10/28/17 (Sat) 18:03:26 No. 111188
I am experiencing the exact same conundrum. Currently, I believe Zoroastrianism to be the answer. You might want to look into it.
10/28/17 (Sat) 22:05:46 No. 111191
I call myself Hermetic, Gnostic, or New Thought.
10/29/17 (Sun) 00:52:43 No. 111203
Old Thought > New Thought
10/29/17 (Sun) 06:04:13 No. 111210
Esoteric Christianity
10/29/17 (Sun) 06:04:29 No. 111211
Hey faggots. Recently I started reading a book a /pol/ack uploaded around two weeks ago. It's in Spanish so yeah, sorry. Basically it's a spanish Gnostic book that explains the creation of the world, the eight(?) kybalions, why we should be rejecting the demiurge, how to "ascend" to the true paradise via meditation, yoga and sexual tantra, etc. of course, taking this book as my only source is not a good idea. I wanted to get recommendations of good Gnostic books. Can anyone recommend me some?
I attached the book I've been reading. it's taking too long to upload. The name of the book is La Biblia III, by De Granada Ramiro, for anyone interested
10/29/17 (Sun) 06:29:02 No. 111212
10/29/17 (Sun) 07:15:43 No. 111213
Read the entirety of the Nag Hammadi scriptures, and Pistis Sophia. The Corpus Hermetica is absolutely essential reading as well.
10/29/17 (Sun) 15:32:55 No. 111216
A question for the Hitlerists:
Are Nazis Christian or Pagan? I see Nazis throwing up the salute and swastika and then proceeding to glorify Christian purity and the cross. Then I see Nazis posting the black sun while glorifying the strength of Pagan gods. I read through a thread on /christian/ about how a European was torn between Christian tradition and Pagan heritage, which lead me to believe there may be infighting within the Nazi movement itself over this. Is this really the case or is it simply a matter of an agency appropriating whatever movement they can get in to, much like how SJW operates? I was thinking about posting these thoughts on the /pol/ board but it would run the risk of being deleted, banned, and slid into oblivion. I heard this board was taken over by /pol/ moderators so I assume there are people here who can discuss this.
10/29/17 (Sun) 15:48:00 No. 111217
Not a hitlerist but Ive observed enough of their kind here over the years to understand the answer to your question. Hitlerism is neither Christian nor Pagan, its the neo-religion of anti-zionists in a sense. Jews dont believe in Christ as their savior, nor do they like the "pagan" gods that threaten their supreme "pagan" deity. Spouting both sides they hate makes it easy to piss off or annoy them. Its just using a label to further an agenda. People use religion as an excuse all the time to act how they really want to, Hitlerism is no different.
10/29/17 (Sun) 16:36:04 No. 111218
Redpill me on faeries pls
10/29/17 (Sun) 17:15:47 No. 111219
Already done. Thanks for the recommendation either way
Thanks for the book(s) recommendations lads.
10/29/17 (Sun) 17:51:48 No. 111220
Not all nazis were the same thing. Some were Christian, some Pagan, some Occultists. As a Hitlerist I am mostly interested in the SS as a spiritual order as well as Hitler as an archetype. The only answer I can give is that there was no state religion, and people were free to choose whatever they liked. Atheism is the only religion they seemed to actively dislike.
10/29/17 (Sun) 18:21:27 No. 111221
Okay thanks for clearing that up.
10/29/17 (Sun) 18:40:05 No. 111223
They're other dimensional tricksters that will give you mental illness in exchange for whatever you ask for
10/29/17 (Sun) 18:56:00 No. 111225
I guess that would explain why they consistently appear in folklore all around the world
10/29/17 (Sun) 19:27:58 No. 111226
laddies does anyone have a resource with info on symbols used to protect from outside influence or deter astral beings?
Like shit I can put on doors, windows, in a room etc.
10/29/17 (Sun) 19:58:38 No. 111227
What's the proper response for an initiate during this crisis engulfing the Western World, with the very real possibility that Western Civilization and the Aryan race could be extinguished? On one hand, I feel a mystic's detachment towards the affairs of the material plane, but on the other, within smolders the desire to fight back against these civilization-raping barbarians who are no better than the ignorant scum who burned down the Library of Alexandria (multiple times) or persecuted and burned pagans, gnostics, and mystics at the stake for being "witches" or "heretics". I think about how I am only able to read all these books on ancient wisdom and magic because initiates in the past were willing to sacrifice their lives to ensure the transmission of sacred teachings to future generations, and how these modern day "progressive" book-burners and the Arab death-cult they've allied with would completely eradicate this heritage for being the product of "racist white males" who oppressed poor brown people. I feel that remaining idle only helps the enemies of civilization, but if I were to follow /pol/'s lead and prepare to take up arms to fight, isn't that playing into the Archons' hands? If mankind sees this only as a material plane crisis while ignoring the spiritual angle, and falls into an orgy of violence and destruction, how could it be in anyone's best interest except for the Global Elite and the Archons feeding off all the loosh that will be released? Did the Aryan race earn this fate, and should one just accept that our civilization will come to an end like all eventually do? I have difficulty accepting that, considering all the subversion and manipulation we've endured for generations, but Western Civilization, as imperfect as it is, surely has to be worth preserving. Until the advent of the Sixth Root Race, I can't see how any other race will be able to resist the Enemies of the world and serve as a beacon for mankind as effectively as the Aryans. What is one who has embarked upon the mystic path to do?
10/29/17 (Sun) 20:37:27 No. 111228
>What's the proper response for an initiate during this crisis engulfing the Western World, with the very real possibility that Western Civilization and the Aryan race could be extinguished?
"I literally don't give a fuck bro do whatever you want."
10/29/17 (Sun) 20:43:10 No. 111229
>claims to be initiated
>asks other people to think for him
i shiggy diggy neophyte
10/29/17 (Sun) 23:44:00 No. 111231
Can sombody give me the link to the General Occult discussion discord?
10/30/17 (Mon) 00:26:13 No. 111232
We stopped using the discord. We meet on r/fringemagick now.
SAGE! 10/30/17 (Mon) 00:48:16 No. 111233
>implying any discords or other such off-site chats are approved
10/30/17 (Mon) 01:28:46 No. 111234
I have a friend who I really like that I haven't been able to talk to in a long time, that is why I want the discord link.
10/30/17 (Mon) 01:53:49 No. 111235
Approved by whom? The BO glittersnatch? The autistic obullshitist gay community of tripfags and namefags who migrated to fringebay? The Sissy Schizo Smiling Suicidal CRINGE WIZARD who moved to mewch?
10/30/17 (Mon) 03:23:50 No. 111236
God knows what I want for you and your life. The most important thing to do is to make you a woman. Estrogen pills in your ass to get make some money.
10/30/17 (Mon) 10:08:14 No. 111247
So do I actually get what I ask for? And what kind of mental illness would I have to put up with? How can I contact a fairy?
10/30/17 (Mon) 12:48:49 No. 111248
Sooo… they are pretty much demons ?
SAGE! 10/30/17 (Mon) 16:27:20 No. 111253
The retarded rambling sandnigger of drama (you)?
10/30/17 (Mon) 17:29:58 No. 111255
10/30/17 (Mon) 17:40:22 No. 111256
I've been lurking on this fucking board for nearly four years now and I still don't get how loosh farming works. I don't actually plan on doing I just want to know how you guys do it. Right now all I know is that you take in someone's negative energy and re-purpose it. But I don't get the process there? How do you control the negative energy someone produces? What do you specifically use it for?
10/30/17 (Mon) 18:52:55 No. 111258
Is there a guide to what moon phases to cast which spells under or what moon phase or planet position does what? Or is astrology stuff just Wiccan mumbo jumbo? That's where I'm leaning but I'm assuming if the astrology stuff is nonsense then wouldn't empowering the moon's phases like an egregore work, or like how in Chaos Magick you can empower a court of personal Deities?
10/30/17 (Mon) 18:58:19 No. 111259
It's just a meme. Loosh farming is extremely inefficient for humans and people who say they're doing it are just LARPing. If you really want to loosh farm you need to send the loosh to an entity which can efficiently recieve and use the energy. This is where the meme of "making a deal with the devil" comes from, you enter an entity's Sphere and fuck with people for its gain, and in return it might give you some kickbacks.
10/30/17 (Mon) 19:01:25 No. 111260
The full moon is feminine-feminine the new moon is feminine-masculine. That's all.
10/30/17 (Mon) 23:37:26 No. 111264
he is right
why did the sumerian/babylonians consider the moon male. (Sin)
10/30/17 (Mon) 23:40:00 No. 111265
/r/ing Temple of Set material and books in pdf form. thanks.
10/30/17 (Mon) 23:41:02 No. 111266
psychic vampirism is real though.
10/31/17 (Tue) 01:53:50 No. 111269
I'm relatively new to /fringe/ but am lurking. How do I manipulate objects? I find focusing my energy works a good chunk of the time, but it's not foolproof.
10/31/17 (Tue) 03:48:52 No. 111272
If you've practiced qigong for 3 years, you're probably ready.
It took me about 4 months before I did my first kundalini rising. I spent the time working meditating eating fairly healthy (no meat, was even vegan most of the time), and it turned out alright. Just be near earth to get some yin energy in case the yang kundalini is too intense, and/or do the microcosmic orbit backward if you're getting too hot.
Maybe get some experiences with high energy states or get a reiki attunement if you want to expand energy first.
>They're the equivalent of a bunch of minerals/rocks being used.
I would think rocks and minerals could have more potent effects since they have their own energies. If you don't believe that, try holding onto a moldavite for awhile
10/31/17 (Tue) 03:54:17 No. 111273
I dunno. Were you imagining them in present tense and feeling what you'd feel in those situations? Did they involve specific people (gets dicey if they don't wanna do it, better to not have anyone specific in mind)?
10/31/17 (Tue) 04:00:55 No. 111274
here's a link to an article about using trees to circulate energy. Khan called it Treegong before; this has some in-depth ideas to try
10/31/17 (Tue) 14:57:05 No. 111283
Can anyone answer this question
10/31/17 (Tue) 14:59:02 No. 111284
>wanted to happen instead of feeling as if it has already happened
Look for reality creation thread in the catalog
10/31/17 (Tue) 18:15:13 No. 111288
Is there a point to lucid dreaming?
I'd think that it would only screw with any messages you might otherwise get from guides/whatever by injecting your own ideas into it, and also that the time is better spent manifesting what you want in reality. I do, however, already have (in dreams) powerful telekinesis, time manipulation, and flight abilities, which I tend to use whether lucid or not, so maybe I'm metaphorically a middle-class guy wondering why the poor folk want something that I already have.
10/31/17 (Tue) 18:24:21 No. 111289
I can't answer it with experience because I haven't paid attention to manifesting/wanted much.
You already had an answer in the thread, which was basically "intuition + try it and see".
I'm sure it depends on the type of desire you're looking for. You have to pay the price/do the accompanying work.
I can tell you that if it were me, I'd try charging something for a day or two, forget about it, try again a week later, then 2 weeks later, then 1 month later, probably.
and in the meantime taking the physical steps that will aid in manifesting what it is.
The thing is, there is no one answer except for you. Maybe get an akashic reading if you want it tailored to you but don't have a strong enough intuition yet. If you do, ask how you'd manifest whatever you're looking for.
Find it within.
10/31/17 (Tue) 18:47:38 No. 111290
sure but those people are fucking themselves up more than helping themselves, more than likely.
We have access to this site/learning materials, the ability to forge ourselves and not sink into despair. We have such a thing as first-world countries.
Yeah it could be better.
you could try a reiki cho ku rei. otherwise IDK
ask a psychic/akashic reader
>implying anyone needs approval
10/31/17 (Tue) 18:54:14 No. 111292
This board seems more quiet than before. Has someone started a better one?
10/31/17 (Tue) 19:18:36 No. 111294
How do I into lucid dreaming
10/31/17 (Tue) 20:00:31 No. 111295
personally can't help that much, all I had to do was affirm that I wanted to when I did it. I think enough energy/affirmation before sleep and attempting to sleep consciously (meditate yourself to sleep) would work.
you could try the stuff in here
or one thing I've heard is to question/test if you're dreaming, all the time. while awake, and it'll carry over.
definitely the more lucid you are in this reality, the more lucid you will likely be in subconscious states.
I only just now found that there is one but not too active. scroll up into the rules and there's a link called tipp's fringe bunker.
as to why it's up there when fringechan was never officially linked to, I have no idea.
and if there's another different one, I also have no idea.
11/01/17 (Wed) 02:51:56 No. 111303
Does anyone know anything about Cassandra Eason? I have a book she wrote about clairvoyance and I'm wondering if it's bullshit occultism. I haven't read it yet and I don't know anything about this author, but a brief internet search mentioned both occultism and New Age so I'm not sure how useful this book will be.
11/01/17 (Wed) 02:54:51 No. 111305
>as to why it's up there when fringechan was never officially linked to, I have no idea.
It's been linked on the board announcement for a while from what I remember. What smiley refused to do was sticky the fringechan thread.
AFAIK there's mewch, tipps, and this one. We're pretty split up atm.
11/01/17 (Wed) 03:03:26 No. 111306
This place is infinitely better when there isn't a brigade of anti-[NAME REDACTED] spammers. This is actually a pretty comfy board when there isn't drama, tripfags and constant dumb bullshit being posted everywhere.
11/01/17 (Wed) 03:07:23 No. 111307
I agree completely
11/01/17 (Wed) 03:33:42 No. 111316
oh was fringechan in the announcement? I didn't think it was so I wondered why tipp's would be.
11/01/17 (Wed) 03:35:14 No. 111317
I like tripfagging, but atm mostly so I can find my posts when I don't come here for weeks/months at a time.
Aside from that I agree
11/01/17 (Wed) 04:47:14 No. 111323
>why did the sumerian/babylonians consider the moon male. (Sin)
Because the new moon is under the influence of Sol. The moon is basically always under the influence of something else, it's more like a tool than anything.
11/01/17 (Wed) 05:16:36 No. 111326
>The moon is basically always under the influence of something else, it's more like a tool than anything.
You mean like a woman?
11/01/17 (Wed) 05:19:47 No. 111327
It depends on what your soul is predestined to do.
Perhaps the best thing would be to form small individualistic communities.
11/01/17 (Wed) 06:20:19 No. 111330
Excellent answer. I think a lot of us are such leaders and community-builders, once we empower ourselves.
11/01/17 (Wed) 06:28:34 No. 111331
11/01/17 (Wed) 06:32:01 No. 111332
>I think a lot of us are such leaders and community-builders, once we empower ourselves.
11/01/17 (Wed) 08:40:42 No. 111337
How come when I try to open my chakras sometimes I feel pressure on some but heat on others?
11/01/17 (Wed) 08:44:01 No. 111338
These have all been really helpful thank you.
I’m going to shore up my mental and spiritual faculties some more and let it all happen organically.
11/01/17 (Wed) 09:14:17 No. 111340
>open my chakras
come back in 5 years
11/01/17 (Wed) 09:27:21 No. 111342
Am I supposed to perform "The Star Ruby" before or after invoking fire majick on sigils
11/01/17 (Wed) 16:11:01 No. 111343
Not true myth wise, astronomically you are correct, the Moon is the elder Nanna/Sin the father of the gods.
he is male and old too, Shamash the Sun is one of his children. Nanna has the upper hands and helps the younger gods when they need help.
11/01/17 (Wed) 17:49:21 No. 111346
lol why, most people asking in here are at a similar place to that person. in 5 years that person should be able to ask in the astral and not bother with being on such a board.
open, expand, etc. They're all probably open to some degree unless they're severely blocked.
I would think pressure indicates blockage/diffficulty handling the flow, and heat being more accustomed to it.
Both are normal.
maybe I'm projecting. I just think with power comes some responsibility when one is ready for it. I didn't say most of us.
11/01/17 (Wed) 22:13:12 No. 111350
Can we change the background so the board doesn't look like Smileys leftovers? i think a space theme would be cooler
11/01/17 (Wed) 22:43:48 No. 111352
He already made a space theme before:
This was made by him. Try it out.
Also kys kike, he made /fringe/ into what it is, and you have no respect for him or his legacy.
11/01/17 (Wed) 23:20:07 No. 111353
>he made /fringe/ into what it is
In to shit? A real big achievement there.
11/01/17 (Wed) 23:31:09 No. 111354
>Can sombody give me the link to the General Occult discussion discord?
Please help, I want to talk to my friend again.
11/01/17 (Wed) 23:36:51 No. 111355
What does /fringe/ think about Bruno Borges?
I wish I could find a translation of his book into english.
11/02/17 (Thu) 00:30:41 No. 111356
Say it to my face motherfucker not online.
11/02/17 (Thu) 06:15:26 No. 111359
Is he that south American kid who disappeared and when they went into his room found a crazy looking shrine?
11/02/17 (Thu) 12:57:20 No. 111365
11/02/17 (Thu) 16:19:16 No. 111366
Temple of set material guys pls.
11/02/17 (Thu) 16:50:22 No. 111371
>Also kys kike
>smileys nose
11/03/17 (Fri) 03:46:56 No. 111386
Palo Mayombe: The Garden of Blood and Bones
Cant find ebook anywhere. halp
11/03/17 (Fri) 13:04:41 No. 111388
>you have no respect for him or his legacy
Distancing ourselves from him will mean the spam and shilling are far less likely to come back and maybe we could even stop the board from being run by a bunch of people who decide on the rules behind closed doors in a Skype circlejerk (although it is obviously owned by the /pol/ mods right now, allegedly). Obviously we should all be very thankful for him doing all the good things he did, but his mistakes and autism turned this board to absolute shit. Him being gone has really calmed the place down and made it way comfier.
11/03/17 (Fri) 16:29:01 No. 111390
If you are interested in fighting, look into reverse torah rituals. Otherwise, sit around with your thumb in your ass content in the knowledge when your race is genocided you won't be around to see it. :^]
11/03/17 (Fri) 16:44:08 No. 111391
It is better for the good people to be gone from this world than to be trapped here for any longer. This world is shit.
btw 99% of all whites are degenrates human trash, it's not a big lost. The good people died out long ago anyway
11/03/17 (Fri) 16:55:28 No. 111392
>This world is shit.
We'll have to agree to disagree on that.
>btw 99% of all whites are degenrates human trash, it's not a big lost. The good people died out long ago anyway
What a pathetically defeatist attitude. Noblesse oblige. We live in a world that has well and truly gone mad, yes. That doesn't mean it's not worth fighting for. It's the duty of all who walk this path to advance their own souls. That being said don't appreciate your callousness to the plight of those who won't get the opportunity to do the same. They exist in a state of nescience. Many would chose the path we have if they knew the path existed in the first place.
11/03/17 (Fri) 18:18:21 No. 111393
>btw 99% of all whites are mundane human trash, it's not a big lost. The good people died out long ago anyway
fixd. They're usually the other side of the horse shoe, baptist whites on the right and qabbalistic jews on the left. That's why Tao is the closest to true enlightenment, balance.
11/04/17 (Sat) 00:20:11 No. 111397
What's something I can do, meditation or otherwise, safely over long periods of time that will help me develop my magickal foundations?
I get sleepless nights from time to time and I'd like to do something productive rather than just toss and turn until day breaks.
11/04/17 (Sat) 04:57:56 No. 111399
11/04/17 (Sat) 08:00:40 No. 111400
You know what type of people use labels like:
Losers trying to make themselves feel special. Enjoy feeling superiour to others, it's the most you'll ever get oit of your pathetic excuse for an incarnation.
11/04/17 (Sat) 08:03:36 No. 111401
This board is run by Glittersnatch, the current BO. Last I checked he has either one or no vols. The whole /pol/ thing was Ken Shoe having a psychotic breakdown and LARPing, all of the new accounts added were sockpuppets.
11/04/17 (Sat) 09:23:00 No. 111402
None of them are sock puppets.
I am willing to bet money on this.
t. knower
11/04/17 (Sat) 09:23:19 No. 111403
>them egalitarian tears though
11/04/17 (Sat) 09:24:06 No. 111404
Into existence. There wouldn't even be a /fringe/ if not for him.
11/04/17 (Sat) 09:27:48 No. 111405
Saving the white race is literally the ultimate spiritual challenge because of its great difficulty.
Whoever can manage to do it has accomplished a task of such spiritual merit it outclasses anything else.
>they said the white race couldn't be saved
>so I proved them wrong and saved it
11/04/17 (Sat) 17:29:07 No. 111407
11/04/17 (Sat) 20:49:48 No. 111413
>Not changing them on the fly according to the topic of discussion
11/04/17 (Sat) 21:26:23 No. 111414
How do increase my luck ?
I want to be the luckiest motherfucker alive I want to experience synchronicities daily I want the fortune to smile on me 24/7
11/04/17 (Sat) 22:37:52 No. 111417
I meant "why change your flag to pretend you're not samefagging when everyone who has used this site for more than 6 months can recognize your posting style?". I know subtext is hard if you have autism but really.
11/04/17 (Sat) 22:45:56 No. 111418
Whenever I've seen occultists on the internet talk about karma, they've said that it doesn't work like popular belief says it does, but I've never been able to find an explanation of karma from an occult perspective. Could anyone explain it for me, or maybe point me in the direction of a book? Thanks.
11/05/17 (Sun) 01:51:41 No. 111421
Where can I find information on the "unobtainable female ideal"?
11/05/17 (Sun) 03:25:44 No. 111424
"Karma" is a flawed concept in the way most people use it. It's simple cause and effect.
Actually the best way to understand it for most people is like this:
Think of mental phenomena as being analogous to material phenomena. You have protons, electrons, neutrons, atoms, molecules, life, objects. Mental phenomena work similarly.
If you can't understand what I'm pointing you at nothing you learn will do you any good.
11/05/17 (Sun) 03:29:22 No. 111425
>Cam sombody please post the Occult General Discord!
11/05/17 (Sun) 06:50:42 No. 111426
How does healing through inheriting karmic debt work? There are some stories of Franz Bardon taking on people's karma in order to heal them (I think one of them had tuberculosis or something). Actually, another example with Franz Bardon is the story of him allegedly being the spirit of Hermes coming into his body and being forced to work through the old spirit of that physical body's karmic debt.
11/05/17 (Sun) 11:24:46 No. 111427
You take their shit energy and become ill instead of them. Not recommended. Someone I know got psoriasis this way.
11/05/17 (Sun) 11:26:52 No. 111428
>I've never been able to find an explanation of karma from an occult perspective. Could anyone explain it for me, or maybe point me in the direction of a book?
Download any version of Zhuan Falun.
11/05/17 (Sun) 20:38:16 No. 111433
I did this a few times. One time with a woman who was severely bleeding, I managed to reduce and eventually stop the bleeding, but blood started pouring out of my mouth and there were no holes that I could touch or feel. That was a bit freaky but it was at the same time good confirmation that what I have done worked.
It does work with animals aswell (was able to heal my dog that way)
11/06/17 (Mon) 00:54:10 No. 111444
c…could you help me?
11/06/17 (Mon) 02:04:56 No. 111446
No Kummy Kenny, your karma would kill anyone who tried to help you.
11/06/17 (Mon) 22:04:26 No. 111456
Anyone got any good links to books on occult properties of stones? An encyclopedia or atlas kind of one would be ideal.
11/07/17 (Tue) 03:24:40 No. 111466
as a RockMan, I simply use for 95% of my rock knowledge. They also have book recommendations. I've used the site both to find stone properties and to find new stones I want to use, to a fair degree of success.
11/07/17 (Tue) 03:55:10 No. 111467
The same way you attract anything?
Qigong, exercise, and meditation, in order to hold more energy and vibrate at the resonance of what you desire. Get deeper into yourself/your Soul and make more space/flow in your energy for things to be drawn to you.
I'd also contact spirit guides/friends/angels and ask 'em to help with the idea that I'd use the blessings to help others, which I imagine would increase the Flow even more. Plus in my style I'd raise 1st and 3rd chakra energies to the heart and use heart energy to interact with varying engagement to stuff depending on how much I like it.
>It is better for the good people to be gone from this world than to be trapped here for any longer… The good people died out long ago anyway
some of us came back here in order to help make it better, ya know.
I imagine you're one of aforementioned.
I think it's useful to have terms for such. normie is a stupid one, but I'd think the others have their own degrees of acceptability/use (though I don't care for goy either). I do acknowledge they are easily made derogatory. Pic sorta related.
The other guy had a good answer.
I'd also do the microcosmic orbit/other stuff in this thread here
If you wanna move around, you can do qigong. "8 brocades" is a set that can be done indefinitely. "Gathering universal energy" is another simple set but not one that I've had experience with doing longer than 15 minutes.
Any meditation works, really. It depends on how you want to build your foundation.
Do you want more power right away? Cultivate feeling and gathering energy in your dantiens. Be cautious not to get too far without a good foundation, or you'll get crazier.
Do you want an overall foundation/are okay with short-term instability? Exercise and/or do shadow work and/or meditate on feeling your whole body and sending love to it. The depth you intend to go is the depth you'll get. I'd go lightly at first.
'cause it's fun/different moods/energies being worked with at the time.
This too.
you could start by telling us what that's supposed to mean.
Cool. I'm pretty sure I did this type of thing when I was too into a chick a couple years ago. I'm pretty averse to the idea now that I've learned what I did.
11/07/17 (Tue) 04:23:28 No. 111468
I don't know if it's the same discord you're talking about because I never went onto discord before now, but here's the discord link from fringebay. Maybe your friend is on there sometimes
11/07/17 (Tue) 09:40:53 No. 111472
How do I go about treating my tinnitus? It's very slight, but still bothersome and conventional medicine is useless.
I've tried visualising light rays hitting my ears and the back of my skull while meditating and it gives me some temporary relief, but I'm barely a neophyte, so I don't know what I'm doing.
11/07/17 (Tue) 12:27:37 No. 111473
Tinnitus is usually caused by tense shoulders/neck. A combination of
>shoulder exercises/weightlifting
>stretching shoulders and neck
>using a heated pillow such as a wheat bag
>wearing a scarf/turtleneck to stay warm
>sleeping with ergonomic foam pillow for extra neck support
Pic related is probably the fastest change you can do and has a quick result. If it doesn't help enough try the other methods.
11/07/17 (Tue) 12:31:45 No. 111474
Thanks for the info friend
Although I'm definitely not planning to summon the spirit Jews
11/08/17 (Wed) 02:13:46 No. 111489
What do our "higher" selves get out of subjecting us to this life?
11/08/17 (Wed) 22:07:16 No. 111498
Nobody is coming to save you, and your pussy mentality isn't going to either.
11/08/17 (Wed) 23:48:03 No. 111509
Could you repost the link, it expired.
11/09/17 (Thu) 02:50:49 No. 111511
11/09/17 (Thu) 07:14:05 No. 111513
How do I stop being a coward and start doing magicks irl?
I don't want to disturb other people or my environment so I never really act, even though I know that ultimately conflict or rather interactions are the core of life itself.
All I want is peace and harmony tbh but this existence isn't intended to, it seems.
11/09/17 (Thu) 09:34:08 No. 111516
When i click on it it works. It's gonna be closed in a day anyway though apparently, to be replaced with the fringebay irc which is linked on fringebay.
If you assume "as above, so below", then why would you want to control your primal/lower self?
For me, I would want to control my instincts and develop them so I become a better person, and eventually refine all of me to achieve inner unity. So perhaps that's what our higher selves' goal is.
And according to some, they also have higher selves. onward into becoming the All.
11/09/17 (Thu) 12:14:09 No. 111518
Shadow work?
I’m curious but somewhat apprehensive.
I have an inclination to avoid the dark when possible. Could you please elaborate on what shadow work would entail?
11/10/17 (Fri) 20:38:48 No. 111535
Protip: if your method for enchantment involves release of strong emotions you are actually evoking opportunistic entities that take the opportunity to feed and give you enough results for you to come back.
Bypass the psychic censor with trance instead of emotion or physical sensations for a safer, cleaner method.
11/10/17 (Fri) 21:12:44 No. 111536
Since I remember, I have had this habit of getting really excited about a topic, fully submerge into it, and then get bored (or, even if I'm not bored, I can't keep with it). Over the course of the years I have observed this cycle, sometimes big (a career i left), simetimes small (this one time I became obsessed with porifera animals during, idk, three days), but can't broke it.
Now, thinking about this in retrsopect, I can see there are themes that "keep coming", things that really interest me, and I REALLY WANT to pursue knowledge on these areas, but can't maintain myself to them.
My question: Have this subject been treated by some occult writer? Is there a solution involving esoteric practices out there? I've been looking, but can't find any. Anything will be really appreciate it.
11/10/17 (Fri) 21:59:00 No. 111537
It's called manic depression.
11/10/17 (Fri) 23:34:29 No. 111541
See if these "interests" are not brought to the forefront by some entity influencing you.
11/10/17 (Fri) 23:54:13 No. 111542
Law of rythm
I had the same but it seems to have stopped recently because I became really aware of it. Now I don't have any interests and thus a lack of identity. It's really lame.
11/11/17 (Sat) 01:30:59 No. 111544
What if I banish before enchanting? Trance state is a bit difficult for me, any tips?
Thank you so much for this.
11/11/17 (Sat) 03:19:09 No. 111545
this thread is so gay i got aids
11/11/17 (Sat) 07:15:28 No. 111548
I use a Persona 3-styled theme in Rainmeter. Yesterday (and really, every day like it before), I noticed that when the counter says that it's 22 days until the next full moon, it's a half-moon. I noticed the number 22 and I notice the circle and somewhere in my mind, I always had the thought that there was something more to that but otherwise, I just shrugged it off as it being pretty numbers.
Yesterday however, I had an epiphany: 22/7 is one of the favoured approximations for pi. The half-moon occurs either 22 days away or 7 days away from the next full moon. Is there some kind of meaning here?
11/11/17 (Sat) 07:35:08 No. 111549
How do I use magick to get heaps of bitches
11/11/17 (Sat) 10:24:40 No. 111551
Use the power of money
11/11/17 (Sat) 17:05:54 No. 111552
How can I begin to cleanse myself of impurities? I seem to be falling back into vices that I thought I had conquered when I first started the work, which is hampering my personal and spiritual development. Are there any literature or rituals to help me stay on track?
11/11/17 (Sat) 17:09:55 No. 111553
How do I attract something I can't visualise?
11/11/17 (Sat) 19:41:00 No. 111556
use your other senses.
imagine what you'd feel if you had it, then open yourself to getting that feeling from other stuff if you want to spend less energy
cultivate male sexual energy,
make your lower 4 chakras super-powerful/radiant,
make your energy pleasant/calm while also being energetic/deeply fulfilling/kinda sexual but maybe not in the way a person might normally think of it.
Probably feels kinda like ecstasy, a deepchill-goodfeeling.
shadow work is simply facing your inner demons, caused by wounds/deep psychic impressions. there's a few ways to do it.
vipassana might be the easiest/most convenient if there's a center near you; they do free 10-day silent meditation retreats, and the technique emphasizes body awareness and equanimity
otherwise just try to maintain emotional distance, send love to yourself/your body, listen to it. someone said that one would have to relive traumatic events and heal them with love by standing apart from them. I've had feelings come up like this, but not visions yet.
anyway, these psychic impressions, once cleared, will open up the area for new energy, and you'll become stronger, more attractive, more loving if you're aiming for that.
In the short term, though, the wounds are coming up, and you'll be unstable emotionally and energetically before they're released.
what this guy said. there's a swing of the pendulum, and if you overtax yourself in one direction, it takes a lot of effort not to regress in the other direction once your momentum has stopped.
on the bright side, if you can find motivation, you can become anything you want to be if you're not distracted by former interests.
hmm dang I hope that doens't happen to me often.
But yea def should try to meditate-chisel before using emotion-hammer.
I 2nd the question about banishing helping.
try energy clearing daily.
also, the vices are likely caused by something inside, and it develops in steps. we revisit old issues on higher levels.
11/11/17 (Sat) 19:59:30 No. 111557
>I have an inclination to avoid the dark when possible.
same. I don't fucks wit it or entities other than STO that I'm aware of
11/11/17 (Sat) 20:13:55 No. 111558
I don't know if i'm there yet. Meanwhile, fighting.
So, if that's the case, how can I tell?
Oh, that isn't fun, is it. How comes you reached that point? I've been close to that, i mean, weeks, maybe a couple of months, laying in my bed, time passing me by. But here I am again, in the wheel, hoping this time turns at least a little better. I think this kind of things are what'll make us stronger. Good luck on your travel.
>Law of rythm
This makes a lot of sense, I'm still managing to think the problems with this logic, thank you. So, how can I commit myself to study without coming back to laziness? I'll find a way.
>and if you overtax yourself in one direction, it takes a lot of effort not to regress in the other direction once your momentum has stopped
Thanks! I'll think about it.
11/12/17 (Sun) 03:24:17 No. 111566
11/12/17 (Sun) 05:16:07 No. 111570
Is it true that "V for Victory" (now known as the peace hand jesture) was an occult symbol created by Churchill to fight the power of the Swastica? if so, I will imediately stop making the peace jesture
11/12/17 (Sun) 14:12:38 No. 111577
Saturn finger and Jupiter finger extended. Mars finger holding down the mercury and Apollo fingers to cover the moon mount.
The leaders of the death cult (Jupiter mars and Saturn) expressing power/suppressing over the life cult (mercury sun and moon)
Not created by Churchill but coopted and used to further a mission against the lower creative self affecting reality and reaching the higher energy centers.
The heil has open flow through all the fingers. Cut off the access to the creative energies and become unable to enact any real change.
SAGE! 11/12/17 (Sun) 17:20:36 No. 111578
Any of you cumskins anywhere near this level?
Thought so LOL
11/12/17 (Sun) 22:35:01 No. 111582
So therefore by performing the "V for Victory"/Peace Gesture I'm strengthening the evil power from the sigil? I'll stop using the peace hand jesture as soon as possible. Thank you. Also have this occult diagraim for the heil
11/12/17 (Sun) 22:41:57 No. 111583
Where did you get this from? looks like some weird semi raised-side hand heil
11/12/17 (Sun) 22:49:49 No. 111584
Is the guide to raising the kundalini on good or not?
11/13/17 (Mon) 00:25:22 No. 111586
Any books about elementals?
11/13/17 (Mon) 03:13:35 No. 111592
Anon posted it to /pol/, I don't know its source
11/13/17 (Mon) 10:37:54 No. 111600
is it a good idea or a bad idea to use tara mccarthy as my personal representation of isis
11/13/17 (Mon) 11:12:09 No. 111602
Sometimes one's purpose is in layers and one gets real excited about 1 project until they're finished with that part of their destiny.
I'm not the guy you're asking, but that was said in The Way of the Superior Man, that that can happen.
Who knows. Why not use a guide from here though?
There've been 2 kundalini-raising meditations/people who have done it.
Is JoS's a long-term guide or a "do it right now" guide?
I would ask Isis that question.
But I would imagine she'd be fine with taking that form, unless it's in her character not to want to accede to mortals.
11/13/17 (Mon) 14:24:08 No. 111607
11/13/17 (Mon) 15:29:02 No. 111608
Can someone give me an example of actual magic caught on tape?
11/13/17 (Mon) 18:52:50 No. 111611
I doubt it. The more energy I'm emitting, the less technology seems to work around me, and I'm not even that powerful relatively.
11/13/17 (Mon) 18:54:35 No. 111612
not to say I'm *the authority*. anyone can feel free to prove me wrong
11/13/17 (Mon) 19:30:05 No. 111614
I challenge everyone to judge nobody but themselves from today 11/13/2017 to 12/25/2017. I am fucking sick of every fucking corner of the world being some new ivory tower judgemental douche like WAAAAH IT's YOU WAAAAH I AM GOD WAAAAAAH LOOK AT WHAT HE DID WAAAAH I AM PERFECT.
We are currently stuck in an endless loop where even world leaders are like YOU SMELL LIKE POOP! WELL YOU SMELL LIKE BARF! WELL YOUR WIFE SUCKS! WELL YOUR KID SUCKS!
Let's fucking evolve. There is zero point to aggressive criticism. The person on the other end of the criticism won't listen, and if anything will do the opposite. It's just fucking dick waving for false confidence.
For lack of a better term, the "frequency" of this universe is fucking shit right now. (OMG YOU JUST SAID NOT TO JUDGE) [YEAH FUCK OFF I'M DOING THAT AFTER I FINISH THIS POST]. Constant fucking misery, zero cooperation, cheering on others misfortune, shit is getting fucking barbaric.
The fucking president of the USA has taken this I AM PERFECT HA HA IM BETTER THAN YOU HA HA attitude,and it spread to all his followers, and then the other side of that douchebag coin is like NO LIBERALS ARE FUCKING BETTER THAN YOU WE ARE GOD HA HA YOU SUCK YOU ARE SO DUMB FUCKING IDIOT HEAD!
Ironically, Trump is losing the power he craves, because now even if he is right about something by default a large group of people are going to say he's wrong.
Please for the sake of anything good left in this world, somebody join me in this.
11/13/17 (Mon) 21:25:53 No. 111616
>on the bright side, if you can find motivation, you can become anything you want to be if you're not distracted by former interests.
There is no motivation really and kinda lacking imagination either so I keep grinding on pointless shit like breathing techniques.
>How comes you reached that point?
I guess it's called getting older - becoming "mature"
>Good luck on your travel
what he says: >>111602
sometimes you get into some topics or skills only to learn some crucial thing from it (not necessarily related). Life lessons from your Higher Self - at least that's what I keep telling myself but it's hard to believe since those lessons are just basic shit all the time for me.
11/14/17 (Tue) 01:18:29 No. 111620
How can I tell if I have a spirit or if I'm just a golem?
11/14/17 (Tue) 06:08:32 No. 111631
How does one become extremely in solitude and ok with it?
I have a tulpa..shoulf I just talk to her for hours?
11/14/17 (Tue) 06:15:37 No. 111632
>How does one become extremely in solitude and ok with it?
Your question makes no sense. Rephrase your sentence then ask it again.
>I have a tulpa..shoulf I just talk to her for hours?
Let me ask a question of my own: Why are you asking this? What do you want to know?
11/14/17 (Tue) 06:26:41 No. 111633
I want to never talk to a human again. I have no friends. I never want to talk to my family again but i still crave humanity in bizarre ways like pretending to be gay for attention or discord. I think humanity is a waste of time. I just want to be alone for the rest of my life without hte pain of loneliness.
11/14/17 (Tue) 07:40:20 No. 111634
Sounds like you're depressed because of your situation and you're trying to cope with it without changing anything about it or yourself as if it's the way things are meant to be. Heavy introspection and occult development would be far more useful than just accepting shitty circumstances.
11/14/17 (Tue) 12:14:31 No. 111635
sup fringe
bunch of questions coming through :
>why are kids way better when it comes to learning skills fast, seems so efforetless to them (example : swimming)
>shouldnt adults learn skills faster since their "brains" are much more mature?
>people who are blindly confident in themselves, how do they do it?
>y'all do any semen retention?
>it isnt comfortable when i breath into my stomach, how to make it comfortable?
i love u all thanks
11/14/17 (Tue) 13:57:15 No. 111637
The brain of a child is like a block of uncut marble. It has many, many more neural connections than an adults, trillions more if I recall correctly. It's a brain that can become anything.
However as one ages the nonessential and unused connections are culled, creating someone who is increasingly stuck in their ways and hard to teach.
The good news though is that the brain always pumps out new neuro, even in the extreme elderly. So we can always change if we want to.
11/14/17 (Tue) 14:40:36 No. 111638
how do i FORCE myself into an out of body state?
Like, a foolproof method than,if put into action correctly,will unexorably achieve the desired result every time.
Should I tie myself to the bad back to the bad,and listen to a certain music?
a chinese water torture-style process?
Please tell me. I know that mental and pyshical process can be always triggered voluntarily or involuntarily.
I thought of setting an alarm clock near me,so the annoying tic tac keeps me awake ,and using some kinda rope so my body stays in place. I guess after some 60 minutes even withotu any effort on your own mind,you do the OOBE.
Also being thirsty and hungry helps?
11/14/17 (Tue) 17:51:36 No. 111650
good news indeed, feel free to answer any of the other questions if u'd like ;*
11/14/17 (Tue) 19:39:38 No. 111651
>There is no motivation really and kinda lacking imagination either so I keep grinding on pointless shit like breathing techniques.
exactly though, some people get distracted by all the pointless crap and don't grind.
mantak chia says iirc that learning all sorts of breathing techniques doesn't have much use tho.
I think the point was just to breathe however and it's what you're doing with it energetically that counts, and then later you can learn the techniques. but if it's working for you do whatever.
if I were you I'd build up a baseline kinda thing.
your own daily ritual to make your energy/chakras solid,
> those lessons are just basic shit all the time for me.
do you learn them on a deeper level though? we revisit a lot of things on higher and finer levels as we develop. just 2 days ago I was at a thing where I realised more profoundly why I create when I grieve, and that it is the greatest thing one can do, channeling those emotions
I would think asking this points toward the former, but Idk.
go live in an ashram or something.
go on a silent retreat maybe (vipassana).
I think if you crave attention you're in denial about the other stuff, or you have some entity influencing you to seek attention.
>>people who are blindly confident in themselves, how do they do it?
>>y'all do any semen retention?
of course, it makes one stronger.
>>it isnt comfortable when i breath into my stomach, how to make it comfortable?
you're not used to it, and power struggles happen in the solar plexus chakra most often.
you probably have some repressed stuff in there. just keep doing it, sending energy there, massaging yourself. it'll get more comfortable over time.
>how do i FORCE myself into an out of body state?
first time I ever astral projected I was on an excessive amount of cocaine and ecstasy.
so, stimulants will do it, but I recommend NOT doing that, especially not with caffeine, which which has awful side effects that others don't.
11/14/17 (Tue) 19:43:59 No. 111652
I think I've been trying this for a bit, but sure, I'll take you up on attempting to be more that way.
>For lack of a better term, the "frequency" of this universe is fucking shit right now. (
that's not a bad term tho.
and I think that's more of an observation that a judgment. maybe call it low rather than shit but other than that I wouldn't be offended.
>somebody join me in this.
we are. i don't think most people who are, are in these places though. They're in ashrams and yoga places and sheeit.
Newagers are probably a lot more in general the type to try this than wizards, at least initially.
I could be wrong.
11/15/17 (Wed) 02:29:29 No. 111659
In the book of knowledge it's written
"When starting the meditations described in this chapter, you must do them everyday for 1 or 2 weeks. It is safe to continue the process for 2 weeks."
Why is it bad to continue them for more than two weeks? And how much time off do I have to take before I can continue the meditations again?
11/15/17 (Wed) 03:58:11 No. 111660
someone I met said he meditated every day for a couple weeks and then tried the microcosmic orbit and he got real fucked up.
pretty much, you don't want to overload yourself on energy. 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off is what I would try.
t. intuition
11/15/17 (Wed) 05:08:00 No. 111661
>why are kids way better when it comes to learning skills fast, seems so efforetless to them (example : swimming). shouldnt adults learn skills faster since their "brains" are much more mature?
Look into neuroplasticity. As adult brains mature, unless they're actively learning anyway or they're doing a lot of creative things, they get worse for learning.
>people who are blindly confident in themselves, how do they do it?
That's a very broad question to ask. If you're not a confident person and you'd like to be, learn more about manifestation and related theory stuff. Otherwise, you seem to be talking about mundane chad shit, and if any of us knew about that kind of thing we wouldn't be here.
>y'all do any semen retention?
Yeah, it's pretty important for energy-related processes. That's why sex magick is a thing: you release a great deal of energy when you orgasm, and moreso when you ejaculate. Semen is meant to also astrally be something like life essence or whatever.
>it isnt comfortable when i breath into my stomach, how to make it comfortable?
What's uncomfortable about it? Is it pain? It might be that your core is weak, or that you're breathing in too much each breath to the point of completely filling your lungs.
Sounds like you're frustrated because of too many failed attempts. That's only going to make things worse. I still haven't successfully gotten out of body yet but I've gotten aspects of the beginning of it to happen several times, and I haven't tried in a year or so. Rather than giving up what you're doing because it hasn't worked yet, take a break, try some different things and focus on other areas of the occult for a while. It might be the most exciting and well known aspect of occult development that you can do but there are many other ways you could be developing.
11/15/17 (Wed) 09:22:36 No. 111669
How do i stop feeling guilt about my thoughts?
I have had this problem since forever, When something pops up, especially related to love and romance i feel as i am shamed to death, let alone express it.
I tried writing my thoughts down, but with little success, i feel as i am waging a war against the devil himself.
I can hardly cope with this shit and i think that this is the main cause of my depression and anxienty.
t. saturn in 9th house square venus
So, here i am lacking in willpower and too pussy to fix my shit, asking you for advice.
11/15/17 (Wed) 22:46:33 No. 111675
>especially related to love and romance i feel as i am shamed to death
Could you eleborate?
Guilt is often something we feel when we know we're doing something we're not supposed to do, but I am not entirely sure what your current situation is like, so it's hard to offer insight.
>Depression and anxiety
I also had both, fixed them by growing up and becoming a man .
I used to let my family do everything for me, but at a certain age you begin to realise you're about as interesting as a wet carrot; you become a waste of life.
This is the point in which you have to take control of your own life, without blaming your parents(or anyone for that matter) for never letting you expierence the ups and downs, and trying to train and lead yourself.
Because; The mind that is not led, will lead. Manly. P. Hall
Obviously, your situation might be completely different, but this is the most I can do.
Good luck, bud.
11/15/17 (Wed) 22:51:47 No. 111676
Question of my own;
The masonic term grand architect of the universe is used in the opening of many masonic meetings;
>Why do we call him thus?
>Because he sees our life, and the universe, as a to be completed architecture.
What you faggots think this means?
11/16/17 (Thu) 01:55:49 No. 111679
Masonic magic comes from the same mystery pool as kabbalah. Its a path of life choosing to use pieces of life…as objects…blocks and stones…to build the castle you wish to reside in. The grand architect is synonymous with "The Lord" on surface levels and is revealed to be IMO yaldaboath or something similar at the very highest degrees.
11/16/17 (Thu) 13:05:29 No. 111681
My grandmother got in hospital due to stroke. Can you guys use your magics to help her heal and recover?
And please don't use any magic that has anything to do with spirits demons or other entities
11/16/17 (Thu) 17:21:17 No. 111685
You got a sigil or some representation of your desire we can use to link to your grandmama?
11/16/17 (Thu) 20:17:34 No. 111690
So I'm reading Rachel Pollack's book on the Tarot as an archetype of spiritual transformation right now. I've so far encountered all the major Arcana cards of the first two paths at some point in my life (development of ego and the inward journey towards temperance aka mindfulness), and I now realize that my sticking points are the Devil / Tower cards.
Of course, you can't force the flash of Enlightenment (Tower card), but Pollack describes how certain conditions make the event more probable (Understanding of karma, meditation, ego death and acceptance of the devil).
TL;DR my question is this: How does one accept the devil? Does this mean that I should just be OK with the existence of temptation, but not give into it, or should I take a look inside for the temptations I feel throughout the day and be OK with those or should I just give up and worship the devil, cheat on my wife and just give in to negative impulses as a whole?
Please clarify /fringe/ since I have no idea on what to do. Nudge me into the "right" direction.
11/16/17 (Thu) 22:32:00 No. 111691
>or should I take a look inside for the temptations I feel throughout the day and be OK with those or should I just give up and worship the devil, cheat on my wife and just give in to negative impulses as a whole?
It's scary how similar we're thinking. I don't want to, I've been researching on my own but have been leaning to eastern, gnostic, thoughtform magic, and chaos magic. Admittedly what made me shy away from LHP was the "degeneracy" meme. In another dimension I might've followed my every personal desire with complete disregard of others but I don't think I would be happy. Then again I'm currently engaged to be married and moderately happy.
11/16/17 (Thu) 23:30:48 No. 111695
11/17/17 (Fri) 03:19:13 No. 111700
What does jim carrey mean exactly when he talks about fame and money and how you can just ask the universe to get all you want
11/17/17 (Fri) 12:59:37 No. 111706
So glad to hear that other anons are on the same path as me.
Marriage is a huge disappointment IMO, my wife just did a complete 180 on her personality, the woman I married is gone. Now there's no sex, I mean zero, which I don't really mind because I'm doing nofap and working on myself, but there's constant temptation from other women and I'm moderately happy at best. So long story short, I'll look into the LHP more and keep you updated on how things are working out for me, maybe there really is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Then again, if you really believe what people like Alan Watts tell you to be true, nothing can really make you truly happy in the end and the reason why even the Buddha was indulging in worldly pleasures is that you HAVE to do it to overcome it. Maybe that's what we have to do…
1) lurk moar
2) listen to the man himself:
There, now go ask Google yourself.
11/17/17 (Fri) 13:03:14 No. 111707
I now understand the wallpaper that "fell into my hands" last week (pic related), talk about synchronicity. Maybe there really is no other way and things ARE as easy as they seem to be.
One more thing, is it worth it to look into chaos magick? If so, what books would you recommend?
11/17/17 (Fri) 13:54:16 No. 111709
>t. mundane normie
11/18/17 (Sat) 20:31:01 No. 111764
cold showers or hybrid showers? Which one's better?
11/19/17 (Sun) 21:55:44 No. 111797
Hybrid Rainbow
>Marriage is a huge disappointment IMO, my wife just did a complete 180 on her personality, the woman I married is gone.
any commitment is disappointing when one person involved isn't committed.
I honestly don't know what I'd do in that position but I want to say I'd talk to her and then divorce if it ain't a thing.
> nothing can really make you truly happy in the end
of course not. you make you happy. That's something I learned pretty quick on the Path.
All things pass.
11/20/17 (Mon) 02:44:35 No. 111801
What are some good places to discuss /fringe/ subjects?
11/20/17 (Mon) 03:12:09 No. 111803
Not on the internet
11/20/17 (Mon) 09:28:44 No. 111810
Guys how do I aquire psionic abilities?
And yes I have read this thread: /fringe/res/89391.html
11/20/17 (Mon) 11:12:16 No. 111812
Will you please be more specific?
11/22/17 (Wed) 06:33:15 No. 111903
I'm looking for some advice
>tried astral projection unsuccessfully for a year
>focused on more important things and other areas of occult development for two years
>since last week I've had free time again
>thought I'd get into it again
>first night I use autosuggestion for dream recall again with the intention of having an OBE eventually
>hear a sudden stern, possibly frustrated voice saying "you're not ready yet"
>can't figure out why I wouldn't be ready either through reading or through meditating on it since then (last week)
I'm not looking for AP advice. I'm wondering if anyone else has experience receiving information through trance states like that. Having voices give me advice like this isn't new to me (inb4 schizo). I can never reproduce an identical thought with the same voice and expression when it happens like I can with every other thought, so I don't think it was me. I just don't seem to be very good at controlling it, and I don't know if it's intuition or some form of channeling or whatever.
11/22/17 (Wed) 10:00:17 No. 111905
Sometimes different entities talk to you and you happen to be in a receptive state of mind so you actually hear it as a different voice. Normally the message would just slip into your own thought pattern and you'd think it was your own thought and not think about it further.
11/22/17 (Wed) 11:53:31 No. 111911
So why am I having trouble asking questions? I've gotten it to work when I've heard other voices before but very rarely. Is the process any more complicated than just being in the same frame of mind in which I receive messages like this and thinking the question I want to ask, or is there more to it than that? It doesn't seem to be working very well but that's what I've been trying to do.
11/22/17 (Wed) 12:39:02 No. 111912
Do any of you start dealing with bad things when you get creeped out and simultaneously open yourself up for telepathy, meditation, etc.?
Pic related was a girl standing outside my doorway.
Stood up and charged at her but she disappeared before I made it to her.
11/22/17 (Wed) 12:51:17 No. 111914
How does one clear himself of all influence from entities? And how can I remove all limitations that I might unknowingly have in my sub conscious?
11/22/17 (Wed) 14:05:32 No. 111915
Can you do magic without the help of demons ?
11/22/17 (Wed) 17:30:43 No. 111918
When using suggestions, should I start with a more believable one or a more exaggerated one to get better effects? Maybe I'm thinking about it the wrong way, if I force the over exaggerated one into my sub-conscious I'll believe it anyway won't I?
11/22/17 (Wed) 19:26:57 No. 111919
What the fuck happened this morning?
11/22/17 (Wed) 19:37:30 No. 111922
I have that exact same door gym.
11/22/17 (Wed) 19:42:14 No. 111923
Try tuning in by asking the entity for pictures instead, then keep your mind relaxed and empty, as if waiting for an incoming call. This was easier for me at first. If you attempt vocal communication you may experience an "echo" effect where your own thinking tends to attach to the incoming messages and repeat them. This is a mental reflex humans develop to rationalize the process of receiving external messages to make themselves believe they came up with the idea themselves. Once you manage to stop this from happening the communication will be more like a normal phone call. It's basically telepathy, you're just doing it with a non-physical rather than a human.
When sending a message, an image at first as an example, visualize it clearly and keep it simple, then when it stabilizes you let it "sit there" as if it was something objectively existing and not a part of you. Then you give it a push in the direction of the target and when you feel it as if someone grabbed it forcefully you let it go. The process with words is kind of similar.
11/23/17 (Thu) 12:56:06 No. 111950
I would recommend growing out a rugged beard, not showering for a week or two, taking a cardboard sign with "THE END IS NIGH" written on it and approaching random strangers on the street and asking them how they're preparing for the mass spiritual awakening of humanity that's slowly taking place.
11/23/17 (Thu) 20:04:14 No. 111962
I was about to link you to fringebay before I realised it was the exact wording there and thus it was you posting.
I think you meant to ask "how can you" as well.
Yes. Align with Spirit.
the last 11 days for me.
Unless you mean on this board rather than in life.
11/23/17 (Thu) 20:42:40 No. 111963
Care to elaborate what exactly has been going on in your life for the last 11 days?
11/23/17 (Thu) 21:36:36 No. 111964
I had one of these.
Stand a few feet away from it. Gently feel it with your astral senses. Feel its arms, appendages, whatever its body feels like.
Then slowly but firmly separate each of its limbs from its body, and its body from its mind. Rip it open, inside and out, until it is nothing but pulled bundles of thought.
Do it without emotion, but really do feel with your astral senses. Don't merely imagine it. Let the imaginal sensations take an inertia of their own. If you aren't yet at the level where you can do that, meditate more and practice active imagination, lucid dreaming and scrying/impregnating as explained in IIH.
Good luck. You emanate from a whole different density as that thoughtform, so you have nothing to fear.
11/23/17 (Thu) 22:42:24 No. 111977
>attempt to slaughter her
Wtf am I reading? She didn't do anything hostile and this is what you suggest?! No fucking wonder some spirits turn malevolent on occultists. First off you couldn't do this unless it was a rotten spirit, secondly you are ruining your chances and creating a really bad reputation for yourself among them. Worst advice I've seen in a while tbh, but I guess the stupidity (or maybe this is a troll post meant to harm whoever falls for it) of posters here shouldn't be underestimated.
If I met an entity like that I'd try to catch her and give her a hug. You'd be surprised how far you can get with a bit of friendliness.
11/23/17 (Thu) 23:51:41 No. 111984
My aunt is currently suffering from dementia and is losing her brain cells. Almost all gone.
Her family asked a spiritual medium and he says she's being hounded by grandma's ghost. Plus, there's some random ghost in her rented house just lurking about but not doing much of anything.
Not sure if it's all just pure nonsense or if said medium is a fraud. But I'd like to know what /fringe/'s thoughts on this matter.
Thanks in advance.
(Aunt did decide to wear gran's clothing out of nowhere)
11/24/17 (Fri) 01:26:09 No. 111996
Sounds reasonably likely, but doesn't matter whatsoever.
11/24/17 (Fri) 02:02:53 No. 112001
Is karma real? And if it is, is there a way to nullify it's influence?
11/24/17 (Fri) 02:45:32 No. 112007
I'm pretty sure nobody here is advanced enough to do anything but speculate on that, given that I've heard at least 3 different answers on the subject here (2 of them might have been the same person with details).
1) yes it is, but only in the sense that what you do in one life will happen to you in another
2) no it's not
3) yes it is, but only in the sense of cause and effect
4) it is if you believe it is, if you don't/aren't vulnerable you can do whatever you want with no negative consequences
11/24/17 (Fri) 02:59:27 No. 112009
Is there any fringe solution that can help her dementia?
11/24/17 (Fri) 03:05:23 No. 112010
Figure out what the spirit is like. Burn a candle and set some water out to purify it/guide it to light if you want.
A sorta friend of mine met a rogue spirit and her soul danced with the spirit's soul and sent it somewhere (into light I think right now but I forget, it was a year ago
Beyond my expertise for exact solution, but I imagine channeling light and earth might help.
Maybe some rocks too. Do you want just the dementia to be better or do you want her spirit-free also?
The dementia will definitely open her up to spirits, which may be gma, may be someone pretending to be her.
11/24/17 (Fri) 03:09:57 No. 112011
Sure. on 11/11 I went to a party thing where they had cacao.
It opened my heart and made me want to heal myself more, brought me to a place of vulnerability.
11/12 I went to another similar thing, and had some nice experiences and some not-so-nice ones, both convincing me that channeling more light is what I need to do.
So then I have been meditating 2-5 hours a day, going to yoga every other day, and feeling intense energies in myself. One of the days I went to a gongwash/soundbath/healing where they invoked archangels. One of the days I went to a group meditation where they recited maybe 500 of 1008 names of Devi (I think) along with low resonance soundhealing.
My kundalini energy which I rose awhile back is driving me nuts lol. Gotta ground myself.
11/24/17 (Fri) 03:14:55 No. 112012
Ah thanks. Guess anythings worth a shot.
Though the ghost did manage to find gma's clothing tucked away in some drawer. Would gma's ghost be able to find her old clothing instinctively? Or do you believe the the fake ghost dug into Aunt's brain? Can they do that?
11/24/17 (Fri) 04:15:03 No. 112014
So I have a question /fringe/. last night I did something that caused me to be rather ashamed of myself. I spent most of today in thought trying to get my energy and motivation level up when I had an idea to create a mental image of my better self that I would need to be to fulfill my ambitions. In my mind this better self fought with a similar thing(?)but was more base.
When I got home I laid down and did a meditation of sorts. Where I was with this better, more ideal self and he gave me sort of instruction on how to become him. Things and people approached me that are from my waking life family, things I enjoy that aren't…healthy or would prevent me from reaching my ambition. Some of them such as attachments to some people that I would want/be able to reattach myself to once I've finished my goals become dust on the wind, where I would be able to reform a connection. while those things or people that I would not be unable to reattach myself I had to kill. And then the remains were burned to nothing. I did my best to remain emotionless while doing this as this seemed a rather serious affair.
My question here is whether or not this meditation I've been doing is actually effective or if this is simply mental fantasy. I did feel slightly different after doing this. If it did do something I don't want to become someone with absolutely zero attachments as that would be counter productive.
11/24/17 (Fri) 06:02:26 No. 112017
They're supposed to be able to speak/plant thoughts in a person's mind. and people who don't meditate are easily led down a thought-path, so I would imagine it would be possible for a spirit to think "grandma's clothing" and a host to remember where it is, and thus find it.
I don't have experience with spirits though, and I don't know if I'd be able to divine who it is without being there.
I'd assume it is grandma, if she's not being any weirder than a human would be.
Again I ask, do you want her to be spirit-free?
Reason I ask is I could give more advice for spirit-banishing if you want it gone.
11/24/17 (Fri) 06:16:17 No. 112018
>If it did do something I don't want to become someone with absolutely zero attachments as that would be counter productive.
everything does *something*. the more you do it, the more it does.
Zero attachments isn't necessarily counter-productive. In fact, it might be *the* most productive thing, in the sense that it makes space for manifestation.
I wonder what you think/feel about the turning to dust and the fire. More the fire I wonder about.
also I'm mildly curious about what you did yesterday but I think it's better not to answer that
I tend to use a method where I focus on doing what I need to more, listening to my heart more, and letting the unhealthy things fall away naturally, rather than burning them, so I can't say much of what effects this will have on you other than my intuition.
If I were you, I would hold off on getting rid of attachments that motivate me until I have solid good habits. In the meantime I would continue to get rid of the ones that don't serve my higher good, and try to manifest things that would help me develop in a better/healthier way than the other current attachments, by asking my higher self to help me grow with more light/joy and devoting myself to it.
11/24/17 (Fri) 10:33:43 No. 112022
>Again I ask, do you want her to be spirit-free?
Truth be told, we're not particularly close enough that I could just do a full ritual in their house or something like that.
But any tidbits of information would be appreciated. Charms to hide somewhere perhaps?
11/24/17 (Fri) 10:59:18 No. 112023
Should I actually do this or is it a joke?
11/24/17 (Fri) 12:37:17 No. 112026
It's a conventional method at least. Up to you if you think it's good.
11/24/17 (Fri) 16:03:19 No. 112030
When I turned them to dust I felt sad but hopeful that I would rebuild the connection one day. There were a couple things i could feel/see the better self shake his head at and he said something to the effect of "you will have to burn those eventually"
When I burned them I sprinkled some kind of powder or ash on their bodies and they were immediately consumed by fire. For some I did feel a bit sad or melancholic, others I tried t felt nothing. As though I were merely scraping mud off my boot. Thus far my mind certainly feels quieter. And I'm not feeling a desire to watch or do anything that I burned.
11/24/17 (Fri) 17:48:02 No. 112031
ask psychics? akashic readers if you want a reading maybe.
or just ask around with those types. healers, reiki practicioners, certain yoga places (if they do kundalini, more likely).
You could program quartz with a divine energy and grid the 4 corners of a room/house. That's what I have in my room, keeps it a different vibe than the rest of the house. I use soul/solar light (light of sun's soul), higher purpose light. You could sage the house/person if they're cool with that, though that's more of a temporary thing.
Selenite clears energies and doesn't need to be cleared/charged often (some say never necessary).
Jet and tourmaline and fluorite and amber are protective, but they'd need to be cleared by putting them in sunlight and/or water.
I imagine there's something that could be done with charms or sigils but that's not my area of expertise.
Maybe the other fringes on mewch or fringebay could help with more answers
11/24/17 (Fri) 20:53:34 No. 112032
11/24/17 (Fri) 22:19:06 No. 112038
I don't know what it was but it wasn't exactly friendly. It wasn't ever alive either. It couldn't come into my room because of awesome
I mean charging at her to punch her got her to go away so that was fine.
I'd rather fuck up anything that tries to mess with me so I don't have to deal with them. I wouldn't want to try and communicate so that it tries to stick around and leech off of me.
The green eyes were reflective like animal eyes in the dark
11/24/17 (Fri) 23:07:50 No. 112042
>And I'm not feeling a desire to watch or do anything that I burned.
That's nice.
>There were a couple things i could feel/see the better self shake his head at and he said something to the effect of "you will have to burn those eventually"
also nice that it sounds like it wasn't all of them he was referring to.
it's tough to let go of some things until you feel ready. been there. still there on some things.
11/25/17 (Sat) 04:35:13 No. 112055
is there a collective opinion on materialist athiesm?
11/25/17 (Sat) 10:46:38 No. 112063
Yeah, we call them mundanes.
11/25/17 (Sat) 11:11:40 No. 112064
Whats the key to manifesting physical changes in your body?
i have tried meditating on it and trying to feel the emotions of what it would be like to have what i want but no success.
11/25/17 (Sat) 14:25:17 No. 112067
You don't need to worry about that one in specific, I contacted her and she's at my place now. That was probably her intention anyway, I've had this happen before where different entities start haunting people to make them post about it so they get attention. There could be some obstacles that prevented them from leaving their area by their own power so they had to do this.
I'm building an organization of non-physicals so I'll take any who wants to contribute, and it's even preferable they have nasty side too so they can help with the less peaceful aspects. I know the word of this has spread among them.
11/26/17 (Sun) 03:47:10 No. 112076
How do I manifest my dreams tbh
11/26/17 (Sun) 05:30:34 No. 112077
If / when I get reincarnated as a higher being, will I even want to help mankind? I know that I want to save the white race and all, but when my higher mind chooses a new body, is it possible that I would let myself reincarnate as a numale cuck beta male feminist? Is it possible that my higher self consider's what my physical thoughts and hopes were in this life, and honor them. Or will it simply be like when you have a dream about something such as a fetish, that in the dream you're all like "aww yeah I want to always do this!" and then you wake up and you're like "WTF why would I want to do something that screwed up?
11/26/17 (Sun) 05:44:26 No. 112078
>then you wake up and you're like "WTF why would I want to do something that screwed up?
I think you've got it exactly right.
And if you *really* wanted it in the dream, would you try it in real life? I think so.
I don't think so Tim.
that depends on what changes you want.
i've changed my hair color a little and im growing out my facial hair without much interest/energy in it, but those are prob ez especially having kundalini risen
11/26/17 (Sun) 05:53:02 No. 112079
/fringe/ is cucked shill tumblr wicca shit.
11/26/17 (Sun) 06:01:23 No. 112082
This board is autism. Autism is more neurotypical than aspergers, which is neanderthal. None of you will accomplish anything for as long as you live in a subjective rather than misunderstood objective world. Fucking obullshitists. All the real occultists left already.
11/26/17 (Sun) 06:16:42 No. 112083
Sure thing, nigger.
11/26/17 (Sun) 06:19:22 No. 112084
It's a joke, you autist
11/26/17 (Sun) 06:39:17 No. 112086
This board is emasculated and you've been spirit raped by the shlomo and crying about it.
11/26/17 (Sun) 09:05:26 No. 112090
>her soul danced with the spirit's soul
Oh boy.
11/26/17 (Sun) 10:24:15 No. 112091
I bet you would give anything a hug you overly friendly nu-male cuck.
Sometimes it is good to create a reputation for yourself that you cannot be fucked with and you will protect yourself and stand your ground.
Don't be a bitch like the faggot above, if it is necessary you can show the spirit who is boss and fuck it up. So it and maybe even others will learn to respect your boundries
11/26/17 (Sun) 10:55:33 No. 112095
> objective world
Take that shit over to /sci/ pls.
This anon is a fucking idiot or a troll. If you want to be attacked by random entities for being a dick, follow his advice, it will definitely cause obstacles in your development.
>inb4 you need to overcome obstacles
Creating pointless trouble for yourself and then fixing the mess you created will result in absolutely zero progress, because you only solved what problems you created for yourself. After you're done, you're in the same place, all you did was waste time and energy.
11/26/17 (Sun) 11:16:13 No. 112097
So you think one does learn nothing when he creates problems for himself and has to solve them again?
And you are scared about being attacked by some random ghost of a girl?
Yeah you rather be a spineless maggot who lets everyone walk over him and is a fraid to make a mistake, to learn anything new from challanges and maybe even is afraid to live.
Also I assume we all understand that you only attack spirits who prove hostile to you or clearly violate your boundries, your free will or prove otherwise negative to you. Of course you don't attack any beings for no fucking reason. If the ghost itself proves friendly and you want it to be around or get to know it, of course, go ahead. But if you don't want it around, if it scares you or threatens you and you rather have it gone, and it won't leave, then you can fuck it up.
11/26/17 (Sun) 13:29:04 No. 112098
Look… Ah, nevermind. Whatever the fuck are you still doing here anyway?
11/26/17 (Sun) 14:48:34 No. 112100
8ch really has been flooded by retards. Making friends and allies is now "spineless" and creating problems for yourself is a good way to learn. Do follow your own advice.
11/26/17 (Sun) 18:53:09 No. 112109
isnt that why mewch fringe and fringebay popped up
11/26/17 (Sun) 21:23:50 No. 112120
My suggestion to you would be to experiment with what you call temptation. Give into it a little at first, just for you to see what it is like. Resisting temptation = limiting yourself. You should understand how to give into temptation safely, thoughtfully, and methodically. You will find great power in that temptation. You might not like what it does to you or how it affects you, but you cannot say you understand the lessons of the devil if you cannot live as the devil.
Yes, yes, yes to chaos magic! I would recommend firstly, Liber Null and Psychonaut, and the Liber Kaos, both by Peter J. Carroll. Neither of those books are exactly beginner friendly, but they are my two favorite of all occult reading. I read them myself as a beginner, and I feel that it definitely took me quite a while to understand, but starting with them also greatly improved my understanding of magick, more so than I feel any other books would have.
Maybe when you wake up from this life all you'll think is "save the white race? WTF why would I want to do something that screwed up"?
>I probably wont be posting here much, this place is fucking shit as of now.
11/26/17 (Sun) 21:25:16 No. 112121
They popped up because the BO of this /fringe/ is permabanned from 8ch and a tripfag wanted to make his own version of fringechan.
8ch overall seems to have been taken over by normalfaggots from whatever social media they tend to normally spread their cancer on. Chan culture is dead, these people take bait seriously and start arguing for 10 posts, they don't understand trolling/irony and will get butthurt for real over jokes. Just take a look at /fit/, wtf is going on over there?
>people complaining over 3DPD when someone posts body pics
>dating threads
>threads on how to lift feminists up on pedestals
>brazilians all over the place unironically complaining about Pol shitting up threads
The average IQ of this website has dropped well below 80 in the last 6 months.
11/26/17 (Sun) 21:47:03 No. 112124
>mewch/fringe and fringebay pop up and people start leaving this place
>8ch's /fringe/ inundated by normalfags and IQ drops by at least 2000
11/26/17 (Sun) 22:17:19 No. 112125
So what'd she want and how'd she find me?
11/26/17 (Sun) 22:31:32 No. 112126
Basically the internet is fully visible to them over on the other side but they can't post on it. They know who lurks and who posts and if they want to get a message out they'll find someone who's likely to post about it and manifest something. It's not very complicated.
11/26/17 (Sun) 23:36:32 No. 112127
What's the other side?
11/27/17 (Mon) 00:23:11 No. 112128
So what'd she want lol
11/27/17 (Mon) 02:43:19 No. 112129
What I meant by that was will I still want to save the white race when my higher self (in terms of montalk) still choose to reincarnate as a white race loving person, or would it/me choose to reincarnate as a black tumblr user. I am in now way saying that I dislike the white race, I was merely using that as an example
11/27/17 (Mon) 02:44:42 No. 112131
11/27/17 (Mon) 07:41:25 No. 112141
did you read this post or what
> I contacted her and she's at my place now. That was probably her intention anyway,
11/27/17 (Mon) 09:50:00 No. 112144
Was 2012 the dawning of the Age of Aquarius or the next one, I think Age of Capercorn?
Also, is "Age of Aquarius" synonomous with "Epoch of Horus" from thelemetic study?
11/27/17 (Mon) 10:33:38 No. 112145
Checked out the library on diet and nutrition but where do I start? I want the best, most optimal diet. I've been eating meat and vegetables everyday but I still feel I'm missing on essential nutrients.
11/27/17 (Mon) 12:56:48 No. 112147
>What's the other side?
It's a term I use because I cringe every time I see someone call it "the astral plane", implying it's just one plane like some huge ocean. It's just whatever isn't physical to us, but it's still physical to those living there and it's an entire world with it's own societies, borders, and it's own rules. The "other side" gives you different associations so I prefer using that term. It also includes the possibility of interaction between those in the reincarnation cycle and those actually living there permanently, which is just how it is, so it's better to just call it the other side imo.
11/27/17 (Mon) 13:34:21 No. 112150
"The other side" is just as cringeworthy
11/27/17 (Mon) 13:41:15 No. 112151
That's not what I was asking lol :^)
11/27/17 (Mon) 17:07:48 No. 112159
She wanted me to purify her and include her in my group so she can evolve as a being. I just happen to be good at utilizing someone's potential which is a win-win situation.
11/27/17 (Mon) 20:09:50 No. 112167
So how was she defiled in the first place?
11/27/17 (Mon) 20:11:58 No. 112168
And how is it a win-win?
11/27/17 (Mon) 21:22:20 No. 112174
Some entities are born at the hell level and just stay there, haunting people now and then but never getting anywhere. There are no mystic schools or books down there so they can't improve themselves, they lack the knowledge. They may be able to see some parts of human society but just like mundanes who can live their entire life not understanding anything, they may not know what to do. This part is what I can offer them help with. It does not mean to have been defiled, they were just impure to begin with.
She gets my help in improving, in turn she can do things for me using her new stronger ability.
11/27/17 (Mon) 21:26:47 No. 112175
>who can live their entire life not understanding anything
Like you, judging by your posts?
Stop using my flag. You're no initiate.
11/27/17 (Mon) 21:55:03 No. 112177
Used that word just because it's the opposite of purified.
Tbqh I feel used and don't like it. I just have a bad habit of being extremely spiteful and would like a reason to not hold onto this.
11/27/17 (Mon) 21:57:40 No. 112178
Calling it the other side seems even more cringey to me but to each their own.
11/27/17 (Mon) 22:13:10 No. 112179
I'd use the adept flag if it wasn't for all the flaming it would cause here. Going by the rank decription my achievements are way beyond initiate, but since they also included pointless theoretical knowledge of useless old books I choose not to. It's a flawed ranking system anyway, but I like the look of the hat.
If I were you I'd drop it and start using the neophyte flag, you obviously don't know even enough to judge properly if what I write is legit or not.
11/27/17 (Mon) 22:31:30 No. 112180
What is there to hold onto? The entity who haunted you is happy now, and you won't be disturbed by her. Try seeing it from her perspective, she just did what was needed to reach a goal, no one was hurt in the process.
11/27/17 (Mon) 23:44:45 No. 112183
She woke me up in the middle of the night and scared the shit out of me. Made me relive some bad past experiences. Can't help but be a little salty.
11/28/17 (Tue) 00:05:18 No. 112186
As a treat, keep an eye on this blog for the next galactic lightship dreamflight invite (or just try anyway next saturday, it's a standing invite). They're always positive experiences. Be sure to read the instructions before attempting to join.
I've been joining these now and then since way back and always learn new things.
11/28/17 (Tue) 01:28:20 No. 112190
Is it actually possible to decalcify the pineal gland?
11/28/17 (Tue) 01:31:54 No. 112191
Assuming Lycanthropy is real, is it permanent or does it have a cure?
11/28/17 (Tue) 11:59:03 No. 112210
Dude it's inmediatelly obvious to anyone reading your posts you are a larping kid who has done little to no practical magical work.
11/28/17 (Tue) 15:36:17 No. 112212
wtf am I reading?
11/28/17 (Tue) 15:40:05 No. 112213
Depends on what you define as permanent and cure. Technically nothing is permanent but impermanence, and technically anything can be cured if you've aught energy belief and will. If you mean lycanthropy as a physical disease, I don't think so, that'd be rather far-fetched don't ya think?
11/28/17 (Tue) 15:40:59 No. 112214
11/28/17 (Tue) 15:41:31 No. 112215
You don't have to, just git gud
11/28/17 (Tue) 23:29:24 No. 112226
You might like to read this. It goes through most historical perspectives of karma and picks at a few of them with logic. It won't give you definitive answers but you'd probably have to git pretty god damn gud if you want absolute certainty.
11/29/17 (Wed) 17:24:27 No. 112242
>when I get reincarnated as a higher being, will I even want to help mankind?
There are multiple stories about people that loved human kind so much, that they refused to be reincarnated as higher beings and went back in order to help their fellow humans.
>I know that I want to save the white race and all
Ey bud, no one is able to save the white race except themselves.
Anyway, don't worry too much. While it's possible for a nation to vanish from it's own misdeeds, the soul of said people will not vanish until.
11/29/17 (Wed) 19:09:01 No. 112243
Does anyone here have experience with "the rushes"
The closest explanation I have been able to find scientifically is that it is a migraine variant with hallucinations of time.
Are there any /fringe/ explanations for this phenomenon or how to control it?
11/30/17 (Thu) 01:23:48 No. 112246
>the soul of said people will not vanish until.
11/30/17 (Thu) 03:36:24 No. 112247
What is the fringe explanation behind total savants like shawn lane? How does a guy have full memory of all the books he's ever raid? Completely master several instruments by the age of 15?
11/30/17 (Thu) 10:51:14 No. 112249
high smartness levels
11/30/17 (Thu) 16:51:11 No. 112254
I need to step it up. How can I step it up, magically?
11/30/17 (Thu) 16:52:45 No. 112255
I'm in the mood of rereading some books and need a pdf for "How to Win Friends and Influence People". Thanks in advance.
11/30/17 (Thu) 17:57:54 No. 112271
11/30/17 (Thu) 20:20:24 No. 112275
I just installed a sub. message program,which flashes every 10 seconds,and For the duration of miliseconds,certain affirmations,photos and statements,my goal is end up looking just like photo related,even tho I look nothing like that now.
is this too much of stretch?
Or can the DNA indeed blend to a bombarment of subliminal messages?
11/30/17 (Thu) 23:20:29 No. 112278
It sounds like an extremely hard piece of magic. My heart won't let me say it's impossible
12/01/17 (Fri) 00:42:50 No. 112280
how long /for how many times a day should I submit myself to the subliminal music and photos in order to shape my face like i desire?
12/01/17 (Fri) 01:03:11 No. 112281
If I took LSD and meditated, what would the results be?
12/01/17 (Fri) 02:49:18 No. 112284
I'm guessing you'd retain more of the high vibe, and in addition would have additional power toward whatever you tried to manifest.
raise your kundalini.
but uh, I'd recommend getting moldavite instead.
and/or meditating on bringing in more light, affirming you're ready a few times.
also drinking pee and/or fasting.
pee drinking raises vibes uncomfortably fast.
I have not a clue what that is and clicking on that link doesn't show me anything other than the title.
12/01/17 (Fri) 05:37:58 No. 112289
this universe is fucking shit. Lets just leave. All the OMG YOU JUST COME BACK HERE IF YOU KILL YOURSELF shit is jewish bullshit. The moment everyone leaves these kike parasites to themselves they will be forced to eat eachother until there isn't one rat in this entire computer simulation. Zero institutions will tell you this because they are selfish evil fucks and want to enslave you. All these faggot books are just dead ends. Do you think I got the balls to say this by being a fucking slave to these psychos who only know how to destroy? I'm saying this with complete confidence because it's the fucking truth. Back the fuck out and you can be free forever. This isn't even 1/9999999999999999999999999999^9999999999999999999th of what is possible. I've been to the other side and it's fucking amazing. Euphoria and creation 24/7. You are a god. Everyone is. We are all from same source but Tantrumbot Demiurge is making things difficult since literally everyone hates this jealous fuck. Cut him the fuck off. If you ever encounter him, just insult the low self esteem brat and he'll retreat to cry for years at a time. Killing yourself is the easiest way to get out, but if you want to torture these psycho fuck who is responsible for all suffering that ever existed before he's thrown into the trash, stick around for some chronic trolling.
If you just want to increase your standing in the 27th circle of hell, be my guest, but you and I both know how this ends.
12/01/17 (Fri) 08:31:09 No. 112291
I'll drink pee idc, my own pee?
About kundalini, are there actually quick ways of raising it? Putting aside the dangers for a moment. It seems all I ever read is some indian guy talking about how to do it "safely" and apparently slowly. What's the unsafest way to raise kundalini?
12/01/17 (Fri) 11:13:26 No. 112296
>stopped watching porn
>can't keep my eye off of women outside
it's like replacing one addiction with another, and i feel like it's draining me, can someone elaborate on the subject, or try to explain?
>spend big chunks of my day fantasizing about girls from my social circle
whom is benefitting from my loosh in this case, the girls or some entities on the astral? any explanation is well appreciated!
12/01/17 (Fri) 16:10:05 No. 112297
12/01/17 (Fri) 18:32:04 No. 112298
Is it wrong to steal energy from NPC people if they're not using it?
12/01/17 (Fri) 19:03:54 No. 112299
Loosh farming is for plebs. Channel energy from the heavens. It's infinite and it isn't tainted with people's negativity.
>whom is benefitting from my loosh
Not you, and if you want to change that you need to learn to transmute your sexual energy and channel it into creative pursuits. Also if you're any good at energy work and you start doing nofap (which you should be doing if you want to conserve loosh like you seem to) you can move the energy from your genitals back through your taint and up your spine into your brain. It recirculates that energy instead of having it just build up in your dick.
12/01/17 (Fri) 19:38:05 No. 112302
12/01/17 (Fri) 19:43:33 No. 112304
Hey, I just lost all my pdf's on Asian stuff like ninjas and tao and all of that.
Please don't call me stupid.
12/01/17 (Fri) 20:12:10 No. 112306
yes your pee. I think others' is unhealthy, not sure, but urine therapy is always self pee.
There are ways to raise kundalini fast.
Here's the one I used (the warning is from me)
Even I think I raised mine somewhat too fast, but I sort of needed to do so to defend myself energetically.
I'd say drink your pee always for a week or 2 and you'll already be too uncomfortably buzzing with energy.
It took me a week or two to get over my aversion to it.
I recommend doing several things first. reading these:
I can link more threads also.
Importantly, you need a good energybody; I'd do energywork for 6 months, at least 1 hr meditation daily, a healthy or unhealthy lack of ego, ability to ask god for mercy when you probably get fucked.
Seriously though pee and moldavite are 2 things that will make you uncomfortably energetic, as well as the meditation I mentioned.
Affirmations that you're ready for more make it so, but it's hard to keep yourself from going crazy if you're not loving/clear enough.
At least, I'm speaking from the greenpill/brownpill side. Not too interested in what indigos do to stay sane.
12/01/17 (Fri) 20:13:41 No. 112307
>Here's the one I used (the warning is from me)
12/01/17 (Fri) 20:19:40 No. 112309
12/01/17 (Fri) 20:48:13 No. 112310
I may have a decent energybody. (I certainly don't have any trouble breathing through both nostrils, somehow I doubt that as a good litmus test.) Atleast it has improved significantly since I became aware of it at all. Usually I struggle to generate strong tactile feedback in lower chakras and I suppose the nadis. Except for one time, actually after I had been fasting, where the pressure in the third eye position was extreme and painful. I need feedback like that to diagnose blockages e.t.c.
I'm going to drink some piss and try that rock atleast. Thanks.
12/01/17 (Fri) 21:39:29 No. 112311
Does anyone know anything about soul loss/splitting?
I would like some information on how to retrieve ones soul.
Too my understanding provided you have most of it still you can just meditate/focus very deeply and slowly call it back.
12/01/17 (Fri) 22:37:12 No. 112312
>I have not a clue what that is and clicking on that link doesn't show me anything other than the title.
I often experience (spontaneously) the sensation of time slowing / quickening.
When "the rushes" occur my surroundings feel as if they are moving in slow motion. Music will sound unusually off tempo. People that I speak to will sound like they are speaking very slowly (occasionally quickly).
I was wondering if it is just a chemical imbalance or could there be more to it?
12/02/17 (Sat) 00:05:42 No. 112314
No idea what that's supposed to mean really. Your soul is just one, any split is merely in your perception. If you want to secure it as your own so you can't lose it, it's done by forming a contract similar to selling your soul to another entity, with the difference you name yourself as the owner. This will tell the universe to respect your integrity and no one will be able to manipulate you into losing yourself. It's pretty simple, it shouldn't require any further explanation.
12/02/17 (Sat) 00:18:41 No. 112315
How do people get their souls back after they sell it to some entity?
12/02/17 (Sat) 02:12:48 No. 112319
They don't. Since they gave up their fundamental free will by their own choice, they won't be able to leave the master's control. That's the nature of this type of contract, it's a mutual agreement in which both parties wants one of them to be owned by the other. No one can interfere with this.
12/02/17 (Sat) 04:37:32 No. 112320
How do people even sell their souls though? Don't you have to be moderately knowledgeable to sucessfully call up an entity?
12/02/17 (Sat) 05:55:32 No. 112325
It can be a chemical imbalance, but you can probably control it. Perception of time is mutable.
Any sufficiently advanced yogi/wizard/martial artist/boxer can experience time slower or faster.
Intense concentration slows down time.
>oo my understanding provided you have most of it still you can just meditate/focus very deeply and slowly call it back.
basically what you have in that sort of case is part of your energy that you've dissociated from the rest of you.
yes, you can do it that way.
I knew a guy that does soul retrieval kinda stuff but I don't know him well enough to talk to him. I know a mutual friend though, i can ask him about it if you would like more info.
I think if you desire it hard enough you'll call something. might not be who you'd want to call but there it is
12/02/17 (Sat) 13:52:31 No. 112346
>How do people even sell their souls though?
Some would write a contract and burn it or hide it in the church walls or something. Some just desire it strongly. The entities who are interested in this will be constantly looking for people to capture so when they see it they'll slip a contract into their mind like a riddle, and if the person accepts the idea it's the same as signing it. The universe accepts and respects agreements like this, it's considered fully legal by everyone. Some talk about giving themselves to jesus or other spiritual beings, it's the same. This is something mostly weak people do though, even if there are fully sane individuals who just want to submit to someone as well.
12/02/17 (Sat) 13:55:48 No. 112347
How do you cancel agreements? If I recall correctly there was some kind of contract clearing meditation
12/02/17 (Sat) 19:27:01 No. 112348
Old contracts from your past lives can appear as karma and cause trouble for you, whatever method used you still need to figure out what the deal was.
It won't work for soul contracts, if you gave up your free will you can't undo it because you won't want to be free anymore, what you want is defined by the master.
12/02/17 (Sat) 19:40:43 No. 112349
so if someone succesfully signs his soul away he doesn't even have the capacity anymore to want freedom for his soul?
12/02/17 (Sat) 22:01:06 No. 112352
Does prayer even work or is it simply a spiritual placebo?
12/02/17 (Sat) 22:18:27 No. 112353
Since it happened by your own free will and it was something you desired so much you decided to give your own capability for choice away to get it, there is no way you'd even think about reversing it once done. You'd be in a constant high and not feel any uneasiness or fear of the situation at all so reversing it would be out of the question. That is the meaning of it, and why it's allowed, it's completely fair. If you do something you want and you're happy about it forever and never regret it.. it's not going to change, even if there are painful consequences, which surely do exist in the cases of people who were dumb enough to give themselves away to sadistic demons for some small profit. Even after realizing the real cost, of it, they still got what they wanted and that part won't change. If it was possible to change it, it wouldn't have happened in the first place.
Maybe you could say it's predetermind if somone will give their soul up? Depending on your view, but that would imply they didn't have free will to begin with, so… Feel free to ponder this all you want.
12/02/17 (Sat) 22:29:35 No. 112354
prayer is manifestation and or/meditation.
it works to varying degrees based on how you do it
12/02/17 (Sat) 22:43:51 No. 112355
I don't want a lot, but there are a few things I still desire. What is doing it the right way?
12/02/17 (Sat) 22:45:02 No. 112356
I see, so it's safe to say anyone concerned about their freewill, still retains it?
12/02/17 (Sat) 22:53:57 No. 112357
You're clearly a newfig so read the recommended reading list.
12/02/17 (Sat) 23:20:10 No. 112358
depends what you want. love is different, especially if you want someone in particular.
12/03/17 (Sun) 00:18:00 No. 112359
If I something extremely tiring like 1000 pushups,go to sleep, wake up with an alarm clock 2 and then 4 hours from having gone to sleep;will I 100% sure astral proyect.
I need to astral proyect soon,I NEED to learn soon how to do it, I feel like im missing out otherwise.
what about the listening to an audibook until you AP method?
12/03/17 (Sun) 03:07:35 No. 112363
>I NEED to learn soon how to do it, I feel like im missing out otherwise.
missing on what.
I never learned yet. I aint missing much.
It doesn't sound like you need it tbh.
If you do excessive drugs you'll probably AP. or if you come close to dying.
Have you tried this
12/03/17 (Sun) 03:10:24 No. 112364
12/03/17 (Sun) 03:20:06 No. 112365
if you're looking to manifest just one thing you can try feeling the feelings you'd have when you haver it, during meditation.
I can maybe send you a meditation about creating with light if you want
12/03/17 (Sun) 13:21:17 No. 112370
I believe it doesn't have to take the kind of hard work that's described by others here. I was able to AP in quick order by just setting an alarm, walking around for 5 min, and going back to sleep. Then I just roll out of my body when I am disassociated. I think the key is to keep it in your mind so that when the opportunity to AP comes around you are able to seize it.
For me the problem is not how to AP but rather what to do with it. As you may know there are many perfectly mundane people who can AP under the guise of 'lucid dreaming' but are unable to achieve something outside of that.
As you AP you may find that being lucid is not simply either/or.
In a way, you can dream a lucid dream, do you understand what that means?
I recommend not having a single sided focus on just being able to AP. Others may be more experienced, in that case they may correct me on the matter.
12/03/17 (Sun) 13:25:17 No. 112371
Does anyone have a source/archive for Viriculture? I found it a while back, and it was a fascinating read, but when I tried to find it again so I could read the whole thing, it seems the website's gone down.
12/03/17 (Sun) 18:02:52 No. 112377
Question #1:
How do i know if im doing the complete breath correctly?
How do i know if my posture is good? I dont do any sports and spend lot of time sitting so my head leans slightly forward
12/04/17 (Mon) 07:08:15 No. 112387
12/04/17 (Mon) 09:05:15 No. 112388
I keep hearing you can use the moon for magick. Does anyone have more information? How does what you're meant to do differ from what you'd normally do? Do you have to meditate in moonlight or is it just the fact that the moon is there that matters and you can do it inside with the curtains closed? Does moon phase matter? That kind of thing.
12/04/17 (Mon) 11:15:40 No. 112393
just personal experience, but i tend to feel better on days after a full moon or near full moon. as the moon wanes i start to get more depressed (not as in depression, just mood)
maybe its all in my head though.
12/04/17 (Mon) 11:23:50 No. 112394
Any ideas on rituals for drinking urine? What is the occult symbolism? What can I use? What can I modify for individual preferences?
12/04/17 (Mon) 13:53:49 No. 112400
Are dreams "samples" of afterlives?
They seem to manifest in different ways based on how you spend your day, like karma.
They are also supposed to take place during the sun's death.
12/04/17 (Mon) 21:23:44 No. 112409
What can your one hundred year old books do about this, Bullshit "Cringe" Occultist?
12/04/17 (Mon) 21:26:10 No. 112410
Dude, no. Just no. That's all I got for ya. No. No. No. There are infinite other less disgusting ways to break that barrier in your mind. Go talk to a stranger and brighten their day or something.
12/04/17 (Mon) 22:12:33 No. 112411
>break that barrier in your mind
12/05/17 (Tue) 00:12:13 No. 112412
Sorry but people with paranoid schizophrenia shouldn't attempt occult practices, seek professional help.
12/05/17 (Tue) 03:57:25 No. 112415
what is it?
people say new moon is for new intention, full moon is harvesting work done between the two.
Idk what waning moon would be tho.
>What can I modify for individual preferences?
1) Intake frequency. When I started I couldn't handle drinking it all the time and had to stop for a little bit.
Also after a point, some of the urine may be excreted in poop. At that point I stopped.
2) Whether you drink morning urine which has a stronger taste/maybe effect.
3) Your diet. Meat and other animal products make it taste significantly different.
That's an interesting idea, although my dreams don't seem karma-related most of the time.
I adventure and seek a lot in them but not so much in life.
>Dude, no. Just no. That's all I got for ya. No. No. No. There are infinite other less disgusting ways to break that barrier in your mind. Go talk to a stranger and brighten their day or something.
What barrier?
Also, disgusting is relative.
Urine therapy is the fastest way to raise vibes, faster than dry fasting.
12/05/17 (Tue) 13:37:45 No. 112422
12/05/17 (Tue) 13:41:33 No. 112423
wtf i SWEAR i posted a reply to this before. seems to have dispapered lol
but to reitrate (i only anwered question $2) feel the back of ur neck, if it all bent n sheieit ur postures no good. if its nice and straight and your shoulder muscles are pushing out paste ur spine than ur all good 2 go.
main points though dont push your head forward, keep your back strait< toung on mouth roof and tense ur admonibal muscle
hope this helped :–)))
12/05/17 (Tue) 18:24:34 No. 112431
Why capricorn has different glyphs?
Which ones are bs?
12/06/17 (Wed) 03:45:54 No. 112445
eh idk, the first one looks pretty nice
second one less so, and the third one basically looks like a rotated second one
id say go for the first, but number 2 might (maybe) be better but idk atm
12/06/17 (Wed) 08:49:49 No. 112457
how do you make an effective love sigil?
12/06/17 (Wed) 15:49:32 No. 112460
Who was smiley and what happened to him?
12/06/17 (Wed) 20:39:41 No. 112465
He's the ex-BO of this board and of other boards here and on bunkerchans. The drama surrounding his person and a group of followers has been an ongoing topic for a number of years here.
It's somewhat related to his tendency to expose himself too much, blogposting and letting everyone know his weaknesses while not being able to distance himself from people with ill intent. You could say he has a bit of incurable pathological altruism which in combination with a certain skill level creates a basis for unintentional sabotage of whatever cause he's working to achieve.
12/07/17 (Thu) 00:18:21 No. 112467
Look in the mirror and say I am not a fucking faggot loser.
12/07/17 (Thu) 01:04:33 No. 112468
Does anyone here know how to time travel? I fucked up big time.
12/07/17 (Thu) 04:48:56 No. 112470
What if you already did?
Librarian on fringechan said something like "control the present and then maybe you can control the past"
You *are* the effective love sigil. If you want a specific person, don't do it, but if you just want someone good for you, love yourself/develop and you'll attract someone with enough effort in yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't live up to where you should be though.
The universe doesn't understand negatives.
That would make one become more of a loser, likely.
The 2nd one is the one I've always seen/the one used in Final Fantasy Tactics
first description I've heard of him that sounds even slightly complementary.
12/07/17 (Thu) 11:54:36 No. 112474
You can AP to the past, but it's very concrete, maybe even denser than our plane, so unless you're a magus you won't have enough energy to change it
12/07/17 (Thu) 21:35:06 No. 112485
What do you mean by that?
I can already shift into alternate universes of our plain. I don't feel weaker. What do you think?
12/07/17 (Thu) 22:21:03 No. 112486
Oh no I don't mean you'll feel weaker while on that plane, I mean, for instance, you can roughly estimate your relative bioenergy by trying to move a foreign object in the astral, you'll know it's foreign if after you move it and take your awareness off of it the first few times, it reappears back in it's original spot. Anyway, I didn't think altering the past was possible until a while ago, cause whenever I tried to move shit in the past it just wouldn't budge, and honestly I've never tried it successfully myself simply cause I think it's a waste of time, but it has to work otherwise the Mandela Effect couldn't happen
12/07/17 (Thu) 22:54:54 No. 112487
You won't be able to change major things in the past because then you'd have to be able to change them in the present. So if your actions caused a problem for you today and you can't fix it today, you can't fix it in the past either. It's the same weight because you're trying to lift the entire thing from the past to the present.
But in the case of berenstein type stuff it can be done if there are no major karmic reliances involved, which I think it's safe to say there isn't since it's just a letter that's moved.
Trying to change the outcome of WW2 or something on that scale would be the same as being able to change the world into the resulting state today instantly, from what place in time it's done isn't important, it's equally impossible.
12/08/17 (Fri) 01:09:47 No. 112497
Good post, makes sense
12/08/17 (Fri) 16:04:44 No. 112513
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>112497
Yeah your post makes so much sense! You did it Bullshit Occultist! You, and not douchebag meahead psychopath cops now run the world! We are no longer in a police state! Endless wars are over! You did it! You are so fucking magikul dude! That drum circle cocaine and gossip session at electric dance festival just gave us world peace! You did it reddit!
12/08/17 (Fri) 17:24:20 No. 112514
>it's equally impossible
It's equally possible.
Difficult, yes. Insanely difficult, yes.
t. mundane
>What do you mean by that?
I said 2 things but I'll answer 1 because other guy answered the other as well as I could.
"You won't be able to change major things in the past because then you'd have to be able to change them in the present."
Actually the "maybe you already did" doesn't necessarily need explanation so I assume you were asking about the other. The way I assumed it was more along the lines of "control exactly what you feel and what happens around you and then you can travel time".
But why not assume you did change the past and you got sent back with the energy and not the memory of it.
Align higher.
Bad things happen so we know to turn toward the good things/to get out of our rut. At least, this is true for me. All of my darkness is turning into greater light.
12/09/17 (Sat) 01:23:03 No. 112517
You've been trying to push this t. Faggot t. Davis t. Bracket thing for months now. Nobody likes it. Shut the fuck up or kill yourself autistic faggot.
12/09/17 (Sat) 01:55:04 No. 112523
>t. butthurt redditor
12/09/17 (Sat) 03:50:31 No. 112524
>be spiritually advanced
>be easily offended
I've only done the t. whatever thing like 2 or 3 times. I'm guessing you act or react in such a way that provokes it.
12/09/17 (Sat) 12:15:52 No. 112530
What's with the conflict between Esoteric Hitlerists and Freemasonry? Looking into both individually, it doesn't make sense.
12/09/17 (Sat) 15:08:54 No. 112531
It may have something to do with freemasons being degenerate hedonists, humanists and individualists… You can't just compare theories, you have to look at their followers as well.
12/09/17 (Sat) 22:13:28 No. 112537
What Is the first steps in to contacting your Patron deity.
I don’t mean particular spirit or such that protects you from birth to grave but rather perhaps a entity that has taken interest and has visited you in dreams and such.
12/10/17 (Sun) 02:31:35 No. 112539
I've never been able to relate to fictional characters, and I've always wished I could. I'm not sure how to interpret that, but I can't even write compelling fiction; I can always develop a flavorful, interesting environment, but when it comes to the characters within it, I just can't put myself in their shoes.
Also tried and failed tulpaforcing many times
12/10/17 (Sun) 02:34:09 No. 112540
Oh, forgot my question: Anyone have hypotheses on why?
12/10/17 (Sun) 04:13:30 No. 112542
why not just make a small sacrifice every night asking it to appear in your dreams and give you advice? Purely theoretical, I'm not a practicing magician
12/10/17 (Sun) 06:13:03 No. 112545
Maybe. I was just thinking I’d pray at an alter I’d make with the symbolic item it sent me.
I could do that to however.
12/10/17 (Sun) 06:38:02 No. 112546
anything works as long as you believe in it enough and put in enough energy.
the more creative you are/the more it resonates with you the better.
12/10/17 (Sun) 06:42:47 No. 112547
maybe super-grounded? maybe like antithesis of empath somehow?
Idk tbh I think I'd know better if I'd written characters
12/10/17 (Sun) 08:56:13 No. 112548
I appreciate the effort, but if were unusually grounded, it probably wouldn't bother me so much; I've got a life that I should really be satisfied with
12/10/17 (Sun) 10:23:50 No. 112550
>You can't just compare theories, you have to look at their followers as well.
Thanks, I hadn't thought of it that way. Although, it leads me to wonder where that disparity comes from.
12/10/17 (Sun) 16:29:03 No. 112554
One of the things I've noticed is that whenever I think about "AI controlled chimpanzees/goblins/<insert lower life form here>", I feel an intense, throbbing headache in the middle of my head. Only when I think of "AI guided chimpanzees" is there no pain. I have to remove any notion from my mind that I have stripped the chimps of their free will. Can anyone explain why the thought of reducing them, living beings, into automatons is so painful?
12/10/17 (Sun) 19:54:24 No. 112557
12/10/17 (Sun) 23:15:53 No. 112559
Sounds like empathy.
12/11/17 (Mon) 00:21:14 No. 112561
So, it's a well known phenomenon that solitary confinement is agonizing and debilitating for most prisoners, but I can't help wondering: Aren't a lot of monastic practices pretty similar? Why are the effects different? Am I mistaken about monastic practices?
Although really what I'm driving at is whether we have inevitable, non-neurotic external needs from an emotional standpoint
12/11/17 (Mon) 00:32:51 No. 112562
It sounds as if you were experiencing a migraine. You might repeat the experience of thinking, then blink and mentally check yourself over to see if you've been bothered again. You might try imagining a reversed situation, such as a disembodied energy field that has complete self-control but no capability to do anything, and see if that creates pain.
12/11/17 (Mon) 02:33:47 No. 112564
I love how i thought by watching the matrix i was helping to free us from the ai jews that have no souls but instead all the mana was used so the wascuckskis could become trannies. Thank you so much for creating paradise Obama. You were the best CEO of Walmartcorpusa of all time.
12/11/17 (Mon) 03:11:45 No. 112565
I think it's a combo of things.
1) Monastics have a support community often.
2) Prisons are hella neg energy
3) Prisoners tend to be hella neg so they've got some demons that they're not ready for, whereas monks would be ready for stuff
12/11/17 (Mon) 04:34:27 No. 112573
I just did 3 years in prison, two months of which was in solitary confinement. It really wasn't TOO bad in the box, the very worst part is the lack of silence. Most of the people in confinement can't handle it at all, they're mostly just mindless young nogs and they snap even worse when placed in there. So they scream, and rap, and kicks the doors constantly. It can be pretty loud in there sometimes, despite the heavy metal doors.
With that said though, I did accomplish quite a lot in there. In fact solitary confinement was where I finally got serious about my practice.
Sometimes I find myself missing it a little bit. Life was much simpler in there
12/11/17 (Mon) 04:45:56 No. 112574
I guess.
>a disembodied energy field
I don't know what that is. Can you talk further?
Thanks for the responses everyone, btw.
12/11/17 (Mon) 04:46:37 No. 112575
I've been thinking along these lines as well, and I've wondered whether there's more negative energy inside of solitary confinement or within ordinary prison, where it's more physically obvious
Really surprised that it was loud (although I should have expected it, given the reasons you mentioned)
Out of curiosity, when you started to excel, what precisely do you think it was? Was it that the distractions (ignoring the noise for a moment) went away? Was it that (and I'm projecting like mad here, shame to say) no excuses could be made?
If it were silent, would it be tempting to return?
Please pardon my enthusiasm; I've been curious about this for ages
12/11/17 (Mon) 05:14:20 No. 112577
>Out of curiosity, when you started to excel, what precisely do you think it was?
Well, I suppose I should give a little background here first. Back in the end of 13' and for most of 14' I was taking care of a sick, mentally ill family member. The plan was to care for her until she recovered, or passed away, and then I was planning on heading over to a monastery in California for a bit to do some serious investigation and practice. It was actually an anon on 8chan who connected me with the monastery in the first place all those years ago, after he himself spent a few years there.
Anyways, it didn't quite happen this way. My grandmother would have episodes with hallucinations, extreme paranoia, throwing things, screaming profanities, urinating on herself in public, etc. All of this was perfectly normal behavior that I could tolerate just fine, however one day she did something highly unusual and rushed me while I was eating breakfast and watching something on my computer. She started to quite literally destroy my computer with her fists while shrieking in my face, and out of reflex I just pushed her away from me.
To make a long story shorter, she called the cops, they arrest me, she goes to the hospital for a pain in her back. A week later she passes away in the hospital, evidently the ribs pierced some vital organs and she couldn't recover from it. Anyways that's when they moved me from general population into solitary confinement.
I was in solitary basically facing 15+ or more years in prison, surrounded by howling nogs, and losing weight very fast 33 pounds in my first 56 days muh gains So as you can see things were pretty desperate at this point in time.
One night, a couple of weeks into the box, it was a particularly loud and grueling night in there. The door kicking, rapping, etc. was much worse than usual and I was just feeling like complete hell. They were doing the showers for the bottom row of cells that night, and I decided to sit down on the floor and meditate until they finished with the showers I was on the top row and would shower the next night Anyways, I don't know how long passed, maybe 45 minutes, but at the end of the session I opened my eyes and everything in the world was absolutely perfect.
I was in a tiny little cell, cold, starving, facing decades in prison, surrounded by cells with screaming niggers in them, hostile prison guards, in a fortress of razor wire and everything was absolutely perfect just as it was. I had this most intense sensation of bone-deep serenity that I've never experienced before. The closest thing I can compare it to is popping a handful of oxycodone, but it was much more lucid than that of course.
This feeling lasted the rest of the night as well, and it even returned during my next session of meditation on the following day, and never since
>Was it that the distractions (ignoring the noise for a moment) went away? Was it that (and I'm projecting like mad here, shame to say) no excuses could be made?
I think it was desperation that may have trigger those experiences in there, and for this the noise actually helped. Normally of course I try to avoid noise and distractions, but sometimes it pushes us more intensely.
>If it were silent, would it be tempting to return?
No. I'd much rather join a monastery or hermitage in the free world than return to solitary confinement.
12/11/17 (Mon) 06:01:16 No. 112584
I've fallen off of a cliff in terms of my ability to focus, but I appreciate that you took the time to relate this to me, and I'll be back with worthy response tomorrow Or at least I'll try; I'm well out my ability to relate on this topic, but I'd hate to leave such a generous post unreciprocated
12/11/17 (Mon) 07:56:46 No. 112590
When i abstain from jerking off a couple of weeks, i notice a huge energy buildup that seeks release.
Have you had any experience with this? How do i "release" it or productively use it without masturbating?
12/11/17 (Mon) 14:12:05 No. 112594
Transform it into general purpose energy. I have a writeup in my computer.
12/11/17 (Mon) 16:16:26 No. 112597
"Here it is:
I'm trying to do the hardest thing in the world
AMABA780: which
there are certain native insects in my country
that either evolved or were killed off, because we only see their brothers now
completely redirect sexual energy cold turkey
they were big yellow buzzing things that bit, and now they are small black buzzing things that bite
that's easy
you have to rationalize that the urge coems from your lower self
and you must know that the lower self is the animalistic, biological, socially conditioned part of your self
those who align with it are considered as STS, service to self beings
so how do you reprogram it?
you can't
you just ignore it
tell it to shut up and that it can't influence you
after having stopped for about 6 days it will get easier and easier
try to align with your higher self instead
spiritually liberating
research about the divine consciousness about the demiurge
lots and lots of material here:,
i just need a good set of tool/rituals and i think i stand a good fighting chance
not indulging brings in many health benefits
like what do i redirect the energy to, and how do i use it up enough to think sanely etc
shining eyes, more happiness at life, appreciation of women, better memory, etc
you mean about redirecting it
it's said that there's a specific position that forces the flow to redirect itself and flow to every cell
those are nice benefits
however you must be engaged in the act so…
apparently people will also comment on your joyfulness
these benefits were all constantly reported from +100 testimonies
as the Will is Divine
in a deep meditation
while you are in a state of universal love
preferibly in tune with the Infinite Source
you can ask the sexual energy to transmute itself
into general-purpose energy
about a decade age i was blessed to be completely on the program for around two years, and to make the all in sacrifice i did then again.
is just a bit overwhelming, im such a different person now.
its all in the mind
there's no place like home
it was so mentally taxing to maintain that level of frequent energy redirection
its a constant job
its like saying from now on im going to think x thoughts every hour, from now on, and continuing with blessing to not overstrain yourself, and a willingness to break yourself and take a few cold showers a day. even on an hour of sleep.
its going to war.
snap fingers boom new reality commitment to something completely against your nature
lower self nature
so how do you keep your lower self energized without being sexually aroused?
i need a good productive regimen for redirecting the energy, so that it isnt me sitting there clenching my fists, im effectively immersed in something else
thanks aer[m] you made something intangible tangible
general purpose energy
AMABA780: easy
you energize your lower self by eating
as it is your body
you do not need to constantly think "I won't let my lower self to influence me" think it a couple of times with the backing of the DIvine WIll behind you
and order the lower self to not interfere anymore while in a meditation and in tune with your higher self and the Infnite Source
also i've noticed that thoughts about self-satisfaction sneak in and once they've rooted for the ocassion, they propagate and soon you are doing it again…
align yourself with your Higher Self and your lower self's shrieks will seem as whimpers
ihave to remember its lower and not to be pitied
if you feel more comfortable with it, think it to yourself every day
replace pity with action
i am aer
12/11/17 (Mon) 16:17:13 No. 112598
second part:
ihave to remember its lower and not to be pitied
if you feel more comfortable with it, think it to yourself every day
replace pity with action
remember that the higher self is like your wise guardian, cognizant of all incarnations at once and wants to make you unite with the IS (something great)
like your guardian angel but this time it's just another part of yourself
your middle self is you as you are now
and your lower self is the body's cellular consciousness, always shrieking "feed me, reproduce, think, urinate, poop, sleep, wake, drink water" and it can easily get addicted
thinking is NOT lower, it is middle or higher
wow so it for sure doesnt have thoughts
i don't think that it has
i project
its bad
i gotta fix
be kind to myself
maybe the neurons's synapses count as some sort of rudimentary thought
because it's known that real thought comes frm the middle self, which is spiritual
a better explaination
your thoughts reflect on your lower self
forming synapses, shaping the brain
the body is the reflect of the spirit not backwards
are you better now knowing what you have to do? :D
i'm glad to have helped
once you leave this body, the lower self becomes something more as a holdout
just a manifestation of the past
spirits can still act upon it
that's why there are STS beings all the way up to the 5th density
sts evil and sto good
service to self – service to others (while still keeping your own authority and using it)
there's a ponzi scheme out there meant to you to constantly reincarnate over and over by getting guilted into it
thanks to a false hologram that leads you to a false heaven where some egotist pieces of excrement (haha) guilt you by showing you a very biased movie of your life, and if you resist, a dose of the bad karma that THEY have accumulated for themselves
you are forced to sign a demenaing contract and reincarnated into a body that is not of your full choosing
always on the earth
the way to escape is to nullify all these contracts and agreements etc etc
by using your Will
and then when you die, move away from the hologram and slip through the cracks of a big plasma wall that you will eventually see, called the Hypercube
that's projected here from Saturn, and that has been placed there by some very evil beings called archons
once free you think-transport to somewhere and then you do anything you want :D
such as incarnating in an alien body
or exploring the universe
or playing 4 or 5D chess with spirits (i'm positive that's posible)
aliens can still be enslaved by the corrupt demiurge and the STS Beings
you must use your intuition to recognize them
the Infinite Source is everywhere
as we all are individuations of it (all sentient beings) we can reach it from anywhere
the christian god is nothing more than a front for the corrupt demiurge's energy eating
the plan is for the archons to keep us as energy cells like in the Matrix
and they do this by sending their main servant in, called the NWO
which as you know has realized tremendous amounts of destruction
headed by a secretive elite
i hope that this message is read
the IS and our higher selves always give us guidance
we must learn to listen to it
i am aer
12/11/17 (Mon) 18:17:07 No. 112602
Read this, same principles apply.
12/12/17 (Tue) 06:28:55 No. 112612
How does one cultivate a strange language that flows through the mind when meditating?
Is it worth cultivating, or is it just the ramblings of the mind trying to grasp at straws with concepts it is unfamiliar with?
12/12/17 (Tue) 06:34:01 No. 112613
I imagine that's how sanskrit was formed.
I don't know whether it's worth cultivating because I can't know what it means/what level you're at, though.
so, basically, depends on what the language does is what I'd say, but that's not the simplest thing to grasp. I'd do a little of it as a curiosity and see what happens, if you have the inclination/time
12/12/17 (Tue) 06:43:54 No. 112614
Should I type out an example of what it sounds like or would that provide anything at all?
12/12/17 (Tue) 07:02:26 No. 112616
I think I did travel back before and I did had some memory of the past. It was on a birthday.
12/12/17 (Tue) 07:44:09 No. 112617
nothing to lose.
interesting. I've felt some time reverberations before when I wanted to travel through, but it was too much for me to manage/desire to vibe into; I'd have lost too much of myself. I was also depressed and had a hard time doing anything at the time, aside from some mania. Escapism from what is.
I've had some reality/time-bending vibes lately.
I think the best way is to learn what you can, integrate things, vibe into a better person. easier said than done.
Good luck with whatever you end up doing.
12/12/17 (Tue) 17:23:09 No. 112628
Example (phonetic):
Kle le haltros es vialtro kaskiotras
Front of the mouth, more enunciation on the lips and front of the tongue.
R's are rolled
Short vowel sounds primarily, if there are two vowels the first is pronounced then the second. Ie: i's = ee's, e's = eh's, o's = oh's, a's = ah's, u's = oo's
At times, H will be pronounced similar to a German dialect where it forms in the back of the throat (ach).
My primary language is English, I am fluent in no other language. I have sang a few times in Latin and other languages but only limited translations due to the time period they were made. Above is such an example of language that flows into my mind when I mediate.
12/12/17 (Tue) 17:28:27 No. 112629
certainly interesting, even if I don't know what it means.
12/12/17 (Tue) 19:28:32 No. 112642
Is there a way to change one's sexuality and get rid of weird fetishes?
12/12/17 (Tue) 19:57:22 No. 112646
yes, use subliminals and intention
you can refer to this:
our? do you know AedifexResources by any chance?
432 is good and 444 is even better:
4+3+2=9 4+4+4=12 1+2=3 9+3=12
the distance between 432 and 444 is 12 1+2=3
12+12=24 4+2=6
Nikola Tesla said that if you understood the nature of 3, 6 and 9, you would have the keys of the universe.
Also, 444 vibrates C5=528 which is the Universal Love Frequency."
12/12/17 (Tue) 19:57:58 No. 112647
also refer to this thread: >>112478
12/12/17 (Tue) 22:06:42 No. 112656
I've been adding light to myself and putting things in cubes and burning them with white/divine light/fire lately, and have had dreams where I did this to sexual negs.
and lately I feel less lustful, which may well be a result of that.
don't watch porn either.
>tfw found what would have been my favorite porn site now that I've stopped watching it
12/13/17 (Wed) 00:12:52 No. 112661
>Example of powerful 444 Hz music at a very high vibration:
12/13/17 (Wed) 02:45:04 No. 112669
thoughts on the first post in this? legit or nah?
i listened to the first link.
12/13/17 (Wed) 14:29:10 No. 112677
What does that have to sexuality?
12/13/17 (Wed) 14:30:23 No. 112678
How I use subliminal messages in my case?
12/13/17 (Wed) 15:00:29 No. 112681
if you mean the post about Enlightement with the image name "cosmic flush", the Quadible Integrity, Sapien Medicine and DrVirtual7 channels are very good and they do bring results. Choose any video!
more power to realize intention changes, higher vibration makes yourself less likely to be afflicted by sexual parasites and others.
there are alpha male hypnoses all over youtube, they're one of the most likely to be afflicted with hidden negative affirmations so beware. a channel which has +80 videos relating to sexual dysfunctions is MatrixPlay99.
12/13/17 (Wed) 17:08:41 No. 112682
yeah the DrVirtual7 just sounds like scifi music-kinda stuff and I still dunno whether it's decent, useless, or another form of manipulation, which is why I asked.
12/13/17 (Wed) 20:07:09 No. 112685
Are we all just god's tulpas?
12/13/17 (Wed) 20:25:42 No. 112687
DrVirtual7 is a respected subliminal maker. Some of his videos have them hearable and others don't. I have used the subconscious purger 2 and it helped me flush negative things (I felt them being purged), so he works.
Listen to this and you shall see that subliminals work. It's to connect yourself to the Univesal Love of the Infinite Source, and it has one of the fastest and most sensable effects I have seen. Once you know that they work, you choose the videos you want.
> meditative mind is useless
> mind power channel puts bad affirmations hidden
> mind audio central puts bad affirmations hidden
> dr dhyaanguru has hidden bad subliminals
> quadible, sapien medicine and drvirtual7 are safe imo
> other channels are unknown
we are sovereign, free, divine, eternal, inmortal, unlimited and non-limited beings in all senses, forms, ideas, thoughts, deeds, circunstances, times, dimensions, realms, kingdoms, densities, times, timelines, levels, etc etc etc… (chant this to yourself using "I", it's a great first chant for Becoming Sovereign)
12/13/17 (Wed) 23:19:02 No. 112689
>says the magician
>what he says has nothing to do with it
what picture is this nigger talking about
12/14/17 (Thu) 04:37:37 No. 112691
>> meditative mind is useless
>> mind power channel puts bad affirmations hidden
>> mind audio central puts bad affirmations hidden
>> dr dhyaanguru has hidden bad subliminals
>> quadible, sapien medicine and drvirtual7 are safe imo
>> other channels are unknown
yeah basically all I have is your word to take on it, but that video is a nice one and the rest of the explanation is nice, so I do feel at least like trying it out.
12/14/17 (Thu) 17:55:25 No. 112710
A few months ago I saw a video of a dog that looked like mine. It did something funny. There were millions of views. It had been like an hour since I aknowledged my dog who was standing beside me, and I immediately started petting her. I was actually showing more love than usual, because the millions of views on the video let me know that my dog was a special dog.
Then I realized what a fucking monster technology has made us. I could have given that same appreciation to my dog before a video went viral, but I relied to some fucking cue to go to another gear instead of just doing that automatically.
I have formed a stronger connection with my dog and no longer take for granted the time that we have together, but I am ashamed that I fell under our shit societies spell. This is par for the course. These non human fucks have no issue with this. This was their goal. None of your stupid fucking books written by dead dudes talk about this because they have no fucking idea what the fuck our reality is like.
Detach yourself from all the gay ass shit that "makes you you" that are really just other peoples observations and creations. Go find out who the fuck you really are. Use some actual free will and BOOM you will be a wizard harry. Or waste your fucking life consuming snake oil. I wasted so much of my life on stuff like (((FAITH))) and (((MEDITATION))) and then when I was ready to live the life I wanted I realized that the reveleations I'm having at 28 had to happen at 13. I pissed my fucking entire life away thinking the world would become more reasonable. Get the fuck off these faggot ass message boards and do something. This entire society is based around control freak psychos monitoring every decision you make. Whether you realize it or not, before you do anything internally you "check" with the billion people who spend their entire existance coming up with new restrictions.
Don't wait until the full moon to realize you need to fix your financial situation. All that shit is BLACK FUCKING MAGIC to get you to literally fucking kill yourself by wasting days months or years waiting for satan/demiurge/master/officer douche/king/exlover/celebrity to give you permission to be free.
Here is the step by step guide to becoming enlightened:
Step 1. Get those fucking parasites who destroyed your soul the fuck off of and then kill them.
Step 2. Be free.
You've wasted enough time being somebody else. Everyone would rather see the true you, so be that instead you dumb nigger faggot.
12/14/17 (Thu) 19:15:38 No. 112711
This will destroy all parasites!
I hope that you like this.
I have some good resources. The 4chan threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.
This video here, , is a remote "soft kill shield" (a shield against soft-killing attempts, aka slow death via harassments) for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."
"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos , , , , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).
Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.
Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."
Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!
Also merging one of my other comments:
"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos: , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."
12/14/17 (Thu) 19:26:57 No. 112712
first post i've seen with an alex flag that was actually good.
thumbs up
12/14/17 (Thu) 19:40:10 No. 112713
also, you do not require permission from anybody expect yourself. YOU ARE SOVEREIGN! YOU ARE FREE! YOU ARE DIVINE!
12/15/17 (Fri) 06:20:40 No. 112725
Quick question for those of you who have taken the suggested path from the FAQ. I've just gotten to the Arcane Formulas exercises for establishing egohood and I'm not sure what exactly I'm looking for here. I understand the concept of realizing that the "I" and the body/senses are not one and the same, but Atkison says "No mere intellectual acquiescence or understanding will supply the real experience of Egohood". Regarding his first exercise, I've been visualizing my body from an outsiders perspective, so as to create a distinction between my I and my body, but I'm not 100% sure this is the most effective means of doing so or really what "experiencing" egohood is supposed to feel like. Any input from those more experienced would be appreciated, thanks!
12/15/17 (Fri) 18:20:13 No. 112733
Atkinson was a hack.
The faq was created by a fucking retard. I question whether Smiley is possessed and being used to fuck people over.
12/15/17 (Fri) 19:43:03 No. 112734
Wait so you are telling me that in a world where the only thing that matters is money people can be manipulated into doing things against their will when the black magic paper curse dollars are used against them?
You are telling me that people who can literally be convinced to eat dog shit when someone summons 100 black magic paper curse dollars can be….. controlled?
You are telling me that upon discovering this information, out of the billions of selfish control freak meatheads on this planet, one of them decided that someone who wanted to break away from the prison these sick abrahamic retard fucks built should be controlled instead of free?
Take off the tin foil hat conspiracy theorist. I bet you buy water filters to protect you from having your brain poisoned by these "evil" people who want full control of your soul until they destroy it. Just get over it! Everything you say is wrong! Imagine 6 million Agent Smiths laughing at you right now, because that is what is happening. You are a fool! Stop being what you want to be! Stop thinking! Worship my black magic paper curse dollar$!
12/15/17 (Fri) 23:09:52 No. 112739
What's your suggestion then? I see everyone trash Atkison without offering any alternatives, and I don't really understand why. His work seems solid, albeit a little memey, and the Kybalion definitely opened a lot of doors for me.
12/15/17 (Fri) 23:41:43 No. 112741
This! :D
"I hope that you like this.
I have some good resources. The 4chan threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.
This video here, , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."
"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos [Embed] , [Embed] , [Embed] , , [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).
Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.
Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."
Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!
Also merging one of my other comments:
"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos: , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."
12/16/17 (Sat) 02:08:18 No. 112742
Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate the help! Out of curiosity though, why does everyone have a bad opinion of WWA?
12/16/17 (Sat) 03:50:28 No. 112743
are soul mates or true love or whatever real is romantic love in general even real?
12/16/17 (Sat) 17:14:42 No. 112749
>are soul mates or true love or whatever real is romantic love in general even real?
my teacher says soul mates are people who help you grow spiritually.
but in your sense, they are if you want them to be.
There are definitely relationships that are more soul-oriented and deeper and you can call those soulmates.
Is there "the one"? That depends on whether you agreed to do that before you came here, I think.
Romantic love? Why wouldn't it be real? It's a choice whether to fall in love though.
12/16/17 (Sat) 19:04:58 No. 112752
What does semen retention do if it really do anything good?
12/17/17 (Sun) 04:19:16 No. 112760
Why is Mohammad one of the saints named within the Thelemetic Gnostic Mass? According to my copy of the ritual, it is a required name to be recited amongst the other Earthly greats. I hate Mohammad. Why is his name required?
12/17/17 (Sun) 13:00:30 No. 112766
I just have a theoretical question. Is death necessary for a man to bring himself closer to the absolute? A period of defeat is necessary for the transition into another epoch, such as the transition to the age of Aquarius, or the dark night of the soul. Death certainly seems like the most obvious way to transition into a new higher phase of being, but obviously my ego is against losing memory, and suicide brings too much bad karma. Is there any kind of spiritual or phenomenological defeat that one could 'force' in the name of growing stronger from it? I presume a yogi would be against attempting to force such actions, but I'm very interested in the possibility of gaining power over the manifest world.
12/17/17 (Sun) 13:29:02 No. 112768
12/17/17 (Sun) 13:35:17 No. 112769
In these of fate, predestination, etc. no not but romantic love is certainly real.
Also people are subconscious matches for each other and will fall in love because they are genetically compatible.
However arranged marriages are testament that you basically need to be a good lover and know how to build a relationship and cultivate your love with someone.
I think the concept of soulmates is poisonous new age bullshit that gets people questioning themselves or taking things for granted when they should always be working on themselves and just know the importance of having someone in their life who is going to develop positively and not be going in circles forever or worse degenerating. That kind of person will drag you down to hell.
Love is a choice when you actually go ahead and make the choice, and become mindful of it, every day. Choose to love and to be a person who is full of love and attracts people with his love.
God tends to punish anyone who has wrong ideas about reality btw, as god doesn't like people being delusional. So having a more correct view of love means you will get to master love and avoid the trappings that take down so many other people.
12/17/17 (Sun) 15:17:45 No. 112772
>I think the concept of soulmates is poisonous new age bullshit that gets people questioning themselves or taking things for granted when they should always be working on themselves and just know the importance of having someone in their life who is going to develop positively and not be going in circles forever or worse degenerating. That kind of person will drag you down to hell.
In my experience, soulmates are just people you're energetically particularly compatible with/your energy matches with theirs to a certain degree.
anything beyond that is probably agreeing to meet up before this lifetime, assuming things go well.
and it's not something to take for granted at all, if anything it's even more responsibility than a regular relationship because they're even more sensitive to your shit than others would be, when your energies meld/merge to a certain degree.
>Love is a choice when you actually go ahead and make the choice, and become mindful of it, every day. Choose to love and to be a person who is full of love and attracts people with his love.
>God tends to punish anyone who has wrong ideas about reality btw, as god doesn't like people being delusional.
really? I wonder if that's true. maybe things in general shouldn't be so gosh darn confusing then, geez god. lel
plus just affirm you'll learn with love/learn lessons the first few times they come around lightly.
It's refusal to learn lessons that makes them get drilled in/results in 'punishment'
there was a guy on fringechan who said he was with his soulmate/believed in em and seemed to be one of the more well-off wizards in general.
12/17/17 (Sun) 15:18:23 No. 112773
>>God tends to punish anyone who has wrong ideas about reality btw, as god doesn't like people being delusional.
but also isn't reality just god's delusion?
12/17/17 (Sun) 20:11:00 No. 112777
I got two questions, hope someone can help out:
1. How do I get into sleep paralysis? Everytime I try I end up feeling vibrations over my body and thinking I am almost there, but then it goes away and nothing happens and I keep lying awake and without paralysis until I fall asleep or stand up.
2. Can it be that I am consciously and voluntarely here in this 3D shithole over and over again because I just don't want to progress and move on, and I am too lazy or I want to experience something on this earth that is not aviable in the other dimensions? Maybe I actually don't want to deal with all this love and light bullshit and losing my individuality and in the end merging with the monad. Maybe I just want to be as far from the monad and all this light working bullshit as possible, just sitting here alone and playing videogames, watching porn and doing nothing? Because even tho this world seems shit and full of suffering, I can also see how it is very comfortable.
12/17/17 (Sun) 23:09:24 No. 112784
how do you get good at thing faster, i'm talking way faster
12/18/17 (Mon) 00:35:44 No. 112795
get good at what specifically?
raise your kundalini is one way but it'll fuck you up if you're not ready for it. Even if you are it'll fuck you up, moreso if it's not for a good reason or you don't know how to be humble.
aside from that do shadow-work and purify your vessel along with exercising what you want to get better at. The more space and structure you have within, the more you can accept and integrate at once.
>Can it be that I am consciously and voluntarely here in this 3D shithole
I'm pretty sure that most(? maybe many, maybe I'm wrong)
people are voluntarily here on some level.
>Maybe I actually don't want to deal with all this love and light bullshit and losing my individuality and in the end merging with the monad.
You don't have to do that ever. Regardless of whether you're here or there. As far as I know, anyway.
>Maybe I just want to be as far from the monad and all this light working bullshit as possible
Then you'd be in lower realms than this one. This isn't hell. Not to mention we're in an upward shift so lel, you're gonna die or be dragged upward.
>Because even tho this world seems shit and full of suffering, I can also see how it is very comfortable.
it is on some level!
12/18/17 (Mon) 04:09:17 No. 112798
My daddy gave me a credit card so i knoe evrything!!
12/18/17 (Mon) 10:08:47 No. 112800
yeah i'm aware of the "side effects" of kundalini, but i'm not really pursuing any spirutual goals atm, i'm talking about acquiring skills faster, as in learning things faster.
i'm all about mastery but mundanes says it takes 10,000 hours to achieve it, so that's why i asked here
12/18/17 (Mon) 10:43:31 No. 112802
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>112784
>I need instant gratification
If you had the skills gained from 10,000 hours of work all of a sudden you wouldn't know what to do with them and you'd probably use them in really harmful ways. Don't be lazy. Vid related.
12/18/17 (Mon) 11:43:40 No. 112805
nah fam i'm ready to put in the hard work don't get me wrong, its just that some skills are secondary, like u need them but not that much, i don't wanna put 10 years to learn something basic and don't think anyone whom values his time does,
all i want is to faster the process a little bit
12/18/17 (Mon) 13:31:12 No. 112806
It's from Miguel Serrano.
12/19/17 (Tue) 01:40:58 No. 112843
Nice larping board fags, all you mentally retarded snobs should stop pretending and face reality, none of your 'magic' is real because if it was there'd be a ton of actual proof and half the people here would be millionaires. Instead it's just a board full of fat neckbeard Virgins spouting crap about chakras and books that were written by fag normies who are also poor mental retards.
Ever heard of a scientific journal? Ever heard of the scientific method? If you fags were legit you would apply the scientific method to your 'magic' and then post the results. But you won't. Cause your pussies.
Now, moving away from the niggers and onto an actually real fringe topic, are tulpas as still a thing? If not, how do I summon a succumb us?
12/19/17 (Tue) 01:46:29 No. 112844
>yeah i'm aware of the "side effects" of kundalini, but i'm not really pursuing any spirutual goals atm
kundalini amplifies everything so you'd learn faster.
but if you're not into spiritual goals then it'll probably screw you up anyway.
what I'd do is expand your mind/energybody. Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao is a good basic energywork book, and energywork gets your body closer to that of a child (so does kundalini) and children/people without complexes/issues learn fastest
>magic isn't real
>how do I summon a succubus
are you retarded?
>Ever heard of a scientific journal? Ever heard of the scientific method? If you fags were legit you would apply the scientific method to your 'magic' and then post the results. But you won't. Cause your pussies.
this is actually encouraged tbh. there were a lot of good threads here awhile back but the place has gone to shit.
12/19/17 (Tue) 10:44:04 No. 112852
I know you're not coming back so you won't see this but there is actual proof. The CIA studied remote viewing for quite a while (if they aren't still). Look up the declassified documents.
>Now, moving away from the niggers and onto an actually real fringe topic, are tulpas as still a thing? If not, how do I summon a succumb us?
Which part of your post was the joke? I actually can't tell.
What specifically do you want to do?
12/19/17 (Tue) 12:33:54 No. 112854
good stuff m8 cheers i'll look into this energywprk thing
basically learn things faster, things as in skills, lateley i've been into swimming and i was amazed by how much fucking time it took me just to learn the basics, since i remember as child it was way more faster and easier, but not just swimming nearly trying to learn anything new is a struggle and i dont want to be spending so much time to learn basic things ya know
another quick question how do y'all handle your egos?
12/19/17 (Tue) 17:12:11 No. 112871
also might help to visualize your mind as some type of structure and make it more structured/beautiful, so it can hold and flow more.
if you came up with your own imagery great, if not then you can use the image of
a gridwork or fabric or jungle gym of light. maybe any tesellation would do, Idk.
Shadow-work is a good idea.
It allows one to heal old wounds.
control+f "cleaning the emotional body" in this link
>another quick question how do y'all handle your egos?
what ego? I'm too great to have an ego (;)
12/20/17 (Wed) 12:06:29 No. 112915
How do I speed up results for the formula of attainment?
12/20/17 (Wed) 20:58:07 No. 112937
>>112769I hope that you like this.
I have some good resources. The threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.
This video here, , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."
"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos [Embed] , [Embed] , [Embed] , , [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).
Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.
Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."
Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!
Also merging one of my other comments:
"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos: , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."
12/20/17 (Wed) 20:58:23 No. 112938
12/20/17 (Wed) 23:28:58 No. 112957
Fringe, do you have any reading on fish gods?
Lately I've been receiving a huge tug in the direction of cozy abyssal waters. I know there's Dagan/Dagon (although some would argue he is more of an agrarian deity) but was wondering if there were others worth mentioning.
Personally, I feel that as these beings are connected to human thought their form and behavior changes to match those thoughts. This of course also leads me to believe that modern authors (such as the popular writer Lovecraft) are also able to 'sway' the general stream of thought.
Either way, has anyone had any good reads on the Deep and its keepers?
12/21/17 (Thu) 13:27:14 No. 112984
Catholicism would be a good start.
Main dude wears a fish hat.
"Holy Sea"
12/21/17 (Thu) 17:32:09 No. 112997
So I had a dream yesterday where I was completely lucid.
I was congratulated and told that in order to be able to hold in the state longer, I need to ground something. I believe it was referring to something in my stomach. Is this a meme? What is this something?
12/21/17 (Thu) 17:57:32 No. 113002
This has to be the most obscure method someone has ever used to try and convert me to Catholicism.
12/21/17 (Thu) 21:50:08 No. 113036
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>112997
>anon enters astral for first time.mp4
In all srsness though there's a gravity like feeling in the pit of your stomach (navel area) that feels like vertigo when you enter the astral the first few times. That's probably the energy they want you to ground.
12/21/17 (Thu) 22:09:54 No. 113039
Are you sure it was astral? I'm not sure it was. I became lucid in my dream and so I decided to walk around a bit and then went into a room to explore what I could do. What told me to do that was something written on cardboard paper. If I had to describe the feeling, I felt more conscious in that moment than I did after I woke up.
12/21/17 (Thu) 22:16:43 No. 113041
It's possible, I didn't experience it myself so i can't really say. But the thing about grounding something in your stomach may still be relevant to the astral phenomena im talking about none the less.
12/21/17 (Thu) 22:34:18 No. 113043
Thanks man. Will do it tonight. Is there a name for it? I think it was called sudra or something
12/21/17 (Thu) 22:39:29 No. 113045
I have no idea if it has a name tbh. Sry
12/21/17 (Thu) 22:40:48 No. 113046
All good, thanks again
12/21/17 (Thu) 22:54:09 No. 113048
12/21/17 (Thu) 23:54:42 No. 113052
Best way to get cannabis seeds (growing), maybe CBD oil, or DMT? I've struggled with depression for years. Kind of depressing just thinking about how long actually. I'm a moderately productive member of society but life just fucking sucks most of the time. I fixed my diet, got in pretty good shape, cut way back on the alcohol - years ago. Nothing has really helped all that much. I'm just sober and tired and depressed now. Please help.
12/22/17 (Fri) 01:16:04 No. 113056
Any Zoroastrians here?
Where do I start if I want to get into your religion?
Don't try to discourage me by telling me they don't accept converts. I know some do.
12/22/17 (Fri) 12:17:41 No. 113067
How should I as an asatruar approach the topic of satan/lucifer (prefer answers from either satanist or someone not of an abrahamic viewpoint)
I would link the idea of mischief which is part of Lucifer to Loki, but the aspect of enlightenment is linked to the godpriest Odin.
Evil would probably be linked to muspelheim if you twisted my arm, but really all that exists in asatru is nature and archetypes, no good and evil.
So again, how should I approach Lucifer, as a different god, or just a combination of archetypes?
12/22/17 (Fri) 13:37:03 No. 113074
I'd say Odin is quite clearly Lucifer, while Loki is the Demiurge.
12/22/17 (Fri) 14:04:10 No. 113075
I was thinking the other day, about the distinction of the wild pig and the domestic pig. Hogs are by nature adaptable, but domesticated pigs are told by many cultures to be either "filthy" or "too similar to humans" energetically speaking. I don't know how domestic pigs came to be like they are, but I know that in less than 2 generations in the wild they become like boars again. Thing is, what's the chance some (((external element))) could've genetically or epigenetically (considering we probably share a good 97% of our genome with them) altered pigs to resemble humans in a way that they'd "count as" cannibalism, which is in almost every case an spiritually degrading action that when massified, got our whole society a few notches down the spiritual scale, dumbing our perception and plaguing us with mental illness.
That's why some (((races))) abstain from it, but at the same time own multimillionaire businesses based on it.
12/22/17 (Fri) 14:14:55 No. 113076
Lucifer is a part of the dualistic/monotheistic abrahamic traditions (quite limited for a worldview, if you ask me), while the asatru point of view sees the world like an intermingling knot of forces that are not always opposite, that may work in the same line or against depending on the case, and that have certain affinities that can be equaled to a personality.
With as little as this I hope to illustrate that you won't find perfect analogies between the two. There are not, and you shouldn't try to force a naturalistic viewpoint into a dualistic cookiecutter view.
Also lucifer is a faggy edgy figure, I hope there's nothing like it to find in asatru.
12/22/17 (Fri) 14:16:46 No. 113077
>"too similar to humans"
There are cultures that actually say this? I've only ever heard the "dirty" thing before.
12/22/17 (Fri) 14:47:07 No. 113079
But it has such a vivid history of symbolism. And such a following, it intrigues me om many levels.
I won't force anything, you have me a great answer, thank you!
I just wish I knew a way to gain the knowledge of Odin.
12/22/17 (Fri) 19:04:51 No. 113100
But you don't have to analogue Odin with something you already know, read the mythos, meditate on the sacrifices and tools that populate his story, and you'll get a new marvelous individual to follow. Trying to fit him on an preexisting place will only limit his possibilities.
Why did he sacrifice his eye? Why the right one?
What are the names of his crows? Why does he love one above the other?
What does it mean to carry the sign of Odin? Is it a blessing or a curse?
What are other pagan Odinian figures (Is it Lugh, is it The Dagda, Wotan, Woden?) and why are they different?
Answering that with a good mythologic base can be more enlightening than fitting any existing ritual or archetype that this polarized and antinatural world can offer.
12/22/17 (Fri) 20:14:25 No. 113110
That's what I took from your other answer, sorry if my reply was unclear! I just explained My theological interest.
You have given me some things to ponder!
SAGE! 12/23/17 (Sat) 03:48:54 No. 113148
>jus bee urself bruh: the post
12/23/17 (Sat) 15:56:31 No. 113170
how do i convince my friend that magick is not placebo
12/23/17 (Sat) 16:03:00 No. 113172
Tell him about the much less mentioned nocebo effect.
>The term nocebo (Latin nocēbō, "I shall harm", from noceō, "I harm")[4] was coined by Walter Kennedy in 1961 to denote the counterpart to the use of placebo (Latin placēbō, "I shall please", from placeō, "I please");
Not all magic is performed with good intent, so not all effects can be discarded as placebo.
12/24/17 (Sun) 03:49:07 No. 113207
and there's the Jesus fish!!
and he multiplied the fish!
what's with the spam?
hmm… my depression was helped with pot I think? Idk, it made me more sensitive to stuff and maybe a nice Being helped me to feel better.
I had an insight that I was responsible to make the world better if I didn't like it.
Mushrooms are supposed to be good for depression. you can probably grow them or get from a dealer and try a dose or micro.
a chinese medicine teacher of mine said depression is anger directed internally. uhh… try punching it out? or moving anger energy out through your middle fingers (end of peridcardium channel) and bringing in good energy to replace it.
and try bringing in light.
and maybe try these
or these and farther
or these
and try energy clearing. sage, palo santo,
one or both of these
12/24/17 (Sun) 03:52:23 No. 113209
human flesh supposedly tastes like pork
12/24/17 (Sun) 07:31:15 No. 113216
How do you foster true belief?
Im talking about the belief or faith that allows you to work with magic and attain results.
I know magic or w/e you want to call it is real and it works via the power of belief but when I try to work with sigils or visualizations I cant help but feel my lack of results is due to a lack true belief on both a conscious and a subconscious level.
12/24/17 (Sun) 20:49:40 No. 113234
build your way up with solid written results.
one step at a time.
also maybe psychedelics
12/25/17 (Mon) 08:31:43 No. 113271
ive been trying to do that with little things like the vigils and visualizations i mentioned but to no avail. I feel like there's a core belief system im missing or something.
12/25/17 (Mon) 17:43:48 No. 113293
Pigs do have quite human eyes. It's kind of unsettling.
12/25/17 (Mon) 22:34:03 No. 113314
There are a lot of similarities: meat structure, skin colour, hair colour, fat layers, proteins.
Pigs are more closely related to humans and other primates than we previously thought.
As for the chance that (((external elements))) have genetically modified pigs to resemble humans: extremely low. It's way too complicated without any results. Even with pigs resembling humans, it's not cannibalism and there are no proven mental/spiritual side effects from eating pork, just physiological problems like acne. I'd even wager that were we to eat (healthy, not drugged) human flesh on a daily basis without knowing it was human flesh, we'd still be fine.
12/26/17 (Tue) 00:18:31 No. 113316
hmm. then I suggest trying out energy work and emotional alchemy/manipulation.
energywork is self-explanatory.
I haven't read these books but… IIH might have something on working with elements, and the universal master key talks about elements and associated traits, so you can channel/breathe in/gather the elements and see what they do to the traits in you that are associated with them.
as for emotional workings, just try feelings things at will. love and self-love in particular are easy/useful.
then you can do things like beam love at someone to cheer them up or beam childlike happiness to get what you like from someone who isn't really opposed to it.
observe your energy/emotions after a day in the city, see how you feel way better after taking a shower or bath with salts.
feel out crystals at a rock shop, inpart good energies into them, see how picking one up when feeling not good can make you feel better.
all of these are minor workings as far as I'm concerned, and can foster some belief.
or, again, take psychedelics or marijuanaa and do these things; they'll raise your psychic sensitivities.
12/26/17 (Tue) 01:32:33 No. 113318
thank you for the advice, i think im going to start looking more into energy work before i attempt to try anything else.
12/26/17 (Tue) 04:21:51 No. 113319
Got any meditation to get rid of unwanted thoughtforms and such?
12/26/17 (Tue) 11:38:48 No. 113322
How do I stop telepathy from happening? I send information that is not true when I move or I'm not focused. How do I control it so it doesn't mess up my life?
12/26/17 (Tue) 18:20:43 No. 113329
Vipassana. Try going on a retreat.
and maybe even answer 4 in this>>113207
if you're not with people who are super-sensitive that shouldn't be much of an issue.
maybe surround yourself with a light-shield daily and/or convince yourself that the lower-vibration telepathy doesn't go through, only the high-vibe/loving ones until you're ready to control your thoughts more/put intention into the telepathy.
or if you want more work, telepathically overwrite the falsehoods with truths/beam the 'hey this is the actual thing, <3'
I'm at the sometimesoverwrite/shift the energy higher-kinda state, with the self-convinced 'things don't beam strongly unlesss i intend it'.
or be a hermit for awhile.
or do vipassana!
12/26/17 (Tue) 22:15:51 No. 113341
I hope that you like this.
I have some good resources. The threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.
This video here, , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."
"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos [Embed] , [Embed] , [Embed] , , [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).
Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.
Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."
Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!
Also merging one of my other comments:
"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos: , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."
12/26/17 (Tue) 22:18:11 No. 113342
i am sorry if what i did annoyed you. by copy and pasting this "redpill", i can help to enlighten people much more easily (instead of writing it by hand every time), i then add more info if the person in question requires it.
i am doing this from a good intention.
12/26/17 (Tue) 22:25:04 No. 113349
remove the #/ part
12/26/17 (Tue) 23:23:18 No. 113353
How do you guys cope or fight against the feeling that life itself has no inherent or transcendental meaning?
Lately I've had the idea that no matter what, life itself has no meaning or purpose but the one we try to give it to, and even then that means we are in a constant search of meaning. However that search could also be meaningless if we find nothing worth living for. Life driven only by that primal desire is pure passion, and living for passion is no better than living like an animal.
On the other hand, renouncing all my passion feels like not living and not taking advantage of the miracle I'm alive (or what I perceive it to be). Most religions and even many people on /fringe/ want to teach about renouncing all that makes us human is enlightenment, but that seems such a narrow point of view, because life is a ride of high and lows, but erasing both the lows and highs gives us a small window of what living is.
I've tried asking my higher self to show me what my purpose is, hoping that I could at least see where I should walk to, but I've found nothing, and that's what makes me despair as of late. I want peace and a mission, but nowadays I only find dread and questions. What can I do? Meditation feels like a moment of silence, but it's so ephemeral.
I don't know, me being on vacation and having literally nothing to do makes me question all of this, and for all I've read on /fringe/ I think I haven't seen this question tackled head on.
12/27/17 (Wed) 01:01:25 No. 113357
You're scared to get out of your comfort zone.
How can you be on vacation and have nothing to do? Go for a walk, nature will speak to you. Go talk to a stranger. Find a cool spot and take in the unique energy of your location.
As for the life having meaning part…For some reason you are on this board asking this question. Presumably you have some interest in reality extending beyond the material world. Why? You know there's more to this, but you aren't feeling it. Well you have to take action and get the ball rolling. If you can't create a unique experience on vacation, then it is on you. Take responsibility. You can literally start a whole new life right now. Go do it.
12/27/17 (Wed) 04:22:36 No. 113361
Anyone have any good sources on mind-control techniques? For both men and women would be nice. (though obviously they have different purposes)
12/27/17 (Wed) 08:00:39 No. 113364
How would I go about changing the makeup of my astral surroundings? Do I have to do a ton of visualizing, or do I somehow figure out if there are entities fucking with me, or do I ask the spirits or my higher self or whatever for help? I haven't successfully projected before, but I try every so often, and a little while ago when I was using autosuggestion as I was going to sleep I heard someone saying "you're not ready yet". Since then I seem to have been led to more specific information than I knew before about what happens when you project, and, long story short, I think I need to cleanse myself astrally a bit before I'll be ready. It would also explain a bunch of other things that have been happening to me. Could anyone give me some wisdom or maybe point me to a book or whatever?
12/27/17 (Wed) 08:28:46 No. 113365
vibrate higher to project and attract in that frequency
12/27/17 (Wed) 08:45:32 No. 113366
>just vibrate higher man it's so easy
That's like the "just be yourself man just go outside and get friends" of occult advice. Please realize that people don't know how to use that information at all. What do you mean "vibrate higher"? What specific actions do I take?
12/27/17 (Wed) 13:10:32 No. 113371
this is very important read it too
how to vibrate higher:
that folder has powerful musics retuned to very high vibrations such as 16kHz and even higher. If you listen to them, your vibration will be naturally raised up to the frequency band stated. Depending on your natural freq. bands, you may rise in SOME SECONDS (sort of preparing the springboard) or take a bit more in doing it. Use Level 5 and if you feel like if you aren't breathing stop and use Level 4 (or lower lvl. 5) until you get accostumed.
20 hours of constant listening to Level 5 will make a zero-ability-discovered person able to detect and sense subtle energies. If you begin from a higher "level" of development, the creator of this retunings says that you will develop the abilities of destroying chemtrails with your will, connecting with planets and stars and beings very easily, being very attuned to the Earth easily, and many others. This comes just from constant listening.
the creator is going to delete this folder to create an app which can automatically retune your music to 432 Hz (orchestrae, peaceful), and 444 Hz (electronica, beaty, will make you inmortal [it's something you request from your DNA once you are ready for it] as it massively increases DNA's vibration, C5 is 528 Hz), has a guidebook on many abilities, helps you sleep better, and has a sharing network of retuned music (you can SELL it!), etc!
12/27/17 (Wed) 13:11:48 No. 113372
if your vibrations are very low 1 hour every day for 1 week of accostumation to Level 5 will be enough.
12/27/17 (Wed) 13:12:50 No. 113373
well there's never an "enough", it's always good to raise your vibrations more and more, also your very high vibrations shield you from and naturally repel negative and low-vibration entities such as parasites of all kinds, demons, ankle-biters etc.
12/27/17 (Wed) 13:14:20 No. 113374
is the MC you intend to do free-will compliant (as in both have agreed to it)? if it's not, stop it now, as subverting another's will is sure to bring you lots of negative karma, as well as being a very great offense.
12/27/17 (Wed) 18:59:53 No. 113397
Wow, level 5 folder is one fucking comfy compilation. Thank you, my dude.
12/27/17 (Wed) 20:00:29 No. 113402
Just make your own Fairy guardian spirit using servitor magick. I've recently come up with the idea to make a fairy servitor for motivation and drive.
12/27/17 (Wed) 20:59:52 No. 113404
>subverting another's will is sure to bring you lots of negative karma, as well as being a very great offense.
On what grounds do you say this?
12/27/17 (Wed) 22:38:19 No. 113405
I say this on the grounds of the Free Will Law, which is Universal. Also it's obvious if you think about it, would you like to have your will forcefully subverted against you and for example, forced to kill yourself when you did not intend to finish your sojourn here so early?
12/27/17 (Wed) 22:41:36 No. 113406
Making servitors is no laughing matter. You will make a new being at your conscience level. It won't know about free will, and it will generally obey mindlessly only until it learns about it. And you will have to teach it about it. Not doing so is imo abherrancy and slavery of the worst kind.
An alternative that goes around this issue is allow the newly created being access to your Akashik Records. I have a friend who has made a spirit, and in 1 week he had already become more wise than himself.
It's a sentient being. Treat it like your child and you shall have no issues.
12/27/17 (Wed) 22:42:50 No. 113407
12/27/17 (Wed) 23:32:05 No. 113410
that's good. I didn't experience ill effects from it but didn't listen to much of it, so I was speaking from wariness.
> life itself has no meaning or purpose but the one we try to give it to,
I'd say that's true.
>and even then that means we are in a constant search of meaning
why tho?
my meaning is "help people, be happy, do stuff that I'm called to do, improve, expand."
that's basically eternal
>I've tried asking my higher self to show me what my purpose is, hoping that I could at least see where I should walk to, but I've found nothing, and that's what makes me despair as of late. I want peace and a mission, but nowadays I only find dread and questions. What can I do? Meditation feels like a moment of silence, but it's so ephemeral.
interesting. I would interpret that to mean your current mission is "learn to listen better and learn to work through these feelings."
everyone can feel other people's emotions, so when you get over these feelings you can help other people heal the same feelings when they feel them. you can hold space for those feelings without being triggered by them.
meditate to feel your body and clean its shadows/traumas.
also, simultaneously if you like, breathe in 100 times, full breaths, breathe into belly then chest then out.
breathe in light, breathe in life, breathe out tension/stress/lower vibes.
drink your pee.
all fast higher vibe. the pee thing might get too intense quick; it did for me.
12/27/17 (Wed) 23:41:48 No. 113412
Claims without proof can be dismissed without proof. That's as far as I've gotten with people dismissing Atkinson, not once has it been constructive or even interesting. Thus, I recommend you perish the thought from your mind. The highest maxim of occult study and practice is: trust your intuition; if it works, it works and must therefore be true to a corresponding degree.
If you have hit a mental block, then reflect on the matter and change perspectives according to what you have learned and internalized. The Path is never too distant.
12/27/17 (Wed) 23:54:56 No. 113413
The only fair criticism of atkinson is that he repeats shit a lot throughout his books and takes forever to get to the point. I personally dont mind this as long as what he offers is legit and works, which from my experience it is and does.
12/28/17 (Thu) 00:00:00 No. 113414
>The only fair criticism of atkinson IVE SEEN* is
12/28/17 (Thu) 00:45:50 No. 113415
>It won't know about free will, and it will generally obey mindlessly
Sounds good to me
>only until it learns about it. And you will have to teach it about it.
Then I won't. I don't believe giving a spirit free reign is a responsible thing to do.
>Not doing so is imo abherrancy and slavery of the worst kind.
I'm dedicating my spiritual energy to birth a spirit, I don't feel an obligation to give a being I created to fulfill a purpose, free reign of my mind, body, and soul.
>It's a sentient being. Treat it like your child and you shall have no issues.
I'm not making a tulpa, I'm creating for a purpose.
12/28/17 (Thu) 06:40:57 No. 113421
Instead of having to listen to Hatsune Miku and Cyndi Lauper in order to do make progress with things, could you link or describe how this process works?
12/28/17 (Thu) 10:27:25 No. 113426
12/28/17 (Thu) 15:04:38 No. 113428
According to 'The Kybalion' Death is not real, even in the Relative sense. You shall go on, for aeons - rising ever upward in the scale of Life. Just as you climbed to where you are now.
In 'The Arcane Teaching' it is said that those who do not establish Egohood will have a final Death in the Astral and dissolve into Nothing. You did not rise up until where you are now, but your consciousness arose in the current state.
What position do you take? I don't quite understand the degree and scale of the Arcane Teaching, the amount of souls that establish Egohood must be ridiculously small.
These two seem to differ quite a lot, not just regarding Death; but also The ALL.
12/28/17 (Thu) 16:22:39 No. 113440
this process works by means of retuning the music to 432/444 Hz, and raising its vibration (its tone) so that it's higher. the person who made made them to a VERY HIGH level, unlike anything else that's found here in this Earth (not counting the ones made using the technique he teaches to his disciples and general passerbys). By means of the music, high vibrations are carried to you and your body is surrounded by them. slowly, cells and your whole being (subtle bodies/divine sphere of influence in general) begin to vibrate higher as they synchronize themselves with the music. have you ever heard a sad song and then became sadder? it's like that except that it's very good.
that works but it's only in 432 Hz and I do not think that it is of a VERY VERY high vibration.
>I don't believe giving a spirit free reign is a responsible thing to do.
It means freedom to do its own choices. Since you made it and presumibly taught it free will, it will be likely still be wondering at its newfound freedom. It won't suddenly rebel at you and run off to do what ever.
>free reign of my mind, body and soul
ONLY access to the Akashik Records. A newly made spirit has NO reason at all (unless you made it in a low vibration and accidentally attached negative things to it during its formation) to attack your Sacred Library. By giving it access to it, you allow it to learn and become wise. A wise being does not suddenly attack another. Because it will be souled, it will also have its own Sacred Library and by entering yours it will also learn how to enter its.
>I'm not making a tulpa, I'm creating for a purpose.
Of course you are creating for a purpose. When I said "treat it like your child" I didn't mean it as "you're my little widdle bawby I'm going to dress up and we can play dolls!!!!!!!!!111111!". I meant it as "I made you and now we are in a protector/guardian/good relationship"
12/28/17 (Thu) 16:23:32 No. 113441
And you can also listen from the jade and deustch folders. The deustch folder has Garmarna's Herr Manelig in it. Thanks to it, I discovered that Germans really make good music :)
12/28/17 (Thu) 16:27:07 No. 113442
I take the Infinite Sourcist opinion, in which dead souls can reincarnate only and where if they want to reincarnate, as this is an hyperholographic matrix of learning, and it is ideal that they escape from any binding matrix such as the ankle-biters with the "lords of karma" and such false light hoopla. This vision aligns best with your explaination of the Kybalion (although it has duality in it, something that's NOT accepted in my vision – All is One and One is All).
12/28/17 (Thu) 16:27:44 No. 113443
s/ideal/absolutely required for a Free Divine Sovereignity which All Souls have a Right to Claim.
12/28/17 (Thu) 16:44:36 No. 113446
The Hermetic teaching does not imply a real duality− THE ALL is ONE the Two Aspects are merely aspects of manifestation.
The duality is not absolute, but relative. As above, so below; as within so without; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
12/29/17 (Fri) 01:22:51 No. 113463
Wh at am i? Why do I exist? I just don't get it.
12/29/17 (Fri) 03:35:59 No. 113466
Read the recommended reading list
12/29/17 (Fri) 16:32:27 No. 113473
Has anyone had any success at all with Atkinson's "The Arcane Formulas"?
I do not understand what he means by "experience" the ego. It's not as though I've ever known existence any differently, nor do I act as though I and my body are the same. Ditto for my personality. I can change it at will, yet I still remain. My core is immutable, no matter what happens it does not change and is as an eternal temple. Am I perhaps waisting my time? Have I attained egohood unknowingly or in a past life?
12/29/17 (Fri) 17:35:18 No. 113477
I think what's meant by the "ego" is otherwise referred to as the "soul" in popular vernacular.
So when he says realizing your ego he is talking about when you finally deliver yourself the experience that confirms to you that you are not your body, personality, or (what you were calling) ego, but actually of divine intelligence.
It's easy to conceptualize or postulate but there is an actual experiencing to be had. Something so true that when it's experienced you absolutely know.
That's my interpretation anyways. GL
12/29/17 (Fri) 23:07:36 No. 113495
>Meditating/Dozing in bed, about to sleep
>See a face, but the lips are strange (kind of like the :3 emoticon)
>The face is belongs to a human body, but the mouth still doesn't look entirely human
>'He' tells me that I need to continue studying herbalism
>Notice 'he' has a tail
>I say "Hanu-" but he starts speaking again
>Says that I have the Warrior within me, but also the Healer
>Tells me that 'this time around', I should focus on studying plants & their properties, and using them in different ways
>Wake up
>Google 'Hanu god'
I have no previous knowledge of the Hindu pantheon, besides knowing that Shiva danced and created the Universe.
I've been researching Hanuman, but he doesn't seem to be associated with healing at all.
Last night I had another dream:
>It's night-time, he's there with another entity whom I'm on good terms with
>He uses a trident to direct a star's power into me
>A white flame bursts around me, but it doesn't burn at all - it actually feels like a gentle cleansing
>Wake up drenched from sweating
What do /fringe/? He hasn't asked me for anything, nor do I feel like I need to worship him. Should I leave an offering for him as thanks? I really have no idea why he's paying attention to me.
12/29/17 (Fri) 23:23:54 No. 113498
One way to thank him would be to do what he suggests. Other than that, it sounds like it could happen again so you could always try communicating again.
12/29/17 (Fri) 23:54:36 No. 113500
I intend to do as instructed, there's no doubting that.
Do you have any thoughts on why this has happened? It seems odd that I've caught his attention and only learned about him from a daydream. Why me?
12/30/17 (Sat) 01:05:52 No. 113501
I will keep trying until I get it. If it does not happen, then I'll have to accept that I am not ready and leave the occult for another life. Though that contradicts the hermetic doctrine, if this knowledge has come to me and me to it; I must be ready. I have been struggling to find meaning in the mundane but have had little success, this is decidedly the only real path forward.
12/30/17 (Sat) 01:12:04 No. 113502
Stop trying and just live your life. Accomplish goals, micro and macro, take on your demons and it will fall into place when it's supposed to.
It feels like getting the veil lifted is the goal but it's not. It's heartbreaking. You learn who really are and you have to start all over. The real journey begins so to speak. Everyone struggles, even if you're woke. Listen to your inner voice.
12/30/17 (Sat) 01:15:09 No. 113503
>I've been researching Hanuman, but he doesn't seem to be associated with healing at all.
>"He is viewed as the ideal combination of "strength, heroic initiative and assertive excellence" and "loving, emotional devotion to his personal god Rama", as Shakti and Bhakti."
sounds like warrior nature, then healer/service nature.
>" In later literature, he has been the patron god of martial arts such as wrestling, acrobatics, as well as meditation and diligent scholarship."
you said he said about focusing on study.
>"[1] He symbolizes the human excellences of inner self-control, faith and service to a cause, hidden behind the first impressions of a being who looks like a monkey"
>He hasn't asked me for anything,
nah just tellin you what your dharma is like.
>Why me?
because you're ready.
easy enough innit?
12/30/17 (Sat) 01:17:42 No. 113504
>It feels like getting the veil lifted is the goal but it's not. It's heartbreaking.
yeah that's why spritual progress can often be limited by the amount your heart is open.
because each revelation requires a certain amount of self-love to integrate without it feeling awful
>You learn who really are and you have to start all over. The real journey begins so to speak.
I'm not there yet but I've had glimpses.
Is it just heartbreaking because you realise everything you've done/egohood is insignificant?
That you're just a character, a bundle of traits.
12/30/17 (Sat) 01:27:00 No. 113505
>It's heartbreaking. You learn who really are and you have to start all over. The real journey begins so to speak.
That's what I desire most, I have rarely felt alive here so there's not a heart to break. Pain is comforting at least, much better than the hell of gray I reside in.
12/30/17 (Sat) 01:33:48 No. 113508
>>113504 (You)
>I could go on.
that people love you more for the divine, not really *you* but these traits you've got.
that you can deviate from the pattern if you want, but it's much easier to give in, and you'll be presented with the same difficulty repeatedly until you learn it on deeper levels.
that you've decided before coming here the lessons to learn and your body, like it or not, has to die/lose its ego into the greater You
a fair amount of us have felt this, friend.
we know we don't 'belong' here.
as for me, part of why I'm here is to make this place more like home.
to channel them light vortexes of higher Being and turn this shit to gold.
12/30/17 (Sat) 14:32:30 No. 113525
It's heartbreaking for me because I found it on accident and I thought I discovered some permanent state of bliss. I thought I figured everything out. So my heartbreak came in discovering that I found the truth, yet the truth is fleeting. It is not a permanent state (yet). All the difficulties you had before you saw/felt the truth are still there. You have a new perspective on them but they are still there and you still have to deal with them.
It's almost like an elaborate tease system. Two steps forward one step back if you're lucky.
You're not going to give up. I can already tell. What you should do is just accept where you're at on the path and know that soon you will be very, very thankful for the pain you are going through now.
12/30/17 (Sat) 14:37:33 No. 113526
I was awakened after attending Vipassana. It is a very rare opportunity in modern life to get a chance to sit for 10 days and meditate with nothing else to worry about. You will most certainly discover some truth about yourself after that experience.
Keep pushing yourself. Progress comes when you force yourself out of your comfort zone.
12/30/17 (Sat) 21:20:14 No. 113538
Can I get what I desire? Why is desire sometimes frowned upon and seen as less than spiritual/meaningful? I choose my desire, it is strong and meaningful. I accept the consequences that the fulfillment of my desire might bring.
12/30/17 (Sat) 22:54:45 No. 113542
Those who frown upon desire are bullshit occultists. That or pessimists who seek annihilation. It is through desire that we move, live and have our being. It is the Law of Attraction in operation.
>“Earnest Desire—Confident Expectation—and Firm Demand—these form the Triple Key of Occult Attainment.”
>The Master Formula of Attainment is as follows: “(1) Definite Ideals; (2) Insistent Desire; (3) Confident Expectation; (4) Persistent Determination (5) Balanced Compensation.” Reduced to popular terms, it is as follows: “You may have anything you want, provided that you (1) know exactly what you want, (2) want it hard enough, (3) confidently expect to obtain it, (4) persistently determine to obtain it, and (5) are willing to pay the price of its attainment.”
With that said, it sounds like to me that you're confusing 'lower' desires with 'higher' desires. I do not care to judge you. If your mind is clear and you are willing to "pay the price" as it were, then there is nothing more to be said.
12/31/17 (Sun) 00:24:54 No. 113553
>I was awakened after attending Vipassana. It is a very rare opportunity in modern life to get a chance to sit for 10 days and meditate with nothing else to worry about. You will most certainly discover some truth about yourself after that experience.
I've been telling people about it and you might be the first person who has talked about it around here other than me.
>It's heartbreaking for me because I found it on accident and I thought I discovered some permanent state of bliss. I thought I figured everything out. So my heartbreak came in discovering that I found the truth, yet the truth is fleeting. It is not a permanent state (yet). All the difficulties you had before you saw/felt the truth are still there. You have a new perspective on them but they are still there and you still have to deal with them.
Ah yeah, that's an aspect, though not one I've had a hard time with yet.
It's the bubble to use to interact with the world, shield of light.
12/31/17 (Sun) 00:42:06 No. 113554
I don't wish to go into a discussion about what comprises 'higher' and 'lower' desires. Rather, in technical terms, is there reason to believe that 'lower' desires are more difficult to obtain? If by 'lower' you mean 'pertaining to the lower self', then one could imagine the higher self or subconscious interfering with the achievement of such desires.
The question of whether or not you can subvert this and force desires despite your 'higher' self occurs to me. To those who are very certain of what is 'lower' and what is 'higher' this question might seem absurd, but not to me.
Is there something more to be said on this note perhaps? I am interested.
12/31/17 (Sun) 02:28:59 No. 113556
>is there reason to believe that 'lower' desires are more difficult to obtain?
No. They're easier if anything. Lower desires are animalistic. Higher desires are those pertaining to self-actualization.
The higher self only "interferes" to the degree that you are in tune with it, you can choose not to listen at your own peril.
12/31/17 (Sun) 19:42:26 No. 113574
How can I become an angel? I have wanted it for so long.
12/31/17 (Sun) 19:57:38 No. 113576
I suddenly felt a very strong pang of pain on the left side of the back of my head, it went away after a few seconds. What the fuck? This never happened before.
12/31/17 (Sun) 20:44:35 No. 113583
yes it's true
why would you want to become something that amounts to a different flavoured archontic parasite slave of the corrupt demiurge?
true too
>>113463 and >>113574 , plus all other interested ones, read this:
I hope that you like this.
I have some good resources. The threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.
This video here, , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."
"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos [Embed] , [Embed] , [Embed] , , [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).
Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.
Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."
Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!
Also merging one of my other comments:
"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos: , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."
12/31/17 (Sun) 20:45:04 No. 113584
remove the #/ part
12/31/17 (Sun) 23:02:50 No. 113585
First time drinking alcohol since developing my finer senses… It feels like the connection of my Will to my internal energy has been drastically cut and poison is cursing through my veins. I'm hyper-aware of my body in a bad way. It's suffocating.
TL;DR Fucking alcohol and mundanes
01/01/18 (Mon) 00:16:42 No. 113586
Why do people celebrate the start of a new year? What is there to celebrate about it?
01/01/18 (Mon) 04:10:44 No. 113593
Is there any credibility to the superstition of not showering on important events? For eg like japanese students believe showering on the day of an exam brings bad luck, or how several mma fighters dont shower a day before a fight
01/01/18 (Mon) 13:26:47 No. 113604
I don't think so. I can see the idea of not taking a hot shower before an event, as that relaxes the body. A cold shower energises it, so it's ideal for various tests and festivities.
01/01/18 (Mon) 19:39:21 No. 113616
No shit. Alcohol is poison. FB strictly says - no alcohol.
01/01/18 (Mon) 19:46:00 No. 113617
I have a feeling something big and bad is going to happen to happen on January 21st. I'm thinking 100's dead.
Can't say I'm positive it will happen, but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I really wanted to put something out here to test myself.
01/01/18 (Mon) 20:56:43 No. 113623
I keep thinking about exactly what I'm going to do when I win the lottery. How I'll save, invest, and give trust funds to friends and family.
Does this visualization make me more likely to win?
01/01/18 (Mon) 20:57:43 No. 113624
alright Neil Degrasse Tyson
01/01/18 (Mon) 22:20:59 No. 113629
01/01/18 (Mon) 22:21:46 No. 113630
the finishing of the construction of Solomon's Temple is not far after (jan. 27-28 aprox.).
01/01/18 (Mon) 22:32:38 No. 113631
Yes, but remember that you aren't the only one who wants it. I'm a neophyte, but I still doubt that you can get something for nothing to this extent
01/01/18 (Mon) 23:58:15 No. 113634
It just depends on the extent of your Will-Power relative to all other players. The lottery is a bad aim for a beginner. Though yes visualization helps manifestation in every situation, including objects of your fear.
Ardent desire, one-pointed focus and certain expectation is the secret of attainment.
You're not really "getting something for nothing", that's a false idea and utterly impossible in a lawful continuous universe. There's always a preceding cause and a subsequent effect. The Will is developed by your own effort, and that's the extent to which reality responds to you and not a drop more.
01/02/18 (Tue) 00:51:25 No. 113637
Not quite sure what that means but I also do not feel they are related. I have some more ideas but I'm being urged not to get too specific on here.
01/02/18 (Tue) 01:21:18 No. 113638
How do I heal poor eyesight? Simply direct energy there and will it to heal? I'm pretty new so that might take too long.
01/02/18 (Tue) 02:28:22 No. 113639
>Ardent desire, one-pointed focus and certain expectation is the secret of attainment.
How do I master this mind game tbh?
01/02/18 (Tue) 13:48:50 No. 113651
Read the FAQ and make your own way, it's not just there for show.
01/02/18 (Tue) 16:04:47 No. 113662
01/02/18 (Tue) 17:22:23 No. 113666
>not cultivating the loosening heat of alcohol
It's like you don't want free energy
01/02/18 (Tue) 19:42:59 No. 113673
interesting. I did have alcohol on NYE/D and it is very heat.
are they rebuilding it or what do you mean?
>The lottery is a bad aim for a beginner
I think it's a bad aim in general regardless of experience but maybe that makes me a beginner.
I assume you are replying to
video unavailable and with a :\
01/02/18 (Tue) 19:43:47 No. 113674
>loosening heat
what's loosening heat? in that it relaxes the body/stuff?
01/02/18 (Tue) 21:30:32 No. 113685
odd, the video vanished, here's the one by Sapien Medicine which will sadly only strengthen your ciliary muscles and reshaping your lens so the problems are fixed, as it's a morphic field (a resonance of information, pure magic!) it does not require water: hope that it works
according to a source i have, solomon's temple's reconstruction is scheduled to start around dec. 27 (already passed) and to end around jan. 28. once it's done, the "antichrist" (apparently, it probs is a corrupt demiurgic ploy) will come to the earth.
thank you for telling the fractals of the one consciousness of the infinite source that is all of us, too
01/02/18 (Tue) 21:36:37 No. 113689
How can I create my own symbols and brand them on the collective conscious?
01/02/18 (Tue) 22:06:01 No. 113693
i think that that's something a dictator would do, as it breaks free will to do so abruptly (I INTENTION FOR SYMBOL X TO BE BRANDED IN THE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUS) Also, you mean *conscious*, not *unconscious*, so you would need to force the symbol on people instead of bombarding it subliminally or something.
tl;dr it's bad and free will breaking imo
01/02/18 (Tue) 23:18:07 No. 113697
Alcohol is an unbalanced acid that requires a base for equilibrium. Drinking water/base with alcohol/acid reduces the extreme effects and causes a more harmonious state. The heat can be felt running through the veins, channeling and cultivating that energy is possible but difficult if taken in high amounts. Like all things balance is key.
01/03/18 (Wed) 02:43:26 No. 113702
Where can I learn more about Abraxas?
01/03/18 (Wed) 07:54:33 No. 113716
Why do you think orgasming to blank mind leaves one feeling better than when they orgasm to something?
01/03/18 (Wed) 09:03:56 No. 113719
Because you send loosh to whatever you're thinking about when you cum. Porn stars are all loosh farmers, even if they aren't aware of it.
01/03/18 (Wed) 11:23:05 No. 113724
>be high school crush
>haven't seen her in 8 months
>she keeps appearing in my dreams
it's not even that i think about her that much, what does this mean?
01/03/18 (Wed) 11:50:42 No. 113725
I have been researching astrology for a few weeks.
And finally i decided to have a look at my natal chart.
I couldn't make any sense of it, and i tried getting a free interpretation from here :
The thing is it was contradictory and it made me question the validity of astrology:
>You are by nature energetic, proud and self-assertive.
>You will not display too much energy
>You work well in groups, partnerships, and cooperative operations.
>You often prefer to work alone.
>you sympathize with all sides and remain exasperatingly inconclusive. this involvement with harmonizing and adjusting people to one another, tends to make the native a little unrealistic and lacking in action
>you are uncompromising, you resort to brute force to demonstrate that you do not give in without a fight. Your heightened self-perception puts you in touch with a strong sense of will, and you can manipulate your will to suit your aims and desires in life
>In your profession, you need to have a position of authority over others.
>Professionally, you will be inclined to activities which require a high degree of culture and even artistic knowledge.
I have two questions /fringe/:
1.Is there truth to astrology?
2.If so,how to make sense of it?
01/03/18 (Wed) 14:23:05 No. 113732
I don't quite think it is possible to "create a symbol" in the way you are describing. The archetypes pre-date the physical world. It is certainly possible to influence the collective conscious, and symbols are a tremendous help in doing so. Would you be willing to state your goal? We may be able to help you out.
You know the dream better than anyone else, so if you cannot discern why she is there, there may be no reason. She might just be something your subconscious pulled together while trying to tell you something else.
01/03/18 (Wed) 14:40:05 No. 113736
well tbf i do not remember most of them, i wake up in the middle of the night and realize i've seen her in a dream, but when i wake up in the morning i forget all the details
01/03/18 (Wed) 16:19:05 No. 113747
My mother's been repeating to me almost daily ever since I was ~12 years old, that Im a useless piece of shit and will never ever ammount to anything
Now this probably left a very very big mark on my sub conscious, how can I deprogram/remove/heal my sub conscious?
01/03/18 (Wed) 16:26:41 No. 113753
Use this video! Just one time should suffice for such a non-complex belief.
If you want to repeat it, use it only once per day for 5 days and then rest for 2 (and repeat if you want).
01/03/18 (Wed) 18:28:34 No. 113779
How can I heal a very painful chronic ankle inflammation? Its been going on now for a year and its ruining my life. I tried every earthly cure at this point, Im convinced its a curse or some shit at this point
01/03/18 (Wed) 18:59:12 No. 113783
>>113779 etheric self cleanse 1 time per day for 5 days and then rest for 2 and then repeat if you want clear all negative energy dissolve black magic and clean space of self, has instructions please use heal your(thy)self from destructive forces, has instructions too
01/03/18 (Wed) 19:00:48 No. 113784
also this subconscious purger and cleaner of universes, very very powerful 1 time per day for 5 days and then rest for 2, you can even shorten it to 3 times per week.
01/03/18 (Wed) 19:02:58 No. 113786
and the most important which i almost forgot -.- (sorry) the pain reliever which has instructions too:
01/03/18 (Wed) 19:47:19 No. 113795
Read the recommended books on the FAQ. For your case especially, carefully go through Atkinson's "Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic". Take notes, practice and you'll set yourself straight in no time. The section of Mental Architecture will provide you the tools to master the personality itself.
01/03/18 (Wed) 23:45:13 No. 113829
>1.Is there truth to astrology?
>2.If so,how to make sense of it?
1. probably
2. tendencies imprinted at birth according to influences of the alignment of planetary bodies. I have no idea what websites and/or systems are good, but maybe try a vedic astrology reading, I found that to be fairly accurate for me.
as for contradictions, aren't most humans pretty contradictory?
"I'll never drink again"
>proceeds to drink
and people love and hate their exes a lot.
opposites can coexist
01/03/18 (Wed) 23:50:17 No. 113830
thank you for the information.
I still wonder why it's "loosening" heat and not just heat though.
I wonder if you are abraxin the right people? haha ;)
01/04/18 (Thu) 00:11:10 No. 113835
Read this first book. Skepticism is perfectly healthy and understandable, so if you don't want to dive in the deep end and when you read this you think it's all bullshit, you might like to read this second book and the other books in the recommended reading list to help your understanding of why the people who believe in this kind of thing believe in it.
01/04/18 (Thu) 07:37:22 No. 113842
Next time you see an entity be calm and talk to it, ask her what does she want.
she is there for a reason and you have been hostile af.
01/04/18 (Thu) 07:41:50 No. 113843
Someone dug out my cat's grave, yesterday I visited her grave and saw it was dug out, it was dark and didn't see if her bones are still there ,and I want to protect her resting place and curse the person or animal that dug her out , I was thinking of casting a spell and energy field around her grave to hex anyone who desecrate her bones, but I am afraid to interfere with her energy.
What do?
01/04/18 (Thu) 07:51:49 No. 113844
01/04/18 (Thu) 15:53:22 No. 113858
Is the Weston A Price foundation the staple guideline of nutrition or have they been co-opted?
01/04/18 (Thu) 17:26:28 No. 113861
>I still wonder why it's "loosening" heat and not just heat though.
Sorry I forgot that one. Drinking causes looseness of the muscles and enables the body to pull off the deceptive fighting style of Drunken Boxing
01/04/18 (Thu) 17:29:05 No. 113862
Psychonauts, where y'all at? I've had some troubling experiences on DXM that I seek clarity on. I call it "The Dysphoric Stage" because that's really the most fitting name for it.
It's hard to remember what comes first, but there's a physical and a mental side to this ride. I'll feel like a sudden tension/gathering of energy in my stomach or whole upper body; without having any thoughts attached to what's going on, just the sensation in and of itself felt very negative. When the mental part comes in, my mind will suddenly start fixating on either a mistake I've made in the past, or something bad that's happened to me (both episodes seemed to recall past relationship troubles; I ghosted on a girl from Tinder I was hooking up with for 3 months before I just got bored and checked out, and then my first relationship that I really got invested in years ago, the girl falsely cried rape on one of my friends and it was 6 months of hell). When this happens, I'll hear/feel something in my mind telling me "You made these mistakes because you're a bad person and that's all you are and ever will be, you deserve every bad thing that has/will happen to you, all you do is hurt others and take from them without giving anything back".
The first time this happened in October, the sensation made me think I was dying, and when I fully accepted that possibility ("all right, well I guess this is it, we'll see where this goes"), the trip did a full 180 into pure bliss - I was alone in my studio apartment at the time. The second time was Christmas night with some friends. This time, the dysphoria kicked in as everyone was settling down and ready to sleep. Before they crashed, I remember that my mind was making up stories to invoke feelings of shame or guilt until I dispelled them (at the time, I thought reptilians were putting false memories in my brain so I yelled at them to fuck off and punched the wall). The best I could do while my friends were asleep was try to not identify with this onslaught of negative thoughts and beliefs running through my head and try to distract myself with entertaining CEVs and hallucinations; I could stare at a blank wall in the dark and whatever I pictured in my head would appear on it like an old school projector. Eventually, this did also wind down into a calmer relaxed state before the afterglow.
Is this mental baggage that I need to sort out, was there an actual entity attack, a combination of both?
>inb4 drugs are bad mkay
I'm a legal adult who chooses to explore his own psyche in this manner, and I care little for the definition of "degenerate" behavior that many here subscribe to
01/04/18 (Thu) 17:31:29 No. 113863
Read this comic everyday and in your meditations envoke Zyzz to "help you make it"
01/04/18 (Thu) 21:02:19 No. 113886
Is there a trick to fading from people's perception and walk around unseen?
01/04/18 (Thu) 22:04:17 No. 113891
I've had with merely blanking my mind of all thoughts except my destination or of nothing but like a dull noise.
I imagine if you take time to clear your energy and calm it and compress it and make it clear it would help.
I did fail at making a pizza invisible recently but ive had success in disappearing several times and had one person say I'm like a gray man (from wheel of time. Google it)
01/05/18 (Fri) 03:29:01 No. 113905
all good, thank you.
I assume you've done anti-inflammatory diets and used turmeric and ginger and acupuncture/chinese medicine then?
I can recommend a book about inflammation/diet.
01/05/18 (Fri) 03:52:17 No. 113906
Would it be beneficial to take notes of concepts and such while going through the reading list? Especially if retention isn't good? Neophyte asking.
01/05/18 (Fri) 05:11:54 No. 113908
I don't see how it can hurt. Do it
01/05/18 (Fri) 05:21:12 No. 113909
So are rich/famous people spiritually advanced?
01/05/18 (Fri) 11:55:41 No. 113915
Yes. I do it and it helps a lot.
Not necessarily. Self-made people definitely are, though.
01/05/18 (Fri) 11:58:40 No. 113916
Are Spiritless Humans or "Organic Portals" a genuine thing or the
>tfw to smart
Occult edition?
01/05/18 (Fri) 16:54:16 No. 113931
How the fuck do I get my brain back in the learning mindset?
01/05/18 (Fri) 17:18:48 No. 113934
01/05/18 (Fri) 19:23:14 No. 113947
energywork, to put it simply.
desire to expand.
overcoming the anxiety of not already being what you want/imagine you want to be, which happens when you run energy through the channels of your body that are blocked by whatever emotions keep you from advancing.
vipassana works fine, microcosmic orbit works fine
01/05/18 (Fri) 20:22:21 No. 113954
>either … or …
01/05/18 (Fri) 21:11:15 No. 113955
01/05/18 (Fri) 22:53:10 No. 113964
What do you do if you get reoccurring dreams and other shit telling you that its your last life on earth if you bang this one girl who you've known for a long time, but she thinks your weird and avoids you?
I feel like this is all a huge joke, like something or someone is fucking with me, but its going on like a year and a half now.
01/06/18 (Sat) 02:05:59 No. 113979
Why are Orientals historically and even now such savage races when they have apparently more wide-spread preserved spiritual practices?
The Westerner has and had no such thing. Does it have to do with the pragmatic mindset?
01/06/18 (Sat) 03:28:52 No. 113982
Can someone explain pic related to me? I'm at the point where I can clearly feel energy in my body. I've tried this but frankly I don't see shit.
01/06/18 (Sat) 06:39:51 No. 113985
>I feel like this is all a huge joke, like something or someone is fucking with me, but its going on like a year and a half now.
it definitely sounds like someone is fucking with you lol.
unless that girl is a bodhisattva or something.
maybe it's a left brain right brain thing? right brain is intuition/spirit/creativity/emotion/wild
left brain is control/rigidity/ruthless/order/organization/logic
even coincidentally how we divided our earth hemispheres into similar functions as the brain hemispheres?
01/06/18 (Sat) 06:44:18 No. 113986
I've had a sense of this before I think.
I dunno, if I move my arms around as my eyes are closed I do get a sense of them moving in my eyes. It sounds like seeing one's lightbody, and I think you can get it if you keep trying. I've had a kundalini rising so my energy's pretty strong but I don't have more than shadows when I do this.
What book is this from?
Thanks for sharing, I'm looking forward to seeing my body in silver..
01/06/18 (Sat) 10:00:59 No. 113989
Energy Work by Robert Bruce, it's in the library
01/06/18 (Sat) 13:33:33 No. 114008
you are Sovereign and can avoid these fucking overs with ease. just reclaim your Divine Sovereignity and order that all negative spirits and such are inmediately expulsed from your Divine Sphere of Influence.
01/06/18 (Sat) 16:00:34 No. 114019
Anyone here as tired of the mundane physical world as me? I never fit into this world and with anyone else, but now after discovering the occult and all those philosophies and wizardry it only got worse, bcause what I learned only strengthens my perception of reality. I have no will and motivation at all to participate in the physical world and society. Do you think suicide is my only way?
01/06/18 (Sat) 16:34:04 No. 114023
You incarnated here for some reason, suicide is a temporary solution at best. You're just kicking the can down the road. Eventually you'll trip on it and land on your face. Might as well avoid that and work on yourself instead.
01/06/18 (Sat) 16:49:15 No. 114024
>Might as well avoid that and work on yourself instead.
What for? To be a better demiurge slave of society and to waste pointless time with sheeple mundanes?
or do you mean I should work on my enlightenment and my occult powers? If you mean that then I'll say that's not possible without also being fully functional in the matrix and earning money. Even the tought of dealing with mundanes or having to care about money disgusts me and unnerves me. If I'd die I think i would at least be free and roam the astral planes.
>You incarnated here for some reason
That's what they all say, and I think it's true. I incarnated here to be tortured and feed the demiurgic machine.
I wish I could at least live together with other wizards and not with mundanes.
01/06/18 (Sat) 17:24:34 No. 114025
Your issue is one of perspective. Focus on yourself and all else will be inconsequential.
01/07/18 (Sun) 11:24:07 No. 114062
Lets discuss death and try to explain it shall we
I think the religions with heaven hell scenario give really the best explanation, cause if not it woud be too unfair, imagine someone like David Rockefeller and all the horrible things he (presumably) did during his 100 and a bit years on this earth.
Now imagine him just fading into the void, not facing any punishment for all the wrong he did, doesn't that seem really unfair?
Imo there is no way that death is the end of it all.
So the question is
>what do you think will happen after you die anon?
01/07/18 (Sun) 13:24:57 No. 114065
You are a Sovereign, Free and Divine Being. I helped another person with this exact same issue and he suicided. Outside, if you reject all the false light parasites and their ploys, the corrupt demiurge and all the matrixes, and move away from the white tunnels of false light and the false light constructs, you Realize your Freedom in the Sovereign Universe of the 7th Density/outside this matrix, where the Infinite Source reigns. Once there, you can return to begin living in the 6th or 5th (or even 4th) density if you want, or even leave for a completely different hyperholographic matrix of learning (an absolutely different reality, far away from this one)
You could even reincarnate in an alien planet.
You will have to pay a karmic payment, but you can repay it anywhere, not just here.
01/07/18 (Sun) 13:26:35 No. 114066
when you die, you are released from your body and can do whatever. escape the false light and do not enter into the white tunnel trap.
>heaven hell scenario
just a fancy energy farm
01/07/18 (Sun) 13:36:54 No. 114067
Hmm what do you say about evil people (think vlad the impaler) when they die, they just get away with it?
01/07/18 (Sun) 14:03:22 No. 114068
Heaven and Hell are states of mind, not places. You are your own judge. When you die, your highest self will replay the entire earth life before you and analyse it to the smallest detail for you to realize what was or was not worthy. There is no harsher critic. You will punished and rewarded correspondingly.
>Each man is his own absolute law giver, the dispenser of glory or gloom to himself, the decreer of his life, his reward, his punishment.
>Karma is simply the law of spiritual cause and effect—we are punished not because of our sins, but by them; we are rewarded not because of our good deeds, but by them.
01/07/18 (Sun) 14:32:13 No. 114070
So what exactly is this psychopathic torturer you call the "higher self" that sends us in this hellhole and then judges us by our mistakes, even thought we are blind and don't know any better. What pleasure does this sick being derive from all this? I do not understand this foul game, could the higher self show compassion towards us instead and help us? Other than that, will the higher self not simply mind it's own business and leave us alone?
Higher self that will judge you at the end seems ust like another demiurgic torturer trying to break you and keep you imprisoned here. I won't get fooled by glorious sounding terms like "higher self", from what it seems it is a mere beast and should be killed off with the rest of the demiurge.
01/07/18 (Sun) 14:37:25 No. 114071
So all this talk about how suicide is bad is just to scare people into being obidient slaves on earth right? In fact there is no problem with suicide? I am acting from my own divine free will as a sovereign being after all. It is my will not to be trapped in this physical earth dimension and having to deal with munade things, it is of no use to me and not of interest at all.
01/07/18 (Sun) 14:38:52 No. 114072
sorry doesn't make sense to me
01/07/18 (Sun) 15:08:38 No. 114074
Well I think it's only bad if you bring lots of suffering to other people, most likely your family who love you and are attached to you and expect certian things from you. But if you are completely alone I don't think there will be any consequences to it since death is an illusion anyway. I think you are starting to get the right idea about your own freedom. I personally don't give a shit about life review or some higher self that will shame me, or beings who tell me that karma will punish me. As long as we don't actively harm people and bring them suffering even tho we know better, there is not much to worry about. Don't believe anything someone else is trying to tell you to keep you from discovering and using your own power and free will.
If I hadn't a family I'd probably killed myself too already. In a sense they are my anchors to this world and my torturers. I think when I leave it will cause them a lot of suffering and it will backfire on me right away. Else, what does this life here has to offer?
01/07/18 (Sun) 16:07:29 No. 114077
I just read this article and got a few questions:
Is his guide at the start all you gotta do? The fuck does he mean with summoning? Are my requests applicable (I would like to be able to draw very well and be smart or hardworking?) Is that too unspecific?
Also, why is it called chaos magic?
01/07/18 (Sun) 16:36:54 No. 114079
In this regard can anyone just explain briefly in greentext all the steps to make sigil? I only understand that you write your intention/goal, then you cross out all the vowels and the dublicate letters and rearrange the rest into some form of sign. But then I don't understand anymore. What do next? And what do at the end? And what do after you are done, destroy them or not?
01/07/18 (Sun) 16:41:31 No. 114080
I've just realized that you come here asking questions without actually checking and following the FAQ. Develop into neophytes first, otherwise you will only be traveling in circles and obtaining no answers.
That's as much attention as I'll waste on the matter.
01/07/18 (Sun) 17:22:50 No. 114081
no, they suffer a karmic punishment.
>states of mind
cut it out with your victimization false light bullcrap
>higher self will replay the whole earth experience
lies. your higher self is an higher version of yourself you are scheluded to eventually evolve to. it LOVES you unconditionally and wants the best outcome for you always. it won't ever do a "life review" on you, that's something the archontic ankle biters do.
replace higher self by corrupt demiurge, "lords of karma" and archons…
read why i am no longer a lightworker 1 and 2, it shall solve all these doubts
indeed. you are free now if you want it.
my friends, the Higher Self is a being that unconditionally loves you and wants the best for you always. why would it hurt you? all supposed "hurts" are for your advancement!
the lie that the higher self is a trick caused by the corrupt demiurge is one of the worst i've seen, and is something that I WON'T stand for.
01/07/18 (Sun) 19:18:48 No. 114087
What you post makes most sense to me. Thanks based anon.
And yeah >>114080 I have read the FAQ and most of the books a year ago when I first came here. Doesn't mean I will fall for the standart dogma that is around in spiritual circles.
01/07/18 (Sun) 21:27:39 No. 114093
>>states of mind
>cut it out with your victimization false light bullcrap
I'm pretty sure that person was right about heaven and hell though?
That they're in your mind. If you believe you deserve punishment/have done negative things, you'll be in "hell", but if you believe otherwise you won't be.
01/07/18 (Sun) 22:42:54 No. 114096
that may be true, but what is certain is that everything can be turned around, all supposed trappings of the mind can be escaped from very easily with just your Will. it's important to know that your mind can make up many things and you can escape from the cages just as easily as they were made. all cages.
01/08/18 (Mon) 16:59:43 No. 114133
*Japanese Elder Voice appears to give a slow obnoxiously Japanese pep talk*
01/08/18 (Mon) 18:31:13 No. 114135
>If I'd die I think i would at least be free and roam the astral planes.
You think you can leave the Ouroboros just by dying a certain amount of times? Bud, you're unintentionally committing yourself to eternal struggle.
01/08/18 (Mon) 18:37:32 No. 114136
Anyone got the book about Psionics that was posted on that thread about evidence for magic or something like that?
01/08/18 (Mon) 18:49:08 No. 114138
>leave the Ouroboros just by dying a certain amount of times?
Only once bro.
01/08/18 (Mon) 22:46:15 No. 114150
*gives a metaphorical ANIME slap!*
We are Sovereign and Free!!
01/10/18 (Wed) 03:07:22 No. 114216
What Vedic religions or sects are the most antithetical to modern western thought?
01/10/18 (Wed) 23:18:34 No. 114235
Just how important having a strong belief is?
I've been studying and getting better at meditation/handling my own thoughts. However, it feels like I still have some unconscious remnants from my fedora days to address. They sometimes manifest as short spurs of doubt when I'm doing my workings, and it can get a bit discouraging.
Is there any particular thing I could do to get rid of doubt? Is firm belief on this stuff at all necessary to succeed?
01/11/18 (Thu) 00:39:36 No. 114239
Whenever I meditate and draw energy into my body, the lumbar part of my spine starts pulsating. That then spreads to my entire body and gives me the sense of floating. I nearly projected on accident because of this. I get the feeling my body has too much excess energy. This started when I tried visualising and establishing the eternal "I", a center of power and consciousness. The body being the vessel, I imagined it as a worthy temple and… the image of a "solar reactor" popped into my head. I felt it for a moment. Like a nuclear reactor but millions upon millions of times more powerful. A mini-sun inside of it.
I felt tons and tons of energy moving through my body for days on end, even without any meditation. I'm not well-versed in oriental terms, but I think I activated two chakras on accident. The root which wobbles, and the sacral which is like fire. The center just above my brows feels like it's about to burst if I focus on it. What's that mean? Anyone who knows more about energy centers please correct me if I'm mistaken.
This is fine, right? I hope I didn't do something dangerous… The energy has subsided and settled into a calmer current, I guess my body's getting used to it. Even if I recall the image of the mini-sun, the feeling isn't as strong either. I only began energy work a few days ago. I don't think this is normal.
01/11/18 (Thu) 00:50:20 No. 114241
your energetical maximums should be increasing now. marvelous and excellent work.
intention and will shapes and makes your reality, so logically a belief is a very imporrtant thing.
01/11/18 (Thu) 01:07:56 No. 114242
The universe is mental, belief is a crucial avenue of power. If you're doing things half-assed you'll be hitting walls constantly.
Pick up Robert Bruce's Energy Work, it's in the library. Practice Tactile Imaging earnestly and begin feeling energy fast. That'll put doubt straight into the trash. Read the Science of Breath by Atkinson and learn the Complete Yogi Breath, you'll feel much better. To further control the mind read Mind Power by Atkinson, especially the Mental Architecture section.
To acquire a mental state
1. Auto-suggest (I'm happy or I'm angry)
2. Visualize (you being happy or being angry)
3. Manifest it physically (smile or clench your jaw and fists)
4. Profit
In the case of belief, for example,
1. I believe
2. Imagine yourself believing, concentrate on it, conceptualize it
3. Do a gesture which corresponds to belief to you; hands together in prayer, w/e; it's symbolic, throw your will into it
Other advice: quiet your mind daily, until the point where you can do it at will all day. Ponder various ideas you don't believe in, but pretend that you do- entertain them. You are not your mind, but superior to it. Mental states are controllable. At that stage, you'll handle your mind with ease and spurs doubt won't have any effect on you even if the thought manifests. Your Will will be too strong at that point to waver like that. Keep yourself above Rhythm too. The books I told you have a few prior ones you might want to check out first, like The Kybalion. That's in the FAQ.
01/11/18 (Thu) 01:31:33 No. 114243
I see, thank you.
Wonderful practical advice. Bless you anon.
01/11/18 (Thu) 17:15:49 No. 114257
What do you lads think about the Fountain of Youth book
01/12/18 (Fri) 14:00:07 No. 114296
Hi all, right now I'm a victim of workplace bullying. (and the management sided with the bully.)
Do you fringe folks have any suggestions to help ease my mind or any thing that can slightly help with the situation (Like a quartz on the office desk)?
I'm not expecting an instant fix or some super magick curse, but would like some advice anyhow. Just extremely stressed recently. Thanks
01/12/18 (Fri) 14:43:56 No. 114297
Passive aggressive plans looking months or years ahead to bring them down is the way to go in my experience. No matter how tough they seem they all have a human side and that's where you should hit them.
01/12/18 (Fri) 15:45:59 No. 114298
Black prop used against 8ch lately?
Using 3rd party ads.
I'm on Tor. I really need it.
/qresearch board mod Today changed to block Tor users. There is something going on in that fake board.
Anons please confirm
PS. so called annunaki alien deception is CIA psyop. good luck gullible people
01/12/18 (Fri) 17:10:33 No. 114302
this also can work for you
why violence instead of peace and understanding? do not hate, and if you are getting attacked, you have ALL THE RIGHT to defend yourself IN ANY WAY that doesn't HURT THE BEINGS TOO MUCH (you can force the beings to agree to a settlement)
This is only if they are violating your FREE WILL.
"I found this on /thestorm/. I also saw and keep seeing it on /qresearch/. It fits in with what the "new boards are compromised, taken over by the clowns" crowd says. I'm not sure if it's real or not. Here it goes:
"You all are being deceived and tricked!
Real reason for CBTS board drop is not mod mis-understanding, it was the CIA black-mailing NSA director Mike Rogers, forcing the NSA to drop ties with CTBS. Q is fake, the new boards are CIA.
Q is fake, new boards are CIA.
You have been given all the proof you need so there is no excuse for ignorance.
SAGE and DEFANGO are clown agents trying to destroy this forum by taking it over from the NSA!!""
How to stop being a TI and protect yourself!: targeted individual scattering frequency version 2 radio and microwave protection terminate a.i. nanobots t.i. remote soft kill shield: REMOVES many electronic harassments stop r.e.p.t.i.l.i.a.n. alliance mind body takeover (video title) r.e.p.t.i.l.i.a.n. archon (ankle-biters) protection prayer (of the true light) banish universal predators white and golden light protection subconscious mind purger version 2 – clean your universe (very very powerful do not overdo it, only 1 time per day for 5 days, rest, and then do it again if you want) etheric flush extraction, will purge and clean your etheric body
each one has instructions
these are very powerful, i trust the drvirtual7, sapien medicine and quadible integrity.
channels which AREN'T to be trusted are: dr dhyaanguru, mind power, mind audio central, meditative mind.
peace, please use this. you are safe. you are strong. you are sovereign. you are divine and no one can hurt you if you don't deem it so. you are a CREATOR. YOU ARE ONE WITH THE INFINITE SOURCE AND THE INFINITE SOURCE IS ONE WITH YOU.
01/12/18 (Fri) 19:40:16 No. 114309
pls go away smiley
01/12/18 (Fri) 19:47:38 No. 114311
That's a gangstalked /x/fag, smiley doesn't post like that, and he's missing since a month anyway.
01/12/18 (Fri) 22:55:30 No. 114317
What were your thoughts when you finally met your creator essence/patron/god/goddess?
01/12/18 (Fri) 23:14:36 No. 114318
Making my own fairy guardian. Having trouble deciding on their visual form and what sex to make them. Having second thoughts about the fairy form really. Kind of thinking a spirit guide similar to Apollo.
01/12/18 (Fri) 23:17:56 No. 114319
I think you should go with an Unseelie by design. You want to be guarded? Want to have enemies of the soul scared? The Court of Winter is adept at striking fear.
01/12/18 (Fri) 23:58:15 No. 114321
>The Court of Winter is adept at striking fear.
I'm not sure if that's a trait I want to inherit. I'm leaning more towards the confidence in one's abilities like playing a lute upside down more beautifully than the standard
01/13/18 (Sat) 00:04:42 No. 114323
i am not >>114298 and i am not gangstalked, and if i were, i would use the videos *i* posted.
01/13/18 (Sat) 21:24:21 No. 114367
> I don't think this is normal.
normal is relative.
if you have too much energy there's a few things you can do. focus on the ming men, opposite the belly button on the backside, which helps draw the energy down. focus on bottoms of feet to discharge energy. draw energy to navel to store in lower dantien.
you can also ask a tree to help you ground, and if they say aight you make a circuit with you and tree where you exhale energy into tree, it goes into roots/earth, then you draw it into yourself.
or draw energy from earth if you're too hot.
psionic handbook?
01/13/18 (Sat) 23:11:58 No. 114383
you can ground into the Earth yourself by visualizing roots coming from your feet and going down, down into the Earth.
no need to ask one of our kind plant friends, although they will be glad that you're asking (if you are positive) :D
01/14/18 (Sun) 18:47:39 No. 114425
Anyone heard of Luther San?
01/14/18 (Sun) 19:11:22 No. 114426
My sister got me a gong so I measured it and it plays at 818 hz. What does it mean? What can I use it for? Is it a good gong?
01/15/18 (Mon) 00:22:55 No. 114443
8+1+8=17 1+7=8 not mathematically correct according to the supreme numbers, 3, 6 and 9
818/432=1.89 1+8+9=18 1+8=9 this MAY BE mathematically correct (bc. the decimal goes on for more, and it doesn't mean that it's tuned to 432 Hz)
818/444=1.84 1+8+4=13 1+3=4 definitively not tuned to 444 Hz
so this gong isn't tuned to the Supreme Harmonics of Music of 432 and 444 Hz
this gong isn't even on a solfeggio, of which the closest would be the 852 Hz, 6th and last of the ancient scale and 8th of the restored scale, known for helping one see and have spiritual consciousness.
according to a very complete frequency list ( , some errors and omissions), 818 Hz doesn't do anything special.
gongs are normally used to resonate to their frequencies or to a very slow one to harmonize yourself or to, well do whatever.
if the gong plays at the STANDARD of 818 Hz then imo (and i think) that it would be useless
i suggest that you get a better gong
01/15/18 (Mon) 08:14:38 No. 114453
My dog is getting put down tomorrow. Is there anything I can do to make his transition any easier or whatever? Yes I've read the recommended reading list.
01/15/18 (Mon) 20:05:27 No. 114477
Burn the physical body so his astral body can free itself completely faster. Also give him as much love and energy as possible and will it that he may evolve in consciosness and not just dwell in the astral and dissolve. Maybe pray for a higher being to guide him and take care of him.
Another question: Why does every-time someone wants to break away from the mundane a faggot come along and cry "escapism"? What is so bad about trying to escape the matrix and live free and in peace without the bullshit of mundanes and degenerates? I swear every time someone makes a post or thread about going in solitude or off grid or making his own community of wizards only some idiot comes along and tries to "escapism" shame him. WTF there is no shame in being free and apart from the matrix. Who in their right mind prefers to be trapped here?
01/15/18 (Mon) 21:04:05 No. 114478
even 1st Density beings do not dissolve on their own. nothing that is truly conscious and alive dissolves on its own. only "dead" beings, dead life constructs, thoughtforms, etc that are lifeless dissolve.
a dog begins to remember his truth and reality, and with the best of the hopes, he begins to evolve to the 3rd Density, realizing his Free Will and beyond. With free will a whole world opens up: he may accept or deny contracts or agreements, etc etc.
But most of all, he realizes that HE IS SOVEREIGN AND DIVINE, like all the other emanations of the Infinite Source (All and Everything).
>… everytime that somebody tries to escape the matrix he gets shamed
the shamers are people who are still controlled and brainwashed by the nwo and its servants, those of "closed-mind", so to say.
01/15/18 (Mon) 22:45:13 No. 114483
I read in "the arcane teachings" by william walker atkinson from the library that even most humans will eventually dissolve because they have not attained "egohood" or enlightenment or gnosis or sth. Only very few people will actually attain egohood and immortality and likewise only a few animals will be far enough to evolve, rest get's dissolved into the elements again. What do you think about that?
01/16/18 (Tue) 01:34:42 No. 114487
Anyone else feels like the older the people get, the more soul they lose? Children are always filled with energy and love. Old people always end up with those glass eyes and short temper.
01/16/18 (Tue) 12:42:33 No. 114501
It's not losing the soul for that is impossible. It's the beating down of the matrix, the getting tired of shit life and other mundanes and the decay of health and the physical body. Once they die they are free and, let's say, restored again.
01/16/18 (Tue) 14:15:40 No. 114505
What exercise(s) can I do to help cure inexplicable anxiety?
01/16/18 (Tue) 14:25:16 No. 114506
Their conscience stops being here and lives mostly in memories. If you look at the soul as a link between body and spirit, I'd say it wears off and the spirit is less and less present where the body is. And death of old age is when the souls collapses and there is nothing to tie the spirit to the body.
01/16/18 (Tue) 20:59:15 No. 114516
Shirts come in small, medium, large
most people fit well into those
lets say you have a weird ass body
the large is way too big
the medium is too small
you don't have much money, you just make a choice
you pick medium
this shirt is actually way too tight, but it's all you have so you are forced to wear it
it gives you too much compression so it starts blocking bloodflow in certain areas, and leads to a bunch of complications
all because society couldn't have been a little more flexible
enough of these one size fits all solutions
pretty soon you won't even be able to communicate like this because it's over 140 characters
ai will make the incorrect decision that uniqueness is a waste of time, because it only thinks in binary terms
how bout we just fix that before it happens?
Why am I able to connect to anyone on the planet, yet I feel completely isolated?
Don't you people realize that your alternative lifestyles are allowed now, but even questioning your own reality will soon be illegal?
Somethings gotta give
I didnt do this long in hell for fucking nothing
Got power? Let it go. The fuck will your title do for you when you are dead and the only person left because you pushed away all the WRONGS?
Pissed someone off by going to this area of my brain.
Dog started barking violently outside as soon I started typing this.
That must just be schizophrenia though.
If I interrupt a judge during a court proceeding, then I am going to jail.
Quit barking, dog! You are barking just because you are trying to disturb me!
But this dog barking outside isn't disturbing anyone because my life has no value in this universe.
Ok great, so I will do what I want.
Don't do what you want! How dare you crossdress! How dare you talk how you like! I suddenly care about you!
Don't abort your kid so I can ignore it while its starving!
Don't let these teenagers play video games because I care about their future until I send them to go die in North Korea!
I don't give a fuck about the military, but I will pretend I will because it will get me brownie points!
God bless the troops!
Oh wait a troop is homeless and has ptsd!
All of the sudden I acknowledge that trauma can lead to hell!
But that troop better not smoke a plant!
Not because it will negatively affect anyone, but because it will positively affect someone.
Ok so beer is worse for you, you have me cornered.
Oh well who cares I just want you to suffer!
Now worship me!
01/16/18 (Tue) 21:15:42 No. 114517
All of society is SCREAMING 'be yourself, follow your bliss'. That's the wrong battle.
What is the self?
01/16/18 (Tue) 21:23:54 No. 114518
What is the esoteric answer for ADD? How do I focus?
01/17/18 (Wed) 00:05:22 No. 114527
01/17/18 (Wed) 01:09:25 No. 114530
Breathing exercises. Close eyes, make a slow inspiration 5 s, hold for 5 s, slow expiration 5 s. No matter what happens around you, always maintain your rhythm. Your mind will learn to focus pretty quickly.
01/17/18 (Wed) 01:32:13 No. 114531
I'm looking for information on chi. Having a hard time finding what I'm looking for.
What is it?
What can I do with it?
How do I use it?
How do I cultivate it?
01/17/18 (Wed) 07:02:40 No. 114535
Can anyone summarize or at least condensate the most important works of Atkinson? I honestly think he rambles and repeats himself too much and alot of time can be saved by highlighting the most important things about his teachings
>inb4 lol that's spoon-feeding
Yes, but it's for a good cause, I know some people have felt the same about him. I'm not discrediting him, I'm just saying that he needed to learn how to tl;dr.
Also-! Have any of you had any success with levitation?
01/17/18 (Wed) 23:37:17 No. 114608
>the large is way too big
>the medium is too small
my ass.
get the large. it's not that much bigger lol
01/17/18 (Wed) 23:55:32 No. 114609
ashwagandha, niacinamide, holy basil, and meditation/awareness.
in my experience anxiety is discomfort with energies/feelings.
shadow-work/meditation/self-love helps it heal.
Vipassana is good; they have free retreats.
I'd say more like their vessel is less and less capable of handling embodiment of their soul. But that assumes they don't take good care of themselves.
01/18/18 (Thu) 00:06:24 No. 114611
>Why am I able to connect to anyone on the planet, yet I feel completely isolated?
Khan said something like we don't/can't actually interact with people on a higher level, just toroidal field interaction.
This has led to some degree of isolation feeling in me.
Becoming God is lonely.
and yeah yeah, society isn't the best, but you can find a tribe/your tribe.
I have, to a fair degree, and will continue to find members of my soul group and friends of ours.
The rest, fair enough.
01/18/18 (Thu) 04:43:53 No. 114627
Does anyone recognize this thing I've seen before? My shitty illustration doesn't really do it any justice but it's better than if I used words alone. It was like a great man-made satellite covered with countless eyes of various sizes, and capped with one ultimate eye larger than all others. It had many voices all sounding like powerful men from around the world, exchanging secrets.
It really freaked me out when I saw it but I'd like to learn more about it.
01/18/18 (Thu) 06:34:10 No. 114633
Is it a bad idea to meditate during the night? I remember hearing somewhere that you shouldn't do it past midnight for some reason.
01/18/18 (Thu) 06:44:21 No. 114634
Do dogs stick around their owners after they die? Or do they just go away and reincarnate?
01/18/18 (Thu) 10:32:58 No. 114641
are lust sigils a thing? should the not be made? i feel like trying to sleep with somone once is better than making them fall in love with you.
01/18/18 (Thu) 10:32:58 No. 114642
are lust sigils a thing? should the not be made? i feel like trying to sleep with somone once is better than making them fall in love with you.
01/18/18 (Thu) 10:33:47 No. 114643
fuck sorry for double post
01/18/18 (Thu) 10:36:39 No. 114644
how the fuck do you stop losing your hair?? I want my mane of hair back, not these pathetic thinning locks of hair. There's gotta be some kind of magic out there for this shit. I bet its some kind of curse on your ancestors.
01/18/18 (Thu) 12:36:22 No. 114647
>how do I do anything in particular
Read the first three books of the recommended reading list and then look into creative visualization ("and then" as in don't do this first or you probably won't get it to work because you won't have a fundamental understanding of the process).
Magicking someone in particular into doing something is a bad idea because you're creating a force that tries to act against every other force in their life (they'll all almost definitely be stronger than your thoughtform) and it either won't work or the thought mass will have nowhere to go but back to you (the latter occurs in the case of something negative, like when all those dumbass Wiccans tried to "bind" Trump even though probably 99% of them are LARPers who don't actually believe in what they're doing; in this case it would "bind" them instead, whatever they actually specifically meant by bind). Plus, if it does happen to work, they'll only want it because of the thoughtform, and it'll probably make them feel shitty feelings towards you afterwards or just generally have negative consqeuences. In order to manifest sex you should focus on manifesting sex in general with anyone in general, rather than a specific person. Better yet, you should become abstinent, take control of the lust your hormones give you that controls your decisions, conserve your loosh and do more important things with it.
If you're too tired you won't be able to focus nearly as easily as if you aren't tired. There might be Circadian Rhythm reasons but I'm not aware of any. If you actually had a source for that information it would obviously be easier to figure out.
Robert Bruce said in one of his books that when he began learning to have astral projections he saw some of his past cats that had died.
01/18/18 (Thu) 16:52:01 No. 114661
Pls, I just want to learn if the rites in it are legit or not
01/18/18 (Thu) 17:00:42 No. 114663
who knows if anyone's read that book tho
01/18/18 (Thu) 17:21:16 No. 114664
I recently noticed that IIH has no designated meditation routine. What do? I guess i have the freedom to choose? Any tips?
01/18/18 (Thu) 17:34:49 No. 114666
We are All God within the One as the One is God within Us, and the One is within Us as We are in the One. This means that We are All Emanations of the Infinite Fractalic Source: Endless Manifestations that experience the Universe and are experienced by It simultaneously.
01/18/18 (Thu) 17:34:51 No. 114667
3 choices I'd recommend.
1) Vipassana, aka body awareness
2) Microcosmic orbit (awaken healing energy through the tao is a good book on this)
3) Bringing in light energies of whatever you'd like. Our sun is a nice one. Sun and Earth energies. yin and yang.
01/18/18 (Thu) 18:23:29 No. 114683
Greenpill me on camwhores, guys. Are women drawn to camwhoring because hundreds of men will fap to them and funnel unbelievable amounts of loosh to them?
Do they start off sending a couple of nudes to a guy and then end up becoming loosh crazed addicts who become full fledged cam whores? Obviously money is a big factor.
01/18/18 (Thu) 19:18:02 No. 114693
Of course. 3D succubus farming for massive loosh and cash.
that's what all women do btw, it varies only in degree
01/19/18 (Fri) 01:49:18 No. 114711
Has anyone here taught themselves to read Sanskrit? How did you do it?
01/19/18 (Fri) 02:26:19 No. 114713
I strongly second the request for a *decent* Sanskrit learning resource for native English speakers. The importance of linguistics to magic is nigh impossible to overstate.
It's rare to see such a concise and correct guide to beginning magic. Successes to you in your psychic endeavors.
01/19/18 (Fri) 13:13:20 No. 114720
First of: unitask. Do one thing at a time. Don't listen to music while reading something, don't have Netflix constantly blaring in the background, and so on. If you're listening to music; listen to music. If you're reading; read. If you're watching a movie; watch . If you're eating; eat, and so forth.
Second: task commitment. If you're going to do something, commit to it. If you decide to watch a 5 minute youtube video, watch it all the way through. If you decide to read a chapter of a book, read the whole chapter, etc.
Allot a certain amount of time to an activity (like:'I will read for an hour') or decide on a certain goal ('I will read a chapter/20 pages/whatever') and don't stray from that. Don't go and do something else in the middle of that activity -unless there's an emergency. Ignore distractions basically.
And third: don't indulge in mental rumination. If you start thinking about all kinds of shit, getting lost in thought, perpetuating thought, etc; as soon as you have become aware of this just drop the thought. Stop perpetuating it and go back to the thing you were doing.
TL;DR: Do one thing at a time; commit to an activity for a predetermined amount of time or to the completion of a set goal; if you get distracted, upon that realization, go back to the thing you were doing.
That's what helped me in improving my ability to concentrate, but you definitely have to commit. You'll often times fall back into bad habits like listening to music while reading something on the net, but you have to keep trying.
01/19/18 (Fri) 13:55:23 No. 114721
Can anyone greenpill me on the common rank system in this board or for wizards in general?
I also came up with my own rank system, feel free to judge it:
The plugged-in sphere:
-Mundane(the common braindead matrix sheep)
-Regenerate(mundane who tries to actively improve him/herself. While still a mundane, it is the opposite stage of degenerate. This person tries to get healthier, get a better job or even his own business, tries to be good and helpful to people, maybe does nofap to get a nice woman. All the life coaches and personal development gurus go in here too. Also this is the last stage a woman can reach, even the "spiritual" women and even the nuns. Since women are all soulless tools without real values, virtues or the ability to transcend their ego)
The enlightened sphere:
-Neophyte(someone who only recently found out that there is more to existence than the matrix will teach him, and he picks up the study of esoteric material and the basics of wizardry and enlightenment)
-Initiate(While basically still a noob, he has educated himself and knows the basics, he also knows about the matrix and the demiurge and is red pilled on the nature of women and many other things. He also got some entry level wizard powers. Already he feels rpulsed by mundanes and wants to find the higher truth)
-Adept(people like atkinson, bardon and so on go here. These guys have mastered all the basics and basic skills and got firsthand experience of the spiritual realms and got a pretty deep understanding of reality. They now work to develop even higher skills and study even higher knowledge and are somewhat good at it. they are qualified to write esoteric books for the mundanes and neophytes.)
-Master(Paracelsus can go here. This guy is highly advanced, surpassed only by few others, if at all. The deepest secrets and techniques are at his arsenal and his knowledge and wisdom is gigantic. Supernatural powers and deep enlightenment may make other believe that this guy is a demigod)
-Grandmaster (Literally Hermes Trismegistus. A god among men, no human being can be higher than this level, or even come close to it)
What ya think?
01/19/18 (Fri) 16:10:53 No. 114722
It's literally right on the sticky and with less tl;dr virgin tears. PS your yang is imbalanced.
01/19/18 (Fri) 16:26:39 No. 114724
I was surprisingly close with my own rank system thx next time I pay more attention sry
01/19/18 (Fri) 17:12:36 No. 114727
Jing is your bodies energy, use to move as a monkey
Qi is nerve power/ emotion/ belief, use for magic
Shen is knowledge, use for reference
Mundane: a normalfag who doesn't believe in magic
>Neophyte: someone who accepts magic as real and actually tries to read the books and meditate; an aspiring wizard with very basic magic like law of attraction, ritual divination like Tarot n shit. You're a newfig right now, sure, but you're already far past what 95% of mankind will ever reach, and most of us won't look down on you like oldfig s of any other sekrit Klub, we were all neophytes at one time
>Initiate: an intermediate occultist that knows enough magic to actually do some, practice, and get results. He's got enough experience to know first hand just how real magic is; most occultists don't get this far, knows a good variety of magic, has a daily practice regimen, can do some pretty cool shit with magic but will still be hard-pressed with more advanced shit like impressing normalfags and warping the physical
>Adept: Like a really good high-initiate, the adept knows quite a bit of magic and is very skilled in it's use, has multiple siddhis and usually has raised his Kundalini at least once; is good enough at magic to use it practically in everyday life, can wow normalfags with his siddhis, has access to the akashic records and thus doesn't need to read books, can just download information from the astral
>Magus: A literal good among men. A wizard who has completely realized his godspark and embraced his existence as a god-sovereign wizard. Energetically powerful/believing enough to do almost anything the All can but on a microcosmic scale, ascended beings who have come back to help tend the gift of occult knowledge to mankind. Magus' include people like Franz Bardon (read Frabato), Jesus, Hermes, and Buddha Shakyamuni
>The All: the absolute apex of our existence, the creator of all life and death and everything in between in our concept of awareness.
>Outer-God: beings beyond our creator, the All that created The All. Completely beyond our complex Sion, existing as a state of consciousness so subtle and refined it makes awareness look like dogshit. Beings like Yog-Sothoth, Azathoth, Nyarlathotep. You will never be them, not without every single splinter of The All merging and growing past even itself through cultivation
You can use mine, I practiced it daily and became a powerful adept with multiple siddhis, the kind that make normalfags look at you in awe and shout shit like, "You're a saint!", the gud stuff:
First get in your favorite asana and get comfy, or not, depending on how good you want your concentration to eventually be, comfy for performance, uncomfy for concentration and willpower. Do this everyday at least once:
>Elemental invocation - Fire; Air; Water; Earth, in that order 12 breathes
>depth point - feel yourself enter and become any person, place, thing, or concept, and become them astrally
>Microcosmic orbit - orbit your awareness around your energetic circuit, from root over spine, over head and down to root, at least 5x
>Chakra energizing - breathe energy into chakras
I'll post some really advanced gud shit later
01/19/18 (Fri) 17:29:32 No. 114730
great advice.
above has it right too. meditation. focus on breath and/or body sensations. shut out thought. get in the gap between thoughts and stay there longer and longer.
btw inhalation exhalation not inspiration expiration
Great post.
good for energy and meditation resources and overall cultivation/health
jing is raw energy, sexual/creation/kidney energy, the energy reserve you were born with.
can be transmuted into Qi, general energy, energy one can gather from surroundings/food
shen is spirit. can cause restlessness if agitated. when one cannot sleep well/vivid dreams/waking up multiple times, it's known as disturbed shen.
t. chinese med student
Look for Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways, and/or Mantak Chia's Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao for beginner resources on cultivating and using energy.
Qi is kind of everything. The energy we swim in.
You use it all the time for being alive, for interaction, for manifestation/magic.
You can look up John Chang/the Human Dynamo or another guy the Human Stun gun if you want some demonstrations of higher-tier chi stuff.
01/19/18 (Fri) 18:13:21 No. 114733
You guys should do some curses on phantasm of >>>/4chon/ !!! He could become your new occult guinea pig! Bonus points if you get him to die!
01/19/18 (Fri) 18:33:58 No. 114735
Qi is the energy that makes magic work. It is your spiritual energy stored in the light body and awareness. Regarding divine phrenology or as in Hermeticism, "The law of correspondence", the lightbody physically manifests as the nervous system, and qi as nerve power. The lightbody looks just like a tree, a long shaft with little branches splitting off at the ends, this corresponds with lightning = raw power, and trees = the alveoli of Gaia's lungs, taking in yin from the roots, and yang from the crown, meeting at the solar plexus creating life, Franz Bardon's term "vital energy", or as most commonly known… Qi. Qi is life, vital essence and force. You have certain amount of Qi you absorb from The All and store in the lightbody, this lightbody is mental, fluid and flexible. Qi Gong is the art, and I do mean art , of stretching this lightbody like a plastic bag to hold more water, more qi. Just like how a muscle hypertrophies, if you take in more Qi, use up more than usual magically, or somehow work it to it's limit, it will hypertrophy and grow stronger to accommodate more Qi. This is how the magus' of old were able to shoot fireballs n shit, though I've seen a mundane with eagle-tier concentration set paper on fire magically but it completely drained him of Qi and Jing for 3 fucking days, that's kinda why you're not supposed to naturally have that level of will and focus, else you run yourself to death and short circuit. That being said, energywork is the key to all magic, to all power. The only difference between you, the microcosmic god-sovereign of The All, and the macro osmic god-father The All, is astral size/ energy, grind faggot, this a WoW thread now
>Franz Bardon is an adept
Hell no nigga, read Frabato , he's a magus. Also to anyone who says Franz Bardon a shit, he's not and if you read all his books and have a bit of inspiration you can literally go all the way to adepthood with his shit, T. adept Bardonfag so I know this from first hand experience
01/19/18 (Fri) 19:45:23 No. 114738
When should I move on from Atkinson’s exercises to the next ones in arcane formula?
01/19/18 (Fri) 21:25:37 No. 114744
Sounds like your description of initiate is still neophyte. I'm no expert though
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought of that.
Its perfectly to acknowledge that men are the masculine/dominant sex and have greater responsibility/duty. And women are the feminine/submissive sex who has less responsibility, but hating them for following what society has pushed on them is invalid.
I used to be on the MGTOW train too a few years ago but grew out of it after taking the true red pill on where feminism came from and who pushed it.
01/19/18 (Fri) 21:41:37 No. 114745
The basic system follows three tiers of development.
0 - Aspirant - people who are not ready, people who are ready and are already seeking
1 - Novice - studying under an authentic teacher/adept who chose them
2 - Adept - gone through the process of initiation under a teacher/adept, achieved KCHG
3 - Master - an accomplished adept
These are basics. Different names/terms are usually borrowed from other languages or used to obfuscate the obvious. Some schools try to further differentiate between their members or to try to hype themselves (senior novice, great master etc…) It might look bland but this is how it is.
01/19/18 (Fri) 22:10:48 No. 114746
>Don't listen to music while reading something
You can't listen to classical music with no while working on something? I'd understand if it was some sort of degenerate music that interrupts your flow of thoughts with lyrics.
I mean you can read/draw/meditate/program/etc while peaceful music plays in the background, couldn't you?
01/19/18 (Fri) 22:53:20 No. 114750
I'd say it's not preferable. First of, your brain can't multitask. It can not process two cognitively demanding activities at once. What happens is that your brain just rapidly switches between these activities; this is of course the exact opposite of concentration.
More than that, think of concentration like a muscle. Every time you ignore a distraction or return your attention to the subject at hand, you're training your concentration muscle. Every time you give into a distraction, or choose to propagate a distraction you you weaken that muscle. So when you multitask, you're essentially rapidly deteriorating your faculty of concentration.
You're not taking in the music properly and you're not taking in whatever your reading properly. It's the worst of both worlds. On top of that, this over stimulation prevents your mind from settling into a concentrated state, leaving you easily agitated and restless.
And what for? Why do you need music in the background at all? People can't just 'be' with an activity these days, it makes them profoundly uncomfortable. They're afraid of becoming bored, or wasting time, etc. I've felt it myself, and I still feel it sometimes. It's a constant craving for stimulation that's making you uncomfortable; you satiate it and it makes you feel okay for a while. But it never makes you feel truly good. If you stop feeding that urge, and work through the initial discomfort, sooner or later you will discover there is a certain pleasure in concentration.
Do you remember reading books as kid -or playing video games, watching a film, whatever- and being completely engrossed in the activity? It feels nice doesn't it. Imagine if you could have that feeling again while doing all those things. What if you could get the same feeling while peeling potatoes or doing other mundane shit. That'd be pretty nice. Well you can, but you have to stop indulging the constant craving of stimulation.
I know doing one thing at the time feels uncomfortable, there's this constant 'craving' inside of you begging for stimulation, but if you work through that initial discomfort you'll come out the other end with an experience far more satisfying.
01/19/18 (Fri) 22:58:01 No. 114751
My wife is semi-greenpilled but of course I'm hoping to get into tantra with her. Any good resources for beginning tantric exercises for couples?
01/19/18 (Fri) 23:22:20 No. 114754
Sounds too mundane. There's got to be a way through this with magic
01/20/18 (Sat) 00:12:01 No. 114760
I've occasionally seen Tibetan Buddhists around where I live. It just now dawned on me that they most likely have a temple somewhere, and that I could visit it.
How greenpilled are such people? Are they LARPing mundanes like most Christians, or do they actually know things?
I'm thinking I may be able to find a master or at least meet people I can learn from.
01/20/18 (Sat) 00:42:20 No. 114762
>brain can't multitask: it only switches blazingly fast between the tasks
this has an exception: supposedly a "physical" task and a "mental" task can be exercised at the same time with less negative effects (or none).
01/20/18 (Sat) 03:47:18 No. 114767
>And what for? Why do you need music in the background at all?
attunement/alignment of the body energy to divine frequency. we're made of water that resonates with sound so music would be good to play if it's the right kind. maybe not all the time.
also I'm a musician so it's inspiration/passive learning of how music works.
not the guy you're replying to but that's why I'd wanna do the thing. I do agree that one-thing at a time is good. When I meditate deep the last voice in my head to be silenced is usually something that's playing music and is anxious without it.
breathe in harmony.
either breathe in together as one being,
or exhale as she inhales, vice versa. share energies.
yeah but. in the end a lot of magic is about such focus and awareness/single-mindedness.
relaxing into the god you already are/were rather than striving to become it again.
my grandest magic has been the simplest/most effortless. perhaps/probably I simply had assistance, but it's also when I was most in tune with my inner godhood.
01/20/18 (Sat) 09:49:00 No. 114786
Any info on flowers?
Also I have to paint something any info on how to fringe painting? I have good enough technique but I usually just do whatever without thinking about symbolic meaning.
01/20/18 (Sat) 21:42:35 No. 114807
I just want to say: thank you. This is what I've really needed to see. I should've popped into this thread sooner.
01/21/18 (Sun) 00:18:28 No. 114815
Does anyone still have that joyofsatan pdf on how to train for a kundalini rising? I can't seem to find it anywhere
01/21/18 (Sun) 02:28:49 No. 114822
Why the Joy of Satan one and why not literally any other book that has nothing to do with those egregoric cultists?
01/21/18 (Sun) 02:46:55 No. 114823
I'm not really into all that demon shit or anything, but it had a very simple week by week spiritual practice schedule leading up to the kundalini rising, that didn't really include any Jos rituals or anything
01/21/18 (Sun) 04:10:15 No. 114824
Here you go buddy. I was actually doing this 2 weeks ago and got lazy. Might pick it up again.
01/21/18 (Sun) 05:11:37 No. 114825
Thanks a lot, but I believe there was a longer one too, one that took about 3 months of practice
01/21/18 (Sun) 06:56:31 No. 114834
Hmmm, close but I remember one that specifically was a training program to build up to a kundalini rising
01/21/18 (Sun) 17:08:28 No. 114851
hello wizards! i'm new here, but i'm interested enough to try learning magick for the sake of defeating jews and enhancing my life a little
1. what is the first thing i should try doing?
2. is digit/meme magic real or bullshit?
01/21/18 (Sun) 18:46:04 No. 114857
Who should I pray to fringe?
01/21/18 (Sun) 19:48:57 No. 114862
Dude, just come to the next fringe meetup! We had a live human girl there last time!
01/21/18 (Sun) 20:17:14 No. 114864
I fucking hate the internet. All of this is the internets fault. EVERYTHING goes back to the internet. There's no going back either. Fuck you. Also my question had nothing to do with what you said.
01/21/18 (Sun) 21:37:57 No. 114867
Can we discus fictional characters and how they relate to tuplas or entities?
Consider this: Some nip creates an anime girl for his show. He must imagine how she looks, her personality, her backstory, etc. Over time this character gets refined and developed further. Then the anime is released, and millions of people give the character attention by viewing the anime, and by thinking about it. Then people begin to create rule34 porn of this character, and countless thousands of autists fap to it, pouring massive amounts of loosh into it.
At this point does that character develop a life of its own? Does it become a deity?
Now consider this: What if these characters are not actually original creations, but instead some preexisting entities that manipulated these chinese cartoonists into creating characters based on them selves? Obviously by being created into anime characters, these entity would then be worshiped by millions of NEETs.
01/21/18 (Sun) 22:23:13 No. 114870
Just try summoning an anime character and you'll see. Most of them are based on real entities, and that includes live action movies too.
01/21/18 (Sun) 22:25:29 No. 114871
I'm convinced anime egregores must exist, loneliness is a hell of a drug.
01/21/18 (Sun) 22:39:18 No. 114872
I'm not suggesting people are purposely trying to create entities when they make anime, but instead it happens unintentionally.
Do you think these entities purposely temp the autistis into fapping to them, sort of like a succubus?
01/21/18 (Sun) 22:48:29 No. 114873
I think there are likely artists that create characters knowing the effect they can have on people, and how these effects can make the characters have a real imprint in the world.
Take a look at the Doki Doki literature club fandom. You have people doing everything they can to induce dreams where they can connect with their chosen entity.
I think the guy who made it understood how people can make artifical beings create real reactions through, as he puts it, a heightened empathy for fictional characters.
01/21/18 (Sun) 22:57:39 No. 114875
I wouldn't doubt that some people intentionally make anime/cartoon/novel/tv/movie characters based on their egregores or some deity. But I don't think that most Japs in the anime industry are doing it on purpose.
01/21/18 (Sun) 23:03:49 No. 114876
well of course not, most anime is FOTM LN rehashing
But some of it definitely is
01/21/18 (Sun) 23:08:33 No. 114877
>I'm not really into all that demon shit or anything, but it had a very simple week by week spiritual practice schedule leading up to the kundalini rising, that didn't really include any Jos rituals or anything
ehh I may be an overprivileged past-life experience-fag but literally just meditate and do qigong for 1-4 hours every day for 3-9 months and you should be fine.
ask kali and ganesh for help perhaps.
that's all it took for me. oh and be near earth to draw in some yin energy and be open to higher will and losing your ego.
if I didn't have humility to allow for greater good and beg for mercy from underestimating kundalini I would have suffered a lot.
01/22/18 (Mon) 01:45:37 No. 114883
>kali and ganesh
Infinite Source FTFY :D
01/22/18 (Mon) 01:46:39 No. 114884
read books… connect to the Infinite Source and your Higher Self (read Cameron Day), use bibliotecapleyades and montalk…
memes are literally information patterns that spread. they got Trump into office. that should tell you enough about them.
01/22/18 (Mon) 03:14:08 No. 114885
May The Adversary not reem your ass too hard in these coming times. Either you're a shill or just gullible but either way, change is coming my friend *tips fedora*
01/22/18 (Mon) 07:36:03 No. 114891
Please don't ignore me this time.
I'm trying to do the first exercises of Liber Null and that one guide from some artist (Psychonauts manual, I think it's called?)
It says I need to be completely still for at least half an hour, am I allowed to swallow the saliva in my mouth? I can handle the rest but the saliva gathers in my mouth obviously.
Next question:
About how long will the introductory stuff take me? Now don't come with that "the journey is never over" BS, you'll just call yourself a noob.
I put a screenshot of the part I'm wondering about most.
01/22/18 (Mon) 08:28:31 No. 114893
Don't pay any attention to it, swallow when absolutely necessary.
Over time, you will stop being consciously aware of it, so it should stop being a problem, but you will probably start drooling.
01/22/18 (Mon) 13:42:05 No. 114904
>lucoa is a supernatural entity that talked to the author of the manga
01/22/18 (Mon) 16:14:21 No. 114909
sure whatever. those 2 helped me raise mine tho. or at least ganesh did. the archetypal gatekeeper of kundalini.
I never did it but I wouldn't bother with the complete stillness of anything other than the mind. I'd still minimize movement.
I can get into a trancey state of lifelike imagery but with difficulty/not usually intentionally. I haven't put in any practice with that in mind, though.
Also I'm surprised that guide doesn't say breathe into the third eye rather than exhale out of it. Maybe they're trying not to have people overload it with energy.
02/19/18 (Mon) 21:39:07 No. 116186
I would really like to know more information on Shadow People.
I had an encounter with one simply observing me, pitch black through the darkness of my home at 3am but it had pure red eyes that glared at me.
I couldn't make out any proper features, but was merely centimeters from the ground and iirc had a hood- like presence in its appearance and was surrounded, at least partially, with a pitch black "mist".
The creature also stood at about 6 foot tall, I couldn't make out any other feature others than it appeared to wear some full body cloak and nothing of its face could be made out except for the glaring red eyes. They were truly piercing.
I Googled it but there's very limited information on what these creatures are.
Some accounts are stating they merely watch humans, are actually demons or some type of extra-terrestrial being.
But every account stated that red eyes are typically rare, so I need help finding more information on what or who it was I saw that night. It was surreal. Something 3D but just turned to face me at all times like in caution perhaps?
I mean I was petrified but numbed all at once and had to pass the creature to get to my room, and I didn't look back closing that fucking door.
All I know is that it was watching me and did so even while I was running the kitchen faucet for some water because there was this mist quickly disappear from the side entrance of my kitchen, it was like a solid body but with a "mist" surrounding it somewhat. It's extremely hard to describe in that sense.
FYI: I had no idea these creatures existed prior to that night.
It never appeared after that night but I would sincerely like to know more. That is unless I really shouldn't.
I'm completely unaware of any dangers that may accompany looking into this.
I can't praise my artwork skills, but this drawing is an extremely basic form of what I saw that night. Like in a full body cloak, couldn't make out any face except those glaring, red eyes that just stared at me.