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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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After Jesus fasted for 40 days straight, he was able to cast satan away from himself, and then able to heal and cast spirits out from possessed people.

His power could have come from fasting (and prayer).

Later on, in the Bible, it says that his preaching was now with Power, and he had the ability to cause huge quantities of fish to enter into fishing nets. There was a possessed man whom Jesus' disciples could not deliver (cast the negative spirit out), but Jesus himself could. The explanation he gave was that such a spirit can only be cast out by fasting and prayer. This story gives further credence to this hypothesis. It also says that his disciples will fast once he has departed (but could not while he was around due to the short amount of time he would be there).

Prior to his fast, Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist. I wonder if there was any special thing about Johns baptism, or if it is it the same as any baptism from anybody, as well as whether or not the fact that Jesus just had a baptism affect his fasting / power.



100% of religious people have schizophrenia/some ego complex where they cant figure out why they are important so they have the most divine soul in the world and that they are player 1 forever and there will never be a player 2 because they are player 1 and decided that they get free will forever and you are their slave!

Fucking retarded. No basis for any of your false faggot debunked religions. Put on your big boy gloves and search "religion debunked" and read what everyone but you figured out already. Then pay us back for wasting time by essentially encouraging people to have gay anal butt sex with aids infested faggot assholes. The only thing that is true is treat others the way you want to be treated, aka Karma. There , I solved the puzzle. You try to take somebodies free will by putting them on gay debunked religions, and your time will be wasted. You dealt it out because you were ready to take it back, and look at that, you gained 1000% interest on that pain too! Go ahead, take it back. You did it because you were ready to take it back with 1000% interest. See how fucking annoying it is for someone to tell you the rules of your reality? I don't know the exact rules of Karma, but I know it's real. Even if it just works because we are all the same person so if you kill someone at the end of one of your eternities when youve lived out every possibility with this soul you will have to eventually choose to play as the person you killed, and you will get to feel all that pain. Dumbasses like youme are the reason that there is so much unneccesary pain. Hurry the fuck up and get your faggot shit together so we can minimize the percent of everything that pain occupies.


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God-tier b8 anon.


Only self-knowledge that grants you power over yourself is true self-knowledge, for knowledge and power are one. If your self-knowledge is such that it strips you of all power, you dwell not in knowledge, but in deceit.

This is why fasting is a valid exercise, even though it opens you up to being mislead by phantoms cast before you. Fasting is a form of self-power available to even the most wretched.


We are always eating, if we are not eating food, we are eating ourselves.






>we are everybody

bullshit too.


Never fast under the direction of anyone else unless you trust them intensely. If they ask it as a show of trust, trust them no more. Fast by your own will or not at all.


Gluttony is evil. Lots of crying fatties itt already, this should be fun. Fasting activates ancient, primal cycles in your brain that attune you with your mind, body and surroundings. It increases your discipline and reduces your need for the dopamine fixes that keep mundanes and NPCs from committing suicide. Fasting for more than a two days has given me a very clear, undiluted euphoria. It also allows you to ride the wave of desire; resisting the urge to eat is extremely difficult and can be transcendental. Fasting is essential to all forms of intense, high-level prayer; if you are praying for a miracle, stop eating for a week. Every single great sorcerer, both pure and evil, in history has fasted for long periods of time. Performing powerful sorcery requires the focus and yearning that only fasting can bring.

Stop being dopamine crazed mundanes and start fasting two days every week. You'll be fine. Do you think your ancestors got you to where you are today without going hungry at times?



We are the universe, and we are in the same universe, therefore we are all the same person. Get over your ego dumb faggot. You aren't that important and nobody cares about you. If you don't have consciousness, then whatever, but if you do you are me.

Buuuuut my individuality …

Yeah in the grand scheme of things there is nothing that important about your shit life. I know you've lived so far without carrying the burden of others, and it's alot more comfortable than being in tune with everything when the world is in a hell state, but that doesn't matter because it doesn't change the fact that I am right. Go read the egg or whatever that poem is. I read that like ten years ago and spent millions of hours meditating, and we are all the same person. "We are one. God is everything. Everything is connected" Ummm use your fucking head dumb fuck. Hey look, you while happy is the same as you while angry! That proves you aren't just one person!

This is a computer simuation. We are just AI. You are too scared to explore this topic so you block it out. I just saved you 99999999999999999 infinities wasting away in hell and you shit on me. Fucking faggot.


When I was like 4 I was like wow everything in this room is me, all these toys are no different than these shitty humans, and I need to treat all my toys with respect because they are just as real as me. I would feel physical pain if one of my toys was left alone and had to fit them into play time. I saw matter in a pleasant form, aknowledged that it was a miracle to even be able to hold dolls and shit, and instead of being disgusting like everyone on this planet I respected the matter rather than just ungratefully disposing of it. This was at fucking 4. I could barely walk and knew that everything was connected, life was precious, and leaving something to die is fucking gross.

You are fucking retarded and a bullshit occutist.


So I am intrigued…Assume I want to go down the path of fasting 2 days a week. How exactly does it work? The entire 48 hours without food at all? And what about drinking water, is it allowed? If yes, how much? Any other bewerages allowed like coffee or tea?

And in picking the two days, I guess you pick the weekend or something where you have the least work to do so you can save up your energy. I guess picking the fasting days when you have a lot of stuff to do is not that good?

And what after the fast, do you just go back normally and eat, or do you have to go in slowly?

And anything else I should know?


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Research, reading and understanding is vital.




If you are starting out, you don't know why it is beneficial to fast nor the positive effects. Lest do you know the negative effects.

Lets assume that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Lets assume that anything that you can do the body is "grounding" and any exclusion of grounding activities is "uplifting".

What is food and how do we use it?

Food is second hand or third hand energy that our body converts from calories to fat and sugar that we can then access at a later time. Using Oxygen and water, the body converts fat and sugar to energy so that our muscles can function. Depending on the complexity of the food, the body also requires energy to break the food into parts that the body can absorb. Thus we need Vitamins and proteins so that the body can conquer the diverse complexity of food and their different ingredients. It is common for people that eat heavy foods to become tired after consuming food because their body diverts the energy into food processing in the body.

What is grounding us?

Food, flatulence, drugs, words and contact with soil. When these things grounds us, the energy goes into the lower part of the consciousness and does not lift itself beyond the solar plexus. This leads to a fearful, shameful, insensitive, willpowerless experience and eventually leads to unbalance, suffering and non spiritual life events.

What does fasting do to the body?

Fasting cleans out toxins and heavy foods from the body and restarts most of the system. In doing so, the body then accesses water and memory stored in chakras, muscles and glands, which releases karma for the practitioner. But when a connection have been established to the great spirit, fasting becomes more natural and when the individual has realized what beliefs and thought dogmas are, they can then unsubscribe from the last physical dependency, which is food.

Who fasted in the past and lived to tell about it?

Assuming any of the following people existed, it would be: Buddha, in his early days practicing asceticism and at the point of reaching enlightenment, fasted for 30 days. Jesus in Matthew 4:1 fasted for 40 days and then cast out the devil. Moses spent forty days with the LORD and then received the ten commandments. Elijah fasted for 40 days after being fed by angels. Daniel fasted more than once and one time for 30 days.

There are several modern people that claim to have fasted and survived and they can be found online with search terms.

Do your research. Liberate yourself.



hey i did that too, altho it fucked me up emotionally cause i was too attached to everything



Thanks for the reply, althought you don#t really need to bring up any examples of people who fasted. I don't believe any of those were real or did any of this stuff, if they happened to be real at all. Guess I'll have to educate myself on how to fast.


Cheat code(this isn't primal mode, we all take advil when in pain, fuck off use the tools you have here) : use stimulants for fasting. Even a coffee / tea binge can put you in a long trance where you just flow instead of trying to abide by the 6 trillion rules psycho douche and control freak made for you.


I fast sometimes but not for religious bullshit.




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Hello, actual biochemist here. I don't have much to tell you about the fringe side of fasting but I'll give you my input from the scientific side. Fasting is an interesting topic and a tremendously beneficial activity for the practicioner. There are different kinds of "fasting" that we should discern between. I will explain them in order of severity:

First of all there is simple calorie reduction which brings the body into a catabolic state. This in general is not very beneficial on the biological- nor the psychological side, the body has a high probability to break down muscle tissue and will release high levels of cortisol - akin to an enduring stress situation.

Second there is short duration fasting, also called intermittent fasting. This method reduces the amount of meals to two, one or even less meals a day (i.e. once every second day). This is a great tool to lose fat but due to the short duration of actual fasting it does not active a lot of the actual fasting markers apart from some lipolytic (fat dissolving) ones.

Third there are macronutrient manipulation diets. Namely high protein or high carb or high fat diets. High protein and high carb diets are not compatible with fasting due to them both releasing high amounts of insulin on each meal intake, insulin is the work horse of our cells and thus makes it the exact opposite of what one would want on a fast. This leaves us with high fat diets, also called ketogenic diets. These release only minute amounts of insulin upon meal intake and can easily be paired with calorie restriction without causing the negative issues of cortisol flooding and catabolism. A ketogenic fasting diet is also easier on the mind since it increases leptin aka the satiety chemical. I would suggest this kind of diet to anyone with a very weak will who wants to "get into" fasting.

Fourth there is water fasting. Water fasting can be dangerous unless you have a healthy body. A water fast is basically a sped up entry into ketosis, your body has no energy to consume and without feeding it meals (insulin spikes) it will start shifting more towards ketone (body fat) metabolism at around the second day. Due to that you should ensure that you have sufficient bodyfat to use as energy, if you are "ripped" you are probably not a good candidate, if you have a slight sixpack, you will be ok and if you do not have a six pack then you will be absolutely fine. A water fast consists of water only (no juice, no broth, only water) but non-nutritive additives do not seem to influence it. As such supplementing with at least a small amount (~1-2g) of ascorbic acid each day would be a good idea. Water fasting can be prolonged as long as one has bodyfat and as long as one does not suffer malnutrition from depleted minerals or vitamins. Be aware that many vitamins are fat solluble and thus already present in your body fat and released when used by your body. You might want to look for a basic mineral supplement in case you plan a water fast of more than 1-2 weeks. Now for the actual benefits, water fasting activates a tremendous amount of biological pathways in the body, the 2 day mark being the first stage, the ketogenic switch, your body will change its metabolism towards ketones such as beta hydroxybutyrate. BHB has a nootropic and calming effect, it also delivers a "clean" energy to the body that unlike glucose (carbohydrates) does not ebb and crash and thus delivers a constant and pleasant state of well being. After 5-7 days the body's inflammation markers drop tremendously, with it different sirtuin pathways are activated, these are highly involved in aging, DNA transcription and cell apoptosis. It is assumed that these are the markers that cause prolonged life in people who fast. Be aware though that in case if your bodyfat is storing toxins you could actually have the exact opposite reaction at this stage, an upregulation of inflammatory markers could happen due to the dissolution of your unclean bodyfat. What causes storage of such toxins? Mainly a bad diet, high in processed food, food from cans, exposure to heavy metals, etc. If you think this might be the case for you then you should rather use a normal diet first as to not overburden your body with a sudden release of the stored up unwanted pollutants. After about two weeks on the water diet your body has started to kill off and replenish certain cells in your body, mainly your white blood cells (important for the immune system) die off and are renewed. This can be beneficial in people who with weak immune systems, only keep in mind that during this stage your immune system will be even lower than normal until the white blood cells are replenished. And that's about it, there aren't really any more scientific papers on strict water fasting that went on for longer than 2 weeks. If you decide to go beyond this time frame you are going into uncharted territory and the question whether it biochemically is still healthy or not is unknown.



continued due to post length limit:

I have personally tried water fasting a few different times, once for 2 days, then for 5 days, for 7 days, for 14 days and once for an entire month. What I have experienced is that the first two days are the hardest. This is when your body is not in fat metabolism (ketosis) yet and is constantly bombarding your body with ghrelin (hunger hormone) to coax you into ingesting food. After this stage the "hunger" goes away and the only impulse to eat comes out of habbit or psychological weakness (such as looking at food porn). Though I am not much of a fringe practicioner I have experienced a generaly very pleasant and calm state in the 5+ days water fasts that I have done. It is not easy to describe but there is definitely a serene "floating above it all" feeling to it. It has also helped me lose stubborn belly fat that I had trouble with in the past. The hardest part about prolonged water fasts funny enough isn't the "not eating" part but the social one. If you have a job, friends, girlfriend and family it becomes a difficult thing as due to their lack of knowledge they'd probably want to drive you to the emergency room immediately if you told them you hadn't eaten for a week. I found it best to simply tell them that I'm eating once a day (intermittent fasting) and that "right now I can't eat". Another thing to mention with water fasting is the difference between "hunger" and HUNGER. Should you suddenly be overwhelmed with extreme, primal hunger after the shift into ketosis (2+ days) then you likely do not have enough bodyfat left to feed off of. Keep in mind that SOME body fat is needed as cushion for your organs and other important tasks. So once you go from six pack to "ripped" you should REALLY listen to what kind of "hunger" you experience and stop the fast as soon as you feel a ravenous hunger approaching. It's your body telling you that you are in dangerous territory.

Happy fasting! Feel free to share your experiences.


Is there a way to fast and NOT get hit with mania?


Does fasting purge entities?



People asking this retarded question are one of the reasons I haven't fasted lately. I don't want to do anything that appeals to anyone who is pathetic enough to ask it sincerely, or manipulative enough to ask it dishonestly.



Fasting is used to implant them. It makes you susceptible. It makes you question your judgment so hard people can stick things into you and convince you that you wanted it.


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why don't you just answer the question and actually help





is the only mask I can come up with that asks that question. I tried others before, but people broke them. For years now I have only used soft masks to bait prey, because the effort of crafting a soft mask is paid by inversion rather than recursion. I'd rather play soft-soft than hard-hard, but I'd rather play hard-hard than soft-hard.

The question isn't even answerable in a decontextualized way. It can only ever be answered by arbitrary cultural masks.



I wasn't expecting that. Wow.


Thanks. This makes sense anyway as grains aren't good for you.


I literally don't understand your response regarding softness and hardness.

How is my question so complex? If I've gotten a parasite attached, can I fast to assist with its removal? Why does this make me pathetic?




See that word shift? You're moving to a different context with an obvious answer.

Your cultural fluency does nothing to establish that your original question was sincere and everything to establish it as the same kind of fishing I use soft masks for. Which is why I don't get pissed at you guys. I understand everything except why you'd rather play at this level than the other one.



>See that word shift? You're moving to a different context with an obvious answer.

"Purging an entity" =/= "Purging a parasite"? I thought it was clear. Sorry.

>cultural fluency

What? You mean, awareness of how I convey my message?



…look, if you're for real, you ought to know I really can't see any way what you just said ought to change my evaluation. I really don't see any way I can contribute to you either way.

But if you're real, that means I was wrong to judge you culturally fluent, too.




I just realised that I misunderstood your initial post. I thought you were saying you didn't want to help anyone "pathetic enough" to ask the question so I started dogging you, hoping to persuade you to help me. I realise now, from the very beginning, you were saying that I somehow made fasting "uncool" and that's why you don't want to fast. From the very beginning, there was no reason to assume you could help.

I don't know what "cultural fluency" is or why you suspect me of being a "fisher" of some sort or what the "levels" are but whatever. Okay. No harsh feelings.


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There's more than one soul group. All of those groups eventually become one group, but it's pretty short-sighted to conclude "you're me and I'm you" from that.

Focus on your own soul group and recognizing the things that are exaggerated and dimmed in importance between you and a fellow in your own group to stimulate growth. If you start pulling indiscriminately from every group available, there's no telling where you might end up (which might be your role within the group, but I don't see why it has to be).

You should be able to feel in relatively short order whether somebody is within your own soul group, it only takes me a minute or two of meditation to know. For me it feels like a slight tugging feeling near my hara.

Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut actually does a great job of laying out some of these concepts, including the "wrang-wrang", someone within your soulgroup whose duty is to live out a line of thought to the point of absurdity to eliminate it from your possible life path choices. There's other reading on this subject, but Cat's Cradle should only take 3-8 days to read and covers it nicely enough as a fiction novel IMO.

Point is, eliminating the "sub-soulgroups" and focusing only on the "prime soulgroup" does not enlighten you. If you were closer in communication to the prime soulgroup than the sub-soulgroup, you wouldn't be incarnated in the physical plane.



…Just out of curiosity, what exactly is wrong with wanting to fast to purge parasites? Why is it pathetic?



I stopped eating aspartame, started fasting every day from 20:00 to 13:00 and my hair literally stopped falling.

Good stuff.



Their flag is reptilian, they're shitposting to introduce doubt.

Just read his post: What kind of idiot would let an 8ch post dissuade him from doing something healthful? The post makes no sense, it's just meant to discourage questioning.


I fasted for one whole day. Yesterday I ate nothing at all. In the morning I had a strong coffee and then a green tea in the afternoon and another green tea in the evening. Also some water throughout the day, that's all. And boy did it suck. But it only sucked in the night and after awakening today. The whole day yesterday was rather easy going without any food, the hunger torment came at night and hindered myself of getting good sleep. I had nightmarish dreams and awoke in the middle of the night once. My stomach felt like its stabbing itself. When I awoke today I was extremely weak, it's like all my muscles were gone and I had even trouble standing and walking. I ate a good breakfast and it took me 4 hours after the breakfats until the stomach pain went away and I started to feel energy and power returning into my body.

>all this only from one single day fasting

I think fasting is not for me. But also I am underweight and basically a skeleton with almost no bodyfat whatsoever so I guess it makes sense that even one day of fast would go heavy on me.



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>he doesnt have the siddhi that allows for unlimited fasting

lmao what a pleb


woah ethiopians must be ubermensch



that's much more extreme than it should be after a day. i haven't fasted in a couple of years but I remember the first day was easy, the first night was fine, the second day was filled with temptation, and the second night was fine. the third day I hit my 48 hours so I stopped, but it could've gone on. obviously I'm not bragging about fasting for two days, just telling you your experience was too extreme to be healthy



I got up to 7 days no food no water. During the process an entity came and put everything it could into stopping me. It started pushing me around and making me slip and fall into a pool of water.


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At the moment I eat only three meals a week (Monday, Tuesday and Friday), simply to lose weight.

I've been losing around 2 kilograms per week.


I'd love to fast but I have an 8 hour office job 5 days a week. Will my brainpower be severely affected if I do a water fast? Will I be able to type on a keyboard and pay attention?


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I'm >>119522 and I have an office job too, so yeah you can do so.

I recommend you start fasting on a weekend and just see how you feel.



If there are chains around you the best way to get loose from them would be to get skinnier and slip through. The longest I've fasted was for 3 days. But I didnt just give up food, I gave up sleep as well. 3 full days of no food or sleep only water. I was seeing shit all over the place and started to think I would wind up insane so I stopped. Maybe I should try that again now that I have seen a glimpse of higher.



>only 3 meals a week

>only losing 2 kilograms per week

That doesn't seem to tabulate. It's all in your head, your power for change, I've lost 10 lbs in a week by doing nothing but altering my thoughts



Since you know a bit about the scientific side, do you have any ideas as to why doctors rarely recommend fasting for people with diseases like diabetes? It would probably fix a lot of problems for them and it would refresh their palate to get used to a diet that would help their condition. Why do these doctors tell patients they have to eat frequently and fuck up their blood sugar instead of fasting and starting over?



Because a patient cured is a customer no more.


I am doing intemediate fasting pretty much all my life intuitivly, but i also have done longer fasts (3-4weeks) and try to fast at least once a year. How do i do it? Intermediate fasting comes naturally, i just listen to my bodys signals so i can't give any advise for that. But a longer fasting period needs some preparation: at first i begin to eat just salad (since i'm eating vegan this is no big deal), then i switch to vegetable-soups, this takes approximately a week (4 days salad, 3 soup as meal), depending on my eating habits before. After this slow inurement the body is well prepared for fasting, the next three to four days are the hardest for me, but it's all depending on your mindstate and it's also a good opportunity to disconnect your mind from your body and really try to focus on your pain/hunger/… as an object available for your examination. I usually drink some nutrient drinks i make myself (around 200-500 Kcal intake a day), and optional water or herbal tea through the day, depending on how i feel. Also it's about gaining power over your body you should find a balance and should feel into yourself on how much you can do, how far you can go without harming yourself.

After the first days the fast makes me feel energetic, full of vital energy to share and to transform into whatever i like, increasing concentration comes with it, and i'm physical stronger. I don't consume anything I usually do at this time, so that means no internet, no tv, no music, etc. This is of course pretty hard if you're fasting and living a daily life, working and beeing around screens, music, cacophony in general, but that's what a fast is about: the word itself comes from old high german, fasten, and it means to hold tight the bids of abstinence. This is meant to be on all levels, to really cleanse mind and body.

I feel just as described for the rest of the fast, this is physically the most vital state my body is in, atleast that's my perception, after 2-x weeks you can slowly break the fast by eating soup or vegetable stock, than salad again, after that vegetarian food, and so on. Key is to listen to your body while knowing when to ignore signals.



If I may ask a few questions:

- How frequent/long are your "intermediate fasts"? The tone of your post makes me think this is a regular weekly occurance, is there any external cycle they correlate to (week/moon/etc) or is it purely a "I know when to do it" situation?

- Roughly speaking, what's your height/mass ratio?

- Do you have any special tricks for steeling yourself against people offering you food? I swear as soon as I commit to a fast, the universe takes it as a sign to start making people offer me food… Which probably is all a part of the plan.

I think I actually used to instinctually do something akin to what you describe doing, I just allowed myself to be trained out of it. I've been re-learning a lot of things I did as a kid and abandoned under the false understanding that they were "wrong" for some reason (like polyphasic sleep).




Good info, thank you.


I'm by no means an expert and I've done little research, I've fasted for 7 days in the past but more recently I fasted for 3 days. The second day I felt cool and calm and my mind was clear, my craving for porn was gone. But the third day was hell, I had no energy, felt like I was going to pass out and just felt like complete shit. I'm going to fast for 2-3 days, depending on how I feel by the second and I'm going to try a keto diet or look more into it. I've already cut out all grains, but there's more to it than that.

Truthfully, there's so much disinfo out there I don't know who to trust, but fasting has been a thing for a 1000 years so I don't see how you can go wrong.




>Every single great sorcerer has fasted for long periods of time

>Also Jesus, Moses, the Buddha

However, the Buddha later said that meditation is superior to fasting.



Muhammad pbuh also recommended fasting twice a week.



I've posted about this before but felt a need to again write about my degenerative habit of emotional eating, which although I am making progress with changing still hits back hard on occasion (this evening being one of such).

BUT even though I do succumb to the foodzombie-mindstate out of habit, triggered mainly by an anxious stress response when facing perceived difficulties (pressing responsibilities and resistance towards growth and..

Ah, these setbacks are what they are, but I will continue to set my body and mind back on track.

Will fast for two days and rebalance.



Interesting. I was able to fast a lot and otherwise eat extremely little a couple months into nofap. Couldn't before and can't now.

I wonder if there's a way to get that boost again now that I don't fap at all anymore. Starting and stopping again would be retarded and risky.



Breaks the chains? More like, breaks your bones.

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