Research, reading and understanding is vital.
If you are starting out, you don't know why it is beneficial to fast nor the positive effects. Lest do you know the negative effects.
Lets assume that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Lets assume that anything that you can do the body is "grounding" and any exclusion of grounding activities is "uplifting".
What is food and how do we use it?
Food is second hand or third hand energy that our body converts from calories to fat and sugar that we can then access at a later time. Using Oxygen and water, the body converts fat and sugar to energy so that our muscles can function. Depending on the complexity of the food, the body also requires energy to break the food into parts that the body can absorb. Thus we need Vitamins and proteins so that the body can conquer the diverse complexity of food and their different ingredients. It is common for people that eat heavy foods to become tired after consuming food because their body diverts the energy into food processing in the body.
What is grounding us?
Food, flatulence, drugs, words and contact with soil. When these things grounds us, the energy goes into the lower part of the consciousness and does not lift itself beyond the solar plexus. This leads to a fearful, shameful, insensitive, willpowerless experience and eventually leads to unbalance, suffering and non spiritual life events.
What does fasting do to the body?
Fasting cleans out toxins and heavy foods from the body and restarts most of the system. In doing so, the body then accesses water and memory stored in chakras, muscles and glands, which releases karma for the practitioner. But when a connection have been established to the great spirit, fasting becomes more natural and when the individual has realized what beliefs and thought dogmas are, they can then unsubscribe from the last physical dependency, which is food.
Who fasted in the past and lived to tell about it?
Assuming any of the following people existed, it would be: Buddha, in his early days practicing asceticism and at the point of reaching enlightenment, fasted for 30 days. Jesus in Matthew 4:1 fasted for 40 days and then cast out the devil. Moses spent forty days with the LORD and then received the ten commandments. Elijah fasted for 40 days after being fed by angels. Daniel fasted more than once and one time for 30 days.
There are several modern people that claim to have fasted and survived and they can be found online with search terms.
Do your research. Liberate yourself.