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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1417375577006.jpg (282.59 KB, 1069x643, 1069:643, Blackpill 5.jpg)



will fringe take it and spread this truth.


bump das right


>not being eigengrau pilled


List some black pill literature


>not just taking every pill and dancing all night long

Deep infiltration undercover Violet Pill reporting in. Take all the pills, overdose on them.


your comprehension of Berserk is terrible


This makes me think about how many black pills are there… Is there a white pill, or a purple one? In all honesty this is starting to get ridiculous.


pills, not black pills my mistake.


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File: 1417445336091-0.png (36.44 KB, 356x794, 178:397, orangepill.png)

Original character, do not steal!


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Hey guys, i have an idea. I'll put more pills into the original chart, but i need your help. Post your pills and i'll put the best ones in. I hope you don't mind, i used yours.


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Pointlessly tryhard attempt at edginess that instead turns out as faggorty.

This is GOLD pill, not actually a pill it is a coin. It has the ability to influence global markets, governments and media institutions to pursue its goal. It is fearful and cowardly, using others as slaves to do all the work it wished to be done. It can be defeated by removing the head.


Sure, go on. I felt we needed some Buddhic character here.


Oy vey.


Currently don't have time new, but i will do a fully revamped version with new fonts. Thanks


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Here's a revamped one.


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Lovecraft, Nietzche, Evola has blackpill elements, Sartre, so many things can be interpreted as blackpilled.

Also a good blackpilled anime is hell girl.


So im trying to create a new chart, and all groups should have 2 characters, i just can't seem to think of someone enlightened that's against nwo/illuminati, and someone that's against them but not enlightened other than Red Pill and Green Pill.


Oh shit i forgot i even made that.
>Greypill master race


I have an idea. Make a housewife new ager/Spirit Science hippie character that has no idea about true occult power and believes in Indigo children, 2012 ascension and other spiritual half-truths/pure nonsense.
Supports LGBT, feminism, liberalism, free energy for all.
Runs after every new esoteric trend, etc. Enlightened blue pill/SJW basically. >>2425 Turquoise pill?


No surprise, it reeks of your faggotry. Will you agree to duel me? I wish to be rid of you.


Yellow pill, unenlightened opposition to NWO. Fearfully paranoid of the zionist plan, sees cameras in his breakfast cereal, hears secret radio transmissions on the heavy metal fillings in his teeth. Probably listens to Alex Jones. The kind of person that wear a full body sign saying 'the end is nigh' etc.

Enlightened could be pink pill maybe, there are not many colours left. Turquoise is a cool colour too though. Maybe they are a Fifth Column aspect in the NWO, working to bring it down from inside. Masters of subtle propaganda, on the face of it serving zion's agenda but with secret messages coded in. Love even the zionists but not their plan so use soft power to stop it from taking place.

I don't know, I'm just spitballing.


I've made an turquoise pill as the anon suggested for unenlightened, and for enlightened i found an orange pill which is a guy that knows about the NWO and is well versed in philosophy, tries to thwart them but doesn't believe in anything paranormal.


Outside of the whole women thing, I pretty much agree with Black Pill. Although I probably get far more into esoterica and philosophy than most who would take it; more an "intellectualized" and celibate version.


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I probably fucked up somewhere because im a neophyte and didn't read that much about the Illuminati and NWO, and honestly i don't care that much. I made this because it made me wanna read books on the occult and such, so that's why i made it. Enjoy


Such a sad way to express yourselves, with sanic/deviantart-tier self-bios. Great way for others to feel connected when there is no-one else. None of these are based solely on facts, but on projections of self.

Putting simple labels on complex thought creates dissonance and bull-headed idealists.

Your time would be better used for other tasks.



I agree. But there do seem to be vague categories that people do fall into.


Oh, of course. I'm not doubting that there are people that fit snugly into those categories, but there is issue. It causes those without a culture or group to fit in, to pretend to fit in. They will try to live up to standards that they cannot.


>It causes those without a culture or group to fit in, to pretend to fit in. They will try to live up to standards that they cannot.
If they do that, it's entirely their own fault. These pics aren't meant to be taken serious. They're for fun.


The majority of our board's population consists of these people. When we call them out on it, they revert to animal-like behaviors. There are just too many of them to not take action.

It's okay if this is their home, but they're like bad immigrants. They come and shit the place up with their "culture" and refuse to change. This is /fringe/ not 4Chan.

For lack of a better word, these "mundanes" come in because it's the only place that will accept them.


thanks for the loosh kike


>Yellow pill, unenlightened opposition to NWO. Fearfully paranoid of the zionist plan, sees cameras in his breakfast cereal, hears secret radio transmissions on the heavy metal fillings in his teeth. Probably listens to Alex Jones. The kind of person that wear a full body sign saying 'the end is nigh' etc.

You forgot "hears morse code in his head and in his dark room"


The world just is.
Why the fuck would I got to some retarded PUA site to attract women when I can just make one or easily mind control anyone I want to? Seriously.
Also; how do you call others delusional when you seek the truth?
How do you determine your truth is pessimistic when you seek the truth?

Fuck your black pill. I am way beyond you in power.


nice anime


black pill detected


That aint orange though, that's yellow….


Nietzsche would represent a split among black pill, see this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yq5yflit9Ws and make your interpretations


You want loosh? You can have all mine if you kill me in battle. If I beat you though, I take all of yours and donate it to charity. What say you? I reckon you're just another cowardly tryhard without the courage to accept or even the decency to decline. Surprise me.


Can you imagine morpheus taking out a medical box and forcing Neo to pick among hundreds of various multicolored pills?

It used to be so simple, now it's turning into Big Pharma.


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It's all still simple, really


Milton Keynes
Midsummer Blvd
Saxon gate
12:00 pm
you'll know me when you see me
We'll debate like rational humans and discuss if we will move on to other things but if you don't turn up with in the half hour i will wait, i will not rearrange a meeting again.


To clarify, would that be the 13th of this month?

While a debate is not what I suggested, I will arrive unarmed. What you hope to accomplish with words I am unsure of though, which is why I proposed single combat. If you have accepted marxism as legitimate rather than zionist corruption & choose it over the obvious strengths of fascism you must be truly deluded and thus beyond help via debate. I wish for you to have an honourable death at least.

Words it will have to be, I suppose. I hope you will see the light of fascism's flame, burning bright to show the world a way into the future. I just want you to fight for your beliefs too, even if they are communist. I am willing to die for National Socialist causes. I will say no more now, until we meet.


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Some people sure are fucked up


> If you have accepted marxism
Not a marxist.
And i can't stress enough if you do not turn up, i will not arrange another meeting.
See you then.


13th Dec


How are you planning on showing up in Britain?


It is powerfull you should all take it


Are you guys dead by now?
I suddenly recalled this thread and I wanted to check on this little challenge of yours.


The challenge wasn't accepted, he wanted a debate. On the day I overslept and had less than an hour to make the journey which would take at least an hour and a half. It would have been a waste of my time and money anyway if I was to only speak to someone unwilling to listen. I will engage enemies in combat, not expend energy on words.

If he is okay with an honourable duel I will personally arrange it so we can definitely meet. I'll collect him myself and on the way to the arena he can still have his debate if he wishes. Unless he is ready to kill and die for his beliefs I have no desire to interact in person.



Neither of you internet tough-guy shit posters were ever planning to seriously meet eachother.

Stop shitting up the board with your shitposting faggotry.


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>being an anything-ist



You two are the biggest autists I have ever seen on this board


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Try Cioran and Schopenhauer, you edgy fuckwad

And if you think Sartre and Evola are anywhere near the same category you should kill yourself

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