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File: b17463f7652ed0f⋯.png (226.18 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, arthur-schopenhauer-quote-….png)


Never love anything so much that you lose sight of God.

Explanation: God who is perfection of all virtues is the only love of the wise. The moment one loses sight of God and mixes up the love of the world (the manifestation) the soul becomes corrupt with impure influences.

If you ever love your wife or a woman more than God she will become a source of misery for you. It is the same for work, research, cultivation, your people and your nation. All these things fall short of the standard of god and the love of them is sinful.

However if you love only god then you have a love that can never fail, that is unchanging, that is present with you always, and that will be channeled through everything you do. If you keep god in mind as you go through the work of life then you will forever be living in his grace, blessed in all your operations, and in having sight of god in every person you speak with and everything your hand touches you will lend nothing of your strength to the wicked and the evil and the good will grow in yourself and all you influence.

Never do, think, or be moved by anything other than Virtue.

Take every opportunity to grow the good in others and they will become dominated by virtue. Waste your efforts in resisting evil and it will only grow. Like begets like; holy love sanctifies all.

The love of god is only for the things that are of God and nothing else. The love of god is not blind. We must leave behind the things that are not of God (aka Virtue). God's love is the only love that purifies and brings things into their correct order.

You must know yourself apart from your vices, apart from corruptible substance, apart from your thoughts; and knowing your self you will cease to be identified with anything other than the spirit (actual self) and be not subject to a false image. You are the image of God.

The love of God is corrective, it is the love of the father, who knows what is best for his children. God is all-knowing and all-powerful and man who puts his faith in perfect wisdom and power of all powers will not be sunk by vices (which he shall disown).

Having sight of God in all your activities, in the whole work of your life, will bring you into a state of perfect worship no matter what it is you devote your time to. You will attain self-mastery this way.

Disappointment, pain, and suffering will come to you the moment you don't put god as first and only worthy object of love.


I'd also want to add to the OP my feeling that you're not supposed to ask of God anything other than love. Not money , not wealth, just love. I feel like its nature is such that the only possible thing he can grant to humans is love, and nothing else. Manifest in different forms, but love. So when I ask for something I only ask for love.


God is a very bad parent. He shouldn't have had so many children tbh.



I think it's perfectly ok to ask for money and wealth and actually I pity those who receive these things and hold them in high esteem. Every random mundane I pass who is playing his part to keep society functioning I am thankful to that they care so much about what they do. I would never wish to be burdened with so much as many men take upon themselves to do business and acquire status and build magnificent homes and so on but for those who want to do it, I am glad they do it.

However there are two things I must emphasize in prayer.

1. Ask whatever you want god willing aka in accord with the greatest wisdom. Ask that if it's not right for you that it not be granted for you and fully expect it if it is. This will prevent your strong emotions from manifesting something very bad for you.

2. Be mindful of your own nature and purpose. You can find this by examining your own karma, aka, what it is you are drawn to, what kind of desires animate you. Everyone is incarnated with something they want to do and which they are meant for. Whatever you want to do, just be willing to pay the price, and of course know the price of attainment. If you are willing to accept all that comes along with the fulfillment of your desire then pursue it, live it, and exhaust that desire.


We have freewill + there are many spirits that are drawn to rather terrible situations by reason of their low desires / being more primitive. God dindunuffinrong and corrects overpopulation with war, plagues, etc.



Which God, OP?


this is a good thread OP. did you write it yourself?



Yes I wrote this myself.


The All.



I pondered too many questions and have fallen astray. Im in a real fucking pickle. My faith that there is a father in heaven has not fallen but still I have the distinct impression that I am being manipulated by the deceiver.



>on fringe

<what god?

Couldn't figure it out on yourself?



With the cristcuck invasion lately, who the fuck knows?




Ive recently been coming upon shit irl, in meditation and otherwise, are very 'new' a lot of it goes along with christianity stuff. I wonder if the surge of such posts here and on /x/ is related.


How can you possibly hold god responsible for all the good in the world and ignore all the misery?

To me, god is the universe itself, the stage in which all the good and the bad can happen.

And I have never found any evidence of god having sentience.



Hey OP what do you think of the text in my thread? (the text, not the image to be specific)

I link you my thread because I feel like there's some really good overlap in our ideas.

tell me what you think?


polite sage because I promised the mods this when linking back to my thread.


>With the cristcuck invasion lately, who the fuck knows?

if you run into them, I suggest you be polite but firm and then post the image from my thread and do a good job at learning the arguments I try to make as to why christianity is cucked. one way they have to accept that there's some serious cuckery going on or admit that they knew about it already and just don't care, or maybe they can rise up beyond their previous limitations and love God without getting entrapped into worshiping false idol figureheads. anway I just seek to help everyone here. It's a good very related read.

strangest thing was I actually started the same thread w/ image on christian which is highly on topic content talking all about christianity in the thread, basically the same as what was posted in the mewch link.Obviously they had their disagreements and I had a few people screaming "HERETIC" "BLASPHEMOUS!" but only because it's in disagreement with them doesn't mean it isn't discussion about christianity, and doesn't mean that it was a false narrative as they attempted to accuse it of being.

I was fully on topic in that sense. as for what I was expecting, I was expecting better from them considering that they believe themselves to be so high and mighty and forgiving, but they covered their ears and screamed "bla bla bla can't hear you".

In the end I feel like they further reinforced my ideas about christianity and proved themselves to be exactly what I had already known about them. Had they actually held a civilized conversation with me and provided me with a bunch of solid facts and blown my mind with the "actual truth" maybe- just maybe I would have accepted that and changed my mind a little bit or completely in their favor.

They deleted my threads 3-4 times in a row while I politely asked for civilized discussion to take place, and shut down my discussion like an oppresive government hell bent on shutting down dissenting views from it's populace, rather than accept the chance I gave them to prove me wrong. The truth fears no investigation, and they feared not even investigation, but only discussion. This to me is proof that christianity is not the truth.



>How can you possibly hold god responsible for all the good in the world and ignore all the misery?

who said this and where? God does everything.

>To me, god is the universe itself, the stage in which all the good and the bad can happen.

God created the universe, God is not "the" universe as we know it here. this is the fake universe/false reality/ the matrix. God is real reality/ heaven.

>And I have never found any evidence of god having sentience.

you didn't try.



>>>/christian/ has always been raiding other boards and trying to "bring jesus to them" but their propaganda totally sucks and they don't listen to logic or reason even when people point out flaws in their logic. they just don't care. it's like an african prince spam email.

and yes I notice the huge uptick in /christian/ shilling on /x/ and /fringe/


bump. no new discussion on this??



At least some of it is definitely shilling. Especially the shitheads going on and on about how 'everything is to be taken literally'. I have reached a new understanding of things of late. I spent the last about 2 years digging my ass off into the ancient religions and trying to piece together the "proto-european religion" i.e. the religion that existed in Europe before the vedics exodus'd to northern india. And in doing so I have come to the conclusion that the truth exists in all texts, not just religious… i.e. the Truth is everywhere, even within lies exists the truth. This is why the truth shall be revealed to he who seeks it. The truth is all around us, it is within us and without us, the Truth is God.


What if the love you feel for someone else, that is returned fully, is good?



*Is God



that was a beautiful way to put it anon.

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