Hey OP what do you think of the text in my thread? (the text, not the image to be specific)
I link you my thread because I feel like there's some really good overlap in our ideas.
tell me what you think?
polite sage because I promised the mods this when linking back to my thread.
>With the cristcuck invasion lately, who the fuck knows?
if you run into them, I suggest you be polite but firm and then post the image from my thread and do a good job at learning the arguments I try to make as to why christianity is cucked. one way they have to accept that there's some serious cuckery going on or admit that they knew about it already and just don't care, or maybe they can rise up beyond their previous limitations and love God without getting entrapped into worshiping false idol figureheads. anway I just seek to help everyone here. It's a good very related read.
strangest thing was I actually started the same thread w/ image on christian which is highly on topic content talking all about christianity in the thread, basically the same as what was posted in the mewch link.Obviously they had their disagreements and I had a few people screaming "HERETIC" "BLASPHEMOUS!" but only because it's in disagreement with them doesn't mean it isn't discussion about christianity, and doesn't mean that it was a false narrative as they attempted to accuse it of being.
I was fully on topic in that sense. as for what I was expecting, I was expecting better from them considering that they believe themselves to be so high and mighty and forgiving, but they covered their ears and screamed "bla bla bla can't hear you".
In the end I feel like they further reinforced my ideas about christianity and proved themselves to be exactly what I had already known about them. Had they actually held a civilized conversation with me and provided me with a bunch of solid facts and blown my mind with the "actual truth" maybe- just maybe I would have accepted that and changed my mind a little bit or completely in their favor.
They deleted my threads 3-4 times in a row while I politely asked for civilized discussion to take place, and shut down my discussion like an oppresive government hell bent on shutting down dissenting views from it's populace, rather than accept the chance I gave them to prove me wrong. The truth fears no investigation, and they feared not even investigation, but only discussion. This to me is proof that christianity is not the truth.
>How can you possibly hold god responsible for all the good in the world and ignore all the misery?
who said this and where? God does everything.
>To me, god is the universe itself, the stage in which all the good and the bad can happen.
God created the universe, God is not "the" universe as we know it here. this is the fake universe/false reality/ the matrix. God is real reality/ heaven.
>And I have never found any evidence of god having sentience.
you didn't try.