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I did enochian and now I no longer identify as human, nor do I want to do typical human things such as "get a job". I shouldn't have to work like the cattle.

Please help me resolve this cognitive dissonance, thanks.


>I no longer identify as human

What are you then?

>I shouldn't have to work like the cattle.

you are just being entitled. be smart about this, or with this mindset you will end up on the streets. I'm saying this because I feel the same way. Go ahead and leave this system if you want to, no one is stopping you. Life is hard outside the system, which is why you or i won't leave it. So get a job, but be smart about it.



Speak for yourself. Leaving the system completely is just the right challenge for a real green pilled man. Only mundanes identify as humans, I don't understand why op wants go back after his insights. All trur wizards strive to leave humanity behind because being a mere human is shit.



you are a human whether you like it or not



What's it, mundane? Everyone here starts out as a human. It is up to everyone individually to either stay human forever or to conquer humanity and evolve. (in fact there is not even such a thing as human, we are all spirits trapped in a human body who only fall for the illusion of being a human. we are much more than that)

The way you write this is like it's impossible to evolve, but it's not. You are only building a prison for yourself in your own mind.

But then again, you using the Pagan flag I assume you are a new-wave pagan who is really attached to earth and humanity, maybe you are influenced by alt-right pagan pretenders on youtube who actually know nothing of paganism like The Golden One etc. Then it's perfectly understanable where you are coming from. However if this assumption is false then I must deeply apologize.


If you were 'above the cattle' you'd have no trouble securing a passive income through magical means. If you can't even do something as simple as that, you're about as mundane as it gets -except with the added feature of delusion.




A true wizard who is above the cattle also is above the need for money.




That's where you are wrong, kiddo. He was once a hueman, but he has seen through the deception and is no longer defined by being fooled by the hue's. There are several paths he could have traveled. He could have gone down the road of aura's and become an "aurguy" (pronounced /ourguy/) or he could have gone down the road of vibrations where he could have gone with the sound and became a fart or gone with touch and became a dildo. Just, op, don't combine the two no one likes a fart dildo.



When you say that we can evolve, do you say that from experience? when you say "evolve" do you mean realizing an awareness of what is beyond? I do not see how that is possible, even if we realize that being human is an illusion. Am I a fool for thinking that the spirit stays constant and cannot change?


I completely understand this feel, OP. Once you learn of the higher things in life, interacting with the modern materialistic culture seems masochistic. In previous eras there were entire communities of priests and monks who lived well-respected and even privileged lives. There's no "natural place" for the esoterically minded folk in the modern world. But some occupations can still be better than others. The careers that seem best for these types are the military, diplomacy, law, and psychiatry. They all have their uses. Life in the military is almost monastic in nature. It will discipline you and clear your mind of most human trivialities. Diplomacy surrenders yourself to fate; it carries you across the world, and will allow you to meet many… interesting individuals. Law will also be suiting to many people here. It allows you to live a comfortable life; it will give you credentials. You retain a lot of your personal freedom here too. Psychiatry hardly needs to be explained. You are working directly with the human mind. You can use your insight to heal and enlighten. You have the ability to treat the injured instead of lobotomizing them like the jews do.

Unfortunately for most of us, the esoteric has typically been something more befitting of the aristocracy. It's much easier to learn the sacred mysteries if you're a count, a merchant's son, a traveling knight, or a poet. Of course modern society has eviscerated all that is beautiful and lordly.



Yea.. this.. I've been I guess you could say somewhat fortunate.. but really thats subjective… I've always a connection but it took me a long time to notice it. I was in the g.a.t.e. program and it was quite effective at breaking my spirit for a while, which I am certain was the intention. Instead of having a growing process in finding myself I found that I was lost so I enlisted and my 'rebirth' event came in the form of 50lbs of tnt going off right next to me. I learned things that night that took me almost a full decade to digest, the first 5 years were especially torturous. 5 years worth of punishing myself with alcohol because I knew something was off but I just couldn't settle it. Was plagued with devastating headaches.. or rather what I thought was devastating headaches.. Once I started truly figuring it out I realized what it was, dont really have words to describe it, my third eye maybe but Ive come to think of it as my first eye and first ear, the one that comes before the openings in my skull. Maybe, who knows, but I can see, hear and feel things that I was previously unaware of.

The 'fortunate' part is because of being wounded in combat I get paid just enough disability to almost make ends meet. But really it fucking blows. Ever since then, ever since I saw what I saw when the blast of the explosion blew my ass to kingdom come I have not been able to keep a job. Even when I bust my balls I always wind up losing it for bullshit reasons within 6 months.

And all this shit.. It's all so new and wonderful. Even when I am at my lowest knowing that it is there and that I was right all my life that something was strange is pretty nice. I see a lot of people get really blackpilled when they start seeing it, and I understand that fully I've wrestled with some things "is it something like the idea of the demiurge; a false reality, or is does it amount to something like a son not understanding the ways that his father teaches him lessons" such can get really heavy. But what sucks the most is.. there is no real instruction manual. From what I have seen every text, every sect, every doctrine, is corrupted. They all hint towards the same things but instead of describing anything close to the full picture they all worship symbols that are but mere snippets of the meta-pattern of the fabric of reality. Is it supposed to be something like a learning game? An escape the room type puzzle where you need to find all the pieces yourself? I believe that is the most likely scenario. But, the majority of what I see is deception and it seems everything comes down to faith.

Fuck didn't mean to blogpost guess Im wrestling with a demon right now.



maybe this will help you?

polite sage because I promised the mods I would when linking

>>120566 (updated images close to bottom) and very related to "gate"



OP what is enochian? please tell us about it


>I'm such a high-level occultist, I'm like a level 56 wizard man

>but I can't get myself out of the workforce

See >>104268


bump. this thread dropped way to fast for any conversation to happen.



Your story is very interesting. Some people might offer you pity for your hardships, but I'm not going to do that. Hardship is a necessary part in creating stronger men. The greatest victories are always won because of defeat. So congratulations on your life's drama. Keep your will strong, for you are on the path of triumph.

As for your other issues. I would suggest looking into the Jungian concept of individuation. It might help you personally as well as answer some of your more existential questions.


>implying that mundane reality isn't in any way profound and worth exploring.

The western, capitalist systems are beautiful mosaics that shift and breathe and dance. It's like humanity has given birth to an eldritch thought-form that has full power over all that live within it's domain.

If you were really something more than human you wouldn't be so scared of fitting in, neophyte.



And you clearly don't live within those systems you speak of, goober.



>if you were REALLY straight you wouldn't mind getting fucked in the ass



>if you were REALLY straight you wouldn't mind getting fucked in the ass



You have a great point. Earthly suffering is meaningless. Everything comes with its duality of fortune and misfortune, it's rather boring to dislike the World. Life is fucking boring in general, at least we're in a time where there's a great deal of change that coukd be done. And to OP, if you are as you say, you wouldn't come to this board to get answers for that question



You two are definitely egotistical newfigs. Grow up a bit and learn to actually understand what the person you replied to meant



you have no idea how horrible it is to live in a world where every place is 100% nightmare mode and that just because someone lives in a place that's a small amount better than the rest of the world but still a nightmare doesn't even matter because that someone still has to hear everyone shove lies down their throat every day about how "this is the best country on earth!" I love trump and everything but I don't feel any more happy that I live in a capitalist hell hole than I would feel happy in any other type of hell hole.



>You two are definitely egotistical newfigs. Grow up a bit and learn to actually understand what the person you replied to meant

Excuse the people who don't appreciate those who glorify systems that are only slightly better than every other system but still aboslutely horrible.



>makes thread

>instantly shuts off computer and runs away as fast as possible to avoid actually participating in the very thread they created

wow OP. *clap*



well said tbh.



Guessing this was a one off experience with "magic" and not someone actually making all the props involved in enochian.

You probably just blew some filters and are experiencing a little psychosis.

Go to a doctor, tell them you are too freaked out to hold a job because of anxiety and depression. If pressed explain that you are a god amongst cattle. Pretty sure you will qualify for benefits.

Problem solved.

for reference:




Society forces you to have it. Therefore, you're not really above it. Unless you make/manifest things with your own power.


Not really understanding here. why make a thread and mention enochian and then just leave the thread behind never to return or explain what enochian is? what a huge slap to the face!















IN = A







the enochian stuff makes no sense to me, but seems like it might make sense to only the most schizophrenic (don't mean that in a bad way) maybe it's only meant to be understood by them.



If only there was a way to turn schizophrenia on and off at will.



I thought that was the point of training in magical practices? Seems to work for me anyway.



>evolution doesn't real

But it do though. Adapt or die.



Project much?



You can, belief requires action though.



It's hard but you can learn to do it. Hope you don't have friends, family, or a job while you're learning.

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