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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I wrote out a long winded melodramatic letter, but it was gay so I’ll just cut the shit. I have no aspirations in life, no dreams, and nothing going for me. I’m a fit 21 year old man with nothing to live for and a hearty belief in the supernatural and conspiracy theories. I want to do and see some crazy shit, and I don’t care if I have to risk my life. Any cool shit I find along the way I’ll document here. Tell me where to go and what to do /fringe/


Leave this rotten society behind completely, it has nothing of value for you.

Leave your humanity behind, rise above it. Your path is narrow and you will walk it alone, but it is the only way. You wouldn't want it any other way, because you have already taken the first step. There is no turning back for you.

You will want to go for basic theory first but also you wanna want to open your third eye and to astral travel first. If you are ready to risk your life (which is perfectly the right attitude) then those things shouldn't scare you. Since you have nothing going on in this mundane illusion of a life (which is also pretty good) you can devote a lot of time for studying and practicing.

No man of sane judgement would have any dreams or aspirations in this sick world, the thinking man would rather do everything he can to free himself and escape instead of adapting and accepting this shit. That's what you gonna do.

You have now one thing to live for and it is your freedom and your enlightenment which should be the real goal. But also of course you will enjoy all kinds of occult stuff on the way that no mundane even dreams about. You can enjoy supernatural stuff. occult wizard powers and conspiracy theories but once you advance far enough you will realize them as just more silly illusions.

So open your third eye and learn to astral travel. Read some books from the library, especially Ophiels books, Franz Bardons "Initiation into hermetics", Evolas/Ur groups "Introduction to magic" The tibetan book of the dead aka "bardo thödol", robert bruces "astral dynamics" and "practical psychic self-defense" and from william atkinson "arcane formulas" and "arcane teachings". Also the Tao-te-ching by Lao tzu. Those books are more than enough to get you all set on your path to become a real occultist. Most other books are quite shit to be honest. If you struggle to find one of those books I can post it for you but I am sure you will find them all by yourself. Check out the two mega folders in the library here on fringe.


While practicing and learning you really should become celibate. At least for like 1-2 years straight. That means no fap, no sex, no ejaculation. Practice self control and detachment from earthly desires. If you ever want to have children or sex again you can always do it later since you are young and have enough time anyway. But actually celibacy forever is the true way.

When celibate you will store up a lot of energy. It will really superboost your creativity, your insight-gains and your occult superpowers. If you really wanna some major spiritual development there is no way around this.

Also meditate. meditate a lot.

Stay away from cults that worship someone or something. Never worship anything. Never give your power away. Don't get caught up in human affairs and politics, always think for yourself and question everything, try out first and confirm for yourself.

Sometimes you will find yourself to be the only one who feels a certain way while every other person will try to feed you their brainwashing and their bullshit. You must not be swayed in your oppinion even if you stand alone against one million other people. If you really feel or somehow know it is the right way, then go that way. Faggots who try to sway you from your path will be plenty. Don't believe anything.



>Stay away from cults that worship someone or something. Never worship anything. Never give your power away

What's wrong with developing some devotion? Affinity with a more advanced entity strikes me as useful along the path.




bullshit occultist

they're literally just politicians of the astral plane

enjoy worshipping entities that have no merit other than the fact that they are worshipped by the weak


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>they're literally just politicians of the astral plane

They're merely manifestations of mind that represent higher ideals and values. It strikes me as completely healthy to identify with the form of a deva or bodhisattva as an intermediate step on the path to the total dissolution of the false ego. Aligning the brain with noble characteristics until characteristics themselves are entirely ascended.

>enjoy worshipping entities that have no merit other than the fact that they are worshipped by the weak

I will, thank you.



I don't know enough about you to say what would be "crazy shit" and what would not be crazy shit. However at the age of 21, I might advice playing the "long con." Here are some options:

There are thousands of different hippy/wizardly/religious communities throughout the world that accept members. Join one or more, then gradually gain influence until you can focus their energy into empowering yourself. Expand internationally and create a megacorp. Make the logo a sigil that empowers you whenever someone sees it.

Climb the social ladder and see some true indigo pill shit. Don't just see it, actively participate until you reach the very end. At the last moment possible, leak ever single document/event you have recorded. Do so in a video where you are actively performing a ritual to one of the gods of chaos.

Try and get into one of the international crime mafias, get as far as you can up the ranks, then once you reach the top sacrifice the entire organization to a deity of your choosing.



Technically you shouldn't have to go anywhere.

You can get everything you need off the internet delivered to your house, and the rest is purely a matter of intention.

Tarot cards

A book explaining the interpretations, though this can be done online

The book "Modern Magick: Twelve Lessons in the High Magickal Arts" by Donald Michael Craig

Whatever supplies he recommends beyond the tarot cards

That's a good kick starter into the realm of magical practice.

Hard mode: Go to Nepal and wait for a "teacher" to present themselves.




>literally a meme

>implying any sane person would ever want to lock up and stifle their sexual energy

>implying anyone should ever take any advice of any kind ever from a Xian

This is why we can't have nice things.



hail hitler shadilay kill nofap soyboys brvdder!




Obtain a strong psychedelic, a secure room (where you will not be interrupted), an easy chair, a full length mirror, small table, long burning candle and holder. Hammer a nail in the door so you can nor easily get out. Take the psychedelic. sit in the chair, facing the mirror, the table between, candle in its holder on the table. When you begin to feel the psychedelic, light the candle. Close you eyes, center, begin to meditate until you feel the high stronger, then open your eyes, and fix your gaze on the center of your forehead. Concentrate on nothing else. It may take a few hours of a few minutes before you start to see what you need to.



Nofap is a meme but celibacy is not. This advice does not come from a xian but from various buddhist and gnostic sources and is entertained even by occult masters who lived long before the nofap meme even existed.

You have neither knowledge nor the ability to see and yet you talk about stuff like you know.

>lock up and stifle their sexual energy

You keep it inside you and make direct use of it to attain insight and powers. Instead of wasting it pointlessly on silly short term pleasures.

It is a shame that so many people are braindead to the point where they can only talk in memes and only see what is exactly designed for the stupid masses to see. A culture of mindless drones has arrived in fringe and is ruining it. Even the nofap threads are gone now. There are neither quality threads nor quality posts left. It has come to this state. I wish OP at least reads some books from the library here.



That would be pretty cool.



do you have any links for websites that show the plain text version of

>Ophiels books

>Evolas/Ur groups

>Evolas/Ur groups "Introduction to magic"

>The tibetan book of the dead aka "bardo thödol",

>robert bruces "astral dynamics" and

>"practical psychic self-defense" and from

>william atkinson "arcane formulas" and

>"arcane teachings".

>Also the Tao-te-ching by Lao tzu.

I just don't want to get some fake version, but I would like to do some reading on it. if you can post it it would be really nice. thanks for reading my post anyway.



I agree with a bunch of this but I believe in God (the one and only God) without any connection to any religion. just "GOD".

see my thread on this.

polite sage because I promised the mods I would if I link my thread.




yea it's one of the things I didn't agree with. here's some of my theories.

I am not a doctor but I have some interesting theories on nofap.

I seriously believe that the SJW's that invented nofap brainwashing are trying to get men to store up their fluids so that they lose their minds and fuck a normalfag woman and she gets all that stored up magic shot into her vagoo and steals all the energy for herself. maybe this is where the succubus and siren myths and legends come from? succubi steal your energy usually in a sexual way, while sirens are loud and annoying women who lure men in with their songs or whining and complaining and then they "GET THEM" sounds spooky right? succubi and sirens sound exactly like the ancient myths and legends and folklore version of feminists, sjw's, and gold diggers who try to pretend they are nice and then marry and divorce a man and take everything he owns. these types of predatory women are just as equally guilty of being "pump and dumpers" as some of the shitty kinds guys are. I'm not being biased here because of course there are good guys, and there are good women.

what about blood tests? nofappers are so afraid to lose their special energy but you never hear them talking about blood tests. If it's so bad to fap and "lose" your energy then do nofappers also never take blood tests to see if they might have cancer or something?

some mothers who give birth actually dry and encapsulate their placenta and swallow the pills to gain back their lost hormones/energy. this is actually a real thing.

would the same apply if people who are afraid to lose their energy from fapping just reabsorbed their own fluids? like, drank those fluids?

many nofappers talk about how you store large amounts of energy inside your fluids and that fapping makes you lose that energy. It's important for people to train themselves to store large amounts of energy everywhere else first as a priority and then allow it to fill the fluid energy store as a last priority after everything else is fully charged.

nofappers are always talking about how you lose nutrients when you fap, but we should actually analyze and study what those nutrients are that are lost and then create a meal plan that gives the body back more nutrients than what are being lost. good nutrition, possibly combined with "not wasting" what you make, fapping much less often, and training yourself to store energy in safer and more efficient ways with better prioritization might be more than enough to prevent most if not all the drawbacks of fapping. most people (not assuming any of us are "most people") are going to go get blood tests at some point or another, and as a result your body has to make up that lost blood, and for that your body needs nutrients.





Another thing that nofappers fail to consider is that when you reach climax you can direct that energy and focus it into good things. It doesn't have to just disappear.




>Obtain a strong psychedelic drug

>a secure room (where you will not be interrupted or found if you OD)

>an easy chair, a full length mirror, small table, long burning candle and holder.

>Hammer a nail in the door so you can nor easily get out while your tripping the fuck out of your mind

>Take the psychedelic drug. sit in the chair, facing the mirror, the table between, candle in its holder on the table.

>When you begin to feel the psychedelic, light the candle. Close you eyes, center, begin to meditate until you feel the high stronger, and feel everything getting warming then open your eyes, and fix your gaze on the center of your forehead. Concentrate on nothing else. It may take a few minutes before you start to notice the whole fucking room is on fire and you can't get out because you nailed the door shut and knocked the candle over while you were tripping balls



>It is a shame that so many people are braindead to the point where they can only talk in memes and only see what is exactly designed for the stupid masses to see. A culture of mindless drones has arrived in fringe and is ruining it.

- everyone who doesn't agree with me

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