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I've always considered this. This is what ancient cultures and societies were talking about when they produced the allegory of "evil blood magic". By using such injections bypassing the two main immune barriers (skin and lungs) you can directly "taint" someone's blood, as in the way of blood magic, in away that leaves them permanently altered with whatever you decided to inject them with.

Like circumcision, it is primarily pushed upon those too young to resist, who don't know the risks. It has also been pushed using the group mentality of shaming those who don't perform it (eww, head cheese? Who wants that?; fuck off, anti-vaxxing scum!)

As an American I was subject to one of the most aggresive injection schedule in the world. As soon as they started coming, I developed asthma, started to become pale, sickly, and had to be hooked up to a nebulizer for hours a day. I dug up some old health records and was shocked to see the correlation of my failing health (even at youth) to the vaccination schedule.

Also I'm curious if there is any coming back from this. Once you've been fucked on such a deep (blood) level, is there any chance? I've always been pale, sickly, and generally felt shitty ever since my youth when this all happened first.

Will this sickness, this eternal infection, be passed to our children through our sperm, or would it be only the baby's mother who has to worry about that?


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It's a long journey to get back from the drawbacks of vaccines. I recommend drinking distilled water/juice, eating alkaline foods and avoiding meat and dairy. Learn to heal yourself spiritually for the ignorance of yourself and those around you. It's not your fault. The system is designed to create patients and people that are dependent on the system. That is why the system will never provide a complete solution of well being, because they can't earn profit of immortal people as long as their powers are suppressed.

Physically, the vaccines contain: a mercury compound designed to get your body to attack it quicker; a diluted dead version of the virus; some other metals like aluminum, copper, gold or silver; (and if conspiracy theories be true: nano robots and eye floaters).

Mental effects are varied and depends on the specific vaccine, but the general idea is that some vaccines are linked to autistic behavior which may create autism (but vaxxers will claim there is no link), also affects the glands, diet, metabolism of the individual.

In order to fight the negative effects that vaccines supposedly have, you'll have to work spiritually on getting to know both your emotional and intellectual side and balance them, while fending off against: selfishness, complaining and destructive behavior; and rather work towards: giving, helping, uplifting, community and creation.

I am sorry to hear that you are on of many to be a victim of the system. Now you can only climb with your newly gained knowledge. All solutions the system provide are solutions to problems the system created. No doctor will recommend eating what nature provided to the humans for thousands of years, and would rather accept heavy bribes from pharmaceutical companies while creating more patients.



I have reasons to believe that people with aspergers have more active neanderthal DNA, and also know that neanderthals ate a diet of 90% meat. It's more likely to be cheese but good luck trying to get anyone to accept that. With that knowledge I'm going to suggest anyone with aspergers to eat mostly meat and avoid any non-vegetables.

Neanderthals were the real human beans. People with aspergers are also the only ones to get work done.


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While I do agree that any form of mutilation towards an infant should be cruel and disbanded completely, there is some level of necessity with vaccinations.

I personally hold that mankind should develop akin to ancient Greece where science, philosophy, and spirituality all meshed together. Every hand held one another, each was rounded by the last's ideas. A vaccination's purpose is to render someone more resistant (or in most vac's cases a full immunity) towards specific pathogens and diseases. It's the reason you don't see a lot of polio, measles, mumps, and other sorts of nasty infections. IIRC, smallpox has essentially been wiped off of the face of the earth because of the vaccine developed for it (the only surviving strains freeze-dried at the CDC).

If we look at the contents of a vaccine see:


We can see that most of the additives are of an organic nature. The only thing that actively concerns me would be the formaldehyde as humans (being a rare mammal exception) don't generally have formaldehydase, an enzyme which reduces levels of formaldehyde in the body. But at the small levels it's at (mostly ppm here) I would assume it would be so minuscule it wouldn't have a negative effect unless someone is hypersensitive to it.

There is an organomercury compound but this type has been shown time and time again to be essentially inert and only good as a preservative. From a chemical standpoint this also makes sense as you can render horribly volatile and dangerous elements inert and safe simply by bonding them in the correct manner. Sodium chloride, salt, is the best example taking explosive sodium and toxic chlorine and by simple synthesis creating table salt, something humans and other animals need to live.

If you're looking for a target the best option would probably be through the human albumin. Even though it's just a serum of proteins it would probably come from a human donor.

Blood magic is the principle of manipulation of life force, thusly it would be much easier to manipulate an existing host's life energies by utilizing an existing (miserable) host. It's like inoculating suffering. Who would be the ones to donate their blood plasma (human serum albumin)? Those who are desperate for money? Those who want to donate themselves? Those who feel it is their civic duty?

Generally it would probably come from the first option above. Who would be desperate for money? Lower class individuals scraping life together by their bootstraps and shoestrings. That is how you inoculate suffering. Whether or not it's 'concentration' keeps however would be the matter of debate.



>It's more likely to be cheese

Your phrasing confused me slightly, am I correct in interpreting this as "the culprit is more likely to be cheese"?

I'd be inclined to agree, though I'd have said "dairy", with cheese being the hardest for most people to give up. Is there a reason you singled cheese out specifically?



I meant neanderthals most likely ate a lot of cheese or yogurt. Their teeth would be much more eroded if that wasn't the case.



It has been proven from many angles that cheese is simply not good for you.



Tell me why.



Cheese eater master race. My ethnic group is well adapted to consume cheese so it's not bad for me.



>I'm curious if there is any coming back from this

Purifying your body through raw vegan diet should build up a healthier immune system, at least until you fix back up, then you can move back to more degenerate diets. If you don't think you can go straight into raw vegan, start as vegetarian, then move onto vegan first.

>Will this sickness, this eternal infection, be passed to our children through our sperm

Just make sure not to vaccinate your children.



>eye floaters

Can you tell me some more about this, because I don't know much about these. I mainly just want to know what the eye-floaters actually are because I've been thinking about it lately.



>A vaccination's purpose is to render someone more resistant (or in most vac's cases a full immunity) towards specific pathogens and diseases

In a society based upon profit, there will be intentional vulnerabilities that mutate the infection (primarily with flu vaccines) to create more strains, leading to more vaccinations, leading to more profit. I agree that a mankind should blend science, philosophy and spirituality together, but in a society based upon development for profit, none of those things are sacred anymore; everything is exploited for selfish gain.



>Cheese eater master race

top kek this is so retarted




OP read the diet and fitness threads and vegan karma threads too so you can get a bunch of cool info and watch the shills rip their hair out while everyone becomes healthier. the shills HATE eating healthy. (for other people) because healthy people take less drugs and go to the doctor/hospital less than sick people so ((they)) make less money.

they have been trying to slide these threads like CRAZY too, besides all the troll posts inside.

check for the vegan guide it's really cool.





Wow nice meme you got there. I'm a hardcore vegan and I have severe autism and I'm doing great physically.



Yea I don't trust you. Funny thing is that they don't even need to add mercury to the vaccines as a preservative because supposedly it's only added to "multi-use" vials which is total bullshit because they could save everyone the trouble and make single use dosages instead without mercury, but they wont because they want people full of the stuff.


I don't know if this is true but I heard somewhere (I'm Not a doctor so don't trust me) that if you eat spirulina and kelp to get iodine, take very small doses of borax to get boron, eat brazil nuts to get big doses of selenium (not more than one nut a day and not for more than a week straight) and pectin from high pectin fruits, high vitamin C fruits, as well as garlic and onions and turmeric, ginger, lemon balm, and a high fiber diet from complex carbs only like rye, buckwheat, oats, dark colored beans like black and red, lentils, peas, ground flax and chia seeds, optiMSM from vitaminshop, and magnesium chloride for bath soaks, b12 methylcobalamin, D3 cholecalciferol, and drinking large amounts of water and get enough silica (horsetail), copper, zinc, (from nuts and seeds and fruits and vegetables because high zinc/copper animal foods are loaded with mercury and other bad things) - that you can drastically remove large amounts of lead, fluoride, mercury, radioactive shit, aluminum, and all sorts of other horrible crap from your body.

I'm Not a doctor. ask your doctor before doing or stopping anything.


Embrace anger. It is important to remember that blood sorcery is not always malevolent or parasitic. Great purity and beauty can arise from the practice. It is the human, more specifically Jewish, malevolence and parasitism that you should focus on. The intent behind non-legitimate vaccines (many of the older vaccines ware legit: polio, measles etc.) is deeply negative. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. With enough effort on your part, the pendulum can swing back in your favor. But to initiate this, you must overcome the inertia that the ZOG has cursed you with and gain sorcerous momentum against the karmic vacuum possessed by these child mutilators. And for this to begin, you must embrace the fire of anger and allow it to consume you. Also, eat raw red meat every day. Stop listening to these vegan fags. You (along with all of us) have a serious blood energy deficit. Start eating like a lion. Do not accept your status as a piece of human prey. There is extremely powerful sorcery on your side – you just need to harness it.



>Embrace anger.

>you must embrace the fire of anger and allow it to consume you.

>Also, eat raw red meat every day.

satanic "sith" advice.

>Stop listening to these vegan fags.

why? because everyone who eats healthy is a gay pussy?

>Start eating like a lion. Do not accept your status as a piece of human prey.

Wow so edgy and manly, rawr lion so tough, so wild, wow.

>specifically Jewish, malevolence and parasitism (I agree that this is real because the bible warns of the fake jews of the synagog of satan more than once) I'm sure you just threw this in with the rest of what you're saying for credibility

>There is extremely powerful sorcery on your side – you just need to harness it. (by eating shit and getting really unhealthy so that the jews can make a load of money from your prescription meds and hospital bills)

>ouroboros flag

>snake eating it's own tail

>always hungry

>always eating

>never full

>always hurt and damaged

>always healing and always growing

>never complete




>Satanic "sith" advice

Anger isn't even remotely satanic, in fact it is divine when it is warranted. Eating raw red meat is what caused man to come closer to divinity. Reject patheticness.



Feel free to choose one, and only one, of the above!

>Edgy xD blah blah

This is so unwizardly that I won't dignify it with a response.

>The ZOG is responsible

I'm glad we agree on this, but it's the premise in which I base the rest of my post. The objective should be vengeance against the deceivers – not for the sake of us as individuals, but instead so that no child will be mutilated by blood sorcery again. This vengeance (POGROM) is not possible if we are a bunch of vegan pacifists who fear our own darkness.

>Trivializing and demeaning Ourobouros – the world serpent

You're only hurting yourself.



>I'm Not a doctor so don't trust me

I'd trust you less if you were a doctor to be completely honest.



>eat raw meat to make yourself a


>implying making yourself a predator

>rather than prey

Except people here (including you) are most likely paying for the meat, taking away the predator aspect.

>There is extremely powerful sorcery on your side

What sorcery are you talking about?



>anger is divine

Anger is a negative emotion, and the divine aims for positive frequencies. Therefore I'm going to have to disagree. State your reasoning anyway though.

>Eating raw red meat is what caused man to come closer to divinity

If anything, it brought them away from it.

>Reject patheticness

>implying healthy eating is pathetic

State your reasoning.

>a bunch of vegan pacifists who fear our own darkness

Veganism and pacifism aren't linked together. Hypothetically speaking, if two people with identical strength were to match the protein nutrients found in one having the flesh-consuming diet, and the other having a vegan diet, the only difference would be that the vegan's spirit and body would be purer. Eating the dead is bad for the spirit, but good for physical growth because you can eat less to gain more.



>Hunt your own meat

Agreed 100%! But don't discard meat from your diet if you can't. Predation is part of our nature and denying this on the molecular level is foolish and arrogant. Embrace reality. Reject patheticness.

>What sorcery are you talking about?

If you can't taste it yourself, then this will be hard to verbalize. Basically, blood sins are abominable and Creation itself is on our side against the ZOG. There are also ancient curses and sigils and general sorceries that are waiting to be harnessed against the deceivers (Christ's curses, wrongthink symbology, memetics, ira-risus etc.). There is an imbalance that will be corrected; a multidimensional pendulum is reaching its peak. The question on the individual level revolves around sloth. Are you going to pursue this correction or will you be saved by others?



>Anger is a negative emotion

This is not true. Experiment with anger to further your understanding of it's nature. Practice inducing pure, targetless anger. At some point you will find the orgasmic joy of absolute fury. Ira is an entity of more complexity than you think.

>Divine aims for positive frequencies

This is not true. Divinity transcends polarity. This is basic stuff. Our human interpretations of various polarities (good/evil, light/dark, matter/void) lack sensory and conceptual clarity. You are trying to identify an elephant in a dark room. Also, it is generally considered unwizardly to assert such broad understanding of divinity. This doesn't trigger me personally though.

>Eating meat distances Man from divinity

Man evolved from a weak animal to an entity capable of great sorcery by a variety of methods. One of the foremost, however, is a steadily improved aptitude for predation. You are fighting against 200k years worth of ancestors who spilled blood to elevate themselves in the natural order. Capability precedes transcendence.

>State your reasoning (regarding "implying healthy eating is pathetic")

Not eating red meat over feigned sympathy for animals is pathetic. Once again, capability precedes transcendence. Also, more pertinently, lack of anger when it is warranted is pathetic. Ira should never be imprisoned – Irate/Iratic potential is extremely volatile and slippery. You should be turning yourself into a lion so that one day we may live as lambs.

>Eating dead meat is bad for the spirit

Eating meat that has been dead for weeks is disgusting. Eating the blood and flesh of a recently slain entity is indeed a grave and serious act, but there is purity in it. It is an aspect of the natural order – there are entities in Creation that long to eat your flesh just as you long to eat the flesh of animals. The act should be shown reverence, but it should not be eschewed – especially when the reasoning for eschewing it is merely fear of our own nature. This is a rejection of reality and an embrace of patheticness.



>>Anger is a negative emotion

>This is not true

I believe an emotion doesn't become positive until after courage. Anger a step above desire, and one below pride. It is not the worst of negative emotions (shame, guilt, apathy. grief, fear, desire), but I still wouldn't consider it positive (neutral, willing, accepting, reasoning, love, joy, peace, enlightenment).

>Experiment with anger to further your understanding of it's nature

I'm angry all the time, the moment I wake up I am angry that I've had to wake up to go to a shit job. Living in this decrepit society free from sacrilege makes me furious, but I still don't think it's a positive emotion. I understand its value, but I am not yet convinced that it's a positive emotion.

>orgasmic joy of absolute fury

rage boners lmoa

>You are fighting against 200k years worth of ancestors who spilled blood to elevate themselves in the natural order

I'm not fighting for it, but to be at the top gives a species the freedom to pursue even higher ideals. When a man chooses between someone's life or death, they will display more power when choosing the option of life when they have the full capability of choosing death because in a sense, you were behind the continuation of an individual's life.

>You should be turning yourself into a lion so that one day we may live as lambs

What do you mean by this? The way I understood it, the lamb becomes the lion, and the lion becomes the child.

>it should not be eschewed – especially when the reasoning for eschewing it is merely fear of our own nature

Nevertheless, what if a person chooses to not eat flesh, yet they are aren't aware of their own nature? I agree that if you slay an animal, the rightful thing to do is to consume it, but in our current civilisation, eating a creature you haven't slain is a show of weakness and reliability on those who need to spoonfeed you their own slain flesh.


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Cheese is fermented mother's milk, milk is meant for developing children of the species of the parent.

Common sense should tell you that if you aren't an infant of a species, the milk isn't designed for you.

But we all know what common sense ain't.


There are two types of "floaters". One is a fibrous tissue in the lens of the eye casting a shadow on the retina, these are the big whispy ones. The small white ones (which most people never see, but probably are where that "nanobot" thing comes from) are white blood cells passing over your pupil through capillaries. Those guys are tough to catch, but if you're looking for them you'll see them. Neither is malicious.


That's a pretty intense regimen and there's probably a lot of validity in it but if you want the low-effort version:

Garlic is good for everything cleansing, add as much to your food as you can tolerate.

Turmeric and ginger are awesome for cleansing and great as teas, they're particularly good for digestion.

Lemon anything is great and delicious.

Onions are basically the best thing for you if you're male, raw is best but there's no such thing as too much of a good thing here.

Most of that advice is solid but it's better to take one solid step than be overwhelmed by the path. Pick any one or two of the above and you're going to feel improvements within a couple of days.


Blood magic is legit as fuck, right up there with cum magic and requiring about as much discipline in different departments (celibacy to build energy takes Will, bloodletting a non-pussy amount takes Will). Not for novices though, you'll know when you're ready (and if you weren't ready, you'll learn quick; school of hard knocks is the fastest teacher).



All emotions share two faces. Most (all?) negative faces are borne of expectation.

The most obvious example to learn from is shame: Shame comes from honor. It is when one does not live up to their own expectations of honor from thyself that they feel shame.

One example is enough.



>Anger isn't even remotely satanic, in fact it is divine when it is warranted. Eating raw red meat is what caused man to come closer to divinity. Reject patheticness.

Bro science.



>Feel free to choose one, and only one, of the above!

You disagreed but you didn't provide any facts so your opinion goes into the trash.

>Edgy xD blah blah

>This is so unwizardly that I won't dignify it with a response.

go back to facebook.

>The ZOG is responsible

>I'm glad we agree on this, but it's the premise in which I base the rest of my post. The objective should be vengeance against the deceivers – not for the sake of us as individuals, but instead so that no child will be mutilated by blood sorcery again. This vengeance (POGROM) is not possible if we are a bunch of vegan pacifists who fear our own darkness.

You talk big and then you eat junkfood. You're a hyprocrite.

>Trivializing and demeaning Ourobouros – the world serpent

>You're only hurting yourself.


>snake eating it's own tail

>always hungry

>always eating

>never full

>always hurt and damaged

>always healing and always growing

>never complete



100% pure broscience. stop larping.



You put so many words in your post but you didn't actually say anything. Where did you read this stuff? a "WOW celebrity pregnant with aliens" magazine in the grocery store checkout line?



pure idiocy yet again

How about I let you on a little secret ;-D

Earth is a test

Those that maintain their taught morality fail

Those that develop their internal power pass

If you fail, you have to keep retaking the test… forever…

The two are mutually exclusive. As long as you base your beliefs on what you are taught - and all morality is taught - instead of your own power, you will continue to weaken yourself and strengthen those that preach the moral values that you love so much - and who violate all of them violently in secret.



Why is vegan loosh so delicious?



>medical science is magick

Well that's given, seeing science has it's roots in alchemy, etc.

It's basically magick with a more disciplined procedure of discover.



Nobody passes anon.



In some respects he's an idiot, in other respects he's right.

There is a freedom that comes from anger. Yangubangu mang-u memepill anon is actually quite accurate (and might be another mask for the same entity) when he said somewhere that one must "repress muscles to utilize them". The corrolary to this analogy is that repressing a muscle too long leads to soreness and tension, solvable relatively easily with massage or stretching (or a combination of the two), but can cause major issues if unaddressed for a long time, compounding itself.

TL;DR: Stretch your anger muscle occasionally or it will get locked up from being tense and cause an occasional pangs.

The easiest solution to this is to just find some high tempo music you like, metal or likewise, and rock the fuck out every now and then. Once a month or once a day, probably depending on how stressful your job is.



Close, pepe, but the pyramid has five faces (count the bottom!) and you've named two.

You don't have to take the test if you don't want to.



You're taking the test by breathing anon.

The test is existence itself.



If that's the case, I'm still in high school because I graduated, LOL.



I'm always in my final exam. As is the rest of the universe.

And it's lonesome.



Build friends to talk to.



I clearly already have, it went off with a (big) bang.


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What would be the purpose of injecting floaters? I'm really curious what you think



> it would be so minuscule it wouldn't have a negative effect

Then why is it in there? Either its effective, therefore shilling for homeopathy, or it isn't needed at all.

<Also, can we really trust that list? Is that really all that's there?


lockjaw builds character, i say infect em all and let nurgle sort em out

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