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What are things/items/accessories etc. that I can wear/use/keep around etc. that are said to bring good luck/protect/enchant/ward off evil/get rid of negativity etc.?

I'm very new to this type of thing and want to learn more about stuff like this.

I've started wearing rudraksha mala as of late and this piqued my interest in all things that could be of any use to a practitioner or just and average joe looking to have some extra fortune, etc. in his life. I just want to learn more about these types of charms/crystals/other stuff that people know work or at least believe have some sort of effect.

Just a curious anon, is all.

If anyone has any contribution or a website or book that I could read that would list everything that I would need to know, that would be much appreciated.


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You forge your own luck, don't let anyone deceive you.

Any item that you think will bring you luck, will do.

Don't be a fucking hippie, please.

Nonetheless, an item (basic conscience) exposed to a vibration (intention and feeling) of luck, can bring luck (or whatever), but that is not very efficient energetically speaking.

A mala is just a tool for the mind, it has no power by itself, you have the power. And Rudraksha seed is symbolic for the vedic tradition it doesn't do any difference between that and pic related.

So, the thing is:

Don't externalize divinity and do the fuck you want, there is no rules.


Keep in mind the most powerful items demand respect or they'll fuck with you. They're conscious, albeit non-human consciousness.

Stones (meaning crystals) are good consciousness carriers but you've got to spend time working with them to get what you want out of them, and be wary of whatever handling they may have gotten on the way (i.e. chinese-sourced stones that may have used slave labor), they'll retain anything they picked up on their way to you and you'll have to deal with that too.

Solomon's seals are some of the most powerful, and you can make your own if you know what you're doing. Respect is paramount, though, you're calling upon archangels and demons there, so if you're going to use them, use them appropriately. A bit of life energy goes a long way there, especially if you're buying something someone else made (a bit of blood or whatever, don't be a pussy). Ideally you make it yourself, the best life energy is labor (that's the other type of blood sacrifice). Something you made or mined yourself will always be stronger than something bought, it's time-as-proxy (money) vs time-direct (labor).

This is why what >>123575 said is so accurate. Putting your own energy into it makes you feel it as real. Even if the self-made item is "worse", a handmade altar table will feel much more powerful than one bought off the rack, and if it's your own handiwork, it's that much more personal. If it becomes a generational item, it becomes that much stronger: Your essence, passed down to your children and grandchildren, they'll feel your strength through the handed down item (it becomes a "trigger object" so to speak, or a psychic anchor). It doesn't have to be fancy, just something you were putting your full attention into making (i.e. don't work while watching TV, music is cool if it's personal to you of course).

Specific to your malas, this should have everything you need to know: https://isha.sadhguru.org/us/en/wisdom/article/the-significance-of-rudraksh



This thread has a few good posts on crystals and why they work, if you're interested in that avenue. The same premise applies to organic tissue (i.e. rudrakshas or cotton clothing), organics follow a similar pattern that lends themselves well to psychic energy. Basically anything with a mostly uniform structure will be a good working material.


Family heirlooms are probably the best readily available item for what you're after, if you have something that calls out to you (for example, a grandfather's watch or grandmother's rosary). Something they were fond of that you treat with respect and reminds you of them, even if it's someone you didn't know personally.

Natural/pure materials (i.e. clear quartz or wood) are "optimal" in many ways, but anything can carry a sort of psychic residue. This doesn't require any "mystical woo" thinking either: If there's an ashtray that always gets used in anger while decompressing after work, think of the association on a psychological level: Seeing that object is associated with feeling anger, so it lends itself to that purpose. Doesn't matter if it's made of plastic. You can turn this around for the positive too: A special pen you use for your important thoughts encourages important thoughts when you're holding that pen. It's not necessarily ethereal (though it is that too), it's the place in your mind that it takes you. A reflective state of mind.

When you go really far along in this thinking, most objects take on this sort of special state of mind. A special pillow reserved for meditation, a certain blanket that encourages restful sleep. On the one hand, there may be something about that blanket that makes it special (a pattern you find appealing, or a certain material you find soothing), on the other hand, it's *you* that makes it special in how you view and use it. There are people who use amethysts as decoration because they're pretty, and there are people who use them as decoration because it's a way to tie a spell into a shared space without making it obvious with angelic writing. It's not the material that's doing the work, it's the intent and individual behind them.


"Cleansing" objects works on the same principle. It isn't something inherent to the method, it's the intent behind the method. That said, some things are easier to work with than others. Sage has been used as a method of cleansing a space in every culture at some point in time, so that smell triggers something on a genetic level. Certain sounds (gregorian chanting, singing bowls, heavy drums, etc.) have a similar effect. Rhythmic motions (dance, or a "brushing/swiping away" gesture) also speak on a DNA level – rats and mice can remember the curves in a maze generationally (best source on short notice: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fearful-memories-passed-down/). Experiment and find what works best for you…

This is particularly important with items with an unfamiliar past, or things you've had with you for a long time. An easy example for men is a leather belt – Skin and oil hold psychic energy quite well, even if you don't think about it, on a subconscious level there's something at work there. Try holding it by the buckle and swiping your other hand down the length of it while thinking/saying "Cleanse/clear" firmly, 5-10 times or as needed, and see how you feel afterward.



One thing I will say for sure: Never wear a dead man's shoes. Think about what that's saying symbolically. "Dead man walking", anyone?



Unless you killed the person, that is.



That seems like an even worse reason to wear a dead person's shoes. Next thing you know, they're gonna possess your feet and steer you into traffic, LOL.



so you're saying I should put a little blood on the object that I am acquiring? do I let it dry? or should I wash it off?

Sorry, I'm very new to this whole thing



Only if you intend for the blood to activate something about the object.



I see. Thank you for the information


Wear something on your soul. You won't forget it in the glove compartment.



TBH if you feel the need to ask, blood ritual isn't for you. I'd suggest simply doing something with it that feels special, maybe burning some incense while playing singing bowl music and meditating (solid choice for a malas necklace). Point is, do something with the object that cements it as YOURS and not just some thing you bought.

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